A -- non-personal service contract for a Senior research associate for the period 01 Feb 2003to 31 Jan 2004
- Notice Date
- 12/17/2002
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Navy, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, NMC San Diego, Bldg 1 38400 Bob Wilson Drive, San Diego, CA, 92134-5000
- ZIP Code
- 92134-5000
- Solicitation Number
- N00259-03-T-0022
- Archive Date
- 1/15/2003
- Point of Contact
- Loida Toledo, Lead Purchasing Agent, Phone 619-532-8122, Fax 619-532-5596, - Joan Balazs, SPVY, Contract Specialist, Phone 619-532-5944, Fax 619-532-5596,
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total Small Business
- Description
- This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items, prepared in accordance with the format in FAR subpart 12.6 as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation, quotations are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. The solicitation number, N00259-03 ?T-0022, is issued as a request for quotations(RFQ). Clin 0001: Non-personal service contract for a Senior Research Associate for the period 02/01/03 to 31 Jan 04. Qty: 1920; Unit of issue: Hours. The duties to be performed shall be in accordance with the statement of work. The statement of work STATEMENT OF WORK, Senior Research Associate : 1. SCOPE OF CONTRACT: a. The work to be performed is located in the Naval Training, Center Branch Medical Clinic and Naval Medical Center, San Diego. The contractor is a Senior Research Associate who provides research services. b. During the term of this contract, the contractor agrees to perform on behalf of the Government the duties as a Senior Research Associate, with primary responsibility for the analysis of research data generated by the Navy Refractive Surgery Center, Naval Medical Center San Diego. Additional duties will include aiding in the acquisition of research funds, designing and executing research. 2. DUTY HOURS: a. The contractor shall be available for duty at the Naval Medical Center, San Diego or the Naval Training Center, San Diego, CA from 0730-1630 (this includes a one-hour lunch), Monday through Friday. The contractor shall agree to extend these hours, as necessary, to ensure experiments are completed or deadlines met. The contractor shall be compensated for these extended hours with compensatory time off at a later date to be mutually agreed upon The contractor shall arrive for each scheduled shift in a well-rested condition and shall have had at least six hours of rest from all other duties immediately prior to reporting for the shift. 3. DUTIES: The contractor shall have primary responsibility for the analysis of data generated in research to study visual outcomes of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and laser in-situ keratomeliusis (LASIK) for the treatment of myopia, myopia with astigmatism, and hyperopia. The contractor will perform duties on-site using Government-furnished facilities, equipment, and supplies. The contractor is key member of the management team with responsibilities covering the full range of refractive surgery research, which will include the following: Analysis of research data, including direction and instruction of other research personnel in data analysis. Organize statistical analysis of all clinical and performance data, Aid in database setup and management. Aid in the acquisition of research funds, design and execution of research, including manuscript preparation and submission, studying the visual outcomes of PRK and LASIK treatment of myopia, myopia with astigmatism, and hyperopia. Interface on a daily basis with a team of medical doctors, technicians, and other researchers. Perform contrast acuity and sensitivity testing. Operate corneal videokeratoscopy and interprets and analyze results. Aid in the design and supervision of protocols for measurement of acuity, refraction, contrast acuity, contrast sensitivity, corneal topography, and pupillary dilation. Participate in protocol development and design for clinical and visual measurement. Prepare manuscripts for publication and graphics for professional presentations. The contractor will be responsible for appropriate analysis of data, synthesis of salient manuscripts for peer reviewed publication, and production of professional presentations. Aid in the supervision of research staff personnel. The incumbent will be required to travel at least 4 times a year. 4. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must have MA/MS in biology/physiology or relevant sciences. Must have 10 years experience in scientific research. At least 4 years of experience managing refractive surgery research and directing research subordinates within the last 4 years. Ability to communicate orally and in writing using universal English. Proficient with computers and familiar with software for word processing, graphic productions, database management and statistical analysis. This includes Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access) and statistical products (e.g. Statistica, SAS, SPSS). Provide sample of article you authored and published for peer review that attest to research skills in vision physiology and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Provide three letters of recommendation attesting to skills, knowledge and capability to write clinical investigations proposals, design experiments, and collecting and analyzing data in vision physiology and PRK and/or LASIK. Letters of recommendations must be from practicing ophthalmologists or research managers, and must be written with the last 5 years. (May be waived for contractors previously providing services to the Navy Refractive Surgery Center, NMCSD.) The contractor shall comply with the medical staff rules, regulations and bylaws related to animal research and clinical practice as promulgated by the Medical Treatment Facility Commander and the nationwide standards of practice of the Ophthalmology specialty. The contractor will be neat, clean, well groomed, and in appropriate clothing when in patient care areas. Hair shall be neatly trimmed and combed. The contractor