A -- Innovative Tactical Technology
- Notice Date
- 11/10/2003
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- Other Defense Agencies, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Contracts Management Office, 3701 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA, 22203-1714
- ZIP Code
- 22203-1714
- Solicitation Number
- BAA04-04
- Response Due
- 11/10/2004
- Archive Date
- 11/11/2004
- Point of Contact
- Dr. Robert Rosenfeld, Program Manager, DARPA Tactical Technology Office (TTO), Phone (703) 696-2327, Fax none, - Algeria K. Tate, Contracting Officer, DARPA Contracts Management Office (CMO), Phone N/A, Fax (571) 218-4670,
- E-Mail Address
- Description
- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND GOALS: The Tactical Technology Office (TTO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting proposals for advanced research and development of system and subsystem level technology for integration into the tactical environment that provides revolutionary improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of the military relative to current modes of operation. The goals of the program are the identification of areas for potential improved performance and the design of systems and subsystems to validate performance gains. The program focuses on the development of complete systems or subsystems rather than basic sciences. Proposed systems and subsystems need not be composed entirely of newly developed components, but may integrate new technology into existing systems and/or subsystems. Proposed efforts should constitute at least two phases. The first phase should seek to establish the technical feasibility of the concept. Phases beyond the first should be proposed as options leading toward technology development. AREAS OF INTEREST: DARPA is the central research and development organization for the Department of Defense (DoD). It manages and directs selected basic and applied research and development projects for DoD, and pursues research and technology where risk and payoff are both very high and where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional military roles and missions. DARPA/TTO focuses on technologies in the context of platforms and in ways that enable new system and platform functionality, such as autonomous and semiautonomous operations, controls, sensors, weapons, power, and propulsion. TTO tends not to focus on C3I, microsensors, materials, or basic science. For specific examples of systems currently under development by TTO, see "Programs" at as compared to other DARPA Offices listed at This BAA seeks new ideas, not necessarily extensions of the current programs. Future TTO priorities fall within four primary focus areas: 1) Space, including: a) Small, low-cost, high-performance satellites, b) Rapid, flexible, low-cost launch, and c) Operations in space; 2) Unmanned Vehicles, including: a) Low-altitude operation - mobility and speed among natural and manmade obstacles, b) Deployment and operation by lower echelons, c) Reduced logistical and human burden, and d) Weapons integration and release; 3) Tactical Multipliers, including: a) New concept ground, air, and sea vehicles, b) Long-range and indirect-fire highly lethal weapons, c) Technologies enabling higher-performance platforms and weapons; 4) Urban Warfare and Low Intensity Operations, including: a) Decisive conflict and stable peacekeeping with no/minimal US casualties, b) Rapid neutralization of combatants with minimal effect on non-combatants, and c) Flexibility to rapidly adjust and compensate for new tactics and responses to US force structure. Potential future transformational warfighting applications of these priorities might include: 1) Unmanned vehicles, including a) Aerial, b) Ground, c) Water surface, and d) Underwater; 2) Infantry robots; 3) Non-lethal/totally-neutralizing anti-personnel weapons; 4) Boundless urban access with impunity and minimal disruption; 5) Ultra-precision, near-instantaneous, global power projection; 6) Ubiquitous, inescapable, in-situ manipulation and action in urban areas; 7) Rapid, low-cost access to space; 8) Space control; 9) Rapid control, stabilization, and pacification during military operations. PROGRAM SCOPE: Multiple awards are anticipated from FY 2004 funds. The Government plans to make $3.0M of FY 2004 funds available in total for all funded efforts, but the total of all awards may be less than or more than that amount. For Government programmatic flexibility, all offerors should segment their cost proposals as follows: an initial 12-month or shorter effort to explore and validate the concept followed by one or more optional efforts. The total effort including options should not exceed four years. Successful initial phases will have a greater likelihood of receiving funding for subsequent optional phases. OFFERORS: Teaming is encouraged. An offeror may submit more than one proposal. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Institutions (MIs) are encouraged to submit proposals and join others in submitting proposals; however, no portion of this BAA will be set aside for HBCU and MI participation because of the impracticality of reserving discrete or severable areas of research in innovative tactical technology. SCHEDULE: This BAA solicits both white papers and proposals. The purpose of a white paper is for the offeror to solicit early feedback as to whether the research proposed will be of interest to TTO. It is thus in the submitter's best interest to articulate clearly the innovative concept and the technology development proposed. The submission of a white paper is optional, but should be used by the offeror to avoid the expense of proposal generation for ideas that have little likelihood of selection within this BAA. TTO will endeavor to respond to each white paper within thirty (30) days after its receipt with a recommendation on the likelihood of selection. Regardless of the TTO recommendation based on its review of the white paper, an offeror may submit a proposal and that proposal will be reviewed and evaluated. Favorable response to a white paper is not an assurance that a full proposal on the white paper's topic will ultimately be selected for contract award. TTO will conduct an initial round of proposal receipt, evaluation, selection, and award. For the initial round of source selection, white papers should be submitted to TTO at the address