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F -- Aerial Herbicide Spraying.

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
Contracting Office
PWR - NEPE Nez Perce NHP 39063 U.S. Highway 95 Spalding ID 83540
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Joyce E. Bolin Contracting Officer 2088432261115 joyce_bolin@nps.gov;
E-Mail Address
Email your questions to Point of Contact above, or if none listed, contact the IDEAS EC HELP DESK for assistance
Small Business Set-Aside
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. This solicitation # Q9377040101 is a Request for Quotations (RFQ) for Aerial Herbicide Spraying. RESPONSE TIME FOR THIS SOLICITATION IS VERY SHORT AS THE SPRAYING IS NEEDED ASAP. The RFQ and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2001-19. This RFQ is open to both large and small businesses. The NAICS Code is 115112 and the small business size standard is $6.0 Million dollars. The vendor is to provide services for aerial herbicide spraying of 1,200 acres of the Whitebird battlefield of the Nez Perce National Historical Park. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, tools, herbicides, materials, supervision, supplies, and incidentals; and perform all work necessary to complete the aerial application of herbicides accordance with these specifications and the Herbicide Label. This RFQ requires a response by the closing date of May 7, 2004, 4:30 PM (PDT). See below for bid schedule and fax number. The estimated amount of this project is between $25,000. and $100,000. The Contractor's applicators shall hold a current Idaho Professional Applicator License in the Agricultural Pesticide Category. All Applicators shall supply a copy of their current Idaho Professional Applicator's License to the COR prior to commencement of work of this contract. The Contractor shall stop operation if inclement weather conditions (wind or rain) occur during the spraying operation. Applicator Logs: The Contractor shall maintain a daily written log or "Daily Herbicide Application Record", which shall have: Applicators name and address, State of Idaho Applicators license number(s), Applicator operator, Date of application, Application site, Beginning and ending times of application, Weather conditions including temperature, climatic conditions, wind, and relative humidity, Product used, and any spray adjuvants added, Application rate, Application type, Number of acres treated, Map detailing area of application and mixing areas (A GPS generated map will meet these requirements). This log or record shall be signed by applicator operator and turned into the COR daily. The Government will pay for treatment spraying by the acre upon submission of proper invoices, after acreage is determined to have been sprayed by using the computer generated shape file from a GPS Differential Guidance System. The Contractor shall conduct herbicide spraying procedures safely and in accordance with the Label restrictions of the herbicide and the herbicide application restrictions of the State of Idaho. The Contractor shall follow Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines for aerial applica-tion of herbicides (if applicable). The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the herbicide label instructions. The Government will have the option to inspect the Contractor's equipment and work before, during, and after completion of this contract. Equipment must arrive on site clean and weed free and must be cleaned after each days use. The Government will provide a work location map for the site that is to be treated with herbicide. The Government will provide GPS perimeter data of the boundaries of the site that are to be treated with herbicides. Chemicals: The contractor will supply the chemical herbicide necessary to complete the specifications of this contract. Chemical herbicide application rates for selected species are listed on the container label. The contractor shall adhere to the application rate. The rate will be within the product labels rate. Adjuvants: Drift agents may be used. If a drift control additive is used, read and carefully observe the cautionary statements and all other information appearing on the additive label. The Contractor shall provide the drift agent. Controlling drift is the responsibility of the Contractor. If the contractor desires that dye be used for marking sprayed areas, it will be responsibility of the contractor to provide the dye. All drift agents and dyes shall be handled as chemicals. No additional payment will be made to the Contractor for the use of Contractor furnished drift agents or Government-Furnished dyes. These expenses shall be included in the unit price bid per acre for herbicide spraying. Equipment: General - The Contractor shall spray designated areas in conformance with these specifications, the Detailed Specifications, and the herbicide label. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall furnish all equipment, labor, supplies, and materials required to complete the job. The Contractor shall furnish properly equipped equipment with applicators experienced in applying herbicides in rough terrain. The Contractor shall service and repair his/her equipment as necessary to maintain satisfactory progress on work. Contractor is responsible for all costs incidental to equipment move-in and move-out associated with the project. Equipment - The Contractor shall furnish sufficient equipment to satisfactorily Ariel spray the designated areas in the time specified as required in the Specifications. Equipment shall be capable of traveling at moderate speed to give proper control and distribution of herbicide. Base of Operations - The Contractor shall provide such loading facilities as may be required for competent performance of contract. Use of any loading area shall be arranged by and at the discretion and risk of the Contractor, and the Government shall not be held responsible