- Notice Date
- 12/22/2003
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- 850 Energy Drive (MS-1221) Idaho Falls, ID 83401-1563
- ZIP Code
- 83401-1563
- Solicitation Number
- DE-AP07-04ID00908
- Point of Contact
- Wade Hillebrant, Contracting Officer, 208-526-0547,;Elizabeth Dahl, Contract Specialist, 208-526-7214,
- E-Mail Address
Email your questions to Elizabeth Dahl, Contract Specialist
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- The U.S. Department of Energy intends to conduct an acquisition by means other than full and open competition. The anticipated sole source acquisition is to Paul D. Rice, Augusta, GA. The contract will be fixed price and is estimated at approximately $54,570 for a period of two months. Mr. Rice will assist DOE in the review of the INEELs? management and operations contractor plans for the continued safe operation of the Advanced Test Reactor at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. A summary technical description and overview of the INEEL and the ATR may be found at The work will require a specific assessment in the following areas: Task 1 - Assess the NE-ID management and operations contractor developed plan, determine if the plan is technically sound, and has properly considered short and long-term risks in the planning assumptions and analyses. Task 2 - Review the cost estimate basis for the plan. Task 3 - Assess whether the issues have been categorized as to the risk to overall health and safety of the workers and/or risk to the continued operation of the ATR. Task 4 - Assess the NE-DC and NE-ID oversight effectiveness of ATR operations. The team should review DOE headquarters and field oversight of the ATR for purposes of determining effectiveness of the oversight and safety assessment approval processes and outcomes. The scope of the review should include oversight process adequacy, oversight process implementation success, and issues identification and relationship of the NE field personnel to the contractor. The task deliverable will be a report sub-divided into three areas - any immediate threat to the health and safety of the worker or continued operation of the reactor, mandatory items that needed to resolved in the next two years and discretionary issues. Mr. Rice has the required experience and capability in managing projects and organizations that include commercial nuclear power construction projects, upgrade and restart of U.S. Department of Energy production reactors, project and corporate engineering organizations, and naval nuclear regulatory field offices. Mr. Rice?s work will ensure that ATR maintains its essential scientific and engineering capacity in the research and development area of safe and effective reactor operations. Mr. Rice will ensure that the cost estimate is fair and reasonable and that planning assumptions and short-term and long-term risks are adequate and are properly reflected. Mr. Rice will also ensure that short-term and long-term risks have been properly categorized, that issues have been identified adequately, and that mandatory items that need to be resolved have been identified. As the Vice President and General Manager of the Reactor Restart Division, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, his experience included operations, engineering, maintenance, nuclear safety, start-up testing, quality assurance and environmental safety for the DOE production reactors. His responsibilities include successfully restarting the K-Production Reactor following a four-year shutdown, which included plant design upgrades, safety program development and implementation, and personnel selection and training. The exception to competition is 10 US.C 2304(c)(3) ? Industrial mobilization; engineering, developmental, or research capability; or expert services. This is not a notice of availability of a solicitation ? there is no RFP available. Only sources believing they have the requisite capability may respond with a capability statement. Any statements received will be reviewed only to determine if the basis for a sole source procurement no longer exists and the acquisition should then proceed on a competitive basis. Responses must be received no later than January 5, 2004. Point of contact is T. Wade Hillebrant, Contracting Officer.
- Web Link
Click here for further details regarding this notice.
- Record
- SN00494146-W 20031224/031222211813 (
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