X -- Conference Space for Army Family Building proframs Course
- Notice Date
- 9/2/2003
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- Defense Contracting Command-Washington(DCC-W), ATTN: Policy and Compliance, 5200 Army Pentagon, Room 1D245, Washington, DC 20310-5200
- ZIP Code
- 20310-5200
- Solicitation Number
- DASW0103T0147
- Response Due
- 9/9/2003
- Archive Date
- 11/8/2003
- Point of Contact
- serena rogers, 703602-3737
- E-Mail Address
Email your questions to Defense Contracting Command-Washington(DCC-W)
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- NA This procurement will be awarded to the lowest price that meet all the criterial in the statement of work. This is a combined synopsis solicitation DASW01-03-T-0147 Question should be Email to Serena Rogers Contract Specialist 703602- 3737.Defense Contracting Command - Washington on behalf of US Army Community and Family Support Center CFSC has a requirement for conference space for the AFAP conference to be held 14 through 21 November 2003. The hotel is to be within the Washington DC Metro area. 1.Short-term conference and meeting space for 8 days per conference and General Officer Steering Committee GOSC, and 1 day for GOSC only. The contractor shall provide the required The contract is subject to availability of funds. The confere nce requires separate workgroup rooms of sufficient size to accommodate 15 attendees around a U shaped table, 2 smaller tables 1 for an LCD and laptop, the other for 2 assistants to be seated, 2 easels, and 20 chairs around the perimeter for observers. Th e conference has several special events requiring seating for 200. The workgroup rooms cannot be broken down or moved during the conference timeframe to accommodate these plenary sessions. The conference and GOSC meeting are concurrent on the 19th. Ther efore, all 8 workgroup meeting rooms must be available, in addition to, the 6500 sq. ft ballroom for the GOSC meeting. 2. Ten guest rooms are required for Thurs, 13 Nov, 52 rooms are required for Fri, 14 Nov; 88 rooms for Sat, 15 Nov, 166 rooms for Sun, 16 Nov, 166 rooms for Mon 17 Nov, 170 rooms for Tues 18 Nov, 170 rooms for Wed 19 Nov and Thurs 20 Nov, and 10 rooms for Fri 21 Nov, for a grand total of 1002 room nights. The guests, not this contract, will pay the rooms individually. 3. Dates for indivi dual events are tentative, pending Army leadership availability. Once contract is awarded the actual dates will be provided for the large group sessions. 4. A Reception Tues, 18 Nov 03 may be held under a separate contract and is tentative. 5. Display s deliverables as outlined in sections 7 and 8 of this document for approximately 250 people. will be set up outside of plenary session ballroom area 14 through 21 Nov 03. A 30 inch data monitor on tall, skirted stand will be needed for the 16 through 21 Nov dates in this same area. Specific setup details are outlined in chart below. 6. A Conference Operations Center Room is required daily from Fri 14 Nov 03 6:00 am through Friday 21 Nov 4:00 pm. Room must allow 24 hour access for conference staff, loc k for security and be large enough for 2 photocopiers, 19 work stations and additional tables for framing and other workspace, telephones and fax machines audio visual requires power to each workstation; extension cords. Individual trash receptacles for ea ch workstation, and a coat rack are required. A diagram will be provided for setup workstations configured in L shape skirted. 7. Parking for daily commuters to be included. 8. A list of meeting rooms and Audio and visual requirements follows. Genera l Requirements: Friday 14 Nov, 6:00 am, Room to serve as, Operations OPS Center For 19 people as described in paragraph 6 above, audio visual requires power to each workstation; extension cords. Friday 14 Nov 2:00 pm through end of conference, Fri 21 Nov, Room to serve as Registration and Exhibit Area, 4 skirted tables with 4 chairs in an area near the Operations Center, 6ft tables for table top displays and floor space for approx 4 to 10 foot stand alone displays, 30 easels centrally located to conference sessions, house phones, note repeated in documents as needed. Friday 14 Nov, 6:00 pm through 8:00 pm, Room for Facilitator, Recorder, Transcriber, Issue Support Person (FRTI) Ice Breaker Room for 45 people, small round tables and chairs 4 to 6 for all wi th table for materials at back of room and Podium with removable microphone. Sat, 15 Nov, 6:00 am OPS center, see paragraph 6 above. Sat, 15 Nov, 7:30 