for any loss, mishap, or accident due to conditions of any loading facility used. Any applicable fees for loading facilities are the responsibility of the Contractor. If Contractor wishes to use National Park Service land, this must be approved in advance by the COR. Dust abatement - Any material used for dust abatement, other than water, shall be approved by the COR prior to use. Flight Hazards - While contractor aircraft are utilized, hazards such as the presence of power lines on the work site or near the work site are the responsibility of the Contractor to identify. All appropriate precautions shall be taken by the Contractor. Flight hazards which have been identified by the Government in the detailed specifications or work location maps may not be the only hazards present at the work sites and it is the Contractor's responsibility to check all work sites for flight or other hazards. Spray equipment: Spray Tanks - Spray solutions of the product shall be mixed, stored and applied using only stainless steel, aluminum, fiberglass, plastic or plastic-lined steel containers. Spray Nozzles - Contractor shall furnish a nozzle type that is designated for the intended application. Refer to the Label for proper nozzles to comply with Drift Management Section. Booms - Contractor shall furnish non-rust booms. The distance of the outermost nozzles on the boom must not exceed 3/4 the length of the wingspan or rotor if aircraft is utilized. Work Crew: Applicators - Shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall meet certification requirements of Idaho Regulations for this type of work. Applicators must hold a current Commercial Agricultural Operating certificate. Work crew - Shall be furnished by the Contractor for handling and mixing the herbicide and loading the equipment. Mixers and Loaders shall hold a Mixer/Loader certification of training. The Contractor shall furnish the necessary qualified mechanics for maintenance of equipment and shall furnish all fuel, oil, and service required for operation of equipment and vehicles. All expenses relating to maintenance and operation of equipment shall be included in the unit price bid per acre for herbicide spraying. Flagging: Requirement - A DGPS Differential Guidance System - Pilot shall be required to create a Differentially Corrected Global Positioning System (DGPS) for electronic Navigation. ArcView or ARC-INFO shape file of the area to be sprayed using the government furnished work location map at beginning of the contract. This file will then be utilized to record the Contractors application coverage's. This file will become the property of the Government at the end of this contract. On the ground flaggers and an auto-flagger system can supplement the DGPS system, but not substitute for it. Navigation - DGPS is required for tracking, and data collection. The Contractor shall provide all guidance equipment, materials, computers, printers, personnel, and services required for the system to be used. The system shall be sufficiently sensitive to provide immediate deviation indications (real-time). The DGPS system must be capable of determining a differentially corrected location with an error of no more than one to two meters in the horizontal plane. The guidance system shall be capable of updating current position at a rate of a minimum of one time per second. Differential correction must cover the complete operational area. During operation, differentially corrected signal must be accurately recorded at least 90% of the operational time. Differential correction may be provided by a portable differential station, FM radio fixed towers, or satellite. Software provided with DGPS must be designed for parallel offset in increments equal to the assigned swath width of the application equipment. Equipment Requirements: Software: Software provided with DGPS must be designed for parallel offset in increments equal to the assigned swath width of the application equipment. Project Log: Must be capable of a minimum rate of one-second logging intervals. Full record includes position, time altitude, speed, track, application system on/off, job name/number, and differential correction status. The computer program must be capable of calculating and show total acres treated during the application and also be capable of downloading to a computer for analysis and review. The project log must show and differentiate between spray-on and spray-off when viewed on a computer monitor or printer. Export files of each project log shall be provided and must be compatible with ArcView or ARC-INFO GIS system. The Contractor may provide software that is compatible and which will enable the files to convert into viewable files for ArcView or ARC-INFO GIS. The contractor must, upon request by the COR or Project Inspector, be able to supply project log data for review at any time during the contract. The Contractor will provide project log data at the end of each day's application. The Contract will not be considered complete until the data has been reviewed and deemed complete with 80% coverage in the sprayed areas. The DGPS system must be capable of zooming in on any portion of the treatment to view a specific area with greater detail. Hardware: Visual Display Monitor and Control Keypad: (1) Capable of displaying swath width over project path: (2) mounted in a location that will allow the applicator to view the screen; (3) have a method to display nested polygons to indicate sensitive or no-spray areas within or adjacent to treatment blocks: (4) have a feature that allows the applicator to return to the exact location of application shutdown and complete application without omitted or doubled treated areas: (5) be able to input reference waypoints (A-B line): (6) have a feature which alerts applicator when they are about to enter or exit a specific treatment block or an exclusion area within a block. Course Deviation Indicator (CDI): The course deviation