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A -- Small Unit Air Vehicle (SUAV) Propulsion Systems Broad Agency Announcement

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
Contracting Office
US Army Aviation and Missile Command DAAH01, ATTN: AMSAM-AC, Building 5303, Martin Road, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5280
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Marcia Tully, 256-876-2917
E-Mail Address
Email your questions to US Army Aviation and Missile Command DAAH01
Small Business Set-Aside
NA The Propulsion Technology Function, Propulsion and Structures Directorate (P&SD), U. S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) is requesting proposals for the development and demonstration of multiple diesel and hy brid diesel electric propulsion systems for Small Unit Air Vehicle (SUAV) systems in support of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Tactical Technology Office. SUAVs include Organic Air Vehicle (OAV) and Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) systems. For the purpose of this solicitation, SUAVs are defined as low cost, small, robust, autonomous, ducted fan air vehicle systems capable of vertical takeoff, hover, transition to high speed cruise flight, and vertical landing. Program Scope and Funding: Mu ltiple awards are anticipated during the first quarter FY 03 and may be staggered. The Basic program is structured with two parallel (one for each development effort) 9-month propulsion system development efforts, followed by an Option not to exceed 12 ad ditional months beyond the basic period. Each offeror may submit a proposal for one or both of the desired propulsion system development efforts; however each development effort (cycle type) must be priced both separately and in combination. Both the Bas ic and the Option programs must be priced separately for each effort proposed. All resulting awards under this BAA will contain a requirement for a design review to be held at Propulsion and Structures Directorate, Redstone Arsenal, AL four months after i nitial award which may result in contract modifications. Following completion of the Basic program, the contractor shall deliver to the P&SD a mathematical model of their propulsion system in source and executable code (cycle deck) along with their final report. Following completion of the option, the contractor shall deliver to the P&SD (1) an updated mathematical model of their propulsion system in source and executable code (cycle deck) along with their final report and (2) at least one (two desired) i ntegrated propulsion systems along with any Special Test Equipment (STE), control systems, and spare parts required for Government conducted evaluation/qualification testing. Propulsion systems shall be accepted for product improvement testing during the Basic program if available. All propulsion systems delivered under the Basic effort may be returned as-is post testing. With respect to data related to the propulsion mathematical model (both source and executable) and documentation needed for users to b e able to perform trade studies, make modifications as needed and incorporate into Air Vehicle Prediction Codes, the Government shall receive Unlimited Rights. Information on the propulsion model and format required can be obtained by contacting the contr act specialist, Marcia Tully by phone: (256) 842-7406 or e-mail: marcia.tully@redstone.army.mil. P&SD estimates approximately $0.3M to $0.4M for each Basic propulsion system effort and $2.1M - $2.2M for each Option effort. Note that the propulsion mode l will be a CDRL item and we will ensure it is in their SOW. Program Objectives: P&SD is soliciting proposals for the development and demonstration of two propulsion systems of interest. 1. The first system is a 2.7 hp, 2 stroke, 2 cylinder diesel engine with a built in starter generator system. 2. The second system is an approximately 7.8 hp, 2 stroke, 6 cylinder diesel engine with a built in starter generator system. Proposals should consider the complete propulsion system, including remote start capa bility and Thermal Electric Generators (TEG), which were developed and funded under the DARPA MAV technology program. Information on the TEG program can be obtained by contacting the contract specialist, Marcia Tully by phone: (256) 842-7406 or e-mail: marcia.tully@redstone.army.mil. Technical Requirements ? Key Terms. Definitions of key terms are as follows: Measured Horsepower: uninstalled sustainable hor sepower at the drive shaft as measured on a suitable test bench (e.g. dynamometer). Rated Power: maximum power that can be sustained for 5 minutes at Sea Level (SL) Standard Day (SD) conditions. Maximum Continuous Power (MCP): maximum power that can be sustained for one hour or more, at SL SD. Cruise Power: the power setting that yields the best Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) @ SL SD. Engine Weight: the weight of all the components necessary for a starting and self-sustaining engine, capable of maintaining demonstrated horsepower, ready for installation into an airframe, not including prop, and ground support equipment. Mission Cycle: is comprised of an engine start, run for 60 minutes without engine failure, engine stop, and cooling to ambient temperature. Engine Start: the process of transitioning the engine from a state of no movem ent at ambient temperature to running under its own power, including spinning, and/or turning the engine over (heating is excluded). Non-starters: those engines where engine start takes longer than 45 seconds, once the engine starter has been engaged. En gine Failure: the inability to maintain 90% demonstrated horsepower. Power to Weight Ratio: the ratio of measured maximum continuous horsepower to engine weight. Engine Life: the number of mission cycles that can be accomplished before engine failure. Fuel Efficiency: the efficiency of the engine as represented by specifi c fuel consumption (lbm/hp_hr). Thrust-to-Weight Ratio: the ratio of total measured thrust available for flight propulsion from the engine and the electric motor, to the weight of the flight ready power pack. This includes the complete engine, motor/gene rator, power electronics, propeller, controls and any weight penalty for noise control. The weight of batteries and fuel tank shall not be included. Desired thrust-to-weight ratio of 2:1 or greater. Generator Power: the maximum continuous electrical out put of the generator, rated at the speed corresponding to the engine's maximum continuous power rating. Motor Power: the maximum continuous power rating of the propulsion motor at the system voltage. Engine Life: the number of mission cycles that can be accomplished before engine failure. Design life shall be specified at the population's 10% failure rate. Inability to produce 90% of the maximum continuous power rating will constitute engine failure. Engine Specific Fuel Consumption: the fuel usage of the engine when operating at a MCP, specified in units of lbm/HP-hr. Generator Efficiency: the ratio of generator electrical output to mechanical power input at a specified speed. Power System Efficiency: electrical output power vs. fuel usage of at a gi ven output power rating. Engine Non-Starts: the percentage of engines that are non-starters. (i.e. power plant is not started by remote control in SD conditions with 45 seconds of starter engagement.).Submission Process - Potential offerors are invited to submit proposals on this BAA to the Contracting Officer no later than 45 days from the date of this notice, 11:00 A.M. (Central Standard Time) for consideration at: Commander, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-AC-RD-BB (Ms. Marcia Tully) , Building 5400, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898. Proposals not selected for funding will be disposed of in a manner that protects proprietary data. All proprietary material should be clearly marked and will be held in the strictest confidence. Proposals sha ll be evaluated approximately 30 calendar days after they are due in to the government. Final negotiation shall take place and the contract should be awarded 60 days after the evaluation is complete, pending availability of funds. All correspondence must reference BAA DAAH01-02-R-RB03 and identify the title of the proposed effort. All proposal volumes must reference BAA DAAH01-02-R-RB03 and contain the following information: the title; the date; the name and address of the offering institution(s); the pr inci pal investigator's name, phone number, fax number, e-mail address (if available), and mailing address (if different from the offering institution); the duration of the proposed effort; and the signature of an authorized official from the submitting institu tion(s). The title page must also include total funds requested for the effort and describe any cost share proposed. The document page limits are as follows: Volume 1 of the proposal may not exceed 20 pages. The proposals must be single-sided with double-s paced text, page size no larger than 8 1/2 X 11 inches, font size no smaller than 12 point, and with one-inch left/right margins, 1.25-inch top margins, and 1.0-inch bottom margins on all pages. Proposal Requirements - Proposals submitted under this BAA s hall contain technical, budget and other supporting information. Proposals shall be formatted in two (2) volumes. Offerors may be either individual organizations or teamed efforts. In the event the effort is a teamed one, the organizational structure of the team shall be clearly defined in the proposal. Volume I shall be the technical/management portion and shall include an Executive Summary, a Technical Approach, a Description of Relevant Prior Work, a Program Plan including a Statement of Work (SOW), M ilestone Charts and Program Schedules, a Facilities and Equipment Description and a Management Plan. Volume I shall be limited to 20 pages including all figures, tables, foldouts and charts. Resumes shall also be submitted with the technical/management p roposal for all principal personnel. Resumes will not be included in the 20-page limitation. All paragraphs containing proprietary information must be clearly marked. Eight (8) copies of Volume I and three (3) copies of Volume II shall be submitted. Vol ume II shall contain all the cost/price information with supporting information (no page limit). The cost breakdown shall include materials, direct labor, indirect costs and other costs such as special test equipment or travel. Offerors shall provide exh ibits as necessary to substantiate the cost elements. Detailed costs must be provided. Include a CD in EXCEL with your cost proposal. A fifteen-day extension for the certified costing data is available upon request. However, a summary of costs must be provided with initial proposal submission. Cost sharing is encouraged and any cost share must be separately identified in the proposal. Proposals must: (1) Provide a description of the proposed technology/concept, the technical challenges that must be me t in order to achieve the projected performance and the underlying theory/principles supporting the expected level of performance; (2) Define the development process that is proposed to advance the technology and to transition the technology into a flight worthy component that provides the required level of performance; (3) Provide a statement of work, schedule, list of deliverables and costs for the proposed program; (4) Specify tests that should be used to benchmark overall performance of the components; (5) Identify offerors and team members' facilities and equipment that will support the effort; (6) Identify any government-furnished facilities, equipment and/or information that are needed to support the effort; (8) Describe the team members and their qu alifications for the proposed effort and their demonstrated record of achievement. Other Information - The provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) at 9.5 (Organizational