R -- EAP Services
- Notice Date
- 8/19/2005
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- WASO-WCP Denver Contracting & Procurement P.O. Box 25287 MS WCP Denver CO 80225
- ZIP Code
- 80225
- Solicitation Number
- Q280106D001
- Response Due
- 9/8/2005
- Archive Date
- 8/19/2006
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- R -EAP Services - This is a COMBINED SYNOPSIS/SOLICITATION FOR COMMERCIAL ITEM SERVICES prepared in accordance with the format in FAR subpart 12.6., as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation and proposals are being requested on or before 4:00 p.m. MST, September 8, 2005. A WRITTEN SOLICITATION WILL NOT BE ISSUED. The NAICS for this procurement is 541612. This is an unrestricted procurement. Award will be a firm-fixed price contract for a base period and 4 option periods. Section B, Bid Schedule, is as follows for the base period: CLIN 0001, Phase In Services; CLIN 0001AA- Supvisory Training - Lakewood, EST QTY - 2; UNIT OF ISSUE - EA; CLIN 0001AB - Supervisory Training - Ft. Collins;EST QTY - 2, UNIT OF ISSUE - EA; CLIN 0001AC - Employee Orientation, Lakewood, EST QTY - 2, UNIT OF ISSUE - EA; CLIN 0001AD - Employee Orientation, Ft. Collins; EST QTY - 2, UNIT OF ISSUE - EA; CLIN 0001AE - Travel - NTE $1000. The CLINS associated with all the option periods are as follows: CLIN 0002AA, 0003AA, 0004AA, 0005AA, and 0006AA - EAP Services - EST QTY - 295; UNIT OF ISSUE - HR; CLIN 0002AB, 0003AB, 0004AB, 0005AB, and 0006AB - Additional Supervisory training or employee training sessions; EST QTY - 2; UNIT OF ISSUE - EA; CLIN 0002AC, 0003AC, 0004AC, 0005AC, 0006AC - Travel - NTE $1000. Provide unit prices and extended amounts for each of the above CLIN's in your price proposal. Include a grand total for all CLINs and all years. The following FAR clauses are applicable and can be found at FAR 52.212-1, 52.212-2, 52.212-3, 52.212-4 and 52.212-5. In accordance with 52-212-2, the following technical criteria will be evaluated in order of descending importance: 1) Technical Approach to the Statement of Work - two sub elements: a) Training Plan; and b) EAP Orientation Plan; 2) Corporate Expertise - Key Personnel (Resumes), offerors experience in critical incident response, violence prevention, hostile work environment; 3) Past Performance - offerors list of references from same or similiar type contracts, POC, telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses for all contracts in past 3 years. NPS specific experience will be given a higher rating. Wage Determination Number apply as follows: 1994-2082 (Rev. 19), dated 6/1/2005. Request offeror provide 1 original with 3 copies of technical proposal and 1 original with 1 copy of price proposal along with reps and certs. Mail offer to: National Park Service, Cheryl A. Drake, Contracting Officer, 12795 W. Alameda Parkway, MS: WCP, Lakewood, CO 80228. E-mail offer in PDF format to: All responses must be received by date and time established in this announcement to be considered responsive. For questions: contact Cheryl Drake at 303-987-6719. Attached Statement of Work: SCOPE OF SERVICES EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Denver Administrative Program Center Denver Service Center Denver Based WASO Offices I. INTRODUCTION The Department of Interior, National Park Service, Denver Service Center (DSC) and the Washington Support Offices (WASO) provide each of its employees with Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services. These employees span the full range of socioeconomic categories and are frequently culturally diverse. While the majority of these employees are physically located in Denver, Colorado, with a satellite office in Fort Collins, Colorado, there is the potential of providing service to operating offices geographically based elsewhere. These offices provide contract EAP services under the policy direction of the Agency's Director of Administrative Program Center (APC). The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616) and the Drug Abuse Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255) authorized federal agencies to provide appropriate alcohol and drug services for civilian employees. P.L. 79-658 also authorized heads of Agencies to establish health services programs to promote and maintain the physical and mental fitness of employees. In 1986, the Omnibus Drug Enforcement, Education and Control Act (P.L. 99-570) were enacted. That law reiterated Congressional concern about the prevention of illegal drug use and the treatment of federal employees who use drugs. Also, in 1986, Executive Order 12564 established further requirements for agencies and employees in order to obtain a drug free federal workplace. P.L. 100-71 (1987) was enacted to establish requirements for implementation of the Executive Order. The employee assistance program (EAP) was given a major role in each of these. In 1988, Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which reinforces the idea of a drug free workplace and the need for EAPs. In 1971, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) created an agency-wide program to address the interests of individuals who needed alcohol counseling. In 1972, this program was expanded to address other drug abuse. Through the mid-1970's the program was expanded to include counseling for other types of personal problems as well. II. PURPOSE NPS views the EAP as an effective method for handling employees whose alcohol, drug, and other personal problems are affecting their ability to function on the job. The Agency is also committed to the EAP as an adjunct to a drug free workplace. The broader objectives of the program delivered under this contract are to reduce the costs associated with troubled employees (such as absenteeism, accidents, sick leave, lowered productivity) and to contribute to the creation of a drug free workplace. