A -- JBI Client Development for C2 Systems
- Notice Date
- 5/10/2005
- Notice Type
- Modification
- 541710
— Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL - Rome Research Site, AFRL/Information Directorate 26 Electronic Parkway, Rome, NY, 13441-4514
- ZIP Code
- 13441-4514
- Solicitation Number
- Reference-Number-BAA-04-05-IFKA
- Point of Contact
- Lori Smith, Contracting Officer, Phone (315) 330-1955, Fax (315) 330-8029,
- E-Mail Address
- Description
- The purpose of this modification is to update the areas of interest and range of requirements and republish the original announcement pursuant to FAR 35.016(c). Previous modifications are incorporated into this republishing. No other changes have been made. FEDERAL AGENCY NAME: Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL - Rome Research Site, AFRL/Information Directorate 26 Electronic Parkway, Rome, NY, 13441-4514 TITLE: JBI Client Development for C2 Systems and Intel Systems ANNOUNCEMENT TYPE: Initial announcement FUNDING OPPORTUNITY NUMBER: BAA 04-05-IFKA CFDA Number: 12.800 DATES: It is recommended that white papers be received by the following dates to maximize the possibility of award: FY 04 should be submitted within 30 days of this publication; FY 05 by 1 Nov 04; and FY 06 by 1 Nov 05. White papers will be accepted until 5pm Eastern time 30 Sep 06, but it is less likely that funding will be available in each respective fiscal year after the dates cited. FORMAL PROPOSALS ARE NOT BEING REQUESTED AT THIS TIME. See Section IV of this announcement for further details. I. FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION: The Information Directorate, Joint Battlespace Infosphere (JBI) Program Office of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Rome Research Site, is soliciting white papers for the development and/or adaptation of C2 and Intel systems to be capable of exploiting the power of a JBI information management system (reference the following US Air Force [USAF] Scientific Advisory Board's "Report on Building the Joint Battlespace Infosphere Volume 1: Summary" for JBI concepts and definitions: The objective of this BAA will be to explore innovative technical solutions and to design, develop and demonstrate prototype software components for integrating existing C2 applications into a JBI information space that supports future Net Centric Operations (NCO) infrastructures such as the Air Force's ConstellationNet concept. Critical to achieving this objective it to ascertain how a JBI information space and a collection of well-designed clients that utilize the information space can improve warfighter awareness, capabilities and interoperability without adversely impacting evolving C2 systems, data flow among these C2 systems, networks, common operating environments, and existing concepts of operation. A JBI is an interoperable information space which aggregates, integrates, fuses, and intelligently disseminates relevant battlespace information to support decision-making at all echelons of a Joint Task Force (JTF), delivering "Decision Quality" information to the warfighter. It is intended to serve as an integrating substrate upon which legacy and emerging systems can be linked together to support transparent information exchange across the full spectrum of mission activities and functional domains. One of the primary goals of the JBI is to take initial steps in developing an information interoperability infrastructure that connects disparate software applications or "clients," and facilitates information exchange between these clients creating a cohesive combat information management system. Another goal of the JBI is to integrate existing C2 and Intel systems within an information space without replacing these systems. To that end, this BAA will provide the design considerations, software components and technical know-how to integrate pertinent existing clients within an information space developed by AFRL known as the JBI Reference Implementation (RI). For all contracts under this BAA, AFRL/IF will provide the following after contract award: (1) the evolving JBI RI and documentation; (2) Java and web services programming language mapping to the JBI Common Client Application Program Interface (CAPI) that provides access to the RI; (see for details on the CAPI) (3) the evolving information object model that defines the base XML schema definition for some JBI information objects exchanged or manipulated during this effort; (4) a subset of relevant data link messages that should be represented as JBI information objects with embedded hierarchy, metadata schema, and payload information as information engineering deliverables; and (5) integration and integration support activities to connect the individual software components and approaches developed by all parties under this effort within the context of common scenarios and demonstration threads. Contractors shall work with AFRL as concept and prototype component software designers and developers and shall provide integration support of their client adaptation concepts/components among specified C2 and Intel systems and between the JBI RI to achieve stated objectives. Final demonstrations will be conducted at one or more Government facilities. Several scenarios and targeted operational domains shall be considered during the period of performance and will be guided