F -- Logging Operations/Tree Thinning
- Notice Date
- 8/2/2002
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Direct Reporting Units, 10 ABW/LGC, 8110 Industrial Drive Suite 200, USAF Academy, CO, 80840-2315
- ZIP Code
- 80840-2315
- Solicitation Number
- F05611-02-T-0056
- Response Due
- 8/21/2002
- Archive Date
- 8/21/2002
- Point of Contact
- Earl Brewster, Contract Specialist, Phone 719-333-6572, Fax 719-333-6608, - Patricia Hales, Contract Officer, Phone 719-333-2869, Fax 719-333-4404,
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total Small Business
- Description
- This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. This solicitation is issued as a Request For Quote (RFQ), solicitation number F05611-02-T-0056 in accordance with FAR Parts 12 & 13. This solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 01-06. The proposed purchase order is reserved for small businesses, the clause at FAR 52.219-6, Notice of Total Small Business Set-Aside, applies to this acquisition. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) number is 113310 and the business size standard is 500 employees. Women owned and disabled veteran owned small businesses are encouraged to submit quotes. TIMBER OPERATIONS-This solicitation covers logging operations on Academy forestlands in five separate units totaling 116 acres and includes requirements for felling trees, limbing, bucking, skidding, loading, hauling and brush disposal. It also includes scarifying, water barring and seeding skid trails and landings. EQUIPMENT-The contractor will furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and fuel to conduct all operations included in this logging project. Contractor will provide a rubber-tired skidder or tracked machine (dozer) equipped with an industrial winch and a minimum of 100 feet of wire rope. Skidder or dozer must also be equipped with a front blade. Mechanized logging systems, such as feller/bunchers, are allowed with the following provision: If at any time it is determined by a USAFA Natural Resources representative that excessive damage is occurring as a result of using above equipment, the operation of said equipment shall cease and contractor will change to chainsaw felling. The contractor must provide all OSHA-required personal protective equipment to the logging crew. AREA DESIGNATION-The contractor shall cut down and remove designated trees in units 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 as shown on the Harvest Area Map, available upon request from the points of contact cited at the end of this synopsis. BOUNDARY AND TREE DESIGNATION-The boundary of the timber stand to be cut is designated with 3 blue stripes that face into the unit. These boundary trees mark the outer edges of the project area and will not be cut down or damaged in any way. Trees within the boundary of leave tree units 1, 2, 3 and 5 that are designated to be cut and removed are those trees that DO NOT have a blue paint stripe at around 4.5 feet up on the bole and a blue dot on the stump. All blue marked trees are leave trees and will not be cut or damaged in any way. Trees to be cut include all unmarked and unmerchantable conifer trees in the understory as well. Trees within cut tree unit 4 are those trees that are marked with orange paint at 4.5 feet up on the bole of the tree and a dot on the stump. Request Harvest Area Map from the points of contact cited at the end of this synopsis for paint designation. Mountain mahogany is a protected plant and will not be cut or damaged unnecessarily in any unit. SKID TRAILS AND LANDINGS-Unless otherwise stated by the contract administrator, all required skid trails and landings will be approved by the administrator prior to skidding and decking. PRODUCT REMOVAL-All portions of felled trees that are 3-inches or greater in diameter outside bark shall be removed from the sale area. This includes all portions of limbs that are greater than 3 inches. Wood products shall be removed in any form that is convenient and economical to the contractor as long as all wood 3 inches or greater is removed from the Academy. SCARIFYING, WATER BARRING AND SEEDING-Upon completion of each unit, skid trails will be water-barred where flagged by the administrator. Also, all skid trails, landing and haul roads will be scarified and seeded with the Academy approved native seed blend. The seed for this revegetation work WILL be provided by the Academy. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS-The contractor shall submit an operating plan prior to starting work. The plan shall include a starting date and an estimated completion date. Work shall begin in a designated area of the unit. All work shall be done to specifications in this document and shall progress in an orderly manner until the project is competed. Each unit shall be completed and all contract requirements approved by the Quality Assurance Evaluator prior to beginning work in the next unit. STUMP HEIGHT-The contractor shall cut stumps as close to the ground as possible. Stump height shall not exceed 4 inches on the uphill side. SLASH DISPOSAL-Slash is defined as all woody material that is less than 3 inches in diameter outside bark that results from the contractor's operation. Slash shall be disposed of, depending on the location, as directed by the Natural Resources representative and shown on the harvest area map, as follows: Piling- Slash shall be hand piled or machine piled using a bulldozer equipped with a brush blade. Slash piles shall be located so that when they are ignited, residual trees will not be scorched or damaged by heat. Piles shall not exceed 8 feet in height and shall be kept smaller in areas of heavy residual. Dirt shall be kept to an absolute minimum within all piles. 