58 -- This is the follow-up, final BAA, for Solicitation DAAB07-02-R-J213, Head Tracked Sensor Suite (HTSS). Copies of this BAA, a SOW, Performance Spec and all supplementary information are available for download at HTTP://ABOP.MONMOUTH.ARMY.MIL
- Notice Date
- 4/22/2002
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- Contracting Office
- US Army Communications-Electronics Command, CECOM Acquisition Center, ATTN: AMSEL-AC, Building 1208, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5008
- ZIP Code
- 07703-5008
- Solicitation Number
- DAAB07-02-R-J213
- Response Due
- 5/17/2002
- Archive Date
- 6/16/2002
- Point of Contact
- Craig Karnes, 732-532-5456
- E-Mail Address
Email your questions to US Army Communications-Electronics Command, CECOM Acquisition Center
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- NA General: The U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command?s Night Vision and Electronics Sensors Directorate (CECOM-NVESD), Fort Belvoir, VA is issuing a Sources Sought BAA to solicit innovative proposals for the development, fabrication and integration o f two sensor systems for the Head Tracked Sensor Suite (HTSS) program as outlined below. HTSS will provide Future Combat System (FCS) armored and infantry vehicle commanders with increased battlefield situational awareness from HTSS sensors and informatio n from the tactical internet. For this demonstration phase, the tactical internet shall be the Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2). The Government intends to award up to two (2) Other Transaction(s) under Section 845 of the National Defense Authorization Act Fiscal Year 1994, Public Law 103-160 and as amended under Section 804 of the National Defense Authorization Act Fiscal Year 97, P ublic Law 104-201. This will be a two-phased effort. Phase I will focus on the development of a preliminary system design, culminating in formal technical Preliminary Design Reviews (PDR). In the event that two (2) successful offers are not received in response to this BAA, the Government reserves the right to make a single Phase I award. Overall system design approach presented during the PDR will be assessed to determine technical design maturity and program risk (technical, cost and schedule) of each Phase I performer?s approach. The PDR assessment(s) and an updated Phase II proposal(s) (technical and cost) will be utilized to down-select to a single performer for the Phase II effort. Phase II includes the development, fabrication, system integratio n and test, and vehicle integration efforts (Bradley M2). The Government reserves the right not to award Phase II. Offerors may propose alternate contract types provided that the alternative is supported in the proposal and the Government agrees. No separate Request for Proposal (RFP), solicitation, or other announcement of this opportunity will be made; therefore, interested parties should be alert for any BAA Amendments that may be published in the Commerce Business Daily. Additionally, this notice and any amendment will be posted on the Interagency Business Opportunity Page (htpps:// under the BAA solicitation number ? DAAB07-02-R-J213. Contracting Point of Contact is Ms. Deborah Gilligan, U.S. Army CECOM, Night Vision Team, ATTN: AMSEL-AC-CC-A-CD (Deborah Gilligan), Bldg. 1208 West, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5008; 732.532.5454, E-mail: Technical Point of Contact is Mr. David Moody, U.S. Army CECOM, Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, ATTN: AMSEL-RD-NV-LWD-MSB (David Moody), 10221 Burbeck Road, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060; 703.704.1123, E-mail: Overview: The Government is seeking proposals from industry in an attempt to develop and fabricate two (2) Head Tracked Sensor Suite (HTSS) systems. The intent of the government is to award up to two (2) agreements that will focus on development of a preliminary HTSS system designs during Phase I (estimated Government share is $250K per agreement), and a Phase II (estimated Government share is $5,500K) effort to only one of the Phase I performers for the development, fabrication, system integration and test, and vehicle integration of the two (2) prototype HTSS systems into the Bradley M2. HTSS systems, while integrated into Bradley M2 vehicles, shall be demonstrated in an operational environment during a Limited User Test (LUT). This BAA effort?s focus is to demonstrate HTSS maturity equivalent to Transition Readiness Level (TRL) 06/07 during the LUT in FY05. Achievement of TRL 06/07 is essential to allow HTSS to transition to the System Design and Development (SD&D) phase (FY06 -08) and enter production (FY09) in order to support of Future Combat Systems (FCS) Block 2 production. This will be a two-phased effort. Phase I will focus on the development of a preliminary system design, culminating in formal technical Preliminary Design Reviews (PDR). Overall system design approach presented during the PDR will be assessed to determine technica l design maturity and program risk (technical, cost and schedule) of each Phase I performer?s approach. The PDR assessment(s) and an updated Phase II proposal(s) (technical and cost) will be utilized to down-select to a single performer for the Phase II e ffort. Phase II includes the development, fabrication, system integration and test, and vehicle integration efforts (Bradley M2). The Government reserves the right not to award Phase II. HTSS Acquisition Strategy: The HTSS is an approved US Army Science and Technology Objective (STO) program for the development and demonstration of helmet tracked sensor system that increases vehicle commander?s situational awareness from the HTSS sensors and from the tactical internet. This BAA will be a two-phased effort. Phase I will focus on the development of a preliminary system design, culminating in formal technical Preliminary Design Reviews (PDR). Overall system design approach presented during the PDR will be assessed to determine technical design maturity and program risk (technical, cost and schedule) of each Phase I performer?s approach. The PDR assessment(s) and an updated Phase II proposal(s) (technical and cost) will be utilized to