A -- Tecnology developments leading to demonstrations of improved capabilities in unmanned ground, sea surface, underwater, and air robotic systems
- Notice Date
- 10/20/2003
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- 53560 Hull Street Bldg A33 Rm 1602W, San Diego CA 92152-5001
- ZIP Code
- 92152-5001
- Solicitation Number
- N66001-04-X-6001
- Response Due
- 1/22/2006
- Archive Date
- 2/21/2006
- Point of Contact
- Point of Contact - Oralee Martin, Contract Specialist, 619-553-5347; James E Smith, Contract Officer, 619-553-7504
- E-Mail Address
Email your questions to Contract Specialist
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- Program Scope and Technical Areas of Interest to SPAWAR SSC-SD Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center?San Diego (SPAWAR SSC-SD) is soliciting innovative basic and applied research and prototype development proposals in the areas of unmanned ground, sea surface, underwater, and air robotic systems. Proposals should focus on technologies and processes that present demonstrable solutions to problems in one or more of the specific areas of interest listed below. Proposed research should investigate innovative approaches for defining and developing next generation robotic systems in the context of military operations, urban search and rescue, and/or homeland security. New concepts of operation in accordance with new technological capabilities offered by the proposed work are encouraged. Systems may address issues in ground, sea surface, and underwater robotics, and in the cross-domain coordination and cooperation of these systems. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to: (a) Materials and construction: to reduce product costs, to reduce weight, and to improve reliability, survivability, and durability. (b) Mobility and actuator capabilities: to expand and improve the performance of unmanned systems in natural and unpredictable environments; (c) Communications between all elements of the system: to increase bandwidth, range, and security; (d) Teleoperation and operator situation awareness: to increase operator performance, to reduce reaction times, to reduce operator workload, and to improve system effectiveness; (e) Energy generation, storage, transduction, and renewal: to increase vehicle range and operational duration, to reduce signature emissions, and to reduce logistics support requirements; (f) Deployment and recovery processes: to reduce vehicle support requirements; (g) Multi-agent command, control, and coordination: to increase operational effectiveness, to reduce operator workload, and to support collaboration between manned and unmanned systems; (h) Sensors, sensor-effector integration, and information processing: to improve the availability and utility of critical information to the robot and to its operator; (i) Automatic and autonomous control processes: to reduce associated operator workload, and to improve unsupervised robot mission performance. The award(s) under this program will be to those organizations proposing innovative research approaches that can be expected to lead to, or enable revolutionary advances in the state-of- the-art (this includes follow-on efforts, if the effort continues to be significantly ahead of the state-of-the-art). Proposed work may include theory or operational concept development, technology development, or technology integration, but must also include a physical demonstration of the operational advantages gained by that new theory or technology. Proposers are encouraged to team with DoD and other government laboratories and/or agencies in the research, development, and technology demonstration phases. Proposed projects can range from small scale to medium/large scale experimental and prototyping of hardware and/or software efforts. Where research is expected to produce one or more prototypes or capabilities that can be distributed to the research and operational communities for evaluation and use, the Government may elect for contractual options that provide for delivery of several such prototype systems to facilitate the transfer of technology. Authority 10 USC Sec. 2358 Research and Development Projects 10 USC Sec. 2371 Research Projects: Transactions Other Than Contracts and Grants SPAWAR SSC-SD intends to enter into cooperative agreements, contracts, grants or ?other transactions? with qualified sources to perform research development, integration, test and evaluation of advanced technology within guidelines of FAR 35.016. It is possible to fund none of the proposals, or funding permitting, fund all the proposals. It is also possible to fund part of the proposals. Each individual white paper and proposal is reviewed on its own merit. Proposals will be evaluated individually as selectable or non-selectable for funding based on the evaluation criteria set forth in this BAA. Points of Contact Questions of a contractual nature shall be directed to the Contract Specialist, Oralee Martin, (619) 553-5347, email: or Contracting Officer Mr. James E. Smith, (619) 553-7504, email: No hard copy version of this solicitation will be available. White Paper Submittal Offeror?s are invited to submit white papers that will be reviewed to identify valuable research for further consideration. If a proposed area of research and the accompanying research approach is considered potentially valuable, and within funding limits, SPAWAR SSC-SD will then request a full proposal. White papers exceeding $20 million will not be accepted. The instructions for the preparation and submission of full proposals are contained herein. White papers are limited to six pages, including all figures, tables, attachments as well as the estimated annual schedule and cost. Reviewers will not load software or simulations in the conduct