am to 4: 30 pm, room to serve as FRTI training room, room to hold 40 people with round tables to seat 8 and 14 chairs along the wall, podium with microphone and screen. Can be same room as Friday FRTI function. Sat 15 Nov through end of conference 7: 30 am till e nd of day, room to serve as Registration and Exhibit Area, skirted tables with 4 chairs in an area near the Operations Center, 6 ft tables for table top displays and floor space for approx 4-10' stand alone displays, 30 easels centrally located to conferen ce sessions, house phone. Sat, 15 Nov, 10:30 am to 12:00 noon, room to serve as Transcriber Training room, room to hold 10 people, classroom type tables to hold laptop computers and portable printers, Power for laptops to plug into. Sat, 15 Nov, 10:30 am to12 noon, room to serves as FRTI Working room, table for ten people, no audio or visual equipment required. Sat 15 Nov, 12:00 to 1:00pm, room to serve as FRTI Working Luncheon, casual lunch for 50, with podium with microphone, light casual lunch. Sun, 16 Nov, 6:00 am, OPS Center see paragraph 6 above. Sun, 16 Nov through Fri 21 Nov, room to serve as Registration and Exhibit Area, 4 Skirted tables with chairs in an area near the Operations Center, 6ft tables for table top displays and floor space for approx 4-10' stand alone displays, 30 easels centrally located to conference sessions. Sun, 16 Nov, 8:00 am through Fri, 21 Nov 10:00 am, 8 Work Group rooms Within reasonable proximity of each other rooms available on Sunday early morning for set-up and used la ter in the afternoon, Rooms to hold U shaped table that seats 16, small table for laptop, 25 chairs around wall and or behind table. Tables face away from entry door. Keys for rooms provided for locking each night, Water pitchers in each room Repeated ea ch day in requirements. Sun, 16 Nov, 9:00 am to 11:00 am, room to serve as Program Managers Working Meal, 50 attendees ?????? round tables seating 8; podium; table outside for registration info, 1 hand held microphone, podium, and screen. Sun, 16 Nov, 4: 00 to 5:00 pm room to serve as Orientation Meeting, After orientation participants will go to Workgroup Breakout rooms, Theater seating for 165, podium with microphone; table in center, 10?????? Screen Microphone: 1 lavaliere and 1 handheld wireless, Water set-up. Sun 16 Nov 5:00 to 5:30 pm, room to serve as MACOM/REGIONAL Meeting place, no special requirements. Sunday, 16 Nov, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, 8 Work Group rooms within reasonable proximity of each other, Rooms to hold U shaped table that seats 16, smal l table for laptop, 25 chairs around wall and or behind table. Tables face away from entry door. Keys for rooms provided for locking each night, 8 foot screen for each room Monday 18 Nov by 12:00 noon. Mon, 17 Nov, 6:00 am, OPS Center see paragraph 6 abov e. Mon, 17 Nov, 6:00 am to12:30, room to serve as Color Guard Changing room, room is to have Chairs, table, coat rack for uniforms, Required again see reference Friday 21 Nov. Mon, 17 Nov 8:15am to 12:00, room to serve as General Session, Theatre style seating for 190 -- place a fist of space in between each chair; skirted riser, podium 8ft center aisle 2 tables at back of room for back-up equip and reporter 2 Tables outside door for materials audio visual requirements include a 10' Screen, small table, Podium microphone, 3 lavaliere microphones, 3 hand held wireless and AV technician on had throughout event with Water set-up at podium and rear of the room. Mon, 17 Nov, 8:00 am through-Fri, 21 Nov 10:00 am, 8 Work Group rooms within reasonable proximity of each other, rooms to hold U shaped table that seats 16, small table for laptop, 25 chairs around wall and or behind table. Tables face away from entry door, requires 8 foot screen for each room with water pitchers in each room. Mon, 17 and Tues 18 Nov 4:45 to 5:15 pm, room for FRTI-Staff Meeting, Theater seating for 32 ?????? 