99 -- Broad Agency Announcement for Rapid Response Kit Capability for the Deployable Joint Command and Control System Development Program
- Notice Date
- 6/24/2005
- Notice Type
- Special Notice
- Contracting Office
- NSWC Panama City, Code XPS, 110 Vernon Ave., Panama City, FL
- ZIP Code
- 00000
- Solicitation Number
- DON-SNOTE-050624-002
- Description
- Technology Risk Reduction Effort Deployable Joint Command and Control (DJC2) Rapid Response Kit Capability BAA No. DJC2-05-01 POC: Mr. Lawson Hynson Proposals Due: Monday, 25 July 2005 E-Mail: theodore.hynson@navy.mil Fax: 850/234-4197 DJC2 Web: https://www.djc2.org/index.asp (project information including BAA and proposal preparation instructions.) (Note that this site is password controlled. Users must register at the site prior to gaining access to the BAA information) NSWC PC Web: http://www.ncsc.navy.mil/Contracts/ZTables/BAAtab.htm (BAA and proposal preparation instructions) 1. INTRODUCTION The Deployable Joint Command and Control Program Office is soliciting proposals under this BAA to perform research, development, and prototyping to support the Deployable Joint Command and Control System (DJC2) Increment II Technology Demonstration (Pre-Milestone B). The main goal of the DJC2 program is to create a cost-effective, superior means to deploy, set up, install, operate, and maintain a Joint Command and Control (C2) Combat Operations Center (COC). DJC2 provides a modular and rapidly reconfigurable suite of hardware, networking, supporting infrastructure, and mobility components, as well as limited organic en route and early-entry communications capabilities. In Increment I, DJC2 is migrating toward the DoD Net Centric and Global Information Grid-Enterprise Services (GIG-ES) architectures. A Rapid Response Kit, the focus of this BAA, is an anticipated Increment II configuration change for a standalone light system capable of being transported by one or two pers! ons as checked baggage on commercial and military aircraft, and capable of relying strictly on reachback C2 capabilities. (Reachback is a concept more than a computational method of processing information. It depends almost exclusively on network connectivity to the GIG. Without connectivity, the user is severely hampered and may have limited or no organic processing capability. With connectivity, the user will initiate powerful C2 functionality. For example, e-mail servers are accessed remotely using wireless technology without organic Rapid Response Kit e-mail servers. Functional processing will be initiated on servers thousand of miles from the area of operations. Computers can be secure, ?thin? (objective: wireless) clients and still accomplish the mission by leveraging the processing power of C2 severs elsewhere on the GIG.) 1.1 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES (SOO) The overall objective of this BAA is to design and build a prototype Rapid Response Kit that can be standalone and can operate with the current Increment I system. The Rapid Response Kit must meet performance requirements stated in Section 2, and illustrate a migration path to the DoD Net Centric and GIG-ES architectures. The Rapid Response Kit will use reachback with a light system capable of being transported by one or two persons on commercial and military aircraft. The effort comprises three Phases. Phase I will provide a preliminary system design for the Rapid Response Kit. Phase II will generate a final design package. Phase III will be the prototype development and demonstration of accepted Phase II design(s) with a Technology Risk Reduction system to validate the design and capabilities. A Government objective is to be able to include validated designs resulting from this BAA in the planned Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Increment II post-Milestone B System Development and Demonstration Phase for offeror evaluation and potential inclusion in their proposed approach. Therefore, all proposals must provide the information required by DFARS Clause 252.227-7017 ?Identification and Assertion of Use, Release, or Disclosure Restrictions (Jun 1995)? as part of any proposal submitted under this BAA. 1.1.1 Phase I Task Area Objectives Task: Rapid Response Kit (RRK) Preliminary Design. Create a preliminary design that meets the requirements stated in Section 2 for an RRK that will provide a highly mobile C2 capability to first responders and small control teams. The contractor will deliver preliminary design documentation and make an oral presentation to the Government within 30 days of Phase I award. This effort will produce general drawings and associated analysis and trade studies that can best convey the merits of the design approach. 1.1.2 Phase II Task Area Objectives (Option) Task: Rapid Response Kit Final Design. Building on efforts from Phase I, generate a final RRK design that meets or exceeds the Government?s stated performance objectives identified in Section 2. The Contractor shall deliver to the Government the final detailed design documentation and make an oral presentation within 60 days of receipt of Phase II notice to proceed. This task will produce detailed drawings, analysis, and trade studies that will enable the contractor to build and integrate the RRK capability into an existing Increment I DJC2 system. 