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A -- Broad Agency Announcement for Small Unit Air Vehicle (SUAV) Propulsion Systems

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
Contracting Office
Aviation Applied Technology Directorate, Ft. Eustis DAAH12, ATTN: AMSAM-TASO-I, Building 401, Lee Boulevard, Fort Eustis, VA 23604-5577
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Laurie Pierce, 757 878-3306
E-Mail Address
Aviation Applied Technology Directorate, Ft. Eustis DAAH12
Small Business Set-Aside
NA The Aviation Applied Technology Directorate, in support of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is soliciting technical and cost proposals for the development and demonstration of turbines, diesels, and hybrid diesel electric propulsion s ystems for Small Unit Air Vehicle (SUAV) systems. SUAVs include Organic Air Vehicle (OAV) and Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) Systems. For purposes of this solicitation, SUAVs are defined as low-cost, small, robust, autonomous, ducted fan air vehicle systems capa ble of vertical takeoff, hover, transition to high speed cruise flight, and vertical landing. Proposals are required to be submitted in accordance with the guidelines set forth herein. This Broad Agency Announcement constitutes the total solicitation. T here will be no formal Request for Proposals (RFP) or other solicitation requests for this requirement other than this announcement. Multiple awards during first quarter FY 03 are anticipated and awards may be staggered. PROGRAM OBJECTIVE The objective of the program is to develop and demonstrate the following two (2) propulsion systems: SYSTEM ONE is an approximately 2.3 hp hybrid electric propulsion system, based on a 1.3 hp diesel engine in combination with a 1.0 hp electric motor. SYSTEM TWO is a t urbine engine of less than 15 hp to drive the propulsion fan. PROGRAM SCOPE/ANTICIPATED FUNDING LEVEL AND PERFORMANCE PERIOD: Proposed solutions shall consider the complete propulsion system, including remote start capability and Thermal Electric Generat ors (TEG) and include a Base Program and Option as follows: Base Program – anticipated period of performance is estimated to be nine months; anticipated funding is estimated to be $300-$400K. We anticipate the scope/objective of the base effort to includ e design and development of the proposed system and a feasibility demonstration of the proposed technology. Demonstration at laboratory scale (or full scale if hardware is available) to validate the critical technologies for the proposed system is anticip ated. Option - the anticipated period of performance is estimated to be twelve months. We anticipate the scope/objective of the Option effort to include optimization of the Base Program system design; fabrication (two sets of hardware for each System pro posed) and system test to validate and verify design and performance goals. Hardware shall include the complete propulsion system, including remote start capability and electric generators. Testing at Contractor's facility to demonstrate the system's abi lity to meet the proposed performance is anticipated. The maximum available Government contribution for this program is not projected to exceed $2.5M and funds are not presently available. The Government's obligation for any award resulting from this ann ouncement is contingent upon the availability of FY 03 funds. TYPE OF FUNDING INSTRUMENT: A variety of funding instruments are available pursuant to this announcement depending upon the proposed effort, the entity submitting the successful proposal(s), a nd statutory and regulatory requirements the Government must satisfy. Such instruments include conventional contracts subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulation, as supplemented, and other transaction agreements for prototype projects subject to 10 U.S .C. 2371 and Section 845 of the 1994 National Defense Authorization Act, as amended. Contract type is a subject for negotiation. Any proposal for an agreement shall describe the approach to meeting the provisions of Section 803 of the National Defense Au thorization Act (for further information, go to the following link: http://www.aatd.eustis.army.mil/Business/Divisions/Contracting/Docs/803.doc). Offerors should consider benefits accruing as a result of the use of the agreement authority in lieu of a co ntract. Such benefits may include such things as contractor team relationships formed that would not have been formed under a traditional contract, cost saving s or cost avoidance, potential commercial applications of technology developed under the program, etc. For further information on other transactions, go to the following link: http://www.aatd.eustis.army.mil/Business/Divisions/Contracting/Docs/Introducti on. doc. PROPOSAL SELECTION CRITERIA/EVALUATION METHOD: Multiple awards are anticipated and the Government reserves the right to select for award, any, all, part or none of the effort proposed (i.e., certain tasks versus total program). Award will be based on a scientific and/or engineering evaluation of proposals (both technical and cost as it relates to technical effort) in accordance with the criteria below. Proposals will be evaluated on their own merit without regard to other proposals submitted under this announcement. Each proposal will receive a narrative rating and that rating will be used to develop an order of merit listing for each proposal. Proposed cost will be evaluated for reasonableness and realism as appropriate. Proposals will be