D -- D - Broadcasting NRC Commission Meetings On The Internet.
- Notice Date
- 2/25/2003
- Notice Type
- Modification
- Contracting Office
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Administration, Division of Contracts, 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD, 20852-2738
- ZIP Code
- 20852-2738
- Solicitation Number
- RS-ADM-03-161
- Response Due
- 3/12/2003
- Point of Contact
- Donald King, Senior Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 415-6731, Fax (301) 415-8157, - Joyce Fields, Senior Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 415-6564, Fax (301) 415-8157,
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total Small Business
- Description
- This is a modification to combined synopsis/solicitation number RS-ADM-03-161. The combined synopsis/solicitation number RS-ADM-03-161 is amended as set forth below. NOTE: THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ONLY AMENDMENT TO THE COMBINED SYNOPSIS/SOLICITATION. A WRITTEN AMENDMENT WILL NOT BE ISSUED. The hour and date specified for receipt of responses remains 3/28/03 at 3:00 p.m. local time. Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted or by separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the combined sysnopsis/solicitation number and the amendment number 2. The above numbered combined synopsis/solicitation is amended to revise the pricing schedule to accurately provide the estimated quantities. Accordingly, ADM-03-161 is amended as follows: 1) The pricing schedule published in the original combined synopsis/solicitation is deleted entirely and the following is substituted in-lieu thereof: 1) BASE PERIOD - (12 months from the Date of Award) CLIN - 0001) INITIAL SETUP(Telecommunications cable and equipment installation) QTY - 1, UNIT - Lot, Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0002) INITIAL SETUP(Telecommunications and Webcasting equipment), QTY - 1,UNIT - Lot, Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0003) Telecommunications Fees for dedicated line between NRC Headquarters and Contractor's Webcast System Center, QTY - 12, UNIT - Mos., Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0004) DEVELOP WEBCAST SECURITY PLAN: QTY - 1, UNIT - ea., Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0005 DEVELOP WEBCAST WEBPAGE: QTY - 1, UNIT - Lot, Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0006) MAINTAIN Webcast System availability to viewers 24/7 including ON-DEMAND streaming for up to 100-concurrent users and storage/support up to 120 different ARCHIVED webcasts averging 2-hours in duration: QTY - 12, UNIT - mos., Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0007) LIVE BROADCAST -SUPPORT for each LIVE broadcast (streaming audio/video) over the Internet for each full half-hour of each broadcast including any pre-meeting testing: QTY - 320, UNIT - 1/2 hour, Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0008) CONVERSION of each LIVE broadcast into ARCHIVED format within 24-hours for each full half-hour of the actual meeting that was held - does not include time for pre-meeting testing (because it is not converted): QTY - 156, UNIT - 1/2 hour, Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0009) CONVERSION of each LIVE broadcast into ARCHIVED format on URGENT basis within 4-hours for each full half-hour of the actual meeting that was held - does not include time for pre-meeting testing (because it is not converted): QTY - 4, UNIT - 1/2 hour, Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0010) CONVERSION of an NRC meeting from a VHS-tape into ARCHIVED format within 24-hours for each full half-hour of the actual meeting that was held: QTY - 4, UNIT - 1/2 hour, Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0011) CONVERSION of an NRC meeting from a VHS-tape into ARCHIVED format on an URGENT basis within 4-hours for each full half-hour of the actual meeting that was held: QTY - 4, UNIT - 1/2 hour, Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0012) REPORT of viewer activity for LIVE and ARCHIVED webcasts, viewer survey responses & viewer comments/questions: QTY - 12, UNIT - mos., Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; TOTAL AMOUNT FOR ALL WEBCASTING SERVICES BASE YEAR....