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A -- Basic and Applied Research In Stress Physiology and Biomedical Strategies to Protect Navy and Marine Corps Forces

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
Contracting Office
Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, ONR, CODE ONR-02 800 N. QUINCY ST. Rm 704, Arlington, VA, 22217
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Point of Contact
Steve Ahlers, Program Officer, Phone 703-696-0367, - Brandi Boniface, Contract Specialist, Phone 703-696-2588,
E-Mail Address
ahlerss@onr.navy.mil, bonifab@onr.navy.mil
Solicitation Number: BAA 02-009 Due Date: Preproposals 21 March 2002 (initial due date); Full proposals 3 June 2002 (initial due date) Classification: A Type: Procurement Agency: Office of Naval Research Ballston Tower One 800 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217-5660 Technical Point of Contact (Basic Research Component): CDR Steve Ahlers, ONR 341, 703-696-0367, E-mail ahlerss@onr.navy.mil Technical Point of Contact (Applied Research Component: Undersea Medicine): CDR Steve Ahlers, ONR 341, (703) 696-0367, E-mail ahlerss@onr.navy.mil Technical Point of Contact (Applied Research Component: Operational Biological Effects): LCDR Dave Street, (703) 696-4502, E-mail streetd@onr.navy.mil Submission Coordinator: Ms. Sarah Miller, ONR 341, Telephone (703) 588-1009, E-mail millersa@onr.navy.mil Business Point of Contact: Ms. Brandi Boniface, ONR 252, Telephone (703) 696-2588, E-mail bonifab@onr.navy.mil Title: BASIC AND APPLIED RESEARCH IN STRESS PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICAL STRATEGIES TO PROTECT NAVY AND MARINE CORPS FORCES Synopsis: (1) General Statement of Research Need The Office of Naval Research (ONR 341) is soliciting preproposals and proposals in the following topic areas within the Medical Discovery and Invention program. This program includes basic research and applied research components. The basic research component supports state-of-the art efforts in molecular physiology, a broad category allowing work founded on multiple biomedical disciplines and tools (e.g., immunology, neurobiology, genetics, pharmacology, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, genomics & proteomics). The goal is to provide a fundamental science base yielding information potentially applicable to diverse military problems. The basic research component has a main interest in the area of stress physiology, i.e., basic studies to elucidate the environmental, genetic, physiological and biochemical mechanisms that underlie cellular and organismic resilience to psychological and physiological stress. A key aspect of interest is research to elucidate basic mechanisms that underlie the manifestation of individual differences in stress resilience. Program interests include identification of genes and gene products impacting biological functions important to optimal warfighter performance. Examples include: genes conferring resistance to sleep deprivation, genes in the brain altered by exposure to hot or cold environments, and genes and gene products changed by exposure to electromagnetic radiation. In addition, research to develop the next generation physiological and cognition enhancers using manipulation of specific genes is requested. The technical point of contact (POC) for this component is CDR Steve Ahlers, 703-696-0367, E-mail ahlerss@onr.navy.mil. The applied research component draws on multiple science disciplines and diverse information sources to develop guidelines, methods to predict damage to biological systems, therapeutics, and other strategies to enhance the protection of Navy and Marine Corps forces from stressors in the military operational environment. Application areas of specific interest include: (note: some work may qualify as basic research, depending on the design of individual proposals.) A. Undersea Medicine. The goal of this application area is to elucidate the physiological and biochemical mechanisms that underlie the effects of stressors experienced by Navy and Marine Corps divers and Navy submarine personnel. Research proposals in the following areas are requested: 1) studies into the pathophysiology of decompression sickness (DCS) and arterial gas embolism (AGE) with an emphasis on characterizing a) immune system interactions with nitrogen gas emboli, b) how the immune system influences DCS/AGE risk, c) methods to improve prediction and diagnosis of DCS/AGE using non-invasive imaging techniques and predictive biochemical markers, d) improved therapeutic (non-recompressive) interventions to mitigate DCS and AGE, e) novel methods to remove excess nitrogen from biological tissues and f) greater understanding of how exposure to thermal stress can influence DCS risk; 2) studies to elucidate the pathology of hyperbaric oxygen toxicity (HBO) to include: a) biochemical mechanisms which sense molecular oxygen and reactive oxygen species, b) the biochemical and/or pathophysiological consequences of exposure to molecular oxygen and reactive oxygen species which result from exposure to hyperbaric oxygen, c) studies to develop prophylactic therapeutics for central nervous system and pulmonary HBO toxicity and d) methods to detect in real time the development of oxidative injury in situ; 3) studies to elucidate the basic physiological mechanisms which underlie high pressure nervous syndrome (HPNS) as well as the assessment of novel compounds