indicator or course deviation light must have the capability to display both cross-track error and intercept angle to desired heading. Cross-track error shall be adjustable down to (1) foot. Memory: Must be capable of storing up to 8 hours of continuous project log data. Execution of Work: Pre-Work Conference - Prior to commencement of work, a meeting may be requested by the Contracting Officer to be attended by the Contractor, the COR), and the Project Inspector(s). A work schedule showing dates, locations, equipment and employees working on this project shall be provided by the Contractor to the Contracting Officer. Environmental Conditions: Work Period - Spraying Operations will be permitted only during daylight hours. The Contractor will have personnel on project site prior to commencing daily application, during application, and will notify COR or Project Inspector of changing weather conditions. The COR or Project Inspector will allow Contractor to continue or stop application if weather factors dictate. The COR or Project Inspector will give the permission to start, approximately one (1) hour from notification of conditions. Work will not be permitted on Sundays and holidays, unless authorized by the COR. Wind - Spraying shall not be done when the wind is not at a constant velocity (gusting) or as specified in the Label. The Contractor shall follow the Label Section on Spray Drift Management - Wind. Local wind can influence wind patterns. Every applicator should be familiar with local wind patterns and how they affect drift. Relative Humidity - Refer to the product label when making applications in low relative humidity conditions. Measure-ments can be obtained from local National Weather Service. Site Conditions - No treatment spraying will be allowed under the following conditions: 1. Winds not greater than 10 mph. 2. Within 1 hour before rainy conditions. 3. During a rain or snow. 4. Within 4 hours after rain or snow, unless approved in writing by the COR. 5. When there is obvious surface run-off on work site. 6. Will not be directly applied to water. 7. Applicators will not be allowed to spray within 200 feet of agricultural crops or residences. 8. Applicator will not spray within 200 feet of trees/dense brushy areas as it is considered wildlife habitat. Spraying: Coverage - The entire surface within the designated boundaries of the project area shall receive uniform coverage with the herbicide except for areas excluded by the Government. Areas excluded from the spraying operation within the designated boundaries, will not be included in the acreage computed for payment. Any areas not covered by Contractor shall be reapplied or compensated by suitable contract adjustment, at the option of and at no additional cost to the Government. Rate of Spraying - Herbicide shall be applied in accordance with the label. Contractor shall furnish mixing equipment, suitable work crew, and perform mixing operation. Spray formulation shall be thoroughly mixed according to the Label and distributed over entire area. Distribution of herbicide shall not vary more than twenty percent (20%) above or below the average distribution of herbicide per acre from that specified. Application Paths - Shall be patterned to secure a uniform distribution of herbicide. Contractor must insure that there will be straight and regular paths of application. Irregular paths will result in immediate stoppage of work. Corrective action shall be taken immediately by the Contractor to insure evenly spaced, straight, and regular application paths and complete coverage of areas included in the spraying job. Avoid overlapping, and no stripping shall be allowed. Applicators will not be allowed to spray within 200 feet of agricultural crops or residences and bodies of water. Swath Width: Effective swath width shall not exceed the maximum for adequate coverage of supplied spraying equipment. Spray Drift Management: The interaction of many equipment and weather related factors determines the potential for spray drift. The Contractor is responsible for considering all these factors when making application decisions. Avoiding spray drift is the responsibility of the Contractor. Chemicals: Approved chemicals for this project are Tordon 22K, 2-4D Amine, and Preference. Any other chemical not listed will have to have prior approval before being applied Sprayer Clean up - Shall be conducted according to the label instructions. Avoiding contamination of the work site is the responsibility of the Contractor. Field Quality Control:Tests for Uniformity: The Government representative will field verify to determine Uniformity of herbicide application. Work stoppages - The Contractor agrees to work diligently to complete the application of the herbicide. The Government reserves the right to stop spraying operations at any time when conditions are considered sufficiently unfavorable to warrant stoppage. Stoppage shall continue until spraying operations are again authorized by the Government. Because of the nature of the work, any time for which work is suspended by the Government because of unsuitable spraying conditions will not be counted against the contract completion time. However, no monetary compensation will be given to the Contractor by reason of such work suspension. Termination for convenience of the Government - Because of the nature of the work, the Contracting Officer may, by written notice to the Contractor, terminate this contract, in whole or in part, when it is in the best interest of the Government. To the extent that this contract is so terminated, the Government shall be liable only for payment in accordance with the payment provisions of this contract for work satisfactorily completed prior to the effective date of termination. Completion of contract - The Contract will be considered completed and payment due when all areas furnished to the Contractor by the Government have been sprayed to the standards