by input from potential end user representatives from across the operational Air Force community. Strongest consideration will be given to those proposals in which coordination with an end user is clearly established especially concerning solutions with respect to tactical domain problems. The goal should be to deliver a demonstration of the technology to the end user. Potential offerors will need to perform a subset of the following tasks: (1) Identify and document concepts, techniques and technologies for integrating existing USAF or Joint/Coalition systems/applications into a JBI information space with positive impact to the operation of these systems and minimal impact to the operator/warfighter. C2 and Intel systems and applications across the functional spectrum from the actual platform carrying out a mission/task to the Combatant Commander dictating strategies and tactics will be considered. (2) Identify and document transition opportunities and strategies for JBI core services and adapted clients to meet warriors' needs. Describe approaches that balance the co-evolution of C2/Intel concepts and technologies in a manner that addresses critical accreditation, common operating environment, security, survivability, operation over unreliable communication links, system administration, long-term maintenance and other issues that plague designers of to-be-fielded systems. Key to any successful transition of JBI technologies will be the realization that there will be no "cut-over date" when operational systems will be using the JBI substrate as the primary means of interoperability. Rather, the transition will occur gradually and will only happen, if at each phase, the JBI core and clients maintain a low profile/footprint with minimal overhead, yet provides added value to the warfighter. Added value is defined as either providing operators access to information or capabilities they never had before or providing better machine-to-machine interface flexibility and/or affordability than an existing interface governed by a rigid and costly ICD; or both. (3) Design, develop, test, integrate and demonstrate adapted legacy client components that form an information bridge between true legacy applications/systems and the JBI RI. Depending upon the scenario; targeted warfighter domain; participating legacy C2/Intel systems, applications, nodes and platforms; demonstration location; and capabilities of the JBI RI, the following types of legacy client components may be adapted and assembled: a. Embedded Components. Resides on a military platform such as an aircraft or vehicle, maintains a low software footprint and is strategically "wrapped" as another on-board feature that meets platform processing, look and feel (graphical or other presentation), weight restrictions and other stringent guidelines subject to accreditation. The embedded component shall communicate with other C2 nodes and data link gateways via standard tactical communication links. b. C2 Node Components. Resides on more capable military platforms that act as C2 nodes (AWACS, JSTARS, or their ground stations etc) or fixed, large C2 installations that have adequate bandwidth and access to a JBI configuration. These components speak JBI and act as proxies for the more disadvantaged embedded components. C2 node components can aggregate or selectively control data flow to embedded components based on information exchanged within a JBI. They can also interact with either the data or information link side of the gateway components depending upon their task. c. Data Link-Information Link Gateway Components. These components act as translators, filters or aggregators between publishers/subscribers in a data link network and publishers/subscribers in an information link network. Consider a subscriber on an Information Link (JBI information space) who needs access to information whose ultimate source produced by a node on a Link-16 network. In this example, a subscription on a JBI Information Link should theoretically be translated to a subscription on a data link and once received via data link subscription, properly translated and published to the information link for the JBI subscriber and other JBI consumers. d. JBI-Legacy Client Components. If processing power is available, add-on development is feasible, and the client application software can still be compliant in a common operating environment (e.g., Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment [DII/COE] or others) despite JBI client requirements, then JBI-Legacy client components would be preferred. These client components should integrate seamlessly into the host application and its underlying infrastructure. e. Native JBI Client Components. Brand new components to showcase JBI infrastructure capabilities that either are not concerned with specific run-time environment restrictions, or other compliance issues, and are generally assumed to demonstrate a new capability not in a legacy system's arsenal. (4) For any specialized embedded software, hardware, networking or communications links that are proposed, it is up to the potential offerors to outline additional requirements to make demonstrations successful. For example, if a JTIDS terminal is required in which a small software process would be embedded to act as a datalink-infolink gateway client, document it, state the costs, and