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Q -- Educational and Developmental Intervention Services: Early Intervention Technical Expert

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
621330 — Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians)
Contracting Office
Southeast Regional Contracting Office, ATTN: MCAA SE, Building 39706, Fort Gordon, GA 30905-5650
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. The solicitation number is W91YTV-05-T-0320. The acquisition is issued as a Request for Quote (RFQ). The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-05. The North American Industry Classification System Code (NAICS) for this procurement is: 621330. The requirement is a total small business set-aside. Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Southeast Regio nal Medical Command (SERMC), Fort Gordon Georgia 30905 has a requirement for an Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS)/Early Intervention Technical Expert as indicated: CLIN 0001: SERMC EDIS Comprehensive System for Personnel Developmen t (CSPD): Early Intervention Technical Expert QTY 1,133 hrs, $__________. Services are to be performed in accordance with Performance Based Work Statement for the period of Sep 05 - 30 Aug 06. 1.1. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Communities of Practice Sessions: T he contractor shall provide nine sessions to be delivered via a one-hour conference call each month as indicated below. Each session will contain a PowerPoint or other similar document with discussion points appropriate for posting on the EDIS website as a guide prior to each session. Consultant will present a 10-15 minute overview of highlights of each chapter in the Coaching for Families and Colleagues in Early Childhood text, which will serve as the framework for the monthly calls. Early Intervention personnel in the SERMC programs will read the chapter prior to participating and be prepared with questions and discussion items. Consultant will facilitate discussion. September, 2005 - Introductory Session / Determine Framework /Q and A October, 2005 - Coaching in Early Childhood: Whats It All About? November, 2005 - Support for Coaching, December, 2005 - The Coaching Process, January, 2006 - Qualities of an Effective Coach February, 2006 - Coaching Families in Home and Community Settings, March, 2006 - Coaching in Group Settings, April, 2006 - Coaching Colleagues, May, 2006 - Wrap Up/Next Steps, (Exact dates TBA). Team building process: The contractor shall promote the use of trans-disciplinary early intervention practices by incorporating the use of the Team Practices Profile (TPP): A Self-Rating Instrument for Teams (Child Development Resources) into Communities of Practice Sessions. At the end of the conference call sessions and based on an established schedule the contractor will follow-up with SE RMC early intervention personnel regarding the use of the TPP, which was introduced at the 2005 SERMC EDIS All Staff Conference. Teams will be given an opportunity to provide an update on their status in relationship to the TPP process and ask related questions. After teams have had several months to implement their action plans, in collaboration with the SERMC EDIS Program Manager, the contractor shall evaluate the teams progress through a review of the teams action planning worksheets. The TPP wil l be used again one year after the initial completion as a comparison of team functioning over time. In consultation with the SERMC EDIS Program Manager, the contractor will conduct a comparison study highlighting team improvements and promoting the teams continued commitment to future change. Next steps will be determined based on the results of the comparison study. Module Development for Competency Based Comprehensive System for Personnel Development (CSPD) Program: The contractor shall develop content for an online Professional Development Program based on competencies and guidelines provided in MEDCOM Circular 40 - 4 and the Department of Defense Instructio ns (DODI), and in concert with research-based practices. The modules could be used as the foundation for creating a Certificate Program for EDIS staff. Those candidates successfully passing an examination for each module could be considered as meeting th e foundational requirements toward eligibility as highly qualified to provide services for infants/toddlers and their families in the EDIS program. Modules would be accessible through the http://www.armyedis.com website and would incorporate previously d eveloped module components by EDIS personnel as applicable. The contractor will be paid only for those hours actually worked under this contract. Contractor will work with the SERMC EDIS Program Manager on the strategy for module development and related c onsiderations. Related considerations include, but are not limited to the following: Number and focus of modules: Orientation to the EDIS Program, Infant Toddler Development, Teaming and Family Partnerships, Evaluation and Assessment, Service Delivery Des ign and Implementation, Photo image use and securing photo release documents, Copyright permission for use of resources in a Resource Bank, Use of instructor-led discussion groups, chats etc, Glossary component with key words, Conversion of Word documents to html for online presentation, Web based instructional design considerations. 1.2 Contract Early Intervention Technical Expert (EITE).The contract EDIS shall possess the skills, knowledge and training to satisfactorily perform the services required. The contractor shall have experience with group facilitation, training early intervention personnel within the Department of Defense system and developing remaining materials. The contractor must also be willing and able to utilize various forms of technology to facilitate and participate in group meetings. Telephone conferencing, video teleconferencing, email, and other web-based communications will be the means to accomplish most of the tasks within this requirement. The contractor satisfying this requirement shall be directly accountable to the SERMC EDIS Program Manager. 1.3. PERFORMANCE MEASURES. 