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Notice Date
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Solicitation Notice
Contracting Office
US Army Corps Of Engineers - Honolulu, Building 230, Fort Shafter, HI 96858-5440
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Carrie Wakumoto, (808)438-8591
E-Mail Address
Email your questions to US Army Corps Of Engineers - Honolulu
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
NA THIS IS A SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE FIRM-FIXED PRICE SERVICE REQUIREMENT. A copy of the Request For Quotation will be available on Wednesday, April 2, 2003 as a pdf document at http://www.poh.usace.army.mil/pohct/contracting.asp. Fax your quote by the clo sing date and time (HST) to (808)438-8588. SCOPE OF WORK. Facilitator Services. Furnish all necessary management, labor, supervision, materials, equipment, transportation, and any other incidental services required to facilitate three (3) design charrettes for the FY05 MILCON C-17 Beddown Program, Hickam Air Force Base (HAFB), Oahu, Hawaii, in accordance with the following Scope of Work. Scope of Work 1.0 General Scope: The Contractor shall perform as a facilitator, a design charrette for each of the three (3) listed projects under the FY05 MILCON C-17 Beddown Program, HAFB, Oahu, Hawaii. The subject title, dates, and durations for each of these three (3) respective desi gn charrettes, are as follows: (1) Maintenance Shop Facility; 15 - 23 May 2003; Seven (7) work days. (2) Add/Alter Maintenance/Supply, Hangar 35; 19-27 June 2003; Seven (7) work days. (3) Clear Water Rinse; 14-18 July 2003; Five (5) work days. It is anticipated that the various charrettes will span from the months of May to July 2003. The charrette team members will vary in numbers according to the complexity of the projects, however, the basic team makeup should consist of the various agencies at HAFB, Hawaii Air National Guard, Project Managers (PM) from the Air Force and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Base Civil Engineers (CE) personnel, and the A-E design team. Contractor Expertise: The Contractor shall have a minimum of five (5) years of experience facilitating design charrettes. The Contractor shall provide a letter of recommendation from a minimum of three (3) different organizations for whom they have performed facilitator servi ces in the last three (3) years. The recommendations shall state the name of the organization, project name and description of project, estimated cost of construction of project, date of charrette, and phone number of the Point Of Contact (POC) in the org anization. 2.0 Requirements: 2.1 Goals for the Design Charrette: The Contractor shall facilitate all discussions of the design charrette. The objective of the charrette is to gather information and define project requirements both in written and visual form per the DD Form 1391, Construction Project Data, for this re spective project. Engineering and Construction Bulletin No. 2002-13 (Rev 1), CECW-EI, Subject: Design Charrette Guidance for Army Millitary Construction (MILCON) Programs issued 25 June 2002 may be used as a guide. Some of the aspects and goals that the facilitator needs to pursue and include in their deliverables for the charrette are as follows: ? Leads design team to positive results; minimize and resolve unsettled issues. ? Use of Functional Analysis and Concept Design methodology to analyze the conceptual design solution derived from the team. The Functional Analysis System Technique diagram method may be utilized. ? Development of alternatives (if necessary), utilizing value based approaches, that will show a bottom line cost estimate at or within the programmed amount (PA) of the project. If the current working estimate (CWE) is above the PA, then will need to lis t the salient reasons for the bust. ? Concurrence on the budget target and schedule of the project. ? Concurrence on the acquisition strategy for procurement of the construction contract. ? Generation of briefing slides/conceptual layouts to be used in the final briefing (out brief) for the Wing Commander, HAFB, Base Civil Engineer, Headquarters Pacific Air Force Civil Engineer, and other Senior Executive Staff. The out brief shall be give n on the last day of the charrette. ? Earnestly pursues to gain the signatures of all the stakeholders in the final concept design solutio n, and culminating in the end, the signature of the senior leadership. Team working sessions should be scheduled to bring the team together at least daily. The ?core? team, consisting of the lead architectural designer, major disciplines supporting the utilities, and major user POCs, should be present through all sessions. A kickoff session, numerous review sessions, and a wrap-up session with the entire team are essential. 2.2 Tasks Prior to the Design Charrette: Upon award of the contract, the Contractor shall contact the POH PM, Mr. Gerald Young, at (808) 438-0876 to confirm the specific dates of the charrette and clarify/finalize charrette requirements. The Contractor shall submit to the PM a suggested prelimin ary day-to-day agenda (subject to the Base review and approval) on how they plan to conduct the charrette. The Contractor shall be receiving a pre-charrette questionnaire from the A-E design team to obtain further information/inquiries prior to the charre tte. This information is intended as an aid and future use in the Design Charrette. 