identified below not later than 1600 local time, 23 Dec 2003. In order to be considered for an award during this first round, proposals must be received by TTO at the address identified below on or before 1600 local time, 20 Feb 2004. Proposals received after that date will be reviewed and evaluated in a timely fashion. White papers received after 1600 local time, 15 Sep 2004, will not be evaluated. The BAA will remain open for proposals through 1600 local time on the closing date, 10 Nov 2004. Proposals received after the closing date will not be reviewed or evaluated. As soon as the evaluation of a proposal is completed, the offeror will be notified that 1) the proposal has been selected and the program will be funded, or 2) the proposal has not been selected. One copy of each non-selected proposal will be retained for the files. Any additional copies of non-selected proposals will be destroyed upon non-selection. EVALUATION CRITERIA: Evaluation of proposals will be accomplished through a review using the following criteria, listed in descending order of importance: 1) Overall scientific and technical merit including degree of innovation, understanding of the technical and operational issues, and experimental approach. 2) Potential contribution and relevance to TTO mission by meeting the goals of the BAA. 3) Offeror's capabilities and related experience, including qualifications and achievements of all team members and their key personnel, their capability to carry out further development and production, and the adequacy of facilities and equipment to be used for the proposed effort. 4) Project plan and technology transition plan. The plan to carry out the work and the plan to accomplish technology transition to use by the military services. 5) Cost realism. FORMAT OF WHITE PAPERS AND PROPOSALS: The form and format for white papers and proposals follows. White papers and proposals that do not satisfy these form and format requirements or with differing content between their electronic and paper versions may be rejected without further review or evaluation. All submissions should be in the English language. Electronic copies should be in PDF (preferred) or Microsoft Word format and submitted via e-mail or on CD-ROM or Iomega Zip disk. Submission deadlines apply both to electronic and paper versions. White Papers: White papers should describe the problem(s) that will be solved, any existing evidence that the proposed solution(s) will be successful, and the relative impact of such a solution(s), should it or they prove successful. White papers should contain the following parts: the Cover Sheet of Volume I of the offeror's planned proposal (see below); a summary, four pages maximum, of Volume I of the offeror's planned proposal (see below); a one-page summary of Volume II of the offeror's planned proposal (see below), and a one-paragraph (150-200 words) abstract of the White Paper as a whole. The Cover Sheet should be clearly marked "White Paper." All pages should be printable on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper; type not smaller than 12 point. The page limitations for white papers include all figures, tables, and charts. No formal transmittal letter is required. Offerors should submit an electronic copy of each white paper. A paper copy is not required. Receipt will be confirmed. White papers should avoid proprietary or classified information or data not critical to the idea being presented. Proposals: Each proposal shall consist of two volumes, Volume I - Technical and Management, and Volume II - Cost. Volume I shall consist of a Cover Sheet, an abstract, and three sections. Volume II shall consist of a Cover Sheet and two sections. All pages shall be printable on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper with type not smaller than 12 point. The maximum total length of Sections I and II of Volume I, together with any figures, tables, and/or charts, is forty (40) pages. There is no page limit on Section III of Volume I, nor is there any page limitation applicable to Volume II. An offeror shall submit an electronic copy and two paper copies of each proposal and an official who is authorized to commit the offeror shall transmit the paper copies of the proposal. Information or data deemed proprietary by the author should be clearly marked. Offerors that intend to include classified information or data as part of their proposals shall submit an unclassified proposal referring to a classified annex. The classified annex, together with any figures, tables, and/or charts shall be counted toward the forty (40) page length for Sections I and II of Volume I, as described above. The offeror should contact the Technical POC for this BAA for guidance on submitting the classified annex. Volume I - Technical and Management. Volume I, Cover Sheet. The Cover Sheet shall identify the BAA number; proposal title; offeror's number (if any); lead organization submitting the proposal; type of business (large, small, educational institution, other not-for-profit or non-profit, etc.); other team members (if applicable) and their types of business; technical point(s) of contact; and administrative point(s) of contact. Volume I, Abstract. The abstract shall consist of a 150-200 word unclassified synopsis of the effort proposed. Volume I, Section I - Summary of Proposal. This section shall provide a summary of Section II. Volume I, Section II - Detailed Proposal Information. This section should provide a detailed discussion of the proposed work to enable an in-depth review of all technical and management issues. This section should address the risks, approach, and payoffs of the proposed research. Efforts under the second phase of this program must be identified as options. In a manner of the offeror's choosing, this Section should provide: (1) A description of the intended results of the proposed work for each phase or option of the effort and the expected benefits compared to the current state-of-the-art and alternative approaches. (2) A detailed description of the technical issues, the proposed approach, its basis, and a comparison with other ongoing research showing both the advantages and disadvantages. (3) Innovative claims for the proposed research including all proprietary claims to results, prototypes, intellectual property, or systems supporting and/or necessary for the use of the research, results, and/or