100% slash piling is required in units 1, 2, 3 and 4. Slash will be piled in approximately 70% of Unit 5. In the other 30%, slash can be lopped and scattered due to steepness of the terrain. An acceptable option to piling is chipping and hauling slash off-base. Lop and Scatter-Slash shall be lopped and scattered so that it lies no higher than 12 inches above the ground. Trees shall be limbed to the tip and branches shall be cut so the length is 3 inches or less. Slash shall be treated on a daily basis, concurrently with felling operations. Lop and scatter will be allowed in Unit # 5 on all areas where the slope of the land is greater than 20%. All other areas should be piled or chipped and hauled off base. DAMAGE PENALTY-All work required under this contract shall be conducted in an orderly, professional, and workmanlike manner. All necessary precautions shall be taken to protect the residual forest, streams, and surrounding natural resources. A fine of $75 shall be assessed for each residual tree that is excessively damaged by the contractor's operation. PRODUCT OWNERSHIP-All forest products shall remain the property of the U.S. Government until the products are removed from the Academy; i.e., until the product is actually hauled through either the north or south gate. STUMPAGE-The contractor shall pay stumpage rates for all merchantable wood products removed from the project area. Merchantable forest products are all portions of the cut tree that have merchantable value as determined by the Academy Forester. This includes, but may not be limited to sawlogs, wood chips and firewood. Sawlogs are all logs that are at least 6 inches in diameter inside bark at the small end and 8 feet long or longer with 33% or less defect due to rot, crook, sweep, or other factors. The payment schedule for merchantable material on a per unit basis at a rate of $10.00 per cord will be determined prior to removal of the product from the base. The following is the estimated volume of wood to be removed: Unit 1, 60 cords; Unit 2, 16 cords; Unit 3, 152 cords; Unit 4, 154 cords; and Unit 5, 45 cords. SUSPENSION-The Quality Assurance Evaluator may suspend or limit the contractor's operation at any time in the event of excessive damage occurring to the residual stand caused by the contractor's operations; to the ground due to the presence of mud, snow, etc.; during periods of extreme fire danger. If the suspension is due to a naturally occurring event, the number of days the operation is shut down shall be added to extend the completion date. PAYMENT-Payments for work completed shall be monthly. Pay to the contractor shall be in accordance with the estimated percentage of work completed as determined by the Natural Resources representative. FIRE-The contractor shall exercise all precautions to prevent wildfire. The contractor shall assist in the suppression of any wildfire caused by contractor operations. During fire season, the contractor shall have the following equipment on site: one shovel for each person on the job site and one fire extinguisher for each piece of motorized equipment on the job site. TRASH-The contractor shall pick up all trash produced by employees on a daily basis and keep the work area clean at all times. The contractor shall be required to submit an operating plan with his/her quote after award to include a start date, estimated completion date, and proposed equipment to be used. LINE ITEM 0001: Quantity: 1 Job, Logging Operations, Unit Price: $__________. Total Amount: $__________. (Proposed price is exclusive of required merchantable wood products purchase). Period of performance for the logging operations is date of award (on/about 15 September 2002) thru 30 June 2003, with work to begin within 15 days after award. The following limitations apply: The Contracting Officer may, at any time, by written order to the contractor, require the contractor to stop all, or any part of the work called for by this contract for a period up to 90 days IAW FAR 52.242-15 Stop Work Order in the event of excessive damage occurring to the residual stand caused by the contractor's operations; to the ground due to the presence of mud, snow, etc.; during periods of extreme fire danger. If the suspension is due to a naturally occurring event, the number of days the operations is shut down shall be added to extend the completion date. SUBMISSIONS-The clause at FAR 52.219-1, Small Business Program Representations (1/2001), applies to this solicitation. The clause at FAR 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors-Commercial