be cognizant of the fact that some demonstration locations will not have direct line of sight (LOS) to the JTIDS in the sky. If it is better to acquire or have access to datalink simulators, clearly describe your (and AFRL's) acquisition approach and any upfront costs. If you propose an embedded component that would provide an F15-E pilot a window into the JBI onboard the aircraft, describe your approach for "wrapping" the component and what other Government agencies AFRL/IF would need to coordinate with to ensure success. If you believe you have a complete end-to-end solution involving the aforementioned components in a variety of platforms and command hierarchies, you should clearly state any proprietary components and any limitations (cost or otherwise) associated with production or fielding of your proposed solution. In all cases, potential offerors should identify how they would interact with other Contractors awarded tasks under this effort in the absence of formal Associate Contractor Agreements (ACA). II. AWARD INFORMATION: This BAA is open and effective until 30 Sep 06. Total funding for this BAA is approximately $4.9M. The anticipated funding to be obligated under this BAA is broken out by fiscal year as follows: FY 04 up to $500K; FY 05 up to $2.4M; and FY 06 up to $2.0M. Individual awards will not normally exceed 6-8 months with dollar amounts ranging between $250K and $2M per year. Awards of efforts as a result of this announcement will be in the form of contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, or other transactions depending upon the nature of the work proposed. III. ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: 1. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: All potential applicants are eligible. Foreign or foreign-owned offerors are advised that their participation is subject to foreign disclosure review procedures. Foreign or foreign-owned offerors should immediately contact the contracting office focal point, Lori Smith, Contracting Officer, telephone (315) 330-1955 or e-mail for information if they contemplate responding. The e-mail must reference the title and BAA 04-05-IFKA. 2. COST SHARING OR MATCHING: Cost sharing is not a requirement. IV. APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION: 1. APPLICATION PACKAGE: THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ONLY SOLICITATION. WE ARE SOLICITATING WHITE PAPERS ONLY. DO NOT SUBMIT A FORMAL PROPOSAL AT THIS TIME. Those white papers found to be consistent with the intent of this BAA may be invited to submit a technical and cost proposal. See Section VI of this announcement for further details. For additional information, a copy of the Rome "BAA& PRDA: A Guide for Industry," Sep 1996 (Rev), may be accessed at: Additional information regarding the topic may be accessed at: 2. CONTENT AND FORM OF SUBMISSION: Offerors are required to submit three (3) copies of a three (3) to five (5) page white paper summarizing their proposed approach/solution. The purpose of the white paper is to preclude unwarranted effort on the part of an offeror whose proposed work is not of interest to the Government. The white paper will be formatted as follows: Section A: Title, Period of Performance, Cost of Task, Name of Company; Section B: Task Objective; and Section C: Technical Summary. Multiple white papers within the purview of this announcement may be submitted by each offeror. If the offeror wishes to restrict their white papers/proposals, they must be marked with the restrictive language stated in FAR 15.609(a) and (b). All white papers/proposals shall be double spaced with a font no smaller than 12 pitch. In addition, respondents are requested to provide their Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) number, a fax number, and an e-mail address with their submission. All responses to this announcement must be addressed to the technical POC, as discussed in paragraph five of this section. 3. SUBMISSION DATES AND TIMES: It is recommended that white papers be received by the following dates to maximize the possibility of award: FY 04 should be submitted within 30 days of this publication; FY 05 by 1 Nov 04; and FY 06 by 1 Nov 05. White papers will be accepted until 5pm Eastern time 30 Sep 06, but it is less likely that funding will be available in each respective fiscal year after the dates cited. Submission of white papers will be regulated in accordance with FAR 15.208. 4. FUNDING RESTRICTIONS: The cost of preparing white papers/proposals in response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resulting contract or any other contract, but may be an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost specified in FAR 31.205-18. Incurring pre-award costs for ASSISTANCE INSTRUMENTS ONLY, are regulated by the DoD Grant and Agreements Regulations (DODGARS). 