99 -- REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: Department of Defense Traffic Management
- Notice Date
- 1/16/2003
- Notice Type
- Special Notice
- Contracting Office
- Defense Contracting Command-Washington(DCC-W), ATTN: Policy and Compliance, 5200 Army Pentagon, Room 1D245, Washington, DC 20310-5200
- ZIP Code
- 20310-5200
- Solicitation Number
- USA-SNOTE-030116-002
- Archive Date
- 3/17/2003
- Description
- NA REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Department of Defense Traffic Management January 9, 2003 1. Purpose a. The Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics Systems Management), in coordination with the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Transportation Policy), are working together to assess and align key defense transportation systems ar chitectures with the Department of Defense (DoD) Enterprise Architecture. b. The objective of this Request For Information (RFI) is to obtain information to better understand commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and government off-the-shelf (GOTS) products and process capabilities that are available to provide DoD transportation off ices with the processes and system capabilities required to optimally move cargo throughout the worldwide Defense Transportation System (DTS). c. The DoD seeks to determine whether COTS and/or GOTS solutions and associated processes can singularly, or in part, meet future DoD traffic management technical and operational requirements relating to the movement of cargo. 2. Scope a. The scope of this RFI pertains to the functional and operational capabilities of existing COTS and GOTS traffic management solutions and the technical (i.e., architectural) environment in which these solutions operate. b. DoD seeks and encourages responses from both vendors and GOTS Program Management Offices (PMO) that currently provide traffic management products. DoD requests that even vendors of solutions that provide only a portion of the required capabilities (as presented in this RFI) respond. It is important for DoD to understand product core capabilities and whether they fit as a modular component within a larger traffic management solution. 3. Background a. DTS Profile. The DoD is a high volume, high transaction shipping activity that executes over one million shipments annually. The DTS supports day-to-day peacetime operations and scheduled exercises as well as contingency operations during times of cr ises. The DTS operates in accordance with the Defense Transportation Regulations (DTR) (http://public.transcom.mil/J4/j4lt/dtr.html). Regulations pertaining specifically to cargo movement are documented in Part II of the DTR. Please reference the DTR, P art II, to understand the regulatory environment in which today?s DTS operates. The DoD maintains over 594 DoD shipping activities throughout the world and conducts approximately ten billion dollars worth of business annually, of which about half is assoc iated with cargo movements and traffic management. In addition to organic moves, the DoD also maintains contracts with approximately 470 commercial carriers across all modes of transportation. b. Technical Environment. The DTS requires a web-enabled traffic management system for receiving, distributing, and processing transportation-related information at DoD transportation offices located throughout the world. Some transportation offices mai ntain constant network and Internet connectivity. Other transportation offices operate in locations where network and Internet connectivity is intermittent and of poor quality. In addition, based on today?s processes, DoD traffic management systems maint ain a significant number of system interfaces, each having multiple interface agreements/requirements. 4. Targeted End-State The DTS seeks to establish a traffic management operational environment comprised of industry proven transportation management best practices characterized by the following: ? Web-enabled, user friendly capable ? Networked or stand-alone modes capable ? Shared data environment ? Systems integrated with trading partner systems (e.g., carriers, financial systems, DoD tracking systems, DoD operations planning systems, etc.) ? Elimination of legacy DoD-unique processes and documents as applicable ? Leveraged use of Automatic Identification Technologies (AIT) 5. RFI Structure This RFI contains a qual itative component called ?General Questionnaire? and a quantitative component called ?RFI Quantitative.xls.? The qualitative component seeks to understand high-level corporate and product information, while the quantitative component seeks to understand p roduct or solution specific capabilities. 