A -- Insensitive Munitions Technology Transfer Program
- Notice Date
- 2/25/2003
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Navy, Naval Air Systems Command, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Dept.1, Commander, NAWCWD, Code 210000D, 1 Administration Circle, China Lake, CA, 93555-6100
- ZIP Code
- 93555-6100
- Solicitation Number
- N68936-03-R-0027
- Archive Date
- 4/10/2003
- Point of Contact
- Laurel Fletcher, Contract Specialist, Phone (760) 939-8484, Fax (760) 939-9651, - Maureena Mueller, Procuring Contracting Officer, Phone (760) 939-8176, Fax (760) 939-7510,
- E-Mail Address
- Description
- The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD), China Lake, CA desires industry participation in the Insensitive Munitions Technology Transfer Program (IMTTP). This notice constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) as contemplated in FAR 6.102 (d) (2). Proposal submission is not restricted in any way to any particular entity. Responses from all responsible sources will be considered. Historically Black College and Universities, Minority Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and small, HUBzone small disadvantaged, and women owned small businesses are encouraged to participate. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this BAA is 541710 with the small business size of 1000 employees. Requirements: Responses to this announcement are sought to develop an advanced technology base for Insensitive Munitions (IM) mitigation technologies aimed at mitigating the response of Integral Rocket Ramjet (IRR) air breathing systems to IM stimuli. Although not mandatory, it is highly recommended that the scope of the responses be limited to those systems that pertain to the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Future Naval Capabilities (FNC) Time Critical Strike (TCS) goals. For further information regarding the requirements of the responses to this BAA, contact Nathan Kielman, NAWCWD, 760-939-7147, . Information regarding the IMTTP in general is available from Vicki Brady, NAWCWD, 760-939-7342, The Navy wishes to identify and explore innovative and new concepts, principles, or processes in the area of IM mitigation. Proposed concepts and technologies can address all components of an IRR air breathing system or an individual component (case, propellant, insulation materials, port covers, nozzle, etc.). Proposals can address only air launched tactical missile applications. The proposed technologies should address the IMTTP goals of maturing technologies for the transition of IM mitigation technology to the fleet. A fusion of technologies is desired for insertion into an IRR tactical missile air breathing system to be demonstrated through testing. Individual proposals are desired in the following ranges: Total funding is estimated at $50,000 to $750,000 per award with a period of performance from 1 to 4 years. Instructions: This BAA consists of one step, which requires full proposals. Full proposals shall consist of two separate sections, one for Technical and one for Cost. Both of these sections shall identify the following: (1) BAA number N68936-03-R-0027, BAA title and date, title of proposal; (2) Organization name; (3) Other team members, if any, and type of business for each; (4) Technical points of contact (including phone, fax, and email information); (5) Administrative point of contact; and (6) include the offeror's project title. Titles given to the proposals should be descriptive of the type of work they cover and not merely be a copy of this solicitation. The technical portion of the full proposal should include the following: (1) A clear discussion of the concept and associated technologies being proposed, technical goals, approach, expected results, and an estimated time frame for project; (2) Description of past performance on similar efforts with dollar values, contacts, and contact phone numbers. Past performance information shall also include cost/price performance information including those internal controls used to ensure the offeror did not exceed the cost/price. If costs were exceeded or prices were adjusted, provide the reasons and state the systematic improvement actions taken and current controls now in place to prevent future recurrences; (3) Schedule and deliverables; (4) Statement of Work (SOW) that discusses the specific tasks to be accomplished, tied to the specific approach and goals of the project (should not include any proprietary information to allow for incorporation into a contract award); and (5) Resumes of the principal investigator and other key personnel. The cost portion of the proposal should fully segregate cost by cost category and should include the following cost items, if appropriate: direct labor, fringe benefits, indirect labor, materials, subcontract, travel and other direct costs, G&A, cost of money, and fixed fee. Direct labor should show each individual labor category with associated hours and specific unburdened labor rate. All indirect costs (including fringe, indirect labor, G&A, and COM) should show base amount and rate. Details/explanation of all other cost items should be given in this section. The cost section should be accompanied by a completed certification package entitled "Representations and Certifications for Contract". The certification package can be obtained from Laurel Fletcher by email at . A Small Business Subcontracting Plan prepared in accordance with FAR 52.219-9 must accompany contract proposals that exceed $500,000 submitted by all large businesses. Contractors shall ensure that proposals submitted address all evaluation criteria stated within this BAA. The original and 2 copies of each proposal shall be submitted by 4 PM PST, April 10, 2003 to Commander, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Code 210000D, Building 02483, Attn: L. Fletcher, 1 Administration Circle, China Lake, CA 93555-6100. Any proposals received after this initial cutoff time may not be reviewed in the initial cycle of technical reviews. Therefore, awards based on the proposals after the initial cutoff will be based on the available amount of funding. The Government reserves the right to select for contract any, all, part, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. Responses to this announcement should be unclassified. All proprietary portions of the proposal shall be clearly identified and will be treated with the strictest confidence. Final closing date is June 30, 2003, 4 PM PST. Evaluation Criteria: A scientific and engineering evaluation will be conducted on all proposals received. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine the relative merit of the technical aspects of the full proposals. The evaluation shall consider technical aspects and cost as related to technical effort. The technical evaluation area will be ranked as first priority in the evaluation. The cost area, while considered substantial, will be second in priority. The technical evaluation will be based on the following criteria. Criteria 1, 2, 3 and 4 are of equal importance to each other in the technical area. The technical criteria are: (1) Soundness of offeror's technical approach with regard to feasibility of the project, probability of the technology being a viable candidate for selection/application and transition into an operational tactical missile system, and understanding the scope of technical effort. (2) Past performance as it relates to demonstrated past/present performance, delivery schedule performance, and cost/price performance. (3) Relevance of the proposed effort toward potential contributions to the NAWCWPNS, WD mission and the extent to which the research effort will contribute to the achievement/demonstration of the goals of NAWCWPNS, WD efforts in the Insensitive Munitions Technology Transfer Program. (4) Capability of the offeror to successfully accomplish the proposed effort, which includes the availability of necessary resources such as experienced and capable technical and management personnel, and the availability, from any source, of required laboratory, shop, and test facilities. Organization and clarity of information are critical to all of the evaluation criteria for the full proposal. Cost, which includes consideration of proposed budget and funding profiles, and cost elements as they relate to the technical effort are the second evaluation area. The cost evaluation criterion consists of realism and reasonableness of proposed costs and the availability of funds. Availability of funds will limit the number and magnitude of concepts funded. No further evaluation criteria will be used in selecting the proposals. The technical and cost information will be evaluated at the same time. Anticipated type of contract to be rewarded is cost-plus-fixed fee. Anticipated award dates range from June to September 2003. Offerors should state their proposals will be valid for 180 days from submission. This BAA is open for 126 days from the issuance date of this announcement and proposals will be given consideration during this period. However, as stated previously, submission of proposals by the initial cutoff time will ensure technical review with consideration of current allotted funding profiles. The cost of preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not an allowable direct charge to any resulting contract or any other contract. The Navy reserves the right to amend this BAA to allow for subsequent submission dates for proposals. This announcement constitutes the only published solicitation for this requirement. A formal Request For Proposal (RFP) will not be issued. Offerors should be alert for any BAA amendments that may be published. Note: offerors are advised that only the Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the Government. All responsible sources may submit a proposal, which shall be considered. A copy of this BAA will be available on
- Place of Performance
- Address: TBD
- Record
- SN00265152-W 20030227/030225213551 (
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