5. OTHER SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: DO NOT send white papers to the Contracting Officer. All responses to this announcement must be addressed to ATTN: Lt Justin Sorice, AFRL/IFSE, 525 Brooks Road, Rome, NY 13441-4505. Respondents are required to provide their Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number with their submittal and reference BAA-04-05-IFKA. Electronic submission to Lt Justin Sorice at will also be accepted. V. APPLICATION REVIEW INFORMATION: 1. CRITERIA: The following criteria will be used to determine whether white papers and proposals submitted are consistent with the intent of this BAA and of interest to the Government, which are listed in descending order of importance: (1) Overall Scientific and Technical Merit – Including the approach for the development and/or enhancement of the proposed technology and its evaluation, (2) Related Experience – The extent to which the offeror demonstrates relevant technology and domain knowledge, (3) Openness/Maturity of Solution – The extent to which existing capabilities and standards are leveraged and the relative maturity of the proposed technology in terms of reliability and robustness, and (4) Best Value – Reasonableness and realism of proposed costs and fees (if any). White papers and proposals submitted will be evaluated as they are received. Also, consideration will be given to other factors such as past and present performance on recent Government contracts, and the capacity to achieve the objectives of this BAA. Individual white paper/proposal evaluations will be evaluated against the evaluation criteria without regard to other white papers and proposals submitted under this BAA. No further evaluation criteria will be used in selecting white papers/proposals. White papers and proposals submitted will be evaluated as they are received. Cost sharing will not be considered in the evaluation. 2. REVIEW AND SELECTION PROCESS: Only Government employees will be reviewing the white papers/proposals for selection. The Air Force Research Laboratory's Information Directorate has contracted for various business and staff support services, some of which require contractors to obtain administrative access to proprietary information submitted by other contractors. Administrative access is defined as "handling or having physical control over information for the sole purpose of accomplishing the administrative functions specified in this contract or order, which do not require the review, reading, or comprehension of the content of the information on the part of non-technical professionals assigned to accomplish the specified administrative tasks." These contractors have signed general non-disclosure agreements and organizational conflict of interest statements. The required administrative access will be granted to non-technical professionals. Examples of the administrative tasks performed include: a. Assembling and organizing information for R&D case files; b. Accessing library files for use by government personnel; and c. Handling and administration of proposals, contracts, contract funding and queries. Any objection to administrative access must be in writing to the Contracting Officer and shall include a detailed statement of the basis for the objection. VI. AWARD ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION: 1. AWARD NOTICES: Those white papers found to be consistent with the intent of this BAA may be invited to submit a technical and cost proposal. Notification by email or letter will be sent by the technical POC. Such invitation does not assure that the submitting organization will be awarded a contract. Those white papers not selected to submit a proposal will be notified in the same manner. Prospective offerors are advised that only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the Government. All offerors submitting white papers will be contacted by the technical POC, referenced in Section VII of this announcement. Offerors can email the technical POC for status of their white paper/proposal no earlier than 45 days after proposal submission. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE AND NATIONAL POLICY REQUIREMENTS: Depending on the work to be performed, the offeror may require a SECRET facility clearance and safeguarding capability; therefore, personnel identified for assignment to a classified effort must be cleared for access to SECRET information at the time of award. In addition, the offeror may be required to have, or have access to, a certified and Government-approved facility to support work under this BAA. Data subject to export control constraints may be involved and only firms holding certification under the US/Canada Joint Certification Program (JCP) ( are allowed access to such data. 3. REPORTING: Once a proposal has been selected for award, offerors will be required to submit their reporting requirement through one of our web-based, reporting systems known as JIFFY or TFIMS. Prior to award, the offeror will be notified which reporting system they are to use, and will be given complete instructions regarding their use. VII. AGENCY CONTACTS: All questions prior to the submission of a technical and cost proposal can be addressed to the technical POC, Lt Justin Sorice, telephone: (315) 330-4835 or email Questions, clarification, or concerns from offerors or potential offerors during the proposal development phase of this acquisition should be communicated directly to the IFKA Contracting Officer, Lori Smith, telephone (315) 330-1955 or e-mail The email must reference the title and solicitation number of the acquisition. NOTE: THIS NOTICE WAS NOT POSTED TO WWW.FEDBIZOPPS.GOV ON THE DATE INDICATED IN THE NOTICE ITSELF (10-MAY-2005); HOWEVER, IT DID APPEAR IN THE FEDBIZOPPS FTP FEED ON THIS DATE. PLEASE CONTACT REGARDING THIS ISSUE.
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