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A -- Targets and Countermeasures Acquisition Strategy - Industry Day

Notice Date
Notice Type
Special Notice
Contracting Office
Other Defense Agencies, Missile Defense Agency, MDA Deputy for Contracting (MDA/CT), 7100 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC, 20301-7100
ZIP Code
The Missile Defense Agency, Targets and Countermeasures (MDA TC) Program Office intends to select a prime contractor responsible to the Government for providing target systems for testing the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) and its elements. "Target systems" refers to all necessary components of a target such as boosters, reentry vehicles and payloads such as countermeasures, instrumentation and sensor packages. The prime contractor will be responsible for planning and executing all aspects of the BMDS targets program to include, but not limited to, systems engineering and integration, advanced concepts and new development, product acquisition, range integration and launch services, logistics support, and system-wide business operations and program management. To move towards that selection TC will conduct an Industry Day on Wednesday July 24, 2002 at the Holiday Inn located at 1900 North Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, VA 22209. The Industry Day briefings will be conducted at the unclassified level. The purposes of this Industry Day are to provide an overview of MDA TC requirements, to discuss its milestone schedule for contract award and to provide a detailed discussion of its major acquisition strategy objectives. Those objectives are 1) To provide system level management of target systems through an integrating prime contractor, 2) To understand and manage target acquisition cycle time drivers and constraints - further to set cycle time goals according to need/demand and to balance corresponding investment initiatives by affordable business case analysis. Accordingly, cycle time goals may vary uniquely by targets system, major components and subsystems and 3) To emphasize and contain program costs, set portfolio wide investment priorities and time phased investment strategies in order to manage total acquisition costs and to stimulate creative cost reducing initiatives. To clarify the desired point of departure for prime management of the targets system, the following additional objectives are set: 1) Implement a single organization and management structure (to include involvement of Government and National Labs) for executing all aspects of the BMDS Targets and Countermeasures Program, 2) Create a comprehensive systems engineering activity to span all technical needs of the BMDS target system. Organize to perform analyses and assess trade-space alternatives for areas to include: enhanced target systems capability, increased asset flexibility/adaptability, improved availability cycle time, and balanced affordability, 3) Develop transition plans that describe the actions required to assume management and execution responsibility of ongoing and future target systems activity to include full development of associated technical, cost, risk and schedule implications, and 4) Define and establish the necessary business/contract structure and product execution work flow that best assures workforce and critical skill-mix retention throughout the period of performance to include necessary/special incentive arrangements for success. All companies with a capability and interest in meeting all or part of MDA TC requirements are invited to participate. Foreign firms may attend the Industry Day, but are advised they may be precluded from proposing. Companies must register to attend this Industry day and may be represented by up to four people. To provide an opportunity for companies to more fully communicate about issues thy feel may be unique to them, one-on-one meetings will be scheduled to follow the general meeting. To register and, if interested, to schedule a one-on-one meeting, please e-mail Mr. Patrick Linehan at Patrick.Linehan-contractor@mda.osd.mil and provide your company name, the names of planned attendees (up to four), and the name, e-mail address and phone number of your company point of contact for this event. The Holiday Inn on North Fort Myer Drive is accessible from the Rosslyn Metrostation. Parking at the hotel is also available. Directions and additional information about the hotel are available from the Holiday Inn at (703) 807-2000. The Point of Contact for this Special Notice is Mr. Donald Bobby, Contracting Officer, Missile Defense Agency, (703) 697-2532, donald.bobby@mda.osd.mil.
Web Link
Link to FedBizOpps document.
SN00112383-F 20020710/020708214628 (fbodaily.com)
FedBizOpps.gov Link to This Notice
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