- Notice Date
- 8/11/2003
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- MMS Procurement Operations Branch, Attn: Mr. Michael W. Hargrove 381 Elden Street, MS2510 Herndon VA 20170
- ZIP Code
- 20170
- Solicitation Number
- 1435-01-03-RP-72318
- Response Due
- 8/21/2003
- Archive Date
- 8/10/2004
- Point of Contact
- Michael W. Hargrove Contracting Officer 7037871367;
- E-Mail Address
Email your questions to Point of Contact above, or if none listed, contact the IDEAS EC HELP DESK for assistance
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE NOTICE CAREFULLY. THE MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE SOLICITS ALL INTERESTED PARTIES FOR THE STUDY ENTITLED "TO CONDUCT NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES EVALUATIONS OF SUBMERGED SITES ON THE GULF OF MEXICO OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF", as described below. INTRODUCTION: The Minerals Management Service (MMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior, is charged with the responsibility of considering the effects of its actions on significant cultural resources on the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States, from State Waters to the limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone. This program arose out of a variety of legislation enacted to ensure proper management and protection of the nation's cultural heritage. The most pertinent of these laws are the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 (as amended), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) of 1978. In order to meet this responsibility, the MMS requires the oil and gas industry to conduct high-resolution remote sensing surveys in advance of any bottom-disturbing activities such as exploration drilling or pipeline construction and to submit an archaeological report analyzing these data. Magnetic or acoustic remote sensing targets that display signal characteristics consistent with those observed with historic shipwrecks are flagged for avoidance by industry operations. Only on rare occasions where avoidance is not feasible has Phase II testing been conducted on these targets. As a result, the MMS has amassed little information regarding the identification of these anomalies, which could potentially be of value in both eliminating extraneous, archaeologically insignificant sites from further concern and in refining the analytical methods used in selecting certain sites for avoidance in the future. Archaeological services are required for an indefinite quantity contract for the preparation of cultural resources surveys, compliance documents and consultation projects at various locations primarily offshore of the states of TX, LA, MS, AL, and FL. This contract will provide program support in determining potential National Register eligibility of selected sites, the adequacy of current protective measures (i.e., avoidance criteria established for discovered remote sensing targets), compliance by industry with Government protective measures in areas where construction has already occurred, and in the preparation of related documentation. Specific objectives include, but are not limited to: archival and historical research; archaeological/geomorphological remote sensing surveys; site testing/evaluation for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP); special studies; conservation and laboratory analyses; technical reports; and preparation of National Register nomination forms. This will be an indefinite quantity contract with issuance of negotiated, firm fixed-price, Task Orders. It is estimated that approximately eight (8) sites will be investigated under this contract for National Register eligibility. These sites consist of remote sensing (magnetometer, sidescan sonar, subbottom profiler) targets previously located during oil and gas industry pipeline and/or lease block surveys. Coordinates of these targets are assumed to be accurate. Testing sites will be selected by the government within the jurisdictional area of the Gulf of Mexico Region. The sites will be selected in areas where water depth would not preclude the use of scientific divers (<130 FSW). Use of a hand-deployed Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) may be appropriate for certain sites. Proposals will be evaluated using the following factors: Personnel Qualifications, Understanding and Technical Approach, Organizational Capability, Schedule of Rates, Past Performance, and Performance Management Plan. The Government intends to evaluate proposals and award a contract without discussions with offerors; therefore, offerors should provide their best terms from a cost or price and technical standpoint. The Government, however, reserves the right to conduct discussions if later deemed by the Contracting Officer to be necessary. The period of performance of the contract shall be sixty (60) months. The total cost of all work orders shall not exceed $200,000. Minimum guaranteed annual amount shall be $4,000 for the initial period of twelve (12) months. How To Respond: In order to compete for this contract, interested parties must demonstrate that they are qualified to perform work by providing Capabilities Statements by 21 August 2003 detailing: (1) Your key personnel, scientific and technical, (those who would have the primary responsibility for performing and/or managing the project) with their qualifications and specific expertise and experience. Particularly relevant is their expertise in the fields of marine archaeology, history, sedimentology, and artifact conservation; (2) Your organization's experience with this type of work and a description of your facilities; and (3) Specific references (including project identifier/contract number and description, period of performance, dollar amount, client name, and current telephone number) for work of this nature that your personnel or organization is currently performing or has completed within the last three (3) years. Also, please include any negative references and your rebuttal explaining your side of the story. Offerors shall submit an original and two (2) copies of the Capabilities Statement to: Michael Hargrove, Contracting Officer, Minerals Management Service, Procurement Operations Branch, 381 Elden St., MS 2510, Herndon, VA 20170-4817. Seven (7) additional copies shall be submitted to Ms. Connie Landry, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, MS 5431, New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394. It is the responsibility of the Offeror to ensure that the Capabilities Statements are received by the dates and time set forth above. Timeliness of receipt of submissions will be determined by the time received in the Procurement Operations Branch, Herndon, Virginia. Your capabilities statement will be evaluated based on: (1) Past performance which includes: adherence to schedules and budgets, effectiveness of cost control, the acceptability of previous products delivered, effectiveness of program management, and the Offeror's willingness to cooperate with the customer in both routine matters and when confronted by unexpected difficulties. (2) The degree of comparability of past projects to the current project, including number, complexity, and size; (3) the experience and expertise of all scientific and technical Key Personnel. Evaluation factors include the length and quality of experience for each person assigned to perform specific tasks, their experience and expertise in the fields applicable to the performance of this study. (4) Your Project Manager's demonstrated ability and experience with managing a research project and ability to control costs and to keep project performance and document preparation on schedule. The Principal Investigator may serve as Project Manager. Following Step (1) which is the review and evaluation of all Capabilities Statements, only those determined from the evaluation factors described above to be most qualified to successfully perform the effort will be invited to Step (2) and provided a detailed Request for Proposal. All offerors will be contacted after Step (1). Offerors are strongly discouraged to use the telephone numbers submitted below to receive answers to their questions but written, E-mail or facsimile inquires are strongly encouraged. Provide questions to and Please include RFP Number 73218, as well as your full name, organization name, address, phone and FAX numbers. If it is necessary to call for information, contact Michael Hargrove between the hours of 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST Monday-Friday at 703- 787-1367 or by facsimile on 703-787-1022.
- Web Link
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- Record
- SN00397776-W 20030813/030811213900 (
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