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The EAP is available to all NPS employees, regardless of the nature of their personal problems. Up to three (3) counseling sessions per problem and a normal maximum of two (2) problems per employee per calendar year may be provided by the contractor. The program is also available to family members (either a relative of an employee or someone in a primary relationship with an employee) in two situations. 1) The counselor may see the family member whether or not the employee is seen by the EAP when the family member has a problem that is connected with the employee's alcohol or drug abuse. In such circumstances, the family member may be the client of the program and receive all of its services. 2) The EAP may see the family member in situations where the employee has a personal problem that may be helped by seeing the family member or when the personal problem of the family member is affecting the employee's ability to function on the job. In these situations, the program's client is the employee, not the family member, and the EAP's services are provided to the employee. In addition, the family member may be seen only if the employee him/herself is seen by the EAP, or if the intent of the EAP is to see the employee. In some situations, the EAP may assess and refer the family or couple for treatment as a unit. It is not the intention of this contract to provide EAP services convenient to the locations of family members but rather to make the services available at the sites offered to employees. Also, when family members are being seen, the counseling sessions allowable are inclusive of what employees are allowed. i.e., three (3) counseling sessions per problem and a normal maximum of two (2) problems per employee per calendar year. Confidentiality. This is a primary concern of the EAP. EAP counseling records and information from employee visits shall be kept in a confidential manner, in accordance with privacy act laws, regulations, and OPM policy. The Contractor shall be expected to conform to these standards in running the program. Exceptions to confidentiality exist for situations where an individual intends to do imminent harm to self or others, in cases when child/elder abuse or neglect is revealed, and in cases where a judge signs a court order relative to the investigation of a serious crime and demonstrates the need for client-identifying information. Cost. There are no charges to employees for the services of the EAP. If an employee accepts any referral to an outside community resource, the employee is responsible for the cost of that treatment or assistance. The Contractor shall work with the employee to try to keep the cost within the employee's financial means. Contractors shall not refer EAP clients to themselves for treatment unless no other referral sources are possible. The Contractor shall track all such referrals. Drug free workplace initiative. Executive Order 12564 and its' implementing legislation recognize that illegal drug use is seriously impairing a portion of the Federal Government's work force. In response to this, OPM developed the Drug Free Workplace Program to set forth the objectives, policies, procedures, and implementation guidelines necessary to achieve a workplace free of drugs. The Contractor shall he expected to coordinate with individuals responsible for implementing various aspects of this program on an as needed basis. Program location(s). The Contractor shall provide suitable office space for employees and counselors to meet. Contractor office site must be located within a 20 mile radius of 12795 W. Alameda Parkway, Lakewood, CO 80228. They must also allow for confidentiality of counseling sessions and secure maintenance of records, and be pleasant and accessible to wheelchair-bound employees. Contractor will provide similar services of the same quality for the Colorado Front Range area. Labor-management relations. An important aspect of the EAP is its' cooperation with the unions that represent NPS employees. Unions are considered essential to the success of the program and are sources of employee referrals. The Contractor shall demonstrate sensitivity to and familiarity with union issues. IV. TASKS AND PRODUCTS Implementation Tasks: Task 1: Supervisory Training Supervisory training shall be designed to help supervisors and managers use the program effectively in the performance of their responsibilities. Ninety (90%) percent of all the supervisors and managers identified by the HR COTR shall receive initial supervisor training within 90 days of the date the training plan is approved. The other 10 percent shall be trained on an as needed, as required basis. Training sessions shall be consistent with the needs of each location for content and length. Classes shall contain a maximum of 25 participants. Sessions shall be held at government provided facilities, with all necessary audiovisual equipment. The Contractor shall provide 1-2 supervisor training sessions (depending on the need) in each location (Lakewood & Fort Collins). Products under Task 1: " The Contractor shall submit a training plan. It is expected that some of this proposed plan (such as the schedule) will be altered after the award of the contract. The Contractor's plan shall cover: Training schedules and locations (tentative) Training content (outline and methods used, what each module shall accomplish) Copies of handouts and other materials used in training (samples) The name of contract staff providing training " Within 20 days after the contract award date, the Contractor shall submit a final training plan that reflects any required changes to the plan submitted with this proposal. Task 2: Orient Employees All employees shall receive EAP orientation on the program so that they become aware of its' services and aware of the kinds and prevalence of personal problems that may affect their work performance. Another purpose is to encourage employees to seek help early in resolving personal issues, before they affect work performance Employees identified by the HR COTR or key local staff shall receive an EAP orientation within 90 days of the date