2.3 Draft (Interim) Report following the Design Charrette: At the close of the charrette, the Contractor will provide the Government with a written record copy of events, issues, taskings, etc. addressed during the charrette. The Contractor will prepare a partnering agreement, to be signed by each of the particip ants, that outlines the basic scope and agreements for each project. Twelve (12) copies of the partnering agreement and PMP will be provided to all stakeholders on the last day of the charrette. 2.4 Final Report from the Design Charrette: In preparation for the out briefing to the senior leadership, the final written report on the design charrette should contain as a minimum the following items: Upon completion of the charrette, the Contractor shall prepare a post-charrette summary report to include as a minimum the following items: ? Summary of programming charrette facts/decisions, participants, and signed partnering agreement; signed by all stakeholders, designers, and the senior leadership. ? Value based considerations addressed in the charrette and the cost savings that were derived from these repsective items. ? The functional analysis that was done by the team and the final solution to provide all requirements of the facility. ? The Requirements Documents and the 1391, as provided by the Air Force. ? The Project Management Plan (PMP)--which will show the way the project will be managed, the acquisition strategy agreed upon by the team, the evaluation factors for the RFP package. The PMP will be written by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Project Man ager, with assistance by the Contractor during the charrette, and will be included in the final report. ? The timelines for the design, RFP, Award and Construction Contract shall be shown in bar graph or network format, utilizing the Microsoft Project software. ? Conceptual layout drawings, generated during the charrette by the A-E design team, shall be part of the final report. ? Detailed parametric cost. ? Major environmental project requirements. ? Narrative description of major facility systems, especially unique features. ? Minutes of the Meetings. The minutes must show the issues that were discussed and resolved. All action items must be assigned and a suspense date given for resolution along with a responsible party attached to the action. ? Ten (10) copies of the final brief shall be provided for the senior leadership. Twelve (12) bound copies of the Final Report shall be prepared for each participant. This report shall be submitted on the last day of the charrette but no later than two (2) weeks following the end of the charrette. Three (3) compact disks containing electronic copies of the Final Report (to include drawings in Acrobat Reader format (*.pdf) shall be provided to the POH PM concurrently upon delivery of the bound copies of the Final Report. 2.5 S afety Requirements. The Contractor is required to submit an Accident Prevention Program Administration Plan (POD Form 248-R (Rev) 1 Mar 95, and an Activity Hazard Analysis (POD Form 184-R (Rev) 22 Apr 91), to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety & Occupational Health Offic er or Representative for review and acceptance. The Contractor shall not perform work until the Accident Prevention Program Administration Plan and Activity Hazard Analysis have been reviewed and accepted by the Government. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ?Safety and Health Requirements Manual,? EM 385-1-1, which describes the required safety plans and forms may be found at the following web site: http://www.usace.army.mil/inet/usace-docs/eng-manuals/em385-1-1/toc.htm. P lease note that when a medical facility or physician is not accessible within five (5) minutes of an injury to a group of two (2) or more employees for the treatment of injuries, at least two (2) employees must be first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitatio n (CPR) certified from American Red Cross, its equivalent, or a licensed physician. The certificate shall not be older than three (3) years from date of issue, unless the currency is specified otherwise by the issuing agency. 3.0 Cost of Facilitating Services: The Contractor shall submit an itemized proposal for the entire cost of facilitating the design charrette. The Contractor will be responsible for all materials and supplies (including handouts) to conduct the charrette. In addition, the Contractor will furnish and make the necessary accommodations to provide all supporting equipment such as (but not limited to) the overhead projector, personal computer-based presentation software projection system, easels, white board, and other incidentals required to c onduct the charrette. The facility will be Government-provided.
Place of Performance
Address: US Army Corps Of Engineers - Honolulu Building 230, Fort Shafter HI
Zip Code: 96858-5440
Country: US
SN00293034-W 20030403/030401213708 (fbodaily.com)
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