Conflict of Interest) apply in an award under this BAA. Accordingly, a potential offeror is cautioned to review it?s contract and subcontract history, and before incurring s ubstantial proposal preparation expense, to determine whether or not in its judgment a real or potential conflict of interest does or might exist that will prevent the contracting officer from considering its proposal, or making an award under this BAA. Q uestionable circumstances or situations should be addre ssed to the contracting officer for BAA DAAH01-02-R-RB03 by e-mail for resolution and decision as soon as possible. Offerors are also cautioned that (1) the absence of any communication between offerors and the contracting officer on these matters (real or potential conflict of interest) shall not preclude the contracting officer from conducting his or her own research and analysis, and arriving at his or her own determination relative to the existence of real or potential conflicts of interest, and (2) in the event of a determination of a conflict of interest, the government shall not be liable for the cost of proposal preparation and submission. The Government anticipates making multiple awards. Issuance of this BAA does not obligate the government to pa y any proposal preparation costs. All responsible sources capable of satisfying the government's needs may submit a proposal that shall be considered by the Army. Offerors should recommend acquisition streamlining where appropriate. Teaming is encourage d, e.g., industry and U.S. Universities. Participation by Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Minority Institutions (MI) is strongly encouraged as either a contractor or subcontractor although, due to the impracticality of reserving di screte or severable tasks, no portion of this BAA will be set aside. This notice constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement as authorized by 6.102(d)(2) of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) which provides for competitive selection of basic research pr oposals. There will be no further solicitations regarding this announcement, however potential offerors should monitor the FedBiz for potential changes to this announcement. The government reserves the right to select for award any, all, part, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. Participation in this procurement by foreign vendors is allowed and encouraged, however foreign vendors must understand that access to some data, either furnished by the government or generated thro ugh contract performance may require a U. S. issued facility clearance, therefore teaming with a U. S. company holding U. S. Facility clearance may be required. These efforts are designated as unclassified. Evaluation and Award - Proposals will not be e valuated against each other since they are not submitted in accordance with a common work statement. The evaluation criteria consist of two areas: technical/management and cost. The technical/management is significantly more important than cost. The te chnical/ management evaluation criteria consists of four elements. Elements (1) and (2) are weighted equally and each, individually, is slightly more important than elements (3) and (4), individually, which are also weighted equally. Specific criteria in clude: 1) overall scientific merit in relationship to the soundness and innovativeness of the technical approach; 2) offeror's ability to implement the proposed program as demonstrated by availability of qualified personnel, equipment and facilities, an d expertise relevant to the proposed propulsion technologies; 3) potential utility, effectiveness, and exit level of maturity of the proposed technology for SUAVs, 4) the offeror's commitment to transfer the technology to OAV system integrator and/or the M AV ACTD developer, and the degree to which technical data and/or computer software developed under the proposed contract are to be delivered to P&SD and DARPA with unrestricted rights; and 5) proposed cost and cost realism. Evaluation and selection of pro posal(s) for award will be made on the basis of initial offers received, the criteria listed above, and on overall balance considered most advantageous to the DARPA MAV Program. Awards are subject to availability of Government funds. Not all proposals dee med selectable will be funded. The Government reserves the right to select for award all, some, or none of the proposals received. Awards made under this BAA a re subject to the provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Subpart 9.5, Organizational Conflict of Interest. All offerors and proposed subcontractors must affirmatively state whether they are supporting any DARPA technical office(s) through an active contract or subcontract. All affirmations must state which office(s) the offeror supports, and identify the prime contract number. Affirmation should be furnished at the time of proposal submission. All facts relevant to the existence or pote ntial existence of organizational conflicts of interest, as that term is defined in the FAR 9.501, must be disclosed. The disclosure shall include a description of the action the offeror has taken, or proposes to take, to avoid, neutralize or mitigate suc h conflict. It is the policy of P&SD and DARPA to treat all proposals as competitive information, and to disclose their contents only for the purpose of evaluation. P&SD and DARPA reserve the right to use technical expertise from both Government and non-G overnment sources to provide advice during the evaluation process. Program SETA support will be used in an advisory role due to their extensive knowledge and expertise with the program. Selections under this BAA will be made only by Government evaluators.
Place of Performance
Address: US Army Aviation and Missile Command DAAH01 ATTN: AMSAM-AC-RD-BB, Building 5400 Redstone Arsenal AL
Zip Code: 35898-5280
Country: US
SN00178840-W 20021002/020930213323 (fbodaily.com)
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