1.1.3 Phase III Task Area Objectives (Option) Task: Rapid Response Kit Prototyping Development and Demonstration. Conduct system prototyping to evaluate how the Rapid Response Kit capabilities from Phase II will perform in an actual operating environment. Prototype designs should facilitate rapid incorporation into the Increment I system baseline. The Contractor shall develop and delivers to the Government an Engineering Design Package (information, drawings, mock-ups, prototypes, software, test results, hardware, expertise, and facilities) to serve as supporting information and knowledge for Increment II design and development within 120 days of Phase III contract award. The Contractor shall also plan and execute an Information Assurance (IA) vulnerability assessment of Everything Over Internet Protocol (EoIP) functionality by an independent (Government or Industry) IA assessment organization. The Contractor shall deliver the assessment to the Government within 120 days of the start of Phase III. 1.2 MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES The DJC2 Program Office objective is to gain knowledge on available technologies that will allow key Increment II capabilities to be evaluated prior to Milestone B. This knowledge is critical to assessing the technical difficulties of Increment II capabilities prior to entering the System Design and Demonstration Phase of the Increment II Program. The Joint Program Office desires to investigate multiple concepts and design approaches and advance the most promising designs to a demonstration of capability with a prototype RRK. The JPO will evaluate all responses and select multiple contractors to begin concepts and designs for Phase I. Preliminary designs will be evaluated to select contractor(s) to advance to Phase II for final design efforts. Final designs will be evaluated to select one or more contractors to advance to Phase III for prototype development and demonstration. Determination of the number of awards for each phase will be based on the soundness of the technology solution offered, technical data restrictions, cost, and schedule considerations. 1.3 PROGRAM SCOPE AND FUNDING This BAA is composed of three consecutive phases; each of the phases shall be separately priced in order that the Government can rapidly advance acceptable designs. The first phase of this BAA solicits proposals for a 1-month effort that focuses on advanced technology, concept development, and preliminary design work. Phase II calls for a 2-month effort to develop a detailed design and generate a final design package. Phase III is expected to be a 4-month effort to build, integrate, test, and evaluate a prototype RRK. Phase I: Phase I will focus on concept and preliminary design development for a DJC2 Rapid Response Kit. At the completion of this phase, the offerors will present their preliminary design effort to the DJC2 Joint Program Office for evaluation. The best value designs that achieve the objectives of Phase I will be considered for advancement and award to conduct Phase II final design efforts. The JPO will select the design(s) that demonstrate the most advantageous technical approach within acceptable cost and schedule constraints to proceed to Phase II, and will notify contractors within 10 working days of the last Phase I presentation. In Phase I, the Joint Program Office expects to award up to six contracts. Each project team should include an appropriate mix of expertise in order to develop an end-to-end, integrated technical solution. Projects that address only one or a subset of technical challenges within the task area are not likely to be selected. Phase II: Concepts and Designs from Phase I will be evaluated and up to three preliminary designs that provide the best capability within the stated criteria will be selected to advance to Phase II to complete the detailed design and generate a design packet. Contractors? designs that are determined to be technically sound, offer a good technical risk/cost trade-off approach, and meet or exceed the objectives of Phase II will be considered for advancement and award to conduct Phase III prototype development and demonstration efforts. The Joint Program Office will select the design(s) that demonstrate the most advantageous technical approach within acceptable cost and schedule constraints to proceed to Phase III, and will notify contractors within 10 days of the last Phase II presentation. Phase III: The contractors that are selected for Phase III will develop and integrate their design and validate the new capability through demonstration with Increment I DJC2 equipment. Phase III contractors will be selected from the Phase II contractors based upon considerations of design maturity, evaluated product performance risk, schedule and cost. The Government reserves the right to adjust the total program funding and the number of awards for all three phases to meet the best interests of the program. 2. TECHNICAL APPROACH The proposal should include a schedule for each of the three phases and each proposal should describe a comprehensive technical approach that addresses the following task areas: PHASE I TASK: Rapid Response Kit Preliminary Design The objective of this task is to develop a concept and preliminary design for a Rapid Response Kit that meets or exceeds the Government?s requirements within the following technical parameters: Provide capability to connect to two (2) GIG-accessible, crypto-covered networks at once (e.g., NIPRNet, SIPRNet, CENTRIXS) Provide secure wireless (objective) to clients Utilize Everything over Internet Protocol (EoIP) All equipment must meet commercial airline standards for carry-on luggage for commercial aircraft (Objective: Transport by two persons) Provide Net Centric operations to the maximum extent possible Demonstrate multi-mode (data, video, and voice) operations Provide minimum of 4 Voice Over IP (VoIP) telephonic instruments Must be able to use thin or thick clients, and must support 5 clients (threshold)/15 clients (objective) Provide radio with 1.024 