F -- Soil Compilation and Digitization
- Notice Date
- 2/15/2005
- Notice Type
- Modification
- 541340
— Drafting Services
- Contracting Office
- Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Indiana State Office, 6013 Lakeside Blvd., Indianapolis, IN, 46278-2933
- ZIP Code
- 46278-2933
- Solicitation Number
- AG-52KY-S-05-0002
- Response Due
- 2/28/2005
- Archive Date
- 3/15/2005
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total Small Business
- Description
- Solicitation AG-52KY-S-05-0002 is hereby amended to include the following: Award will be made based on a best value analysis to include price, past performance, and quality. Offerors should include past performance information along with their offer. In addition, please include a short paragraph stating your approach to quality control. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS REGARDING SOLICITATION 1. Maple Syrup process developed at University of Minnesota and an older version is available from Minnesota. Other processes may work. 2. this web site contains examples of Historical Indiana soil survey maps similar to the counties in the contract. 3. Mylar soil survey maps are about 24" X 14". 4. Rule of thumb tolerance is one soil line width error 5. Quality assurance is a photo image to image comparison with soil line placement. 6. Is it possible to receive a sample dataset or a sample soil map that is reflective of the soil maps to be rectified for these soil surveys? Perhaps there is a current file on-line? Yes. See question 2. 7. Regarding the section "Work to be performed": Is the use of the MAPLE SYRUP software a requirement for the winning contractor(s) or is an equivalent software package acceptable? Equivalent package may work OK. 8. How much ground area is covered in each map sheet? How much area in insets? Don't know. Total acres per county: Fayette: 137,653 Union: 105,755 Putnam: 308,625 Madison: 289,704 Morgan: 261,819 9. Would you provide a scanned sample of atlas sheets and soil overlay, so we can get a better idea what type of data will be supplied from your office. This was answered in other questions. They are half tome film positives at 1:12,000 scale of the original soil survey report atlas sheets. One copy is with photo image, the other without. 10. Is the MAPLE SYRUP a standard process required for this project? Will you supply the MAPLE SYRUP software for orthorectification? Other software may work. See other comments. 11. Soil Overlay, Culture & Drainage overlay, are they in hardcopy or digital format? Half tome film positive mylars. 12. Does this compilation includes scanning all hard copy atlas sheets and rectify all of them (photobase, composite overlay, special feature, and soils overlay) or just Soil Survey map? All the sheets must be scanned and orthorectified. Labeled soil polygons digital file for the entire county should be delivered. 13 Dem files: are they raster format or ASCII list? What is the grid spacing? Are they pieces of overlapped data or single piece Dem for each county? DEM files should be 10M raster format, individual tiles. 14 Digital DOQQs: are they black/white or color geo-referenced TIFF image? black and white 15. Final Data in ArcInfo Coverage, which version of the ArcInfo? Vector lines or polygons? 2D lines or 3D lines? ArcGIS 9 preferred. Polygons for soils, point and line files for special features. 16. As for ??Photo base separate??, I am assuming this is non-rectified air photo, when was the photo taken? Can we find the focus length on the photo or some record? Does the photo have the fiducial points on? We plan to use ERDAS imagine or OrthoMapper ( to do this work and those information are necessary. we realized that you suggest using MAPLE SYRUP software to do this work, but the tool is not commercial software, we don??t know how to get it. If you require to use this tool to finish the work, can we rent a copy from your office? There should be 2 sets of 1:12,000 half tone film positives (mylar) for the survey areas. These are copies of the original soil survey map sheets. One set has photo background the other does not. We have no information regarding the original photos although this could perhaps be researched and ascertained. The SYRUP method was mentioned but other methods could perhaps be used. MAPLE SYRUP was developed at the University of Minnesota and the software is available but is only compatible with older versions of ERDAS imagine unless it is modified. We do not have the software. 17. What is Quarter Quadrangles? Is it soil survey map based on DOQs? If so, we can clip the soil survey quad from county coverage? It depends. Some may work from the quarter quad base and mosaic a county coverage, others may do a county coverage and clip to quads. 18. What is Soil Overlay, type positive? It is mylar with the soil boundary lines? If so, there is nothing on ??Photo base separate??? See response to #16.
- Place of Performance
- Address: Putnam County, Madison County, Morgan County, Fayette and Union County, Indiana,
- Country: USA
- Country: USA
- Record
- SN00751112-W 20050217/050215211655 (
- Source
- Link to This Notice
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