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99 -- Subscription Services

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Solicitation Notice
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Contracting Office
Department of the Treasury, Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), Procurement and Administrative Services, 1700 G Street, N.W., 3rd Floor, Washington, DC, 20552
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Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Subscription Services for Magazines The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) intends to issue a sole source purchase order to Swets Information Services for subscription services of the magazines listed herein utilizing FAR Part 13 procedures for a one year period. The following list contains the CID, Title, ISSN, Frequency, and Commencement Date of the Subscription: 109.258.1 ABA BANKING JOURNAL 0194-594 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 APPRAISAL JOURNAL 0003-7087 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) 4/30/2005; 109.258.1 APPRAISAL REVIEW AND MORTGAGE UNDERWRITING JOURNAL 1041-1585 irregular beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 BANK AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING REPORT 0522-2478 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1BANK MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS - SNL SECURITIES 1074-6706 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) 02/28/2005; 109.258.1 BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES POLICY REPORT 1530-499X 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 BARRON'S - NATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL WEEKLY 1077-8039 52 times a year (1 volume of 52 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 BEST'S INSURANCE REPORTS - LIFE HEALTH - REGULAR SERVICE 20 times a year (1 volume of 20 issues) 4/30/2005; 109.258.1 BEST'S INSURANCE REPORTS - PROPERTY CASUALTY - REGULAR SERVICE 20 times a year (1 volume of 20 issues) 04/30/2005; 109.258.1 BLACK ENTERPRISE 0006-4165 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) 04/30/2005; 109.258.1 BROOKINGS PAPERS ON ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 2 times a year (1 volume of 2 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 BUSINESS WEEK - US EDITION 0007-713 52 times a year (1 volume of 52 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 CONSUMER REPORTS 0010-7174 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) beginning 1/1/2005 109.258.1 DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS OF THE SAVINGS AND COMMUNITY BANKERS OF AMERICA 1070-9460 annual beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 ECONOMETRICA 0012-9682 6 times a year (1 volume of 6 issues)beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 FINANCIAL ANALYSTS JOURNAL 0015-198X 6 times a year (1 volume of 6 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 0046-3892 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 FINANCIAL MARKETS INSTITUTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS 0963-8008 5 times a year (1 volume of 5 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 FORBES 0015-6914 26 times a year (1 volume of 26 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 FORTUNE ? US EDITION 0015-825 24 times a year (2 volumes of 12 issues) 03/31/2005; 109.258.1 INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR - US EDITION 0020-3580 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) 03/31/2005; 109.258.1 INTERNAL AUDITOR 0020-5745 6 times a year (1 volume of 6 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTANCY 0021-8448 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND ECONOMICS 0165-4101 6 times a year (2 volumes of 3 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING AND FINANCE - NEW SERIES 0148-558X 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH 0021-8456 5 times a year (1 volume of 5 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED CORPORATE FINANCE 1078-1196 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS 0883-7252 7 times a year (1 volume of 7 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF BANKING AND FINANCE 0378-4266 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS - CHICAGO 0021-9398 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL FINANCE 1460-1559 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF DERIVATIVES 1074-1240 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE & AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW & JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE 13 times a year (1 volume of 13 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS 0148-6195 6 times a year (1 volume of 6 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF FINANCE 0022-1082 6 times a year (1 volume of 6 issues) beginning 1/1/2005;109.258.1 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 0022-1090 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues)beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION 1042-9573 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL RESEARCH 0270-2592 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL SERVICES RESEARCH 0920-8550 6 times a year (2 volumes of 3 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF FIXED INCOME 1059-859 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS 0270-7314 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) beginning 1/1/2005 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF LAW AND ECONOMICS 0022-2186 2 times a year (1 volume of 2 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF MONEY CREDIT AND BANKING 0022-2879 6 times a year (1 volume of 6 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 0022-3808 6 times a year (1 volume of 6 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 0095-4918 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE FINANCE AND ECONOMICS 0895-5638 8 times a year (2 volumes of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 JOURNAL OF RISK 1465-1211 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 MATHEMATICAL FINANCE 0960-1627 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS - THE DEALMAKERS JOURNAL 0026-0010 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 NEWSWEEK - AMERICAN EDITION 0028-9604 52 times a year (1 volume of 52 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 0033-5533 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 0034-6527 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005 109.258.1 REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS 0034-6535 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIES 0893-9454 4 times a year (1 volume of 4 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 TIME - AMERICAN EDITION 0040-781X 52 times a year (1 volume of 52 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 UNITED STATES BANKER 0148-8848 12 times a year (1 volume of 12 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT 0041-5537 50 times a year (2 volumes of 25 issues) beginning 1/1/2005; 109.258.1 VALUE LINE INVESTMENT SURVEY - US EDITION 0042-2401 52 times a year (1 volume of 52 issues) beginning 1/1/2005. All other responsible sources may submit concise documentation for consideration regarding their ability to provide the required services as well as financial and technical information. However this notice of intent is not a request for competitive proposals. A determination by the Government not to compete the proposed contract action based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government. Furthermore, no contract award will be made on the basis of information received in response to this notice and OTS will not pay for any information provided. Information received will normally be considered solely for the purpose of determining whether to conduct a competitive procurement. Such information if submitted should be forwarded to Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G Street NW, Washington, DC to the attention of Isabel Roman-Cogswell via fax number (202) 906-5648. If no affirmative written responses advantageous to OTS are received by close of business on the 5th day after publication of this notice, Swets Information Services will be solicited to provide the required services. The placement of a firm fixed-priced purchase order is contemplated. If this procurement is competed, not additional synopsis will be published and a request for quotation will only be forwarded to the intended vendor and firms that respond to this synopsis.
Place of Performance
Address: 1700 G Street, NW, Washington, DC
Zip Code: 20552
Country: US
SN00716068-W 20041204/041202212245 (fbodaily.com)
FedBizOpps.gov Link to This Notice
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