to protect against HPNS; 4) studies to elucidate the acute effects of heat and cold stress on performance as well as the physiological adaptive mechanisms to heat and cold stress for improving divers' ability to operate in thermal extremes; 5) the effects of high and low frequency sound on human divers; and 6) the identification and mitigation of operational stressors experienced by submariners including technologies to improve operator performance in submarines in the littoral battle space and to improve the survival of submariners during submarine rescue operations. The technical POC for this component is CDR Steve Ahlers, 703-696-0367, E-mail: ahlerss@onr.navy.mil. B. Operational Biological Effects. The goal of this application area is to better understand and model damage to biological systems caused by military operational exposures, provide design guidelines for less hazardous systems, and develop better approaches for protecting the health and safety of Naval personnel. Research proposals are requested in: 1) elucidating the nature of biological effects, especially in the brain and endocrine organs, resulting from exposure to electromagnetic radiation, both pulsed and continuous wave, and high power electric fields; 2) exploring short- and long-term effects of acute and chronic exposure to low pressure environments where 95% or greater oxygen breathing is required (e.g., high altitude tactical aircraft and high-altitude training chambers); 3) elucidating damage and healing mechanisms within the inner ear resulting from exposure to high noise levels (intermittent and continuous) and exploring new approaches to treatment based on these endogenous mechanisms; 4) understanding biological effects in the brain and endocrine organs activated by different electromagnetic radiation frequencies of importance to the Navy. The technical (POC) for this component is LCDR Dave Street, 703-696-4502, E-mail: streetd@onr.navy.mil. It is not the intent of this solicitation to establish new facilities; investigators should be able to demonstrate the required research capability and the necessary facilities. Preproposals and proposals whose main objectives are to conduct analyses, literature reviews, or program evaluations are not encouraged. (2) Available Funding and Expected Award Instruments ONR anticipates that basic research (6.1) and applied research (6.2) funding will be available to make awards. Awards will primarily be in the form of grants (Universities) and cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) contracts. However, the Government reserves the right to award cooperative agreements or other transaction agreements to appropriate parties, should the situation warrant use of an instrument other than a grant or contract. (3) Instructions for Preparation of Preproposals Offerors are invited to submit five (5) copies of a preproposal formatted as described on the Internet at http://www.onr.navy.mil/sci_tech/personnel/. The preproposal (technical only) should not exceed three pages of text. In addition, an estimate of overall costs (including indirect) for a three year effort and a curriculum vitae of the principal investigator(s) (PI) should be appended together with the three-page technical preproposal along with any supporting information, such as reprints or preprints, that will assist in the evaluation of the preproposal. Offerors submitting the most promising preproposals will be invited to submit a full technical and cost proposal on all or part of their preproposal submission. However, any such invitation does not assure a subsequent award. Any offeror may submit a full proposal even if its preproposal was not identified as promising or if no preproposal is submitted; however, any full proposal submission would be made without the benefit of feedback prior to full proposal submission. The initial deadline for preproposals will be 1600 hours Washington Local Time, 21 March 2002 for the next funding cycle that begins 1 October 2002. (4) Instructions for Preparation of Proposals Formal proposals prepared in accordance with the Research Proposal Format Instructions as described on the Internet at http://www.onr.navy.mil/sci_tech/personnel/ will be required by 1600 hours Washington Local Time, 3 June 2002. Please note that special information is needed when experiments will be performed using animals, human subjects, or recombinant DNA. When animals will be employed, a completed DoD Animal Use Protocol with supporting documentation (copies of AAALAC approval, IACUC approval, research literature searches, and the two most recent USDA inspection reports) must be submitted with the proposal. Similarly, any proposal that involves the use of human subjects must include copies of the approval by the organization's committee for the protection of human subjects (Institutional Review Board, IRB); documentation of the organization's Multiple Project Assurance, Federal Wide Assurance, or DoD Single Project Assurance that covers the proposed human subjects study; and copies of the human use Consent Form. Proposals using recombinant DNA must include documentation of compliance with DHHS recombinant DNA regulations, approval of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), and copies of the DHHS Approval of the IBC letter. Please carefully review section "N" of the Research Proposal Format Instructions for further details and forms. The socio-economic merits of each proposal seeking a procurement contract will be evaluated in the context of the requirements described in this announcement. The evaluation process will consider the extent of commitment in providing meaningful subcontracting opportunities for small businesses, HUBZone small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, woman-owned small business concerns, veteran-owned small businesses, historically black colleges and universities, and minority institutions. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this solicitation, 541710 (which corresponds with the standard industrial classification code of 8731), specifies a small business size standard of 500 employees or less. A Small Business Subcontracting Plan prepared in accordance with FAR 52.219-9 must accompany contract proposals (full proposals) that exceed $500,000 submitted by all but small businesses. Entities that must submit a Small Business Subcontracting Plan for contract proposals that exceed $500,000 include universities/colleges, nonprofits, and large businesses. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Minority Institutions (MI) are encouraged to submit proposals and/or join others in submitting proposals. However, no portion of this BAA will be set aside for HBCU and MI participation due to the impracticality of reserving discrete or functionally separable areas of this technology for exclusive competition among these entities. Offerors must state in their preproposals and full proposals that the submission is in response to BAA 02-009. Preproposals received after 1600 hours Washington Local Time, 21 March 2002, or proposals received after 1600 hours Washington Local Time, 3 June 2002, may still be considered for the next funding cycle if funds are available. This BAA provides no funding for preproposals or subsequent proposal development purposes. All preproposals will be acknowledged within two weeks after submission. Preproposals and proposals will not be returned after evaluation. (5) Criteria for Selecting Proposals, their Relative Importance, and the Method of Evaluation The evaluation of proposals will be performed by government technical experts from the Office of Naval Research and possibly other Federal entities. The Government may use selected non-government personnel to assist in the evaluation and administrative functions of any preproposals and proposals ensuing from this solicitation. Such non-government personnel will be bound by appropriate non-disclosure agreements to protect proprietary and source-selection information.. The evaluations of preproposals and full proposals will be conducted using the following criteria, which are listed in descending order of importance: 1) overall basis of innovation and scientific merit; 2) programmatic relevance of the proposal; 3) the qualifications and experience of the proposed principal investigator and key personnel; 4) the offeror's capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques or unique combinations of these that are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives; 5) realism of the proposed cost and extent to which the cost effectiveness of the proposed research is diminished by expenditures for excessive administrative and overhead expenses; and 6) socio-economic merits (for procurement contracts only). Notice to Government Entities: Government entities and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) are not eligible to submit proposals under this BAA. Other BAA Information: This FedBizOpps notice constitutes a BAA as contemplated by FAR 6.102(d)(2). Unless otherwise stated herein, no additional written information is available, nor will a formal RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement be issued. Requests for the same will be disregarded. The Government reserves the right to select all, some, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. Awards to successful offerors may be made at any time throughout the year following the date of this published announcement, based on funding availability. Interested parties are invited to respond to this synopsis. No hard copy version of this announcement will be made available. Questions of a business nature shall be directed to the Contract Specialist, Ms. Brandi Boniface. Questions of a technical nature shall be directed to the Technical Point of Contact, CDR Steve Ahlers (Basic Research Component and Applied Research Component: Undersea Medicine) or LCDR Dave Street (Applied Research Component: Operational Biological Effects). Preproposals and proposals should be submitted by the due dates cited in the BAA to Ms. Sarah Miller at the Office of Naval Research, Attention 341, Room 823, 800 N. Quincy St., Arlington, VA 22217-5660. Ms. Miller's phone number, 703-588-1009, should be used for express mail purposes. See contact information shown above. Offerors are advised that only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to contractually bind or otherwise commit the Government. ONR?s goal is to have awarded instruments in place by the end of calendar year 2002. RESTRICTION ON DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DATA: Offerors will apply the restrictive notice prescription of FAR 52.215-1, Instructions to Offerors -- Competitive Acquisition, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their proposals.
SN00029306-W 20020223/020221213244 (fbodaily.com)
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