10 chairs, semi-circle facing theater seating, no audio or visual equipment need, ar rangement required Monday and Tuesday. Mon, 17 Nov, 5:30-6:30, room for the AFAP Information Mtg, 30 people with Theater seating for 32, 10 chairs, semi-circle facing theater seating; table in front for materials, no audio or visual support, water set up. Tues, 18 Nov, 6:00 am, room to serve as OPS Center, see paragraph 6 above. Tues, 18 Nov, 8:00 am through Fri, 21 Nov 10:00 am, 8 Work Group rooms within reasonable proximity of each other, rooms to hold U shaped table that sears 16, small table for lapt op, 25 chairs around wall and or behind table. Tables face away from entry door, wither pitchers in each room. Tues, 18 Nov, 6:00 to7:30 pm, a tentative Reception under separate contract for 275 people with food stations, pay as you go bar stations, scatt ered small round tables seating for 100 with a 10' Screen, 1hand held Microphone Table for data projector, small riser with podium this is SEPARATE CONTRACT and a TENTATIVE EVENT. Wed, 19 Nov, 6:00 am, room to serve as OPS Center, see paragraph 6 above. Wed 19 Nov, 8:00 through-Fri, 21 Nov 10:00 am, 8 Work Group rooms within reasonable proximity of each other Rooms to hold U shaped table that seats 16, small table for laptop, 25 chairs around wall and or behind table. Tables face away from entry door, wit h 8 foot screen for each room, water pitchers in each room. Wed 19 Nov, 9:00 am-12:00 noon, AFAP General Officer Steering Committee Meeting, 210 people in the ballroom. U shaped table each side 16 to18 with 3 tables across the top of U shape with 6 chair s. Theater seating for 100 on each side set in rows of 19 to 25 each row, fist space separate chairs with a clear unobstructed view of U shape table. Ballroom must be at least 6500 sq ft. Specific layout will be provided. Audio and visual requirement inc ludes 2 screens -10?????? tripods 1 laser pointer, 1 podium with microphone, and additional microphone: 4 wireless, 32 push-to-talk table, 1 stereo mixer (32-channel), 31 Band equalizer, Audio Tech support throughout meeting. Wed 19 Nov, 5:30 to 7:30 pm, room for the SMA Working Meal/Meeting, Small round tables and chairs for 75 people, requires Podium with 1 hand held wireless microphone. Light finger food, cookies, and sodas for 75 to be served. Wed 19 Nov, 5:30 to 7:00 room for the Volunteer Working Meal/Meeting, Small tables and chairs for 60; small table for certificates at front of room, requires Podium with 1 hand held microphone, Light finger food, cookies, sodas for 65 to be served. Thurs, 20 Nov, 6:00 am, room to serve as OPS Center, see paragr aph 6 above. Thurs, 20 Nov 900 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. will be Address to Conferee, 215 attendees theatre style, audio and visual requires Riser, screen, lavaliere, podium, 2 hand held microphones, and AV tech during event. Thurs, 20 Nov, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p. m., Working Luncheon with keynote speaker Plated hot meal, 215 people seated at round tables, with 8 to 10 at each table, audio and visual requirements include Riser, 10?????? screen, 1 lavaliere microphone, podium with microphone, and 2 handheld wireless microphones and table in center: AV tech during event. Lunch is a follows: Salad, hot plated luncheon entr????e, dessert and drink, cost not to exceed $21.50 Salad placed at each setting when guests arrive; meal to begin after invocation and dishes cleare d after speaker concludes. Thurs, 20 Nov, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, room for the Program Manager Meeting, 3 round tables for 8 to10 each; 10 extra chairs along wall, audio visual includes Screen with podium and microphone, water pitchers to be placed in room. Fr i, 21 Nov, 6:00 am, room for the OPS Center, see paragraph 6 above. Fri, 21 Nov, 6:00 am to 11:00 am, room to serve as Color Guard Changing Room, Chairs, table, coat rack for uniforms, no audiovisual requirements. Fri, 21 Nov, 6:00 am to12:00 noon, room will serve as Report Out General Session theater seating for 240, riser Wide center aisle as in set up for earlier large session, see Monday ?????? Opening cere mony, Tables outside door for information; water setup front and rear, Screen, podium with microphone, 4 handheld wireless; 1 lavaliere; table for data projector and 2 tables and chairs at the rear of room; AV tech during event. Fri, 21 Nov, 12:00pm to1: 30pm, After-Action Working Lunch, Casual lunch for 40, no audio or visual equipment required. Sandwich, dessert and drink to be served. Reminder: Individual events are pending Army leadership availability and may be shifted in the schedule. 9. Required I nformation: Hotel Name: Address: Phone Number, FAX number and Point of contact. DUNS Number, and Cage Code.
- Place of Performance
- Address: Defense Contracting Command-Washington(DCC-W) ATTN: Policy and Compliance, 5200 Army Pentagon, Room 1D245 Washington DC
- Zip Code: 20310-5200
- Country: US
- Zip Code: 20310-5200
- Record
- SN00422258-W 20030904/030903082451 (
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