$________ OPTION PERIOD ONE -(12 months) CLIN 0013) Telecommunications Fees for dedicated line between NRC Headquarters and Contractor's Webcast System Center, QTY - 12, UNIT - Mos., Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0014) MAINTAIN Webcast System availability to viewers 24/7 including ON-DEMAND streaming for up to 100-concurrent users and storage/support up to 120 different ARCHIVED webcasts averging 2-hours in duration: QTY - 12, UNIT - mos., Unit Price $____, Total Price $___; CLIN 0015) LIVE BROAlability of the NRC's "live" feed, NRC will provide the Contractor with a VHS tape of the meeting for use in adding the meeting to the webpage as an archived webcast. As part of the pre-webcast setup before each "live" webcast, NRC reserves the right to schedule the Contractor to perform a "test" webcast (usually the day before each scheduled "live" webcast). During the test webcast, the Contractor shall establish a separate URL-address for NRC personnel to view the test webcast via the Internet in order to verify that all systems are working at optimum levels, and if not, to allow time before the scheduled "live" webcast for the Contractor to make any necessary system adjustments. Additionally, the day of each scheduled NRC "live" webcast, the Contractor shall participate in another similar test webcast, to enable NRC to provide a test feed to the Contractor as part of the setup for the actual "live" webcast, beginning 60-minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting. This will enable NRC personnel to verify via the Internet that all systems are still working at optimum levels and ensure the connection carrying the "live" feed from NRC to the Contractor is working properly before the actual meeting begins. Task-4 PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR NRC "ARCHIVED" WEBCASTS: Requirement: Provide conversion of approximately 40 NRC "live" webcasts annually (each averaging 3-hours in duration) into an "archived" format to allow any user on the Internet the ability to view previous NRC webcasts on a "on-demand" basis, 24-hours a day, 7-days-week, during the contract period. Provide capacity to concurrently support up to 120 NRC archived webcasts during the contract period (each averaging 3-hours in duration). The Contractor shall provide viewers with uninterrupted "on-demand" access to any meeting at any time during the contract. The Contractor shall add all NRC "live" webcasts to the webcast webpage within 24-hours after the "live" webcast's completion. If NRC designates a meeting is to be converted into "archived" format on an "urgent" basis, the contractor shall complete the archival of the meeting and make it available for viewers to access within 4-hours after either the completion of the "live" webcast or the Contractor receiving a VHS-tape of the meeting from NRC. The contractor shall notify the NRC-PO by e-mail when each webcast has been successfully converted into an "archived" format and is ready for viewers to access from the webcast webpage. As in the current NRC webcast webpage, archived webcasts shall be listed on the webpage in chronological order with the most recent webcast listed first. Provide long-term archival of NRC webcasts consisting of transferring each meeting's webcast onto a Compact Disk (CD) after the conclusion of it's usual 12-month period of availability on the Webpage as an archived webcast, and delivery of the CD to the NRC-PO. While each webcast is available for viewing from the webcast Web Page, the Contractor shall collect data on the number of NRC and non-NRC "unique viewers" accessing the webcast during each calendar month that the meeting is available for "archived" viewing. Date of Delivery: The contractor shall establish the capability to convert NRC meetings into an archived format for "on-demand" viewing from the webcast webpage within 30-days after contract award. All NRC "live" webcasts shall be converted and added to the webcast webpage's "archived" access within 24-hours of the "live" webcast's completion. For "urgent" conversions into the "archived" access availability, the Contractor shall provide "archived" viewing access to the webcast within 4-hours after either the completion of the "live" webcast or the Contractor receiving a VHS-tape of a meeting and/or event from NRC (in case the meeting or event was not webcast "live" originally, or there was any interruption or disruption in the "live" feed from NRC). Deliver an "archived" version of each webcast to the NRC-PO, stored in a CD-ROM format, within 30-calendar-days of the initial "live" webcast of the meeting. Task-4.a. NRC Measure: The contractor shall convert all NRC "live" webcasts, and other NRC meetings designated for conversion by NRC, and make them available for "on-demand" viewing from the webcast webpage. Task-4.a. NRC Standard: The Contractor shall convert meetings and make them available within the standard 24-hour time frame or the 4-hour "urgent" time frame, as designated by the NRC-PO. Each "archived" webcast shall be available for uninterrupted "on-demand" viewing access for at least 23-hours out of the 24-hours in each calendar-day. Task-4.a. NRC Quality Assurance: The NRC-PO will inspect each archived webcast upon notification by the contractor of the completion of the meeting's conversion into "archived" format availability. The NRC-PO will also investigate any complaints received from viewers regarding their inability to access any NRC "archived" webcast in order to determine whether the contractor failed to comply with the minimum 23-hour per calendar-day level of "on-demand" access availability required by NRC. Guidance: In the event of a disruption in the "live" webcast feed, NRC will provide the Contractor a VHS-tape of the meeting for use in archiving the webcast. NRC will require most "live" webcasts to be converted to an "archived" version and added to the webcasting webpage within 24-hours of the actual meeting's conclusion. Occasionally, NRC will require a "live" webcast or other NRC meeting to be converted to an "archived" format and added to the webcast webpage on an "urgent" basis (within 4-hours of the Contractor receiving either the "live" feed of the webcast or a VHS tape of the meeting). The NRC will determine the length of time each webcast is kept available for viewing from the webcast webpage. NOTE: NRC will provide the Contractor with an archived version of the previous NRC webcasts (approximately thirty (30) 3-hour meetings) in CD-ROM format for inclusion in the new webcast webpage. NRC requires webcasts to remain available as an archived version until NRC is satisfied they have served their intended purpose (usually for 12-months after the "live" webcast of the meeting or the date the webcast was added to the webcast website, whichever was later). References: Visit the NRC Website: at Task-5 NETWORK SECURITY Requirement: The contractor shall provide "Maximum Network Security" for NRC webcasts including submission of a "webcast security plan" to the NRC-PO within 2-weeks of the date of award, which explains the methodology to be used by the contractor to consistently achieve it. If upon NRC's review, a weakness is revealed in the Contractor ?s proposed "webcast security plan", the Contractor shall make the necessary adjustments required to mitigate the weakness. Date of Delivery: The Contractor shall provide a "webcast security plan" to the NRC-PO within 2-weeks after the date of award, and establish "Maximum Network Security" for the webcast infrastructure within 30-days after the date of contract award. Task-5.a. NRC Measure: The contractor shall comply with the NRC requirement for "Maximum Network Security". Task-5.a. NRC Standard: "Maximum Network Security" is achieved during the contract period by: a. Prevention of any interruption in the availability of NRC "live" webcasts to Internet viewers; b. Prevention of any interruption in the availability of NRC "archived" webcasts to Internet viewers, during at least 23-hours out of the 24-hours in each calendar-day, and; c. Prevention of any corruption or alteration of NRC webcast data by unauthorized sources. Task-5.a. NRC Quality Assurance: The NRC-PO will coordinate an NRC review of the Contractor ?s "webcast security plan" and provide the Contractor any comments/questions and/or weaknesses found. Further, the NRC-PO will inspect each "live" webcast during the webcast to verify the webcast is not interrupted, corrupted and/or altered in any way by unauthorized sources. The NRC-PO will investigate any complaint from viewers that could be a result of the Contractor failing to maintain "Maximum Network Security", during the contract period. Guidance: None Task-6 DATA COLLECTION AND REPORTING Requirement: During each "live" webcast, the Contractor shall collect data on the number of NRC and non-NRC "unique viewers" who access the webcast during the meeting (the tracking of "unique viewers" does not count the same viewer more than once if they access the same "live" webcast multiple times) and provide the data to the NRC-PO within 24-hours of the conclusion of the webcast. For each "archived" webcast, the Contractor shall collect data on the number of "unique viewers" accessing the webcast during each calendar-month period, and provide the data to the NRC-PO within 10-calendar-days after conclusion of the month. For each e-mail response received from viewers with comments and/or questions on the NRC webcast program, the Contractor shall forward the viewer responses to the NRC-PO within 24-hours of receipt from the viewer. For each viewer webcast survey response submitted, the Contractor shall forward the survey response to the NRC-PO within 24-hours of receipt from the viewer. Date of Delivery: Provide the webcast viewer data and/or responses by e-mail to the NRC-PO within the delivery-time specified above in Task-6, for each type of information. Task-6.a. NRC Measure: The Contractor shall accurately collect the viewer data/responses and forward them to the NRC-PO within the specified delivery-time. Task-6.a. NRC Standard: "Unique viewer" data provided