- Notice Date
- 11/1/2004
- Notice Type
- Modification
- 541710
— Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
- Contracting Office
- NASA/Dryden Flight Research Center, Code A, P.O. Box 273, Edwards, CA 93523-0273
- ZIP Code
- 93523-0273
- Solicitation Number
- NASA-SNOTE-040920-002
- Archive Date
- 11/1/2005
- Description
- This is a modification to the synopsis entitled NASA Aeronautics Research Small Business Quarterly Forum, Solicitation No. ASBF-11-9-04-RNM which was posted on September 20, 2004. You are notified that the following changes are made: The date of the forum is being postponed and will not occur on November 9, 2004 as originally schedule and will now occur in late January 2005. A revised date will be posted through this subject synopsis notice. Since the forum will now be held in January 2005, the due for submission of your firm's or educational institutions capability statement is extend to Monday, December 6, 2004. Therefore, interested small businesses and educational institutions interested in participating as a presenter, at the forum, should submit their capabilities statement to Robert Medina at the address listed above, no later than Monday, December 6, 2004. Capability statements should target the areas of expertise mentioned above. While there is no prescribed format for the capabilities statement the business or educational institution should provide information which demonstrates or provides evidence of their technical expertise in the areas related to Dryden's mission; including a cover page, which shall consist of the following information: Name and type of business (small, SDB, women-owned small, HUBZone, veteran-owned, service-disabled veteran-owned or minority institution); address, phone and Fax numbers, e-mail address, name of point of contact and alternate, including phone number and e-mail address; a brief capability description (up to 10 words in length); and a one paragraph summary, fifty to one-hundred words in length, of your firms technical capabilities. You may also include a couple of additional pages/charts of which identifies the kind of work your firm has completed such as photos of products/relevant delivered systems or services, including the name(s) of prior customers with a point-of-contact and telephone number. Attendees to the forum are responsible for monitoring this site for the release of additional information on the subject forum and any amendments to the forum.
- Web Link
Click here for the latest information about this notice
- Record
- SN00702310-W 20041103/041102061935 (
- Source
- Link to This Notice
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