shall display an identification badge on the right breast of his or her outer clothing, which includes the contractor?s full name and professional status. The contractor shall become acquainted with and obey all station regulations, shall perform in a manner to preclude the waste of utilities, and shall not use Government telephones for personal business. All motor vehicles operated on the installation by the contractor shall be registered with the base security service according to applicable directives. Eating and smoking by the contractor are prohibited in patient care areas and are restricted to designated areas. The contractor is not prohibited, by reason of his or her performance under this contract, from outside employment so long as there is no conflict with the performance of services under this contract. The contractor shall make no use of any Government facilities or other Government property in connection with outside employment. All financial, statistical, personnel, and technical data which is furnished, produced or otherwise available to the contractor during the performance of this contract are considered confidential business information and shall not be used for purposed other than performance of work under this contract nor be released by the contractor without prior written consent of the Contracting Officer. Any presentation of any statistical or analytical materials, or any reports based on information obtained from studies covered by this, will be subject to review and approval by the COR before publication or dissemination. The Secretary of the Navy has determined that the illegal possession or use of drugs and paraphernalia in a military setting contributes directly to military drug abuse and undermines command efforts to eliminate drug abuse among military personnel. The policy of the Department of the Navy (including the Marine Corps) is to deter and detect drug offenses on military installations. Measures taken to identify drug offenses on military installations and to prevent introduction of illegal drugs and paraphernalia include routine random inspection of personal possessions on entry or exit. If there is probable cause to believe that the contractor has been engaged in use, possession, or trafficking of drugs, the contractor may be detained for a limited period of time until he or she can be removed from the installation or turned over to the local law enforcement personnel having jurisdiction. When illegal drugs are discovered in the course of an inspection or search of a vehicle operated by a contractor, the contractor and vehicle may be detained for a reasonable period of time necessary to surrender the individual and vehicle to appropriate civil law enforcement personnel. Action may be taken to suspend working privileges as well as installation driving privileges. Implicit with the acceptance of this contract is the agreement by the contractor to comply with all Federal and State laws as well as regulations issued by the commander of the military installation concerning illegal drugs and paraphernalia. The contractor must be able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language fluently. 5. FAILURE TO PERFORM: a. Should the contractor be unable to perform duties under this contract due to medical or physical disability for more than 13 consecutive days or because of questions concerning competency, ethics, or conduct, performance under this contract may be suspended by the contracting officer until such medical or physical disability is resolved, or until such questions concerning competency, ethics, or conduct have been resolved. If performance under the contract is so suspended, no compensation or reimbursement shall accrue to the contractor so long as performance is suspended. The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through FAC 2001-10. The following clauses and provisions are applicable and will be incorporated into the solicitation by reference, and will be available in full text upon request. This acquisition incorporates the following FAR clauses: 52.212-1 INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS-COMMERCIAL ITEMS(Oct 95); 52.212-3 OFFEROR REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS-COMMERCIAL ITEMS (Oct 95) must be completed and submitted along with the proposal (please contact Loida Toledo at (619)532-8122 if a copy is needed); in accordance with FAR 52.212-5 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT STATUTES OR EXECUTIVE ORDERS-COMMERCIAL ITEMS(Aug 96), the following clauses are incorporated by reference in paragraph (b): 52.222-26 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ( E.O. 11246); 52.222-35 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR SPECIAL DISABLED AND VIETNAM ERA VETERAN (38 U.S.C. 4212); 52.222-37 EMPLOYMENT REPORTS ON SPECIAL DISABLED VETERANS AND VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA(38 U.S.C. 4212); 52.222-36 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR HANDICAPPED WORKERS(29 U.S.C. 793); 52.212-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS COMMERCIAL ITEMS(OST 95). DFARS 252.204-7004, REQUIRED CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION (MAR 1989); FAR 52.219-6, NOTICE TOTAL SMALL BUISNESS SET ASIDE( 7/96); FAR 52.232-33 , MANDATORY INFORMATION FOR ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER PAYMENT (AUG 1996). FAR 52.212-2 , EVALUATION ?COMMERCIAL ITEMS ( 1/99). The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: 1) Past performance, 2) personnel qualifications based on SOW, 3) Price. Past performance and personnel qualifications based on SOW when combined have more importance that cost or price. All responsible sources may submit a quote which shall be considered. see note 1
- Place of Performance
- Address: Naval Medical Center San Diego, Refractive Surgery Center, Branch Medical Clinic , bldg 624-2, 2650 Stockton Road, San Diego, Ca
- Zip Code: 92106
- Country: USA
- Zip Code: 92106
- Record
- SN00225428-W 20021219/021217213742 (
- Source
- Link to This Notice
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