the EAP orientation plan is approved. The Contractor shall coordinate with the HR COTR or other key staff to coordinate the training. It is expected that approximately 75% of the 540 NPS's employees will receive the initial EAP orientations. The remaining 25% are expected to be oriented as soon as practical. Sessions shall be held at government provided facilities, with all necessary audiovisual equipment. The Contractor shall provide 1-2 employee orientation sessions (depending on the need) in each location (Lakewood & Fort Collins). Products under Task 2 " The Contractor shall submit an EAP orientation plan. It is expected that some of this proposed plan (such as the schedule) will be altered after the award of the contract (see 3.h. below). The Contractor plan shall cover: Proposed EAP orientation schedules and locations (tentative) EAP orientation content (outline methods to be used, and what each module shall accomplish) Copies of handouts and other materials used in EAP orientations (samples) The name(s) of contract staff conducting EAP orientations Description of alternate orientation methods for employees located in satellite areas or who are unable to receive the scheduled EAP orientation because of other logistical concerns. " All EAP orientation participants shall be provided with some written materials (pamphlet, wallet card, leaflet, etc.) describing the EAP and providing the access telephone number(s). " Within 30 days after the contract award date, the Contractor shall submit a final EAP orientation plan that reflects any required changes to the plan submitted with this proposal. Task 3: Development of a Confidential Record-keeping System The Contractor shall plan, develop, use, maintain, and manage a record system in accordance with applicable laws and regulations relating to alcohol and drug abuse prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. Products under Task 3 " Within 45 days after the contract award date, The Contractor shall submit a final plan to maintain a record-keeping system for EAP clients. The plan will include: An awareness and understanding of the policies, laws and regulations affecting the confidentiality of client records, the National Archives and Records Administration General Records Schedule No. 1,42 CPR Part 2 and the Privacy Act. A list of which Contractor staff shall have access to client records and demonstration of their ability to handle confidential records A description of how the records shall he stored to ensure their safekeeping, including how storage of files in this multi site program will be handled A description of how case records will he maintained (their contents, assignment of case codes, file destruction, etc.) Task 4: Coordinate Data Collection & Reporting - Management Information Systems The Contractor shall develop appropriate tracking and evaluation mechanisms which provide quarterly statistics indicating program utilization, to include number of referrals, source of referrals, primary problem(s), referral action, and client status (active, inactive, terminated). The Contractor shall conduct regular progress evaluations concerning the effectiveness of their referral resource and the employee's recovery. Sufficient data shall be maintained by the Contractor to determine and verify costs, number of participants, types of utilization, and frequency of occurrence. All reports shall be provided to the HR COTR. Products under Task 4 " The quarterly forms are due 15 days following the close of each quarter. The quarters are: October 1-December 31 (report due January 15), January 1-March 31 (report due April 15), April 1-June 30 (report due July 15), July 1-September 30 (report due October 15). " The annual report covers the Federal Government's fiscal year (October 1-September 30) and is due October 15 of each year. The data collected in the annual report is used, among other things, for completing the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's Annual Report on EAP activities. There may be times when this report is distributed for completion by the Contractor, in addition to the annual report described above. The HR COTR shall be responsible for letting the Contractor know this information in an expeditious manner. " The Contractor shall be responsible for completing these reports whenever they are due except if a due date falls within the first thirty days of the original contract starting date. A number of the activities described under the implementation tasks are expected to continue after the start-up period of the contract. This includes quality assurance, evaluation, resource development and maintenance of a confidential record-keeping system. The Contractor shall continue these efforts throughout the life of the contract. ON-GOING TASKS: The ongoing tasks primarily involve the counseling functions of the EAP. Also, several of the administrative tasks planned and developed during the program's implementation will actually take place during this ongoing part of the contact. The tasks are as follows: Assess client problems Refer clients to appropriate facilities for resolution of problems Short-term problem solving Follow-up/Monitor client progress Provide short-term counseling and crisis intervention o Violence prevention o Hostile Work Environment Provide Critical Incident Stress Management Consult with managers and supervisors Conduct follow-up supervisor training, at a minimum of 2 times a year Conduct EAP orientation, minimum of once a quarter Provide ongoing education and outreach Maintain mental health and addiction benefit information Maintain liaisons with key NPS offices Provide program information (posters, flyers, etc.) Advanced Supervisor Training. Advanced supervisor training is designed for supervisors and managers who have had EAP training in the past, but may need an update because of a particular case or personal interest. In any event, supervisors should be briefed on EAP topics and methodology at least every 18 months. These trainings shall be arranged