Z -- Hurricane Katrina Recovery Mission, Residential Structures Demolition, Debris Removal, and Site Cleanup, Various locations in Mississippi
- Notice Date
- 10/16/2005
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 238910
— Site Preparation Contractors
- Contracting Office
- US Army Engineer District, Vicksburg, ATTN: CEMVK-CT, 4155 Clay Street, Vicksburg, MS 39183-3435
- ZIP Code
- 39183-3435
- Solicitation Number
- W912EEO6R0002
- Response Due
- 10/20/2005
- Archive Date
- 12/19/2005
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Partial HUB-Zone
- Description
- DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK Hurricane Katrina Recovery Mission Residential Structures Demolition, Debris Removal and Site Cleanup Various locations in Mississippi October 2005 1.0 Location This scope of work applies to demolition of residential structures located in Mississippi. The structures to be demolished will be awarded in individual task orders. Each task order will cover a single residential property. 2.0 General Project Description 2.1 The Contractor shall provide all equipment, operators, and laborers for demolition and debris removal operations as specified in the task order. The task order will designate the debris reduction site(s) and/or dumpsite(s) to be used for debris dispo sal. The contractor shall provide all labor and materials necessary to fully operate and maintain (including fuel, oil, grease, and repairs) all equipment under this contract. The contractor shall provide adequate supervision and quality control to assur e the quality, completeness, and progress of the work. 2.2 The work shall consist of demolition of structures and removing demolition/disaster generated debris. Work will include: demolition of single/multi-family homes, garages, storages/tool sheds, fences, and collection of other on-site disaster generated debris. Wooded debris (trees, shrubs, etc.) will be kept segregated from construction/demolition (C&D) debris as much as possible. The contractor shall repair all roadways, sidewalks, drainage structures, and other features not scoped for demolition or removal which are damaged by the contractor operations. 2.3 The Contractor shall commence performance within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of an awarded task order or verbal/written notice-to-proceed (NTP). The contractor shall work during daylight hours only for a maximum of 12 hours per day, 7 days per w eek, or as directed by the Contracting Officer in coordination with local officials. 2.4 Concrete slabs, sidewalks, columns attached to the ground shall not be demolished unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer. Swimming pools, basements, and crawl spaces will be filled-in or demolished as directed by the Contracting Officer. Standing trees shall be only be removed as debris when directed by the Contracting Officer. 2.5 All dumping operations shall be directed by the debris reduction site or dumpsite operator. The Contractor shall cooperate with the dumpsite operator to facilitate effective dumping operations. 3.0 Report Requirements 3.1 Contractor Safety Plan. The Contractor shall prepare a Contractor Safety Plan in accordance with 2003 edition of EM 385-1-1, Safety and Health Requirements. One copy of the completed Contractor Safety Plan shall be provided to the Contracting Officer , within five (5) working days of task order award. This plan must be accepted by the Government prior to the commencement of any work. 3.2 Contractor Daily Safety Meetings. A daily tailgate safety meeting shall be conducted each morning prior to each days activities. The daily safety meeting shall include the hazards anticipated with each days activities and the mitigation measures f or each hazard shall be discussed. The Contractors Safety Plan shall be referenced for mitigation measures. 3.3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The Contractor shall prepare a storm water pollution prevention (SWPP) plan for the Governments acceptance. The plan shall include, at a minimum, the method for protecting all storm drains and waterways adjacent to the demolition area. The plan shall be submitted within five (5) working days of task order award. Prior to beginning work on any task order, the SWPP shall be amended if necessary and accepted by the Government. 3.4 Daily Operational Report. The Contractor shall submit a daily operational report. A separate operational report is required for each task order/property. For example, if the Contractor is working three crews on th e same day, a report shall be submitted at the end of that day for each crew. This form must be signed daily by the Quality Assurance (QA) representative and the Contractor for payment to be made. Discrepancies between the daily operational report and co rresponding load tickets shall be reconciled no later than the following day. In addition to the information shown on the daily operational report, the Contractor shall include a narrative on any significant activities occurring each day. The significant activities shall include, but are not limited to, verbal instructions, changes, clarifications, safety mishaps, near misses, or successes. The Contractor shall include in the daily operational report the structures that were demolished that day, includin g building ID and address. Before and after photographs shall be taken of all structures demolished. These photographs shall be submitted to the Government no later than the next business day. 3.5 Work Schedule. The contractor shall provide a work schedule including a time line for each task order/property. The work schedule shall include number of hours per day and days of week the contractor anticipates working. 3.6 Submittals. The following submittals, at a minimum, are required. Appropriate submittals shall be approved by the Contracting Officer before the contractor can start work on each individual task order: 1. Contractor Safety Plan 2. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) 3. Daily Operation Reports 4. Before demolition photographs 5. After demolition photographs 4.0 Services 4.1 Demolition. The Contractor shall provide all labor and equipment necessary for the demolition of the structures identified in each individual task order. Descriptions of the structures, as available, will be included in the task order. No explosives will be permitted. The structures and contents are considered to have no salvage value, except as specified in the task order. Activities required prior to starting demolition are: a) The Contractor shall document the current conditions of all roadways, sidewalks and structures to remain in the demolition area. In addition, all roadways along the haul routes shall be documented. A Contracting Officer Representative (COR) shall be p resent during this inspection. The Contractor shall provide photographic and/or video documentation. The documentation shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer prior to beginning the work. b) Prior to demolition of each structure, the Contractor shall perform all tasks and complete the demolition checklist included as Attachment D. A photograph of each structure to be demolished shall be included on the checklist. The COR shall approve eac h checklist prior to the Contractor beginning demolition. c) The Contractor shall check the structures prior to demolition to insure that the properties are vacant. d) The work includes capping and plugging of utilities, with all equipment, materials, and labor in accordance with local requirements. The Contractor is responsible for disconnection of all utilities, plugging of sewer taps, or pipes to septic tanks. Di sconnection of all utilities shall be coordinated by the contractor with the appropriate local service providers. The Contractor shall contact the local utility companies prior to commencing work to coordinate termination of gas, water, electric, phone, c able TV, and any other utility services to the nearest acceptable point. Sewer taps shall be plugged with screw type expanding plug inserts or other means approved by the local sewer authority, to prevent intrusion of ground water into the existing sewer system. Septic tanks encountered shall be left in place. The contractor shall take care and ensure that damage does not occur to any septic tanks or undamaged water wells and associated tanks/piping. e) The Contractor is responsible for ensuring traffic safety in all work areas. Flag persons, temporary si gnage, and any other approved means shall be provided by the Contractor as needed to comply with the above requirement. Prior to the start of demolition of each structure, the Contractor shall enclose the demolition site with temporary safety fencing as d irected by the Contracting Officer. 4.2 Demolition shall not begin on the structures without a COR present. 4.3 The use of water is to control dust during demolition work. The amount of dust resulting from demolition shall be controlled to prevent the spread of dust to occupied areas near the demolition site and to avoid creation of a nuisance in the surrounding area. Use of water shall not be allowed to result in, or create, hazardous or objectionable conditions such as ice, flooding and pollution. The use of water for dust control shall be addressed in the approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP). 4.4 The Contractor is responsible for complete demolition and removal of all structures listed in the task order, to the existing grade. The Contractor shall not remove the slabs. All demolition debris shall be taken to the designated facilities shown on the task order. Truck drivers shall initial the Loading tickets at the loading site and again when the debris is dumped. Load tickets shall include the respective task order from which the debris was generated. Any swimming pools, basements, or crawl s paces shall be filled and graded to a uniform slope to eliminate vertical drops. The backfill shall be clean, uncontaminated soil. 4.5 The use of burning at the project site for demolition or the disposal of refuse and debris shall not be permitted. 4.6 Equipment to include automobiles, boats, and recreational vehicles shall be segregated on site out of the contractors work area, if necessary. These items will be removed from the property by others. 5.0 Hazardous and Sensitive Materials. 5.1 If the contractor encounters human remains during construction activities, all work shall be stopped. The contractor shall immediately notify: 1. The contracting officer 2. Local law enforcement 3. Local government officials 5.2 If the contractor encounters pet remains. The pet remains shall be secured onsite and work may continue. The contractor shall immediately notify: 1. The Contracting Officer 2. Local government officials 5.3 If the contractor encounters ammunition, weapons, or explosives on site or during demolition/cleanup activities, all work shall be stopped in the adjacent area. Work may continue in other areas on site. The contractor shall immediately notify: 1. The Contracting Officer 2. Local law enforcement 3. Local government officials 5.4 If the contractor encounters valuables, such items shall be secured onsite and work may continue. Valuables may include jewelry, cash, fire safes, and other items of monetary value or sentimental value. Under no circumstance shall contractor employees keep any found items for souvenirs or other uses. The contractor shall immediately notify: 1. The contracting officer 2. Local government officials 5.5 In the process of demolition, if a previously unidentified historic property, including human remains or a know historic property is affected in an unanticipated manner, demolition will cease immediately and the contractor will take all reasonable measures to avoid or minimize harm to the property. The contractor shall immediately notify the Contracting Officer. 