to the NRC-PO shall accurately reflect the viewing audience of NRC webcasts. All viewer questions, comments and survey responses received by the Contractor shall be forwarded to the NRC-PO within the designated time frame and complete. Task-6.a. NRC Quality Assurance: The NRC-PO will inspect all viewer data and viewer responses received from the Contractor. V. OVERALL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND DEDUCTION SCHEDULE: The following processes will be used by NRC to motivate successful performance of the contract requirements stated herein: Failure by the Contractor to comply with any of the procedures and/or contract requirements stated herein shall constitute a "valid-deficiency" under this contract, unless the failure can be shown to be caused by circumstances beyond the Contractor's control. No more than one (1) contract-deficiency shall be allowed by NRC per calendar-month period, in which the NRC-PO determines the discrepancy is a "valid-deficiency" for non-compliance with any Contract Requirements. The Contractor shall invoice monthly with a single invoice that includes a breakdown of the cost of all support provided during the previous calendar-month's period. For any month in which the Contractor fails to comply with the contract requirements stated herein, NRC reserves the right to deduct the following amounts from that month's total monthly invoice payment: 0-1 Valid-deficiency's per calendar-month period will result in no deduction; 2 Valid-deficiency's per calendar-month period will result in 5% of the total monthly invoice being deducted; 3 Valid-deficiency's per calendar-month period will result in 6% of the total monthly invoice being deducted; 4 Valid-deficiency's per calendar-month period will result in 7% of the total monthly invoice being deducted; 5 Valid-deficiency's per calendar-month period will result in 8% of the total monthly invoice being deducted; 6 Valid-deficiency's per calendar-month period will result in 10% of the total monthly invoice being deducted. NOTE: Under the Performance Incentives listed above, NRC will not deduct more than a total of 10% from the monthly invoice. The deductions listed above do not prevent NRC from taking other appropriate actions to correct performance problems under this contract. VI. MEETINGS AND TRAVEL: The contractor shall attend an initial meeting with the NRC staff within 3-workdays after the contract is awarded. The meeting will take place at NRC headquarters to provide clarification of any questions, concerns and expectations. VII. NRC FURNISHED MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT: The NRC will provide the contractor onsite access for initial installation setup and shall provide limited space and power connection for the contractor's equipment. The NRC shall video-tape the meetings to be webcast and provide the contractor with a combined signal feed (video, audio and closed-caption text) for the meetings designated by NRC for "live" webcasting. For any "live" webcast that experiences a problem during the webcast which makes the "live" feed version unsuitable for use as the "archived" version of the meeting, or for any meeting not "live" webcast which NRC desires to be added to the webpage as an "archived" webcast, NRC will provide the Contractor a VHS tape of the meeting for use in establishing the "archived" version of the meeting on the webcast webpage. The contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining all other support to perform the requirements of this contract. The contractor shall monitor all contractor equipment located at the NRC site from an offsite location and shall not maintain a presence at NRC facilities. VIII. RIGHTS IN DATA: NRC shall retain non-exclusive ownership and rights for all NRC meeting webcasts and their contents. IX. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The base period is 12-months from date or award with four one-year option periods. X. INVOICES/BILLING: Billing reports shall be submitted to the NRC PO monthly describing the services provided and the cost related to each service. The monthly bill shall be consistent with the contract "pricing schedule". In addition to the invoice specifying the line-item being billed, the invoice shall state the date(s) service performed. For each "live" webcast, the invoice shall include the date of the webcast, webcast description listed on the NRC Homepage, the length of the webcast and its total cost. C:\SOWFINAL_FEB_25.03.wpd Attachment 3 (MARCH 1996) BILLING INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIXED PRICE CONTRACTS General: The contractor shall prepare vouchers or invoices as prescribed herein. FAILURE TO SUBMIT VOUCHERS/INVOICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE VOUCHER/INVOICES