A -- Request for Information Project CAMBRIA
- Notice Date
- 2/8/2005
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 541710
— Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
- Contracting Office
- DHS - Border and Transportation Security, Transportation Security Administration, Headquarters TSA, 601 S. 12th Street TSA-25, 10th Floor, Arlington, VA, 22202
- ZIP Code
- 22202
- Solicitation Number
- Reference-Number-HSTS04-05-CAMBRIA
- Response Due
- 2/15/2005
- Description
- THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE UPLOADED SEPARATELY AS AN AMENDMENT IN PROPER FORMAT WITH ATTACHMENTS, BUT IS PRESENTED HERE AS WELL The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) may have a requirement for the development and deployment of the next-generation carry-on baggage inspection system at aviation passenger checkpoints, to replace or augment transmission x-ray equipment and provide enhanced explosives detection. This project is known as CAMBRIA. The expected performance of the systems will significantly increase overall effectiveness and efficiency of the automated detection of weapons and explosives. It is requested that capable companies provide comments on the draft requirements for Project CAMBRIA. Note that this is not a formal request for proposal. There are currently no funds available for this project and the Government will not make award or develop a source list based on responses to this Request for Information (RFI). TSA will not reimburse any preparation costs associated with responses to this RFI. The following attachments are available under this RFI: Attachment 1: Non-Disclosure Statement Attachment 2: Draft Statement of Objectives, dated 4 February 2005 Attachment 3: Draft Technical Requirements Document (TRD), dated 4 February 2005 Appendix A: Classified appendix to TRD Appendix B: Existing TRX equipment footprint The draft Statement of Objectives (SOO), Technical Requirements Document (TRD), and Classified annex are available for review and comment upon receipt of the attached non-disclosure statement (Attachment 1). Once appropriate verification of security clearance at the SECRET level are provided, Appendix A will be released. While TSA will accept and review all comments, the Government is specifically interested in receiving information from: ? Sources that have significant experience in the development, production, and deployment of weapons or explosive detection systems; and ? Sources that possess ISO 9001 certification or other recognized equivalent quality manufacturing capability; and ? Sources that possess current personnel and facility security clearances for US SECRET. A draft DD254 is provided for reference on what type of clearances are required. (Attachment 2) Sources are encouraged to review the draft documents and provide comments and recommendations for addition, change, or deletion. In addition to comments on the documents, sources are encouraged to provide a capabilities statement, not to exceed 5 pages, highlighting experience providing systems, quality capabilities such as ISO-9001, and personnel and facility clearance information, as stated above. No questions regarding the technical information presented in this RFI will be answered by the TSA. Amendments to the RFI will be published only on the FEDBIZOPPS website. It is the Respondent??s responsibility to periodically review either of these websites for notices, amendments, updates, questions and answers and changes to the posted information. RESPONSES There are two guidelines concerning submittal since there are both (A) unclassified and (B) classified documents involved in this RFI. A. UNCLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS AND TRANSMISSION: In order to view the SOO and TRD, the signed Non-disclosure statement (Attachment 1) shall be faxed to Ms. Sheila Roche at 571-227-2911 or 571-227-3219 not later than 15 February 2005. The capability statement shall be emailed to not later than 15 February 2005. Capabilities and comments should clearly indicate content disclosure limitations (e.g., proprietary). If the company has a SECRET clearance, then the company address and CAGE code shall be provided for verification. Upon receipt of the company??s executed non-disclosure statement, the SOO and TRD will be emailed only to the person that signs the Non-Disclosure. Unclassified comments on the SOO and TRD are due to Ms. Sheila Roche via email only, to by 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time not later than 2 March 2005. Comments shall include company name, address, point of contact, phone number, and e-mail address. NO CLASSIFIED RESPONSES SHALL BE SUBMITTED VIA ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION. Offerors shall not use the U.S. Mail or overnight mail to submit information. The Government will not accept facsimile submission of information. Electronic submissions must be less than 3MB in file size and password protected. The password shall be provided to Ms. Sheila Roche in a separate email. The submittal shall reference the RFI number. Individual files larger than 3MB will not be considered by the TSA. Unreadable Electronic Proposals: It is the sole responsibility of the Respondent to ensure that the electronic media submitted is virus free and can be opened and read by the Government. If the electronic media cannot be opened, and read by the Government, the Respondent shall have 72 hours after notification to correct the issue. B. CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS AND TRANSMISSION: Upon receipt of proper documentation verifying