evalua ted inclusive of the Option and in accordance with the five evaluation criteria stated below. The Government reserves the right to exercise the Option at any time after award, subject to the availability of funds and based on the results of the Phase I, B ase effort. Evaluation criteria are stated below with the following order of importance: (1) is most important followed by (2) and (3) which are relatively equal; (4) and (5), which are relatively equal, are least important. (1) Overall scientific merit in relationship to the soundness and innovativeness of the technical approach. (2) Offeror’s ability to implement the proposed program as demonstrated by availability of qualified personnel, equipment and facilities, and expertise relevant to the propose d propulsion technologies. (3) Potential utility, effectiveness, and exit level of maturity of the proposed technology for SUAVs. (4) The offeror’s commitment to transfer the technology to the Government and the degree to which technical data and/or comp uter software developed under the proposed effort are to be delivered to the Government with unlimited/unrestricted rights. (5) Cost: Disclosure of Proposal Content. Offerors are advised that employees of support contractors may be called upon as subject matter experts in the source selection process. These individuals will be required to sign non-disclosure statements and will be authorized access to only those portions of the proposal data and discussions that are necessary to enable them to perform th eir respective duties. Such firms are expressly prohibited from competing on the subject acquisition and from proposal scoring, ranking or recommending the selection of a source. By submission of a proposal, the team agrees that proposal information may be disclosed to these selected individuals for the limited purpose stated above. Any information not intended for limited release to these individuals must be clearly marked and submitted segregated from other proposal material with accompanying rationale and identification of specific companies and/or individuals to be excluded. The Government reserves the right to exclude from consideration any information that is not available to the entire source selection team. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION AND SUBMI TTAL OF PROPOSALS: Offerors may submit a proposal for either System One, System Two or both Systems. Proposals shall address both the Base Program and Option effort. Proposed solutions should consider the complete propulsion system, including remote sta rt capability and Thermal Electric Generators (TEG). Technical and cost proposals shall be submitted in an original and four (4) copies and one CD which contains all proposal data shall be provided. Proposals, excluding the cost section, shall not exceed 25 pages. The following information/program requirements shall be included/addressed: TECH proposals shall include, but are not limited to the following : (1) a description of the proposed technology/concept, the technical challenges that must be met in order to achieve the projected performance and the underlying theory/principles supporting the expected level of performance; (2) the development process that is proposed to advance the technology and to transition the technology into a flight worthy component that provides the required level of performance shall be defined; (3) Statement of Work; (4) schedule; (5) list of deliverables; (6) tests that shoul d be conducted to benchmark overall performance; (7) list of facilities and equipment that will support the effort; (8) list of all Government furnished facilities/equipment/information that will be required to support the effort; and (9) list of team memb ers, their qualifications, and their demonstrated record of achievement. In addition, the following requirements shall be addressed: DATA DELIVERABLES: Base – Performance Plan, Bi-monthly Performance Report, Test Plan (as applicable), Final Report Opti on – Performance Plan, Bi-monthly Performance Report, Test Plan, Final Report HARDWARE/EQUIPMENT Deliverables: Option – Two (of each System proposed) integrated propulsion systems to include any Special Test Equipment, controls systems and spare parts to enable Government testing. DESIGN Reviews/Briefings BASE – Design Review; final briefing. OPTION - As proposed. COST proposals may be submitted in the offeror’s format. Detailed bases of estimates are not required. Certified cost and pricing data are n ot required. However, in order to determine the reasonableness, realism and completeness of the cost proposal, the following data must be provided. (Note: The option shall be priced separately and the offeror shall distinguish clearly and correctly that portion of the costs associated with the Phase I base effort from those associated with the Phase II option). Labor: Total labor includes direct labor and all indirect expenses associated with labor, to be used. Labor hours shall be allocated to the pr oposed work outline element and segmented, as applicable, by team member. A labor summary by work outline is required. A breakdown of labor and rates for each category of personnel to be used on the program shall be provided. Direct Materials: Total dire ct material that will be acquired and/or consumed during performance. Information shall be limited to major items of material and how the estimated cost was derived. For purposes of this solicitation, a major item is defined as an item whose cost exceeds $25,000. Material costs shall be