5.6 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is excluded from the definition of Hazardous Waste and therefore does not require the same collection or handling procedures as Hazardous Waste. Examples of HHW include, but are not limited to: batteries, waste oil, wast e fuels, paint, chemicals, antifreeze, pesticides, spray cans, unidentified liquids, and household cleaners. HHW shall be segregated on site for disposal by others. 5.7 Hazardous and Toxic Wastes (HTW) and asbestos screening of structures to be demol ished have been accomplished by others. Properties and associated structures have been cleared as containing HTW and asbestos to the best available knowledge. If the contractor encounters HTW or asbestos work shall be stopped. The contractor shall immediat ely notify the Contracting Officer. Small quantities of HTW may be segregated on site for disposal by others as directed by the Contracting Officer. The task order shall be modified for contractor removal of asbestos as directed by the Contracting Officer . Alternatively the task order may be terminated at the Contractor Officers discretion. 5.8 All tanks containing gasoline, diesel, and heating oil or other products shall be pumped or drained prior to the tank being moved. 6.0 Debris Classification. 6.1. Eligible Debris. Eligible debris under this contract is all debris generated from demolition. Debris that is classified Hazardous or Toxic or freon or oil containing appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers is ineligible debri s under this contract and shall not be transported under this contract. Any ineligible debris collected by the contractor shall be segregated on site for disposal by others. 6.2. Other Waste. Other waste includes, but is not limited to, plastic, glass, rubber products (excluding tires), metal products, sheet rock, cloth items, and wood building materials. 7.0 Debris Removal and Disposal. 7.1 Debris shall be taken off site throughout the demolition process. The Contractor shall not allow debris to accumulate during demolition. The eligible debris shall be loaded into trucks and taken to the reduction/dump sites designated by the task orde r or as directed by the Contracting Officer. 7.1 Debris and rubbish including, but not limited to, trash, metal, plastic, and glass, shall be removed from within the footprint of the structure to be demolished. Debris shall be removed and transported in a manner that prevents spillage on streets or adjacent areas. State and local regulations regarding hauling and disposal shall apply. 7.2. Debris Disposal Process. 7.2 Measurement for all eligible debris removed shall be by the cubic yard and supported by the load ticket. Load tickets shall document cubic yard measurement for eligible debris. Load tickets shall be provided by the Contracting Officer. The load tick ets will be sequentially numbered and in quadruplicate. Each ticket shall contain the following information: " Ticket Number " Contract Number " Date " Contractor Name " Truck or Roll-off Number " Point of Debris Collection " Truck Capacity " Loading Departure Time/Inspector " Dump Arrival Time/Inspector " Actual Debris Volume " Truck Driver " Debris Classification " Dumpsite " Debris Eligibility (Y/N) 7.2 The entire four-part load ticket is given to the vehicle operator by a government monitor prior to leaving the loading area. Upon arrival at the dumpsite, the vehicle operator shall give the entire four-part load ticket to the government monitor. Th e monitor will verify the hauler and equipment and establish the percent of the trucks capacity that is filled with eligible debris. After documenting percentage to the nearest 5%, the monitor will calculate the actual cubic yardage of the load. The ac tual cubic yard will be recorded on the load ticket by the monitor to the nearest cubic yard. The monitor will give one copy to the vehicle operator. One copy is then given to the contractor, the original is kept by the Contracting Officers monitor and the fourth shall be given to FEMA. The load tickets shall be submitted with the daily report. 8.0 Demobilization. 8.1. Post Demolition Cleanup. Remove all signs of temporary construction facilities, work areas, structures, foundations or temporary structures, stockpiles of excess waste materials, or any other vestiges of demolition. The area shall be restored to nea r pre-existing conditions except those structures which are demolished as part of this contract. Except in specific cases, restoration to original contours will not be required; however, all restored areas shall be smoothly and evenly dressed and sloped to drain. 8.2. Upon termination or completion of this task order or contract, Contractor shall vacate and remove, or cause to be vacated or removed all property belonging to Contractor, any subcontractor, agent or employee. Any property not removed shall be deemed abandoned to the Contracting Officer and any cost incurred by the government in disposal of same shall be withheld from any final payment due. 9.0 Equipment. 9.1. All trucks and other equipment shall be in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations. All trucks and other equipment shall be equipped with back up alarms. Any truck used to haul debris shall be capable of rapidl y dumping its load without the assistance of other equipment. Sideboards or other extensions to the bed are allowable provided they meet all applicable rules and regulations, cover the front and both sides, and are constructed in a manner to withstand sev ere operating conditions. The sideboards are to be constructed of 2 by 6 boards or greater and shall not extend more than two feet above the metal bedsides. All extensions are subject to acceptance or rejection by the Contracting Officer. The contrac tor shall provide means to rapidly unload any trailer that does not have a means for dumping. All trailers shall have a metal-framed exterior and a minimum of 5/8 plywood (not wafer board) interior walls. All equipment used to haul debris shall be equi pped with a tailgate that will effectively contain the debris during transport and permit the truck to be filled to capacity. Plastic webbing is not acceptable for a tailgate. All hauling equipment shall be measured and marked for its load capacity by th e Contractor Officer. The Contractor shall inspect all equipment prior to use. 9.2. Trucks designated for use under this contract shall be equipped with two signs, one attached to each side. Magnetic signs are not permissible. The Contracting Officer shall provide these signs. Each truck or trailer shall be numbered and clearly di splay the load capacity for identification with a permanent marking. No capacity can exceed 100% of the measured volume. 