the employee and/or facility safeguarding clearance, the classified annex to the TRD will be provided for comment via secure fax. The company shall contact Mr. Tom Jerdan at 609-813-2801 to arrange transmittal. Alternatively, if a facility safeguard clearance is not available, but employee clearances are, companies may contact Mr. Tom Jerdan to arrange a viewing of the classified Appendix A at the Transportation Security Laboratory (FAA Building 315), William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ 084405. Classified comments on the classified annex, shall be provided to Mr. Tom Jerdan at the Transportation Security Laboratory not later than 1 March at 12:00 p.m. either by secure fax or via hand carry. Please contact Mr. Tom Jerdan at 609-813-2801 to arrange for transmittal of hand carried responses. REQUIREMENTS FOR MARKING FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) The following procedures are excerpted from Department Homeland Security Management Directive 11042 entitled ??Safeguarding Sensitive but Unlassified (For Official Use Only) Information?? and shall be followed: Marking 1. Information designated as FOUO will be sufficiently marked so that persons having access to it are aware of its sensitivity and protection requirements. The lack of FOUO markings on materials does not relieve the holder from safeguarding responsibilities. Where the FOUO marking is not present on materials known by the holder to be FOUO, the holder of the material will protect it as FOUO. Other sensitive information protected by statute or regulation, e.g., PCII and SSI, etc., will be marked in accordance with the applicable guidance for that type of information. Information marked in accordance with the guidance provided for the type of information need not be additionally marked FOUO. (a) Prominently mark the bottom of the front cover, first page, title page, back cover and each individual page containing FOUO information with the caveat ??FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.?? (b) Materials containing specific types of FOUO may be further marked with the applicable caveat, e.g., ??LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE,?? in order to alert the reader of the type of information conveyed. Where the sensitivity of the information warrants additional access and dissemination restrictions, the originator may cite additional access and dissemination restrictions. For example: WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information. This information shall not be distributed beyond the original addressees without prior authorization of the originator. (c) Materials being transmitted to recipients outside of DHS, for example, other federal agencies, state or local officials, etc. who may not be aware of what the FOUO caveat represents, shall include the following additional notice: WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid ??need-to-know?? without prior approval of an authorized DHS official. (d) Computer storage media, i.e., disks, tapes, removable drives, etc., containing FOUO information will be marked ??FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.?? (e) Portions of a classified document, i.e., subjects, titles, paragraphs, and subparagraphs that contain only FOUO information will be marked with the abbreviation (FOUO). (f) Individual portion markings on a document that contains no other designation are not required. (g) Designator or originator information and markings, downgrading instructions, and date/event markings are not required. General Handling Procedures Although FOUO is the DHS standard caveat for identifying sensitive unclassified information, some types of FOUO information may be more sensitive than others and thus warrant additional safeguarding measures beyond the minimum requirements established in this manual. For example, certain types of information may be considered extremely sensitive based on the repercussions that could result should the information be released or compromised. Such repercussions could be the loss of life or compromise of an informant or operation. Additional control requirements may be added as necessary to afford appropriate protection to the information. DHS employees, contractors, and detailees must use sound judgment coupled with an evaluation of the risks, vulnerabilities, and the potential damage to personnel or property as the basis for determining the need for safeguards in excess of the minimum requirements and protect the information accordingly. 1. When removed from an authorized storage location and persons without a need-to-know are present, or where casual observation would reveal FOUO information to unauthorized persons, a ??FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY?? cover sheet will be used to prevent unauthorized or inadvertent disclosure. 2. When forwarding FOUO information, a FOUO cover sheet should be placed on top of the transmittal letter, memorandum or document. 3. When receiving FOUO equivalent information from another government agency, handle in accordance with the guidance provided by the other government agency. Where no guidance is provided, handle in accordance with the requirements of this directive. NOTE: THIS NOTICE WAS NOT POSTED TO WWW.FEDBIZOPPS.GOV ON THE DATE INDICATED IN THE NOTICE ITSELF (08-FEB-2005). IT ACTUALLY APPEARED OR REAPPEARED ON THE FEDBIZOPPS SYSTEM ON 09-FEB-2005. PLEASE CONTACT REGARDING THIS ISSUE.
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- SN00748794-W 20050211/050209212442 (
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