of white paper reviews. However, web sites containing concise simulations or other information not readily represented in the static format of a document may be hyperlinked from the white paper. Innovative approaches to information presentation are encouraged. White papers shall include the name, address, voice phone number, facsimile number, and email address of the proposing organization and the principal point of contact, and of other organizations participating as part of the research team. The white paper shall include the following sections: a clear statement of the problem to be solved, a rational for the proposed work, an overview of the approach to be taken, a summary of the evidence that the approach will work, a general assessment of the value gained if the work is successful, a specific description of the demonstration that will show enhanced value to a DoD application, a product development and demonstration schedule, and an estimate of the cost structure for the project. For readability, most text based information should be no less than 10 point Times New Roman, although other fonts and sizes may be utilized as necessary in tables, headings, drawings, other art, etc. White papers shall be produced using Microsoft Word, Excel and/or Power Point, or may be submitted as Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files. White papers lacking key information or sections substantially deviating from the required format will be returned without technical review. SPAWAR SSC-SD will acknowledge receipt of white papers, and will notify offerors whether a full proposal is requested. All White Papers and Proposals shall be UNCLASSIFIED. Selection and Evaluation Criteria Full proposals will be considered to be either selectable or non-selectable based on their evaluation in accordance with the criteria herein. Offerors will be promptly notified of the evaluation results. Only selectable proposals will be considered for funding. Not all proposals deemed selectable will be funded. Decisions to fund selectable proposals will be based on funds availability, overall scientific and technical merit, and potential contribution to the SPAWAR SSC-SD mission. Proposals may be considered for funding for a period of up to one year from notification of selectability. The Government reserves the right to select for award all, some, or none of the proposals received. Proposals identified for funding may result in a procurement contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or ?other transaction? depending upon the nature of the work proposed, the required degree of interaction between the parties, and other factors. It is the policy of SPAWAR SSC-SD to ensure impartial, equitable, comprehensive evaluations of all proposals and to select the source (or sources) whose offer(s) meets the Government technical and policy goals. In order to provide the desired evaluation, two or more qualified Government personnel will conduct a technical review of each submission and will convene panels of Government experts in the appropriate areas when necessary. The consolidated reports produced during these reviews will be provided to the Contracting/Grants Officer. These reports will indicate those offerors with whom negotiations and/or discussions should be conducted. That will also include questions arising from the reviews and, when appropriate issues that need to be resolved prior to award. Proposals will not be evaluated against each other since they are not submitted in accordance with a common statement of work. SPAWAR SSC-SD?s intent is to review proposals as soon as possible after they arrive; however, proposals may be reviewed periodically for administrative reasons. Evaluation of white papers and full proposals will be accomplished through the technical review of each white paper or full proposal utilizing the following criteria, which are listed in descending order of relative importance: (1) overall scientific and technical merit; (2) potential contributions and relevance to SPAWAR SSC-SD mission in relation to meeting the objectives of the Advanced Systems Division and Ocean Systems Division efforts; (3) offeror?s capabilities and related experience; (4) plans and capability to accomplish technology transition and (5) cost realism. Format and Content of Full Proposal Full proposals, if requested, shall consist of two volumes: Volume I for the technical proposal and management approach and Volume II for cost. (a) Volume I is limited to 40 single-sided pages (not including resumes). A Volume I in excess of 40 pages will be deemed unresponsive and will be disregarded. The total allowed page count includes figures. The contents of Volume I shall amplify the ideas outlined in its preceding white paper. Volume I shall include the following sections, each starting on a new page: (A) A cover page, including title, technical and administrative points of contact with telephone and facsimile numbers and Internet addresses. (B) A one-page summary of the innovative claims for the proposed research including, if applicable, an assessment of potential dual use/commercial applications. (C) A one-page summary of deliverables including a proposed data item description (DID) for each data deliverable. (D) A one-page summary of schedule and milestones. (E) A one-page summary of any proprietary claims to results, prototypes or systems supporting and/or necessary for the use of research, results and/or a prototype. If there are no proprietary claims, this section shall consist of a statement to that effect. (F) A Statement of Work clearly detailing the scope, objectives, and approach of the effort. Optional work shall be distinguishable from the baseline effort. If any portion of the research is predicated upon the use of Government Owned