9.3. Trucks or equipment, which are designated for use under this contract, shall not be used for any other work during the working hours of this contract. The Contractor shall not solicit work from private citizens or others to be performed in the design ated work area during the period of this contract. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor mix debris hauled for others with debris hauled under this contract. 10.0 Other Considerations. 10.1. The Contractor shall designate a Contractor Representative (CR) at each project to supervise work in progress. The Contracting Officer Representative (COR) will deal directly with the CR, for normal day-to-day administration of the contract provisio ns, within the limits of their authorities. The CR shall conduct overall management coordination and is the central point of contact with the Contracting Officer for performance of all work under the contract. The CR shall have full authority to contract ually commit the Contractor for prompt action on all matters pertaining to administration of this contract, and shall be the on-site Contractor employee who is responsible for safety. The CR shall also be responsible for implementing the Contractor Safety Plan and Daily Safety Plan, have the authority to determine for the Contractor when work is ready for government inspection and make decisions for the Contractor on additional performance of work, when necessary. 10.2. The Contractor shall take necessary precautions to ensure that street signs are not moved or damaged. The Contractor may move signs temporarily for protection if in dan ger of being damaged during demolition. The Contractor shall return signs to pre-existing location and condition following demolition. 10.3. The contractor is reminded of the importance of the safety requirements contained in the 2003 edition of EM 385-1-1 Safety and Health Requirements, OSHA, EPA, and other State and Federal Laws that address the safe work environment. This includes the monitoring and safety of all employees who will be performing any work under this work order. 10.4. The Contractor shall obtain all permits, licenses, and maintain these documents at the project site where work is to be performed and have such documents readily available. 10.5. Compliance with the provisions of this contract by subcontractors will be the responsibility of the Contractor. 11.0 Special Considerations. 11.1. The Contractor shall secure the demolition area to provide a safe work site. The contractors should exercise due care to minimize any damages to trees, shrubs, landscaping and general property. The contractor shall repair any damages caused by the contractors equipment in a timely manner. Any damage to private property shall be repaired at the Contractors expense. The debris work area shall be left clear of debris and clean, as reasonably and practical under the conditions of this project. 11.2. The contractor shall use equipment and perform work in a manner to prevent damages to adjacent infrastructure facilities and adjacent ROWs, including all landscaped areas. The contractor shall repair any damages caused by the contractors equipment in a timely manner at no expense to the government. All equipment shall be approved by the Contracting Officer prior to use. All loading equipment shall have street tracks and wheels to operate on the street/road using buckets and/or boom and grapple d evices to remove and load the debris. Any damage to private property, sidewalks, curbs, or streets shall be repaired at the expense of the contractor. 11.3. Before beginning any demolition work, the Contractor shall survey the site. The Contractor shall take necessary precautions to avoid damage to neighboring properties. The Contractor shall protect all fire hydrants and all utilities during work oper ations. Any damaged items shall be repaired or replaced as approved by the Contracting Officer, as a non-reimbursable expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall coordinate the work of this section with all other work. 11.4. The Contractor shall plan the work to minimize the impact on the neighborhood. 11.5. The Contractor shall conduct the work so as not to interfere with the disaster response and recovery activities of federal, state, and local governments or agencies, or of any public utilities. 11.6. The government reserves the right to inspect the site, verify quantities and review operations at any time. 11.7. If, in the process of demolition, items containing Freon are identified, the Contractor shall handle them in such a way as to minimize opportunities to allow the Freon to escape. 11.8. Trees outside the project site which might be damaged during demolition shall be left in place and protected. Any such tree that is damaged during the work under this contract shall be replaced in kind or as approved by the Contracting Officer, at t he non-reimbursable expense of the Contractor. 11.9. The Contractor should be aware the property owners may remove salvageable items from their structures prior to the award of this contract.
- Place of Performance
- Address: US Army Engineer District, Vicksburg ATTN: CEMVK-CT, 4155 Clay Street Vicksburg MS
- Zip Code: 39183-3435
- Country: US
- Zip Code: 39183-3435
- Record
- SN00916511-W 20051018/051016211559 (
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