prototype. If there are no proprietary claims, this should be stated. (4) A Statement of Work (SOW) for each phase or option that describes the scope of the effort, the specific tasks to be performed, the milestones, and the schedule for the effort. (5) A schedule of the estimated cost for each major task in each phase or option of the effort and a schedule of any proposed company cost share. (Cost share is not required.). (6) A description of the proposed approach to management of the project including an organizational chart showing reporting relationships, statements of the responsibilities of the team members, and the teaming strategy. (7) A description of the experience and capabilities of the offeror, each team member, and key personnel; a description of their capability to carry out further development and production; and a description of the facilities and equipment that would be used for the proposed effort. (8) A list of the deliverables associated with the proposed research. (9) A description of plans and capabilities to accomplish technology transition and commercialization. Volume I, Section III - This Section shall contain all affirmations relative to DARPA's Organizational Conflict of Interest requirements (see below). In addition, this section may provide a bibliography of relevant technical papers and research notes (published and unpublished) which document the technical ideas upon which the proposal is based. This section may also include such papers, however, DARPA is under no obligation to review and evaluate the papers. Volume II - Cost. Volume II, Cover Sheet. The Cover Sheet shall identify the name and address of the offeror (include zip code); name, title, and telephone number of the offeror's business point of contact; recommended award instrument; place(s) and period(s) of performance; total proposed cost, separated by basic award and option(s) (if any); name, address, and telephone number of the offeror's cognizant Defense Contract Management Command (DCMC) administrative office (if known); and name, address, and telephone number of the offeror's cognizant Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) audit office (if known). Volume II, Section I - Detailed Cost Breakdown. This section shall include: (1) total program cost broken down by major cost items (direct labor, subcontracts, materials, other direct costs, overhead charges, etc.) for each major program task and for each phase. (2) An itemization of major subcontracts and equipment purchases. (3) A summary showing by month the total projected cost, cost share by the offeror, if any, and Government funding requirements. (4) A description of cost estimating methods. (5) The source, nature, and amount of any cost sharing proposed. Volume II, Section II - Supporting Cost and Pricing Information. This section shall include supporting cost and pricing information in sufficient detail to substantiate the summary cost estimates in Section I of the cost proposal. Costs for individual subcontracts having 20% or more of the value of the work must be substantiated to the same level of detail as the costs of the offeror. AWARDS: Awards under this BAA will be made to responsible offerors on the basis of the evaluation criteria above and program balance to provide best value to the Government. Awards will be subject to the availability of funds. Award instruments may take the form of a procurement contract, grant, or agreement depending upon the nature of the work proposed, the required degree of interaction between parties, and other factors. Phases after Phase I will be pre-priced options. The Government reserves the right to 1) select for award all, some, or none of the proposals received, and 2) incrementally fund any award instrument. ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Awards made under this BAA are subject to the provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 9.5, Organizational Conflict of Interest. All offerors and proposed subcontractors must affirmatively state whether they are supporting any DARPA technical office(s) through an active contract or subcontract. All affirmations must state which office(s) the offeror supports and identify the prime contract number. Affirmations shall be furnished at the time of proposal submission, and the existence or potential existence of organizational conflicts of interest, as that term is defined in FAR 9.501, must be disclosed. This disclosure shall include a description of the action the offeror has taken, or proposes to take, to avoid, neutralize or mitigate such conflict. If the offeror believes that no such conflict exists, then the offeror shall so state in the affirmation. NON-GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL: All proprietary material should be clearly marked and will be held in strict confidence. Restrictive notices notwithstanding, proposals may be handled, for administrative purposes only, by Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Inc., of Arlington, VA, a support contractor, which is bound by appropriate non-disclosure requirements. Input on technical aspects of the proposals may be solicited by DARPA from non-Government consultants and experts who are bound by appropriate non-disclosure requirements. Non-Government technical consultants will not have access to proposals that are labeled by the offerors as "GOVERNMENT ONLY." Evaluations and selections under this BAA will be made only by Government evaluators. ADMINISTRATION: Prospective bidders are encouraged to contact the Technical POC or other TTO Program Managers to discuss areas of interest prior to submission of white papers or proposals. DARPA will reply to questions relating to this BAA and will make replies to questions of general interest available to prospective bidders. All correspondence including questions and requests for access to the replies to the questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to one of the addresses below. DARPA prefers to use electronic mail for correspondence regarding this BAA. The addresses for this BAA are: E-Mail: Mail: DARPA, TTO, ATTN: BAA 04-04, 3701 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1714. This BAA may be retrieved via the WWW at URL in the "Solicitations" area.
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- SN00467841-W 20031112/031110211956 (
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