Mbps threshold, 4.196 Mbps objective per network Provide Reliability, Maintainability, Availability, Built-in Test and logistic support as an objective Provide compact, ruggedized, protective packaging It is expected the awardees will use own facilities to accomplish design tasks. Leveraging existing hardware and software is highly encouraged and commercially available open system communication resources should be selected where possible. Selection rationale for technologies, including critical specifications and estimated costs, should be presented in detail in the proposal. Specific quantitative metrics and goals relevant to DJC2 must be established and a migration path to Net Centric and GIG-ES Architectures clearly evident. Hence the proposal should provide descriptions of technical claims and detailed testing procedures and tools for evaluating the utility of the technology system in enhancing DJC2 operational effectiveness. Concepts for measuring operational effectiveness should be developed in the proposal. PHASE II TASK: Rapid Response Kit Final Design The objective of this task is to generate a detailed final design package for an RRK that meets or exceeds the requirements previously stated for Phase I. The schedule and other management controls identified in Section 1 are applicable. PHASE III TASK: Rapid Response Kit Prototype Development and Demonstration The designs from Phase II will be down-selected for prototype development for Phase III. The RRK design will demonstrate functional capability by operating with the existing Developmental Test Unit (DTU). The DTU and the RRK will be set up at a selected test facility on the Naval Support Activity Panama City (NSA-PC) complex. The test facility will provide the necessary power, heating/cooling, shelters, and security required for the demonstration. A limited performance test event (approximately 3 ? 5 days) will be executed as part of the RRK functional demonstration. The testing will comprise a selected set of test cards from the DT-CII (B) event. A minimum set of military and civilian operators/testers will be provided to evaluate the RRK?s function capability. The offeror must quantify the capability to be realized through their proposed concepts and technology. The Joint Program Office will arrange for general material storage, as well as any required special material (Classified) storage during the demonstration event period. Current Increment I resources available to all awardees will be: the Increment I design, the specification, the Capabilities Production Document, agreed upon visits to the Joint Program Office, and an opportunity to observe a DJC2 Increment I System set up at NSA-PC. 3. GENERAL INFORMATION All interested, responsible, and qualified sources capable of satisfying the Government's needs may submit a proposal for consideration by the DJC2 Joint Program Office. Foreign participants and/or individuals may participate to the extent that such participants comply with any necessary Non-Disclosure Agreements, Security Regulations, Export Laws, and other governing statutes applicable under the circumstances. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Institutions (MIs) are encouraged to submit proposals and join others in submitting proposals. However, no portion of this BAA will be set-aside for HBCU and MI participation due to the impracticality of reserving discrete or severable areas of this work for exclusive competition among these entities. SECURITY INFORMATION: Security classification guidance on a DD Form 254 (DoD Contract Security Classification Specification) will not be provided at this time since the DJC2 Joint Program Office is soliciting conceptual ideas only. After reviewing incoming proposals, if a determination is made that contract award may result in access to classified information, a DD Form 254 will be issued upon contract award. No classified proposals will be accepted. Proprietary Data: All proposals containing proprietary data should have the cover page and each page containing proprietary data clearly marked as containing proprietary data. It is the Offeror?s responsibility to clearly define to the Government what is considered proprietary data. Offerors must have existing and in-place prior to execution of an award, approved capabilities (personnel and facilities) to perform technology demonstrations and prototyping at the classified levels they propose. Proposals will not be returned. The original of each proposal received will be retained at the DJC2 Joint Program Office and all other non-required copies destroyed. A certification of destruction may be requested, provided that the formal request is received at this office within 5 days after unsuccessful notification. 4. SUBMISSION PROCESS Written proposals (and disks) must be submitted by 12:00 CT, 25 July 2005. Proposals must not be submitted by facsimile or email. If sent by either of these methods, they will be disregarded. This notice constitutes the total BAA. Prospective offerors may submit questions concerning the content of this BAA to the to Contracting Officer at the email address indicated at the beginning and end of this announcement. If an answer is deemed appropriate, the response will be posted to the DJC2 and Contracts Office web sites noted at the beginning of this document. No additional information is available, nor will a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) or other solicitation regarding this announcement be issued. Requests for same will be disregarded. 