Resources of any type, the proposal shall clearly identify the Resource required, the date the Resource is required, the duration of the requirement, the source from which the Resource may be acquired, if known, and the impact on the research if the Resource is not provided. (G) Technical arguments that substantiate claims made in section (B) and a technical approach description consistent with sections (C) and (D). (H) A description of the results and products expected from the effort. (I) A discussion of no more than three pages giving previous accomplishments and work in this or closely related areas, and the qualifications of the investigators. (J) A discussion no more than five pages long that describes the overall approach to the management of this effort, including brief discussions of total organization, use of personnel, project/function/subcontractor relationships, technology transition plans, government research interfaces, and planning, scheduling and control practice. (b) There is no page limitation for Volume II. Volume II shall include a cost and fee summary for the effort, inclusive of any proposed options, and a detailed cost breakdown. The cost and fee summary should indicate manpower levels of effort, equipment and supplies, travel, and miscellaneous expenses for the tasks and subtasks for the entire effort. Details of any cost sharing to be undertaken by the offeror must be included in Volume II. The cost and fee summary shall be supported by a detailed breakdown by task and sub task of labor hours by labor category and level of effort, materials by vendor quotes and purchase history, travel estimates, computer costs and other direct and indirect costs. An explanation of any estimating factors, including their derivation and application shall be provided. Volume II should include all supporting data in order to allow for a complete review by the Government. White Paper and Proposal Submission Following request for a full proposal, selected offerors shall submit electronically Volumes I and II. Proposals shall be submitted in the following format: 8.5 x 11 inches, single or double spaced, in at least ten point type, margins not less than one inch, one-sided printing and pages numbered. Each proposal shall address one subject area. Proposals should be submitted by offerors not later than 90 days after the government?s request for a full proposal. White papers and full proposals shall be submitted electronically to the SPAWAR SSC-SD e-Commerce website, known as E-Commerce Central (E-CC), at Please make sure you reserve ample time to submit your proposal over the Internet to the E-CC. Your proposal posting time will depend upon the size of your file. It is the offeror?s responsibility to post a proposal to the E-CC in time for the posted solicitation receipt deadline. Proposals may be submitted at any time until the final proposal deadline of 1645 PST, January 22, 2006. All copies (except one file copy) of non-selectable proposals and all copies of working papers will be destroyed. Individual review sheets and other products of the review process other than official documentation of the review will be retained for a period of two years from the close of the BAA at which time they will be destroyed. Technical Data If a contract is awarded, the Government?s preference is to obtain unlimited rights (as defined by DFARS 252.227-7013 ?Rights in Technical Data - Noncommercial Items? and 252.227-7014 ?Rights in Noncommercial Computer Software and Noncommercial Computer Software Documentation?) to the results and products of this research. The offeror must submit a separate list of all technical data or computer software that will be furnished to the Government with other than unlimited rights (See DFARS Part 227). Any proposed research that will restrict the government?s rights, and the degree to which those rights will be restricted, shall be clearly delineated in the white paper. If a grant or cooperative agreement is awarded, Department of Defense Grant and Agreement Regulations (DoDGARs) 32.36 and 34.25 will apply. Proprietary Information and Security All proprietary information should be marked on both the white paper and the full proposal. It is the policy of SPAWAR SSC-SD to treat all proposals as competitive information and to disclose their contents only for the purpose of evaluation. All white papers and proposals shall be UNCLASSIFIED. Offerors may be required to certify that they have a Secret facility clearance, and key personnel may be required to be certified as having a Secret clearance. Other Information Contracts made under this BAA are subject to the provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 9.5, Organizational Conflicts of Interest. All affirmations must state which office(s) the offeror supports, and identify the prime contract numbers. Affirmations should be furnished at the time of proposal submission. All facts relevant to the existence or potential existence of organizational conflicts of interest, as that term is defined at FAR 9.501, must be disclosed. The disclosure shall include a description of the action the offeror has taken, or proposes to take, to avoid, neutralize or mitigate such conflict. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Institutions (MIs) are encouraged to submit proposals and join others in submitting proposals; however, no portion of this BAA will be set aside for HBCU and MI participation due to the impracticality of reserving discrete or severable areas of research in description.
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Click on this link to access the SPAWAR Solicitation Page
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- SN00454835-W 20031022/031020213616 (
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