AS IMPROPER. Form: Claims shall be submitted on the payee's letterhead, voucher/invoices, or on the Government's Standard Form 1034, "Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other than Personal," and Standard Form 1035, "Public Voucher for Purchases Other than Personal--Continuation Sheet." These forms are available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, 710 North Capitol Street, Washington, DC 20401. Number of Copies: An original and three copies shall be submitted. Failure to submit all the required copies will result in rejection of the voucher/invoice as improper. Designated Agency Billing Office: Vouchers/Invoices shall be submitted to the following address: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Contracts - T-7-I-2 Washington, DC 20555-0001 A copy of any invoice which includes a purchase of property valued at the time of purchase at $5000 or more, shall additionally be sent to: Chief, Property Management Branch Division of Facilities and Property Management Mail Stop - T-7-D-27 Washington, DC 20555-0001 HAND-DELIVERY OF VOUCHERS/INVOICES IS DISCOURAGED AND WILL NOT EXPEDITE PROCESSING BY THE NRC. However, should you choose to deliver vouchers/invoices by hand, including delivery by any express mail service or special delivery service which uses a courier or other person to deliver the vouchers/invoices in person to the NRC, such vouchers/invoices must be addressed to the above Designated Agency Billing Office and will only be accepted at the following location: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North - Mail Room 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 HAND-CARRIED SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT OTHER THAN THE ABOVE ADDRESS Note that the official receipt date for hand-delivered vouchers/invoices will be the date it is received by the official agency billing office in the Division of Contracts and Property Management. Agency Payment Office: Payment will continue to be made by the office designated in the contract in Block 12 of the Standard Form 26 or Block 25 of the Standard Form 33, whichever is applicable. Frequency: The contractor shall submit a voucher or invoice only after the NRC's final acceptance of services rendered or products delivered in performance of the contract unless otherwise specified in the contract. Preparation and Itemization of the Voucher/Invoice: The voucher/invoice shall be prepared in ink or by typewriter (without strike-overs). Corrections or erasures must be initialed. To be considered a proper voucher/invoice, all of the following elements must be included: 1. Contract number. 2. Sequential voucher/invoice number. 3. Date of voucher/invoice. 4. Payee's name and address. (Show the name of the contractor and its correct address. In addition, when an assignment of funds has been made by the contractor, or a different payee has been designated, include the name and address of the payee). Indicate the name and telephone number of the individual responsible for answering questions which the NRC may have regarding the voucher/invoice. 5. Description of articles or services, quantity, unit price, and total amount. 6. For contractor acquired property list each item purchased costing $50,000 or more and having a life expectancy of more than 1 year and provide: (1) an item description, (2) manufacturer, (3) model number, (4) serial number, (5) acquisition cost, (6) date of purchase, and (7) a copy of the purchasing document. 7. Weight and zone of shipment, if shipped by parcel post. 8. Charges for freight or express shipments. Attach prepaid bill if shipped by freight or express. 9. Instructions to consignee to notify the Contracting Officer of receipt of shipment. 10. For Indefinite Delivery contracts or contracts under which progress payments are authorized, the final voucher/invoice shall be marked "FINAL VOUCHER" OR "FINAL INVOICE." Currency: Billings may be expressed in the currency normally used by the contractor in maintaining his accounting records and payments will be made in that currency. However, the U.S. dollar equivalent for all vouchers/invoices paid under the contract may not exceed the total U.S. dollars authorized in the contract. Supersession: These instructions supersede any previous billing instructions. NOTE: THIS NOTICE WAS NOT POSTED TO FEDBIZOPPS.GOV ON THE DATE INDICATED IN THE NOTICE ITSELF (25-FEB-2003). IT ACTUALLY APPEARED OR REAPPEARED ON THE FEDBIZOPPS SYSTEM ON 05-MAR-2004. PLEASE CONTACT REGARDING THIS ISSUE.
- Web Link
Link to FedBizOpps document.
- Place of Performance
- Address: Work will be performed at the contractor's facility.
- Record
- SN00538409-F 20040307/040305233802 (
- Source
- Link to This Notice
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