assigned to specific work outline elements. Subcontracts: Describe major efforts to be subcontracted, the source, estimated cost and the basis for the estimate. For purposes of this solicitation, a major effort is one t hat exceeds $25,000. Subcontract labor and material shall be accounted for per the two paragraphs above. A summary chart showing each major subcontractor, labor and material effort by work outline shall be included. Travel: Total proposed travel expendi tures during performance. Limit this information to the number of trips, location, duration, and purpose of each trip. Other Costs: Any direct costs not included above. List the item, the estimated cost, and basis for the estimate. Other: A chart sho wing program costs by Government fiscal year (1 Oct – 30 Sep) shall be provided. This Announcement will remain open until 29 Oct 2002, 3:00 p.m., local time. Any proposal(s) received after that date will be handled in accordance with FAR 52.215-1, Instru ctions to Offerors—Competitive Acquisition. Facsimile and electronic proposal submission is not authorized under this announcement. Awards under this announcement are anticipated to be made by 13 Dec 2002. Unless stated otherwise in the proposal, propos als will be considered valid for 120 days from the date that this announcement closes. Proposals shall be marked with the above solicitation number and addresse d to the Aviation Applied Technology Directorate, AMCOM, ATTN: AMSAM-RD-AA-C (Laurie Pierce), building 401, Lee Boulevard, Fort Eustis, VA 23604-5577. Offerors desiring an explanation or interpretation of this announcement shall request it in writing and submit it to the above address, data fax to (757) 878-0089 or email it to lpierce@aatd.eustis.army.mil. Oral explanations or instructions given prior to award will not be binding. Any information given to a prospective offeror concerning this announceme nt which is necessary in submitting offers or the lack of which would be prejudicial to any other prospective offeror(s) will be published as an amendment to this announcement. A copy of any cited reference clause is available from the issuing office (Lau rie Pierce, (757) 878-3306). For further information on DARPA and their involvement with SUAV's, you may access the following site: http://www.darpa.mil/baa. DEFINITIONS. To ensure consistency throughout proposals, the following terms are defined: Cru ise Power: power setting which yields the best SFC @ SL SD. Engine Failure: the inability to maintain 90% rated power. Engine Life: the number of mission cycles that can be accomplished before engine failure. Design life shall be specified at the popula tion’s 10% failure rate. Inability to produce 90% rated power will constitute engine failure. Engine Non-Starts: the percentage of engines that are non-starters. (i.e. power plant is not started by remote control in SD conditions with 45 seconds of start er engagement.) Engine Specific Fuel Consumption: the fuel usage of the engine when operating at a MCP, specified in units of lbm/HP-hr. Engine Start: the process of transitioning the engine from a state of no movement at ambient temperature to running u nder its own power, including spinning, and/or turning the engine over (heating is excluded). Engine Weight: the weight of all the components necessary for a starting and self-sustaining engine, capable of maintaining demonstrated horsepower, ready for in stallation into an airframe, not including prop, and ground support equipment. Fuel Efficiency: the efficiency of the engine as represented by specific fuel consumption (lbm/hp_hr). Generator Efficiency: the ratio of generator electrical output to mechan ical power input at a specified speed. Generator Power: the maximum continuous electrical output of the generator, rated at the speed corresponding to the engine’s maximum continuous power rating. Maximum Continuous Power (MCP): maximum power that can be sustained for one hour or more, at SL SD. Measured Horsepower: uninstalled sustainable horsepower at the drive shaft as measured on a suitable test bench (e.g. dynamometer). Mission Cycle: is comprised of an engine start, run for 60 minutes at maximum c ontinuous power without engine failure, engine stop, and cooling to ambient temperature. Motor Power: the maximum continuous power rating of the propulsion motor at the system voltage. Non-starters: those engines where engine start takes longer than 45 s econds, once the engine starter has been engaged. Power System Efficiency: electrical output power vs. fuel usage of at a given output power rating. Power to Weight Ratio: the ratio of measured maximum continuous horsepower to engine weight. Rated Power : maximum power that can be sustained for 5 minutes at Sea Level (SL) Standard Day (SD) conditions. Thrust-to-Weight Ratio: the ratio of total measured thrust available for flight propulsion from the engine and the electric motor, to the weight of the fli ght ready power pack. This includes the complete engine, motor/generator, power electronics, propeller, controls and any weight penalty for noise control. The weight of batteries and fuel tank shall not be included.
Web Link
Link to FedBizOpps document.
Place of Performance
Address: Aviation Applied Technology Directorate, Ft. Eustis DAAH10 ATTN: AMSAM-RD-AA-C, Building 401, Lee Boulevard Fort Eustis VA
Zip Code: 23604-5577
Country: US
SN00165624-F 20020915/020913220318 (fbodaily.com)
FedBizOpps.gov Link to This Notice
(may not be valid after Archive Date)

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