locally, and scheduled on an as needed basis. V. Specific Staff Qualifications/Key Personnel 1) Project Manager is the contract staff member responsible for the overall management of the contract and for reporting to the HR COTR. This person may or may not perform counseling duties as part of this role. a) If the Project Manager does not perform counseling duties, he or she must meet, at a minimum, these qualifications: Demonstrated ability in program management Knowledge of the various policies, regulations, Federal policy issuance's, and laws governing the operation of EAP's in the Federal Government and in NPS Agreement to uphold professional standards of conduct including prohibition against referring clients to oneself in a private capacity. This also includes a prohibition against referring to persons/facilities with which the Project Director has any financial interests unless it can be demonstrated that there is some overriding clinical reason (such as cost or quality being the best for the client or that there are no other treatment facilities available in the area). b) If the Project Manager does perform counseling duties, he or she must meet, at a minimum, those qualifications outlined in l.a. above and these: If a clinical social worker, the person must he trained at the master's level and possess a current State license or State certification. In addition, a nationally recognized EAP certification (such as the Academy of Certified Social Workers or the Federation of Clinical Social Workers) is necessary. This national certification process must require a masters degree in social work and at least two years of post-degree practice supervised by a social worker that is licensed or certified at this same level. If a clinical psychologist, the person must possess and maintain a valid, current, unrestricted State license or State certification. If a psychiatrist, the person must possess and maintain a current and unrestricted State license. If a psychiatric nurse, the person must possess and maintain a current, valid State license/registration as a professional nurse. If the person holds a graduate degree in another mental health field (typically these include master of counseling, master of counseling psychology, master of marriage and family counseling), it must be demonstrated that the academic training included a supervised clinical experience. This individual must possess and maintain a current State license or State certification (appropriate to the degree) from the State in which he or she is employed, domiciled or permanently residing. If such credentials are not available, the individual must possess and maintain certification by a nationally recognized certifying board such as the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC). The certification must require a supervised clinical experience of at least two years. Must have demonstrated proficiency in the area of assessing and counseling alcohol and drug abusers or be certified in this area by State or local governments or by another authorized certification board. Must have demonstrated proficiency in the provision of human services in the workplace or be certified in this area by an academic institute or a nationally recognized association that award a certification such as the Certified Employee Assistance Professional (CEAP). Should maintain active membership in the professional association appropriate to his or her degree. 2) Counselors provide counseling assistance and consultative activities. All counselors must agree to uphold the professional standards of conduct discussed in 1.a. above. This Statement of Work differentiates between three types of counselors, each having its own required qualifications. a) Counselors who supervise other clinical staff must meet, at a minimum, all of the qualifications outlined in 1.b. above. b) Staff counselors are those in non-supervisory clinical positions. Except for psychiatrists, recently graduated masters' degree holders who do not meet supervised practice requirements for licensure or certification may be employed as staff counselors but must work under the direct supervision of a practitioner who meets the qualifications listed in 1.b. above. Appropriate licenses/certifications must he obtained within two years of the contract starting date. c) Clinical interns may be utilized for this contract providing they are training at the graduate level in a mental health profession. They must be closely supervised by a contract staff member meeting all of the qualifications in 1.b. above. Interns may not constitute more than 20% of the clinical time dedicated to this contract. VI. COMPLETION ACTIVITIES Final Narrative Report. At the end of the contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for submitting a final narrative report. It is due to the HR COTR thirty days after the close of the contract. It shall include: A brief summary of all EAP activities conducted over the life of the contract An overall review and reflection of how the program proceeded during the contract. i.e., major obstacles, attitude of employees, logistical concerns A description of any significant trends in EAP activities, particularly clinical ones, which can be gleaned from the quarterly reports. Any significant evaluation or quality assurance findings Recommendations for future EAP activities VII. STANDARD OF WORK All work performed in the completion of the condition and integrity assessments shall reflect adherence to professional and regulatory standards and to applicable Federal Government laws. VIII. CONFIDENTIALITY The information developed under this contract will be the property of the United States government and shall be kept in strict confidence.
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- Place of Performance
- Address: Denver, Colorado
- Zip Code: 80228
- Country: US
- Zip Code: 80228
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- SN00875105-W 20050821/050819212734 (
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