Items with the following addenda applies to this solicitation. FAR 52.212-1(b)(11) ALERT: Vendors are required to use the Standard Form 1449 as the first page of their offer/quote/bid and completely provide the requested data for all blocks. FAR 52-212-1(e) Multiple offers are not acceptable. FAR 52.212-1(f) In addition, quotes may be faxed between the hours of 7:30 A.M to 4:30 P.M., Monday thru Friday, to Operational Contracting Office, Attention: Earl Brewster, Fax (719) 333-6608. Please call (719) 333-6572 prior to faxing your quote. Quotes still must be received by the receipt time and day specified at the end of this notice. The provision at FAR 52.212-2 Evaluation - Commercial Items applies to this acquisition with all offers being evaluated against the following factors in equal order of importance: 1) Past performance, and 2) Price. Past performance, to include quality of service, recency, and relevancy will be evaluated to determine the manner in which the contractor has conducted logging operations of similar magnitude, within the past three year period 01 JUN 1999 thru 31 MAY 2002. Offerors must provide with the proposal at least three (3) commercial and/or government references to include point of contact's name, current phone number, and address. Past performance will subsequently be reviewed and assigned an adjective rating of Exceptional, Very Good, Satisfactory, Neutral, Marginal or Unsatisfactory based on the perceived degree of risk associated with the contractor?s ability to perform the required effort. An Exceptional rating indicates that essentially no doubt exists that the offeror will successfully perform the required effort. A Very Good rating indicates little doubt exists that the offeror will successfully perform the required effort. A Satisfactory rating indicates some doubt exists that the offeror will successfully perform the required effort. A Neutral rating indicates no record of past performance is identifiable. A Marginal rating indicates substantial doubt exists that the offeror will successfully perform the required effort. An Unsatisfactory rating indicates extreme doubt that the offeror will successfully perform the required effort. The government reserves the right to obtain and evaluate other relevant past performance information deemed appropriate. Price will be evaluated for reasonableness. Award will be made based on a comparative evaluation of past performance and price to determine best value to the Government. Offers shall include a completed copy of the provision at 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications--Commercial Items, with its offer. The clause 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions--Commercial Items, with the following addenda applies to this acquisition: 52.212-4(i) Payment-The contractor may submit monthly invoices for incremental payments to the paying office and shall also forward a copy to 10CES/CECN, 8120 Edgerton Dr., Suite 40, USAF Academy, CO 80840, FAX #719-333-3337 for certification of services received by the Academy Forester and subsequent submission to the paying office as a receiving report; 52.237-2 Protection of Government Buildings, Equipment, and Vegetation; and 52.242-15 Stop Work Order. The clause at 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required To Implement Statutes or Executive Orders--Commercial Items applies to this acquisition. Additional FAR clauses cited in the clause applicable to this acquisition are: (b)12, 13, 14, 15, (c) 1, Service Contract Act ,Wage Determination 1994-2079, Revision 23; (c)2, Statement of Equivalent Rates for Federal Hires, Employee Class 08130, Forestry Heavy Equipment Operator, WG-08, $13.94; 08190, Forestry Truck driver, WG-08, $13.94; 08250, General Forestry Laborer, WG-02, $8.66. DFARS 252.212-7001, Contract terms and conditions required to implement status of Executive Orders applicable to Defense Acquisitions of Commercial Items, NOV 1995 applies to this acquisition with the inclusion of the following DFARS: 252.204-7004 (MAR 1980), Required Central Contractor Registration. A Site visit will be conducted on 14 August 2002, 8:00 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, departing from the Operational Contracting Office, 8110 Industrial Drive, USAF Academy, CO. Offers must be received NLT 3:00 pm Mountain Daylight Savings Time, 21 August 2002, at the Operational Contracting Office, 8110 Industrial Drive, Suite 200, USAF Academy, CO 80840-2315. Quotes may be faxed between the hours of 7:30 A.M to 4:30 P.M., Monday thru Friday, to Operational Contracting Office, Attention: Earl Brewster, Fax (719) 333-6608. Please call (719) 333-6572 prior to faxing your quote. Earl Brewster (719) 333-6572, or Patricia Hales, 719-333-2869 may be contacted for information regarding this solicitation.
- Web Link
Link to FedBizOpps document.
- Place of Performance
- Address: United States Air Force, Colorado Springs, CO
- Zip Code: 80820
- Country: United States
- Zip Code: 80820
- Record
- SN00131948-F 20020804/020802222144 (
- Source
- Link to This Notice
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