6. Instructions to Respondents Respondents are requested to complete both the qualitative and quantitative components in accordance with the instructions set forth below. Please go to the Defense Contracting Command ? Washington site at http://dccw.hqda. pentagon.mil/tran.htm to access all RFI documents and references. a. Qualitative Component, General Questionnaire. The General Questionnaire gathers qualitative-type information regarding your organization, product, and services you provide. Please answer the questions by typing in the non-shaded cells of the table lo cated at http://dccw.hqda.pentagon.mil/tran.htm. Please do not type your answers in the shaded cells. You may include brief descriptions (paragraph or short bulleted list) of your product capabilities, and/or you may provide specific page and paragraph r eferences to product literature that you include with your response. When completing the General Questionnaire, please save it in the following naming format: RFI Qualitative_{insert company name here}.doc. b. Quantitative Component (located at http://dccw.hqda.pentagon.mil/tran.htm and called ?RFI Quantitative.xls?). Please note that these instructions are also provided within the spreadsheet file itself. The spreadsheet contains specific capabilities-ori ented questions that will help DoD understand the extent to which your product meets DTS functional, operational, and technical requirements. The sections to be completed by your company are as follows: Functional Requirements ? Management and Decision Support Analysis (Tab 1.0) ? Outbound (Tab 2.0) ? Inbound (Tab 3.0) Operational ? Data Acquisition (Tab 4.0 and 5.0) ? General Operational (Tab 4.0 and 5.0) Technical ? Technical / Regulatory (Tab 6.0) 1. Various functional/capability statements are provided within each of these categories. Please respond to each statement by selecting ?Yes?, ?No?, ?Future?, ?3rd Party?, or ?Custom? from the drop down list to the right of the requirement statement (in the ?Response? column). The ?Yes?, ?No?, ?Future?, ?3rd Party?, or ?Custom? designations should be applied as follows: Yes Application functionality is currently included in the base product. No Application functionality is not currently included and will not be available in the next 12 months. Future Application functionality is not currently included but will be available in the next 12 months. 3rd Party Functionality is provided by a third party partnering arrangement. Custom Functionality is not included in the base product today; however, can be provided by customizing or modifying the base product. These changes will also be incorporated into the base product. NOTE: Please be specific as to the functionality available in the software release currently available to your customer base. If functionality is to be provided in a future software release (i.e., ?Future?), please provide the date for its planned availab ility. There is also a ?Comments? column in the spreadsheet where you may provide additional information to each functional/capability statement that you deem necessary and appropriate. 2. The spreadsheet also includes a ?Reference Dictionary? that provides links to current DoD policies, regulations, documents, and system interface formats that establish many of the requirements unique to the DTS as it operates today. These references w ill help you understand the current DTS environment. It is not intended to imply that future investments in traffic management capabilities will require compliance with all of these references. If you perceive these references as an obstacle to the proce sses and capab ilities that your solution delivers, request your comments include how your solution delivers the required functionality in the absence of these regulations. The ?Reference Dictionary? is contained in the last tab of the file (RFI Quantitative.xls). 3. When completing the quantitative component (RFI Quantiative.xls), please save it in the following naming format: RFI Quantitative_{insert company name}.xls. c. Format and Submission. RFI responses must be entered directly into the General Questionnaire and in the spreadsheet called TM RFI Quantitative.xls, in the format described above. Both of these documents are located at http://dccw.hqda.pentagon. mil/tran.htm. Responses must be submitted via e-mail as two files, RFI Qualitative_{insert company name}.doc and RFI Quantitative_{insert company name}.xls, to tm.rfi@osd.mil. d. RFI response due date. All responses to this RFI must be electronically submitted to tm.rfi@osd.mil by 5:00 p.m. EST on January 27, 2003. e. Questions. DoD has engaged Gartner Inc. as an independent third party evaluator to support this effort. Gartner is an objective IT research and advisory firm independent of affiliations with software developers (e.g., COTS vendors) and system i ntegrators/ implementers. As a result, Gartner has no current or future interests in the results of this analysis, and is able to maintain its objective status. All responses will be treated as confidential and will not be released outside of the DoD / G artner team. If you have any questions regarding the RFI, please direct them to Stan Maoury (703) 226-4767, Gina Woiteshek (703) 226-4847, or Rich Primus (703) 226-4835. 7. Recoupment of Costs The Government does not intend to pay for the information requested and will not recognize any costs associated with submission of a response to this RFI. 8. Restrictions Though responses to this RFI will be treated as confidential, respondents should not specify proprietary information of any kind. The release of this RFI is for market analysis purposes only and does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) and should not be considered a commitment of any kind by the Government to procure services. DoD will not accept product demonstrations associated with this RFI. Responses to this RFI will not be evaluated towards any follow-on effort associated w ith this initiative. 