1.3.1. Outcome. Performance Requirements and Standards; Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD), Support Program Performance Objectives Performance St andards, AQL and Timeline Method of Performance Assessment Determine procedures and timelines for Communities of Practice Conference Calls Provide no less than three sessions during the month of September 2005 for consultation on developing procedural guid elines for Communities of Practice conference calls. Review records and reports. Provide PowerPoint presentations appropriate for internet access to facilitate conference calls Provide no fewer than seven PowerPoint presentations (September 2005  June 200 6) Review submitted products. Facilitate Communities of Practice conference calls Provide monthly facilitation of Communities of Practice conference calls for a minimum of 60 minutes live interaction for a minimum of nine months (September 2005  May 200 6). Review log of conference calls. Promote team building process based on family-centered and trans-disciplinary early intervention practices. Ensure that effective actions are being implemented--Using TPP guidelines monitor each teams progress, review a ction plan worksheets, and provide feedback during communities of practice sessions based on established schedule. (September 2005 May 2006) Review records and reports Provide technical expertise in developing EDIS guidelines for a set of skills and compe tencies which SERMC personnel must meet in order to be considered highly qualified to provide early intervention services. Provide no less than one session each month for guidance on developing personnel policies and procedures for a skill and compete ncy based highly qualified workforce (September 2005  March 2006).Review recommendations and reports. Randomly review documents related to competencies. Desi gn a framework for an EDIS Certificate Program which personnel must complete through examination or professional development modules. Report each month on the progress toward the design framework (November 2005  March 2006).Review deliverable progress rep ort Gather input and participate in decision making regarding training modules to be developed for an online EDIS Certificate Program through professional development and examination. Facilitate a minimum of one workgroup meeting for the purpose of decisio n making and agreement on the parameters for the CSPD training modules and examination (February  April 2006).Review workgroup meeting minutes and reports. Develop content for training module #1.Content shall be in accordance with MEDCOM Circular 40-4 and DODI and contain less than 5% that requires revisions or modifications; revised content will be ready for conversion to html coding for online distribution (May  June 2006) Review content of product/deliverable. Develop Assessment for Training Module # 1 which links to core competencies for said module. Assessment/Examination shall be in format to match content of Module #1 with less than 2% that will require revisions or modifications; revised content will be ready for conversion to html coding for onlin e distribution (July - August 2006)Review content of product/deliverable. Evaluate team progress based on TTP procedures and team action plans. Review content of TPP each teams action planning worksheets and provide input. Provide evaluative written fee dback to each SERMC EDIS Team based on the review of the teams action planning worksheets (June-July 06) Review records and reports Using TPP process compare team functioning overtime Conduct a comparison study. Each team will complete the TPP again  on e year after its initial completion. Data from the initial TPP will be compared to data rendered from the second TPP. Summarize findings and provide written feedback highlighting improvements made by each team and outlining a plan for follow-up geared tow ards helping the teams continue their commitment to future change (August  September 2006)Review records and reports. Develop content for training module #2.Content shall be in accordance with MEDCOM Circular 40-4 and DODI and contain less than 5% that will require revisions or modifications; revised content will be ready for conversion to html coding for online distribution (August  September 2006).Review content of product/deliverable. Provide technical assistance to determine next steps for develo ping remaining training modules for the EDIS Certificate Program and assessment/examination components for such. Provide no less than two consultation sessions for planning purposes in methodology for completing the EDIS training modules and assessments/ex aminations. (September 2006).Review meeting notes. Performance Requirements Summary Requirement Outcome Performance Objective Performance Standard and AQL Communities Of Practice Facilitate monthly in-service sessions for EDIS personnel through Communities of Practice conference call sessions. Program meets needs identified by SERMC and site based programs for Communities of Practice sessions.1). Nine monthly sessions are provided.2). Surveys returned by EDIS personnel who participate in sessions report 80% agreement that Communities of Practice sessions have contributed to increased knowledge and skills in providing services through a coaching model and use of the TPP. EDIS Skill and Competency Based Guidelines for Development of Training Modules and Assess ments/Examinations Establish guidelines to be used in developing training modules and assessment/examinations. Guidelines provide clarity and formula for developing training modules and assessments/examinations with less than 5% unanswered items. Modules a nd Assessment/Examination. Provide two fully developed training modules and one assessment/examination. Modules and assessment/examination are 100% complete and ready for html coding for online dissemination.1.3.2. Standards.1.4.3. Methods of Performance Measurement. 2.QUALIFICATIONS.Technical Expert possesses skills, knowledge and experience in the following: current research based practices for young children w ith special needs and their families, adult learning principles and applications for providing in-service training, group dynamics, organization and facilitation procedural guidelines and policy development, teaching methods and applications for face-to-fa ce and online distributed learning, instructor led and online module development, including content and imaging, facilitation of communities of practice teleconferencing and online discussion groups, creating and validating test items, CONUS and OCONUS Dep artment of Defense EDIS training programs, numerous Microsoft Office Suite programs and other assorted technology applications. 3. HOURS OF PERFORMANCE. Hours will be determined according to timeline and deliverables indicated in Performance Measures (Sect ion 1.4.3). It is anticipated that approximately 10 - 20 hours per week will be necessary to fulfill this performance based contract. 