down- select to a single performer for the Phase II effort. Phase II includes the development, fabrication, system integration and test, and vehicle integration efforts (Bradley M2). The Government intends to award up to two (2) agreements for the development of preliminary HTSS system designs during Phase I. Only one of the Phase I performers will be selected for Phase II. The key objective of HTSS during this BAA effort is to demonstrate HTSS hardware maturity, while integrated into Bradley M2 vehicles, in an operational environment during a Limited User Test (LUT). LUT results will demonstrate HTSS maturity equivalent to Transition Readiness Level (TRL) 06/07 during the LUT in FY05. Achievement of TRL 06/07 is essential to allow HTSS to transition to a S ystem Design and Development (SD&D) phase (FY06-08). The Government will conduct an open solicitation for the SD&D phase and follow-on Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) phase (FY09). The SD&D phase will emphasize optimization of the HTSS technical perfo rmance, man-machine interface, tactical internet interface, and FCS vehicle(s) integration and interface. After successful completion of user test and experimentation, the HTSS LRIP phase will begin with an expected minimum quantity of 350 units, with opt ions for 350 additional units. HTSS LRIP deliveries will support Future Combat Systems (FCS) Block 2 production and fielding. System Description: The HTSS systems will provide vehicle commanders with a day/night 360o (Azimuth) x 110o (-20 o to +90 o) (Elevation) dome of situational awareness (SA) coverage, enabling optical connectivity with the dismounted infantry in closed hatc h operations, critical for Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT). HTSS is slaved to the movement of the commander?s head; employs the Low Power Uncooled InfraRed (LPUIR) FLIR (provided as GFE or offeror may propose use of alternate uncooled FLIR that possesses the same characteristics of a LPUIR FLIR) that is image fused with Image Intensified (I2) imagery for optimum performance and to see battlefield pointers; has a coded high power laser pointer to direct fire for other vehicles or dismounted s oldiers; uses an eye-safe laser rangefinder (ELRF) to facilitate precise target location; and has an on-board intrusion detection system to provide the crew SA in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle to protect from a dismounted attack. HTSS will be integ rated into the SA Tactical Internet network, assisting the commander in quickly locating enem y targets, enabling coordinated fires with other force assets, and providing enhanced close combat operations. HTSS performance specification is shown at Attachment 1. Scope of Effort: The HTSS BAA is for the design, development, fabrication, system integration and test, and vehicle integration (Bradley M2) of two (2) HTSS systems to meet the performance and design objectives of the HTSS specification (Attachment 1). I t is the intent of the Government to establish an Integrated Product Team (IPT) during both phases of this effort. The IPT will be composed of Government and contractor personnel who will work together to coordinate Government and contractor activities to include overall program management, program scheduling, resource management, cost scheduling and status, earned value status, system engineering, performance metrics, engineering logs and notebooks, risk management, reviews, human factors and man-machine interface, logistical support considerations, user evaluation efforts, system integration and test, acceptance and qualification tests, failed item analysis, Average Unit Manufacturing Price (AUMP) allocation and tracking, field test and demonstrations, fi eld support, reporting deliverables and final report. Schedule: Offerors will submit written proposals no later than 1500 on 17 May 2002. Initial Government review is scheduled for 17-24 May 2002. Errors, Omissions and Clarifications (EOCs) will be issued to offerors via email by 1500 on 24 May 2002. Respo nses to EOCs will be due on by 1500 on 29 May 2002. Award(s) are expected before the end of June 2002. HTSS Phase I effort(s) will culminate in a formal technical Preliminary Design Review (PDR) four (4) months after contract award. The down selected Phase II performer shall conduct a formal technical Critical Design Review (CDR) no later than eight (8) mo nths after contract award. Hardware delivery, after successful completion of system integration and test, and acceptance/ qualification test, is required no later than thirty-six (36) months after contract award. System integration into/onto Bradley M2 ve hicles is scheduled for month thirty-seven (37). Demonstration of HTSS hardware in an operational environment LUT, while mounted into the Bradley M2, is envisioned to take place between thirty-eight (38) and forty-two (42) months after contract award. Proposal Submittals: In responding to this BAA, offerors should include a description of their HTSS, along with a cost estimate and detailed schedule for both the Phase I and Phase II efforts. Proposals shall consist of three primary sections: Technical, Cost and Experience, Personnel and Facilities. The offerors? proposal should provide sufficient detail for the Government to determine the ?best value? to the Government. The technical section shall be no more than 100 pages of a clear description of the technical approach being proposed. The section shall include technical risk areas of the proposed design and planned efforts to manage/resolve the risk areas, and an assess ment of the risk of insertion into the ongoing FCS effort. The cost portion shall be provided separately from the rest of the proposal and shall consist of a cost breakdown of the effort being proposed. Offerors shall provide sufficient cost information to allow the Government to evaluate the cost of the proposed effort. This shall include proposed labor hours, labor rates, bill of material, material rates, etc. Offerors shall provide an Average Unit Manufacturing Price (AUMP) allocation and supporting rationale. The cost target for the HTSS is $50K in quantiti es of 1,000 units. A quantity of 250 systems per year shall