9. References. a. DOD Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DITSCAP), http://mattche.iiie.disa.mil/ditscap/DitscapFrame.html. b. Policy Memo-Public Key Enabling (PKE) of Applications, Web Servers and Networks for the DOD, 17 May 01, http://www.c3i.osd.mil/org/cio/doc/may172001.pdf. c. Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) Certification Requirements, https://nmci.spawar.navy.mil/. d. CJCSI 6211.02 (Defense Information System Network and Connected Systems), http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/cjcsd/cjcsi/6211_02a.pdf. e. CJCSI 6510.01c (Information Assurance and Computer Network Defense), http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/cjcsd/cjcsl/cjcsi/6510_01c.pdf. f. OMB Bulletin 90-08 (Guidance for Preparation of Security Plans for Federal Computer Systems that Contain Sensitive Information), http://wwwoirm.nih.gov/itmra/omb90-08.html. g. Section 508 of the Amended Rehabilitation Act of 1998, http://www.section508.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Content&ID=3. h. 49 CFR, http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/cfr-table-search.html (page1). i. American Goods Return Document (AGRD), http://www.transcom.mil/ustc_pubs.html. j. DD FORM 1387, http://web1.whs.osd.mil/icdhome/FORMTAB.htm. k. Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII COE), http://diicoe.disa.mil/coe/. l. Defense Table of Official Distances (DTOD), http://dtod-mtmc.belvoir.army.mil/default.asp. m. DOD Directive 5200.28, http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/d520028_032188/d520028p.pdf. n. DOD Directive 5200.40-DOD Information Technology Security Cer tification and Accreditation Program (DITSCAP), http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/i520040_123097/i520040p.pdf. o. DoD Manual 8320 1-M-1 DoD Data Standardization Procedure, http://www.c3i.osd.mil/bpr/bprcd/vol2/0068.pdf. p. Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR) Part 2, http://public.transcom.mil/J4/j4lt/dtr.html. q. Form DD1143, http://web1.whs.osd.mil/icdhome/FORMTAB.htm. r. Form DD1265, http://web1.whs.osd.mil/icdhome/FORMTAB.htm. s. Form DD1266, http://web1.whs.osd.mil/icdhome/FORMTAB.htm. t. Form DD1348-1A, http://web1.whs.osd.mil/icdhome/FORMTAB.htm. u. Form DD1907 (Signature and Tally Record), http://web1.whs.osd.mil/icdhome/FORMTAB.htm. v. Form DD250 (Material Inspectin and Receiving Report), http://web1.whs.osd.mil/icdhome/FORMTAB.htm. w. Form DD836, http://web1.whs.osd.mil/icdhome/FORMTAB.htm. x. Joint Technical Architecture (JTA), http://www-jta.itsi.disa.mil/. y. Joint Total Asset Visibility (JTAV), http://www.defenselink.mil/acq/jtav/. z. Key Performance Parameters (KPP's), http://www.disa.mil/gcss/gcsshome.html. aa. OBM Circular A-130 Appendix III, http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a130/a130.html. bb. SAAM Request, http://www.transcom.mil/ustc_pubs.html. cc. Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) compliant Freight Warrants, http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/sofa.htm. dd. Transportation Control Movement Documents (TCMD), http://public.transcom.mil/J4/j4lt/dtr.html. ee. Transportation Discrepancy Report (TDR) - SF 361, http://www.dior.whs.mil/forms/SF0361.PDF. ff. Transportation Facilities Guide (TFG), http://public.transcom.mil/J4/j4lt/App-r.pdf. gg. Transportation Control Movement Document (TCMD) transaction formats are contained in the attached Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (TCMD FORMAT.xls). hh. Advanced shipment information samples are contained in the attached Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (SUPPLY FORMAT.xls). ii. Customs and international warrant file and document formats may be accessed and downloaded from the following FTP server: https://orion.gartner.com/cgi-bin/ftp.pl. The login ID is ?59230?, and the login password is ?6405011?. Please note that this FT P server and password will close at 5:00 p.m. EST, January 24, 2003. 10. Conclusion. The DoD seeks to determine whether COTS and/or GOTS solutions and associated processes can singularly, or in part, meet future DoD traffic management technical and operational requirements relating to the movement of cargo. DoD seeks to obtain information to better understand COTS and GOTS products and process capabilities that are available to provide DoD transportation offices with the processes and system capabilities required to optimally move cargo throughout the worldwi de Defense Transportation System (DTS). Attachments The following attachments are located at the following address: http://dccw.hqda.pentagon.mil/tran.htm: - Functional/Capabilities Requirements Spreadsheets - TCMD FORMAT.xls - SUPPLY FORMAT.xls
- Web Link
DCC-W Homepage
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- SN00240573-W 20030118/030116213641 (fbodaily.com)
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