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A -- Next Generation Concepts, Devices, and Systems in Navigation and Timekeeping Technologies

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
Contracting Office
Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, ONR, CODE ONR-02 800 N. QUINCY ST. Rm 704, Arlington, VA, 22217
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Wade Wargo, Sr. Contract Specialist, Phone 703-696-2574, - Wade Wargo, Sr. Contract Specialist, Phone 703-696-2574,
E-Mail Address
wargow@onr.navy.mil, wargow@onr.navy.mil
Precision navigation and timekeeping are essential for many modern naval and maritime systems, and it is essential that navigation and timekeeping services be made available to platforms and weapons at the highest level of accuracy and with the highest possible confidence at reasonable cost. Lack of precise navigation and timekeeping technologies may jeopardize the success of military operations. For example, the Global Positioning System (GPS) provides highly accurate position/time information at low cost and, due to this, GPS has become the technology of choice for many users. Unfortunately, the GPS signal is a low-power signal that is susceptible to interference. Therefore there is a need for both (1) affordable approaches to make GPS more reliable/robust, and (2) affordable reliable precision navigation/timing alternatives to GPS. In the past two years, ONR has been conducting a series of Science and Technology Projects in (1) GPS Anti-jam Technology, (2) Tightly Coupled GPS/Inertial Navigation System (INS) devices, (3) Atomic Clock Development and (4) Non-GPS Navigation Devices/Systems such as Bathymetric Navigation and Gravity Gradiometer Navigation. Objective and Areas of Interest: The Office of Naval Research (ONR 313) seeks proposals for efforts that aim to develop and demonstrate technologies for the next generation concepts, devices, and systems in navigation and timekeeping. Specific areas of interest include: GPS User Equipment; Next Generation GPS System applications to Naval and Maritime Platforms; GPS M-Code Applications; GPS Embedded Engines; Military Pseudolite approaches; Inertial Navigation Systems (INS); Quartz Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs); Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Small Stable Clocks; Time Transfer Technology; Distributed Time Standards; the integration of multiple navigation/timing technologies/systems in unified communications/ navigation/ identification (CNI) architectures; focussed and/or multidisciplinary concepts that develop/apply new antenna/array technologies, such as Anti-Jam Antennas; Advanced Signal Processing; Multi-sensor/multi-tracking filter; Multi-tracking filter Improved Algorithms; Celestial Navigation Systems; Navigation Simulation; and other ideas for next generation concepts, devices, and systems that apply to navigation and timekeeping. Available Funding Levels, Period of Performance and Expected Award Instrument: Individual proposals are desired in the cost and period of performance range set forth below: - Yearly Funding: Up to $500,000/year - Period of Performance: Up to three years - Total Amount of Award: Up to $1.5M ONR anticipates that funding will be available to make a total of approximately four (4) awards using applied research (category 6.2) or advanced technology (category 6.3) funds, as appropriate. Proposals for less than the maximum dollar award/performance period are welcomed. Awards will primarily be in the form of Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) contracts. However, the Government reserves the right to award grants, cooperative agreements, or other transaction agreements to appropriate parties, should the situation warrant use of a non-contractual instrument. General Requirements for White Papers and Full Proposals: White papers/full proposals should be submitted to the following address: Office of Naval Research, Ballston Tower One, Attn: Sheila Richardson, Rm. 619, 800 North Quincy Street, Arlington, VA 22217-5660. The information submitted in the white papers/full proposals must be unclassified. However, classified work can be proposed under an offered project as long as no classified information is included in the white papers/proposals. White paper/full proposal submissions must be in hard copy, with one (1) original copy and nine (9) photocopies. White papers/full proposals submitted electronically or by fax will not be considered eligible. Font should be 12-point, Times New Roman. The page limitations set forth below are based on 8.5? x 11? paper with 1? margins and single-spacing. Each offeror should submit a cover sheet with its white paper/proposal. This cover sheet, which will not be counted against any page restrictions referenced in this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), should include the name, address, telephone number, fax number, and E-mail address for the technical and business points of contact on the project. White Papers: The due date for white papers is no later than 4 p.m. (EST) on 08 MAR 2002. Each white