specified above. Test for uniformity will be made at the time of spraying, and final completion of the contract will be determined by these tests. A minimum of eighty percent (80%) spray coverage will determine satisfactory completion. Risk damages - The Contractor shall assume all risks in connection with performance of the contract and shall be liable for and save Government harmless on account of any damages to persons or property in connection with the prosecution of the work, including the applicator or other employees of the Contractor. Measurement & Payment: Method of Measurement - Units: Application of herbicide solution will be measured and paid for by the number of acres sprayed to the nearest whole acre. The actual amount of herbicide applied. Measurement: Measurement for payment for spraying will be the actual area, in acres, within the designated boundaries satisfactorily sprayed in conformance with these specifications. Measurement will be made from either physical surveys of the areas or a computer generated shape file created in a GPS Differential Guidance System at the option of Government. The shape file will be used in ArcView for final acreage measurement. Acreages will be computed from horizontal distances as shown on maps at the option of Government. Remeasurement: Remeasurement of the acreage under this contract will be made upon the written request of the Contractor. The request for remeasure-ment must be made in writing within 10 calendar days after completion of the work. If remeasurement indicates a difference of not more than 5% from the original measure-, ment the Contractor shall pay the actual cost of the remeasurement. Payments will be based on the second measurement where the difference between measurements is more than 5%. Where the difference is less than 5%, the results of the first measurement will be used. Basis of Payment: Payment: Payment will be made at the unit price per acre specified in the Bid Schedule which is made a part hereof and shall include the cost of all work described in this paragraph and the Detailed Specifications, including any respraying, if such work is required. Safety:Transportation of herbicides-The contractor shall be responsible for the transport of chemical herbicides used to fulfill the specifications of this contract to the contractor loading site. The Contractor shall secure herbicide containers in mixing area to prevent spillage. The contractor shall be responsible for its protection from loss or damage due to weather, rodents, insects, theft, or any other hazard. Any herbicide damaged or lost while in the custody of the Contractor will be replaced by the contractor at no additional cost to the Government. Protective clothing and equipment for contract employees exposed to herbicides-The Contractor shall supply protective clothing and equipment to contract workers that guarantee minimal exposure throughout the herbicide application process. The Contractor shall make available cleanup facilities to contract employees exposed to herbicides or herbicide-contaminated equipment. Storage of herbicides - The contractor will be responsible for the storage of all chemical. Mixing and application of herbicides: The Contractor shall mix herbicides in accordance with the proportions listed on the product labels. The Contractor shall provide adequate protective clothing and equipment for contract employees who mix the herbicides. By law, the application of an herbicide, either directly or through drift, must not expose workers or other people. The Contractor shall be very aware and cautious of any environmental hazard present during herbicide application. Upon completion of herbicide application, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean equipment and dispose of waters, residues, rinses, and unused herbicides only according to EPA and Idaho State regulations. All empty herbicide containers will be tripled rinsed and punctured by the Contractor after mixing. The contractor will be responsible for disposal of the empty containers. Spills and accidents-The Contractor shall be responsible if accidents and chemical spills occur. Provide the following pricing as shown below on a FAX to Joyce E. Bolin, Contracting Officer, 208-843-2817. Ms. Bolin is also available at 208-843-2261 ext. 115 and via e-mail at joyce_bolin@nps.gov. The Bid Schedule is offered here. Please use this schedule when faxing your offer. If no bid item exists for a portion of the work, include the costs in a related bid item. BID ITEM NO.1 Tordon 22K Herbicide/ price per gallon _______ X Est. Gal. 150 = _________. BID ITEM NO.2 2-4D Amine/price per gallon ________ X Est. Gal. 300 = _________. BID ITEM NO.3 Preference/price per gallon________ X Est. Gal. 15 _________. BID ITEM NO. 4 Aerial application of Herbicide/Price per acre ________ X Est. Acres 1,200________. BID ITEM NO.5 Consulting Person - This Bid Item consists of monitoring the sprayed area and making recommendations for further spraying. Price per hour_______ X Est. Hrs. 40 ________. TOTAL OF ALL BID ITEMS _________________. The low offeror, conforming with all Applicator licensure requirements, shall be awarded this RFQ. The following provisions apply to this acquisition: 52.212-1, Instructions to Offers - Commercial, 52.212-4, Terms & Conditions - Commercial Items, 52.215-5 Contract Terms and Conditions required to Implement Executive Orders - Commercial Items. All offerors shall return, via mail or fax, a completed copy of FAR Clause 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications. A copy of this FAR Clause may be downloaded at www.arnet.gov. Any vendor receiving the resulting award must be registered at www.ccr.gov.
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Place of Performance
Address: Whitebird, Idaho
Zip Code: 83554
Country: United States
SN00576976-W 20040501/040429212413 (fbodaily.com)
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