5. CONTRACTOR FURNISHED ITEMS. Contractor shall furnish office equipment to include laptop computer, printer, scanner, fa x machine, general office supplies, and telephone / internet access. Copies of written products and materials shall be provided at the contractors expense or single copies submitted to the SERMC EDIS Oversight Office for reproduction and distribution to area programs. A completed copy of the provision at FAR 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items must be included with the offer; FAR 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions--Commercial Items applies to this acquisition; FAR 52.204-7 Central Contractor Registration; FAR 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders--Commercial Items; FAR 52.219-6, Notice of Total Small Business Set a-side; FAR 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-Central Contractor Registration; FAR 52.252-1 Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference; DFAR Clause 252.232-7003, Electronic Submission of Payment Requests; DFAR Clause 252.2014-7004 Alt A, Required Central contractor Registration Alterna te A; DFAR 252.201-7000, Contracting Officers Representative; FAR 52.212-2 EvaluationCommercial Items, Evaluation Factors: Start Date, Technical Capability, Past Performance and Price. (1). Start Date. Proposed start date must be realistic. Failure to b egin performance on proposed start date is unacceptable and will result in negative past performance evaluation. (2). Technical Capability: Capability Statement will be evaluated based on management/technical capability evaluation factor. The offeror mus t MEET (or PASS) the minimum standards set forth included in the competitive range, and ultimately to be considered for award. The final award evaluation, however, will also consider the extent of the offerors resources, possession of required permits, a nd experience for the BEST VALUE assessment leading to contract award. (a) Written proposals will be evaluated by technical evaluators. Proposals will be adjectively evaluated. (3). PAST PERFORMANCE. The information which will be used for evaluation wil l be obtained from those presented in the Offerors Past Performance documentation. The evaluation will also consider certificates or recognitions received for provision of excellent services or support. Length of contractual relationship, performance pro blems that have been resolved to the satisfaction of the contractual parties. (1). Experience. Type of services provided, size and length contracts. Technical and past performances when combined are significantly more important than price. Excellent  The proposal strengths demonstrate an excellent understanding of the requirements and the new or proven approach significantly exceeds performance or capability sta ndards. The proposal has several exceptional strengths that will significantly benefit the government. The proposal has several exceptional strengths that will significantly benefit the government. The proposal has not weaknesses, normal contractor effo rt; government monitoring will be sufficient to minimize risk. The proposal is extensive, detailed, and exceeds all requirements with little or no risk to the government. Good - The proposal demonstrates good understanding of the requirements and the appr oach exceeds performance or capability standards. The proposal has one or more strengths that will benefit the government. Any proposal weakness has little potential to cause disruption of schedule, increase in cost, or degradation of performance. Norma l contractor effort and normal government monitoring will probably be able to overcome difficulties. The proposal generally exceeds requirements in minor areas therefore, has a good probability of meeting the requirements with little risk to the governmen t. Satisfactory  The proposal demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the requirements and the approach meets performance or capability standards. The proposal no strengths what will benefit the government. The proposal has no material weaknesses. Any proposal weakness can potentially cause disruption of schedules, increase in cost, or degradation or performance. Special contractor emphasis and close government monitoring will probably minimize any difficulties of risk. The proposal generally meet s requirements; therefore, has an acceptable probability of meeting the requirements. Marginal  The proposal demonstrates a limited understanding of the requirements and the approach only marginally meets performance or capability standards necessary for minimal contract performance. The performance has minor omissions and demonstrates an understanding of the requirement that may be corrected or resolved through discussions without a complete revision of the proposal. The approach has weakness that can p otentially cause some disruption of schedule, increase in cost, or degradation of performance even with special contractor emphasis, and close government monitoring. Unsatisfactory  The proposal demonstrates a misunderstanding of the requirements and the approach fails to meet performance or capability standards. The proposal has major omissions and inadequate detail to assure the evaluator that the offeror has an understanding of the requirements. The proposal possesses an unacceptable risk and cannot m eet the requirements without major revisions. The Government reserves the right to evaluate offerors prices on the basis of price realism and will consider the offerors price an indication that they understand the scope and complexity of the Governments requirement. (b) Options. The Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for all options to the total price for the basic requirement. The Government may determine that an offer is unacceptable if the option prices are significantly un balanced. Evaluation of options shall not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s). (c) A written notice of award or acceptance of an offer mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful offeror within the time for acceptance specified in the off er, shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party. Before the offer's specified expiration time, the Government may accept an offer (or part of an offer), whether or not there are negotiations after its receipt, unless a written notice of withdrawal is received before award. FAR 52.217-8Option to Extend Service (insert 15 days and 30 days); FAR 52.237-3Continuity of Services; Full text of provisions and clauses may be accessed electronically at the following address: http://ww w.arnet.gov/far. Quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. All responsible sources should submit quotes to Sebre na L. Hackley-Lane via fax (706)787-6573 or email: sebrena.lane@amedd.army.mil by 4:00 pm. EST, September 12, 2005.
Place of Performance
Address: Southeast Regional Contracting Office ATTN: MCAA SE, Building 39706 Fort Gordon GA
Zip Code: 30905-5650
Country: US
SN00889324-W 20050909/050908034009 (fbodaily.com)
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