paper should state that it is submitted in response to this BAA. The technical part of the white paper should include those items required in the full proposals below, but should not exceed 10 pages and should focus on the proposed technical concept and approach within the areas of interest described above. A two-page cost proposal should be included with the white paper submission. The first page of the cost proposal should be a summary of costs segregated by task. The second page should be a summary of costs segregated by cost category. White papers exceeding any of these page restrictions may not be reviewed. Initial Navy evaluations of the white papers will be issued via E-mail notification on or about 15 APR 2002. Detailed technical and cost proposals will be subsequently encouraged from those offerors whose proposed technologies have been identified through the above-referenced E-mail as being of ?particular value? to the Navy. However, any such encouragement does not assure a subsequent award. Any offeror may submit a full proposal even if its white paper was not identified as being of ?particular value?. However, the Navy's initial evaluation of the white papers should give proposers some indication of whether a later full proposal would likely result in an award. Full proposals will not be considered under this BAA unless a white paper was received before the white paper due date specified above. Oral Presentations: Offerors, especially those proposing technologies identified through the white paper reviews as being of "particular value" to the Navy, will be asked to make an oral presentation of their white papers to a panel of government evaluators. The exact time and location of the oral presentations will be provided at a later date via E-mail notification. However, this review is tentatively planned for the week of May 14-17, 2002. Full Proposals: The due date for receipt of full proposals is 4 p.m. (EDT) on 22 JUN 2002. Full proposals shall consist of two separate sections, one for Technical and another for Cost. Both of these sections shall reference the BAA number and include the offeror?s project title. Titles given to the white papers/proposals should be descriptive of the work they cover and not be merely a copy of the title of this solicitation. The technical section of the full proposal should follow the following format: 1) List of Project Manager(s) and a Description of Programmatic Structure (including Subcontractors if any); 2) Technical Objective and Expected Payoff, Quantified to the Extent Possible; 3) Naval/Military Problem/Deficiency Thereby Addressed and Resulting Capability Enhancements; 4) Proposed Technical Approach; 5) Schedule/ Milestones/Deliverables; 6) Relationship to Other Projects in Which the Offeror Participates; 7) Summary of Qualifications/Experience of Key Personnel (including formal resumes); and 8) Statement of Work (which should be provided as an attachment to the proposal and should otherwise be provided as a separate section that does not include proprietary information to allow for incorporation into a contract award). The technical portion of the full proposal, excluding the resumes, should not exceed 25 pages in length. The cost section of the full proposal has no page limitation. The cost section should include the following: a detailed Cost Proposal, a completed Certification Package, and a Small Business Subcontracting Plan (if applicable). The detailed cost proposal should fully segregate costs by cost category and should include the following cost items, if appropriate: direct labor, fringe benefits, indirect labor, materials, subcontracts, consultants, travel, other direct costs, G&A, cost of money, and fixed fee. Direct labor should show each individual labor category or person, with associated hours and specific unburdened direct labor rate. All indirect costs (including fringe, indirect labor, G&A, and COM) should show base amount and rate. Details/explanation of all other costs items should be given in this section. The cost section should be accompanied by a completed certification package. The package can be accessed on the ONR Home Page at http://www.onr.navy.mil/02/repcert.htm. Proposals for CPFF contracts should use the certification package entitled ?Representations and Certifications for Contracts.? The socio-economic merits of each proposal seeking a procurement contract will be evaluated in the context of the requirements described in this announcement. The evaluation process will consider the extent of commitment in providing meaningful subcontracting opportunities for small businesses, HUBZone small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, woman-owned small business concerns, veteran-owned small businesses, historically black colleges and universities, and minority institutions. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this solicitation, 541710 (which corresponds with the standard industrial classification code of 8731), specifies a small business size standard of 500 employees or less. A Small Business Subcontracting Plan prepared in accordance with FAR 52.219-9 must accompany contract proposals (full proposals) that exceed $500,000 submitted by all but small businesses. Entities that must submit a Small Business Subcontracting Plan for contract proposals that exceed $500,000 include universities/colleges, nonprofits, and large businesses. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Minority Institutions (MI) are encouraged to submit proposals and/or join others in submitting proposals. However, no portion of this BAA will be set aside for HBCU and MI participation due to the impracticality of reserving discrete or functionally separable areas of this technology for exclusive competition among these entities. Final selections should be made by the middle of July 2002. Proposals received after the published due dates may not be considered for funding in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2003, but may be considered for funding at a later time in Fiscal Year 2003, if funding is available. As soon as the final proposal evaluation process is completed, the proposer will be notified via email of its selection or nonselection for an award. Proposals exceeding the page limit may not be reviewed. Proposal Evaluation: The evaluation of proposals will be performed by a Review Team of government technical experts drawn from the Office of Naval Research, the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV), the naval systems commands, navy warfare centers, the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), and other naval and defense activities/agencies. The Government may use selected support contractor personnel to assist in the evaluation and administrative functions of any ensuing white papers, presentations, and proposals from this solicitation. These support contractors will be bound by appropriate non-disclosure agreements to protect proprietary and source-selection information. The evaluations of white papers and full proposals will be conducted using the following criteria, which are listed in descending order of importance: 1) Impact of the resulting technologies, if successful, in terms of enhanced naval capabilities; 2) Overall scientific and technical merits of the proposal; 3) Quality/relevance of offeror's capabilities, related experience, programmatic structure, facilities, techniques, or unique combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives and reducing programmatic risk; 4) Quality/relevance of qualifications, capabilities, and experience of the proposed principal investigator or team leader and other key personnel who are critical in achieving the proposal objectives; and 5) Realism of the proposed cost and extent to which the cost effectiveness of the proposed research is diminished by expenditures for excessive administrative and overhead expenses. Notice to Government Entities: Government entities and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) are not eligible to submit proposals under this BAA. Other BAA Information: This CBD notice constitutes a BAA as contemplated by FAR 6.102(d)(2). Offerors should state in their proposals that it is submitted in response to BAA 02-007. Unless otherwise stated herein, no additional written information is available, nor will a formal RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement be issued. Requests for the same will be disregarded. The Government reserves the right to select all, some, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. Awards to successful offerors may be made at any time throughout the year following the date of this published announcement, based on funding availability. Interested parties are invited to respond to this synopsis. No hard copy version of this announcement will be made available. The Government will not pay for proposal preparation costs. The cost of preparing proposals (including white papers and oral presentations) in response to this BAA is not allowable as a direct charge to any contract resulting from this BAA or to any other Government contract. Questions of a business nature shall be directed to the Contract Specialist, Wade Wargo. Questions of a technical nature shall be directed to the Technical Point of Contact, Dr. John C. Kim. See contact information shown above. Offerors are advised that only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to contractually bind or otherwise commit the Government. ONR?s goal is to have awarded contracts (or grants/agreements, if appropriate) in place by the end of calendar year 2002. RESTRICTION ON DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DATA: Offerors will apply the restrictive notice prescription of FAR 52.215-1, Instructions to Offerors -- Competitive Acquisition, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their proposals. Technical Point of Contact: Dr. John C. Kim, ONR 313, Telephone (703) 696-4214, and E-mail: kimj@onr.navy.mil. Submission Coordinator: Ms. Sheila Richardson, ONR 313, Telephone (703) 696-0113, and E-mail: richars@onr.navy.mil.
SN20020125/00018099-020123210329 (fbodaily.com)
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