be used as a reference in determining the AUMP allocation. Offerors are encouraged to identify areas requiring producibility type funding, and the estimated amount, in order to meet the AUMP cos t target. The experience, personnel and facilities portion shall include detailed descrip tion of the personnel and facilities planned to execute the HTSS program. Personnel resumes can be used to fulfill this requirement. Offerors shall describe the management approach envisioned for the HTSS program in order to assess the offerors understan ding of the program and application of appropriate human and facility resources. This may include offerors? program management philosophy/approach, formation of Integrated Product Team(s) (IPTs), program scheduling, resource management, cost and schedule status reporting, earned value status, system engineering, performance metrics, risk management tools, frequency of program reviews, system integration and test, acceptance and qualification tests, failed item analysis, Average Unit Manufacturing Price (AU MP) allocation and tracking, field test and demonstrations, field support, reporting deliverables, etc. Experience, personnel and facilities portion of the proposal shall not count against the Technical portion?s 100 pages limit. Offerors shall submit one (1) bound paper copy (per above) and one electronic copy (MS WORD (preferred) or Abode Acrobat on CD-ROM) to each of the following by 1500 hours on 17 May 2002. Commander, U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command Acquisition Center, Night Vision Team, ATTN: AMSEL-AC-CC-A-CD (Deborah Gilligan), Building 1208 West, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703-5008 Commander, U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate ATTN: AMSEL-RD-NV-LWD-MSB (David Moody) 10221 Burbeck Road Suite 430 Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 SECURITY NOTICE: All classified or proprietary data must bear appropriate restricted markings. Any classified material must be marked and transmitted in accordance with the Industrial Security Manual for Safeguarding Classified Information, DOD 5220.22-M . Basis of Award: Any award(s) to be made will be based on the best overall proposal(s) that is (are) determined to be the most beneficial to the Government. Appropriate consideration will be given to scientific and technical merit, cost and experience, pe rsonnel and facilities. The Offeror shall demonstrate a thorough understanding of the technical requirements and shall demonstrate the ability to meet the HTSS performance specification, cost objectives and schedule requirements in order to be considered for award. Evaluation of Proposals: The Government shall assess the proposals in the areas of technical, cost, and experience, personnel and facilities for Phase I and II. It is the Government?s intent to award up to two agreements for Phase I, with a down select t o only one of the Phase I performers for Phase II. The Government reserves the right not to award Phase II. The following is more detail on each area to be evaluated (they are in descending order of importance): Technical. The overall performance of the proposed system will be reviewed to see which requirements are met or exceeded. The HTSS Specification cited above will be used as the benchmark for this part of the evaluation. Proposals will be reviewed to ass ess offerors? understanding of the technical features and system integration issues involved in solving the problems and meeting the requirements. Overall system integration issues and requirements include: ? Ability to fuse sensor imagery. ? Ability to provide the user with a seamless situational awareness picture, both through the use of sensor imagery as well as through the use of information from the Tactical Internet, to include symbology and notations. The proposals will be evaluated to determine whether the offerors? methods and approach in meeting the requirements in a timely manner provide the Government with confidence of successful completion. The proposals will be evaluated to determine if the tec hnical information and analysis are adequate to support an offerors? proposed work effort and technical approach. The proposed system will be revie wed to assess the offerors? ability to develop and fabricate hardware capable of withstanding a battlefield environment. Technical and performance risk will also be evaluated. Cost. The offerors? proposed cost for Phase I and Phase II of the effort will be part of the evaluation. The offerors? AUMP allocation, detailed assumptions and supporting rationale will also be evaluated. Cost sharing is encouraged and if an offeror int ends to fund part of the effort, they should clearly document their proposal. Experience, Personnel and Facilities. Knowledge, experience and ability of personnel and fabrication facilities capable of executing the HTSS program shall be provided for evaluation. Past history and program experience that illustrates head tracking, imag e processing, image fusion and system fabrication capabilities shall be described. Funding Availability: Funding available for the Government?s share for this effort is approximately $5,800K. This amount is partition between Phases I and II. Phase I funding is approximately $250K for each agreement awarded (Phase I total of $500K). P hase II funding is approximately $5,300K for the down selected performer. The offerors? share for each phase shall be at least one-third of the total contract value. One half of the offerors? share in each phase must be cash. Therefore, total funding f or this effort is $8,650K with $750K for Phase I ($375K for each agreement) and $7,900K for Phase II. The approximate funding profile for the HTSS is shown below. Fiscal Year FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 Total ApproximateGovernment Funding $500K $1,300K $2,800K $1,200K $5,800K
- Place of Performance
- Address: US Army Communications-Electronics Command, CECOM Acquisition Center ATTN: AMSEL-AC-CC-RT-F(KAR), Building 1208 Fort Monmouth NJ
- Zip Code: 07703-5008
- Country: US
- Zip Code: 07703-5008
- Record
- SN00064129-W 20020424/020422213323 (
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