4.1 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION Offerors must submit original plus 8 hard copies of the proposal and 2 electronic copies (i.e., 2 separate disks). Electronic copy shall be on CD/DVD-ROM in a format readable by Microsoft Word 2000. Additional reference papers (as described in Section 2) may be in Acrobat (.pdf) format. Each disk must be clearly labeled with BAA No. DJC2 05-01, proposer name, proposal title (?DJC2 RRK TRR Proposal?) and Copy n of 2. The proposal (original and eight hard and two electronic copies) must be received by the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Panama City Contracts Office at 110 Vernon Avenue (Code XPS, Bldg. 373) the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City, Florida by 12:00 NOON (CT) Monday, 25 July 2005 to be considered for award. For purpose of the handling of proposal submissions, Federal Acquisition regulation Clause 52.215-1, ?Instruction to Offerors ? Competitive Acquisition? will be applicable. Proposals must address all three phases including pricing information. The co! ntracting officer anticipates the negotiation of a cost plus fixed fee type contract for all three phases. (Alternate types of pricing arrangements such as fixed priced will be considered if proposed.) Potential offerors are advised that the Government intends to use support contractors who are bound by non-disclosure requirements for administrative purposes. The DJC2 Joint Program Office may also solicit input on technical aspects of the proposals from non-Government consultants and experts who are also bound by appropriate non-disclosure requirements. By submission of its offer, the offeror gives the Government permission to release the offeror?s proprietary information to employees of the following organizations: Applied Research Associates, Inc. and Titan Corporation of Panama City, FL and Radiance Technologies, Inc. of Huntsville. AL. Use of non-Government personnel is covered in FAR 37.203(d). 5. PROPOSAL FORMAT The required format for this BAA can be found at www.djc2.org/industry. The technical approach described in the proposal should not exceed 10 pages, including technical illustrations. Offerors should follow complete format details provided at the DCJ2 Industry website. This website will be the primary information conduit for industry, and responses to all questions will be posted on the website. 6. EVALUATION AND FUNDING PROCESSES Evaluation of proposals will be accomplished through an analytical review of each proposal using the following criteria, which are listed in descending order of relative importance: Technical Merit: The overall technical merit must be clearly identifiable and compelling. The technical concepts should be clearly defined and developed. The technical approach must be sufficiently detailed to support the proposed concepts and technical claims. Evaluation will also consider systems integration approaches to technology demonstration. Offerors should apply new and/or existing technology in an innovative way that supports program and task objectives. The offeror should provide a clear strategy and plan for technology transition to DJC2 Increment II design, production, and ultimately to the user community. Technical Data Restrictions: The overall impact of data rights use restrictions proposed by the offeror that would negatively impact the government?s ability to migrate the technology to the post-Milestone II Systems Development and Demonstration Increment II contract effort. Value to DoD (Cost): The overall estimated costs should be clearly justified and appropriate for the technical complexity of the effort. Evaluation will consider the value of the technology and proposed approach to the Government and the extent to which the proposed management plan will effectively allocate resources to achieve the capabilities proposed Schedule: The Offeror should have the ability to meet the Government?s timeline for each phase. Production Capability and History, and Quality Assurance: Demonstrated production capability and history of similar products, document data control, internal quality audit programs, and established procurement (supplier management) and material control procedures will be considered. Note: The Government reserves the right to make awards without discussions with Offerors. The Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if the Source Selection Authority later determines them to be necessary. If warranted, portions of resulting awards may be segregated into pre-priced options. 7. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS/PROCEDURES The Award for each proposal selected and funded in Phase III will contain a mandatory requirement for submission of Monthly Status Reports. These reports, described below, will be electronically submitted by each Phase III awardees under this BAA to the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officer?s Representative (COR) and the DJC2 PMO project officer. Monthly Status Report Outline: a) Project General Information b) Technical Approach Accomplishments, Goals, Significant changes/improvements c) Deliverables d) Transition Planning e) Meetings and Presentations f) Near Term Objectives g) Financial Report h) Project Status/Schedule 8. ADMINISTRATIVE ADDRESSES The administrative addresses for this BAA are: Fax: 850/234-4862 Addressed to: Code XPS (L. Hynson) Electronic Mail: theodore.hynson@navy.mil Mail to: Contracting Officer Naval Surface Warfare Center ATTN: Code XPS/Hynson 110 Vernon Avenue Panama City, Florida 32407-7001 Hand Deliveries associated with this BAA shall be made to the Acquisition Services Division (Code XPS), Building 373 at the above address.
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NSWC Panama City Broad Agency Announcements
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