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M -- RFI for VA Fitness Services ContractAttached SOW for RFI 1 of 3

Notice Date
Notice Type
561210 — Facilities Support Services
Contracting Office
Department of Veterans Affairs;VA Central Office;Acquisition Operations Service (049A3);810 Vermont Avenue, NW;Washington DC 20420
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
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OFFICE OF ADMINSTRATION OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, WELLNESS AND FITNESS SERVICES CONTRACT DRAFT STATEMENT OF WORK The purpose of this contract is to provide occupational health, wellness, and fitness services for VA Central Office employees, and personnel from an affiliated federal agency (The Executive Office of the President), and contractor personnel employed at VA Central Office. Employees will receive, if they elect, emergency medical treatment, including diagnosis and initial treatment of illness or injury that becomes necessary during work hours, whether or not such injury or illness was sustained by a government or contractor employee while in the performance of duty. There are three provisions to the services provided: (1) Health and fitness; providing assistance to the maintenance of good health and overall employee morale. The fitness enter provides employees the opportunity maintain their physical fitness under the supervision of trained fitness staff. (2) The Wellness Centers, providing short term medical assistance to employees who become ill or injured while at work and (3) Health Screening services and physical examinations to employees in grades GS-14 and above who are 40 years of age and older. a. Purpose: The contractor shall provide the necessary personnel, management, supervision, supplies, and medical equipment to conduct a comprehensive program of occupational health and wellness which includes, but not limited to on-the-job injuries or illnesses, various screenings, health risk appraisals, examinations, health fitness, employee assistance programs, profiles and counseling, as described in the following sections for the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA). The contractor shall also provide emergency only medical services for other contract personnel and visitors at all of the federal government locations as required. b. Hours of Operation: Except federal government holidays, building closures, or early dismissals, each of the employee health and wellness centers shall be open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. unless stated in writing. The health and wellness centers shall not be closed at lunchtime unless specific approval is received from the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR). In the event the government agency building must close for the entire day or delay opening due to weather conditions, an announcement will be broadcast on local TV and radio stations. Note: See Fitness Center statement of work for hours of operation. c. Standards of Performance: Inasmuch as the contractor will be interacting with agency personnel on a daily basis, the staff shall conduct themselves in a professional manner consistent with the expectations of the medical profession. Any behavior on the part of the contractor that constitutes actual or apparent misconduct may be cause for termination of the contract. Personal business may not be conducted while working on-site. Government property and or supplies such as photocopy machines, telephones, computers, envelopes, etc., shall not be used for conducting personal business. d. Description of Services: The Contractor shall provide a wide range of non-emergency and emergency occupational health care to include, but not limited to, direct medical treatment, physical examinations, prevention, and wellness services such as, but not limited to, counseling in nutrition, and fitness and stress management. Every effort will be made to meet the needs of the employee while on the job or until outside medical attention can be obtained. e. Maintenance of Records: The Contractor shall maintain secure, accurate, and organized records (this includes a manual describing the filing method and inventory listing all medical files) of all Government employee files during the performance of this contact. These records shall be kept up-to-date and the manual shall be made available to the COTR, upon his or her written request. f. Non-emergency Services: Non-emergency services can typically be described as those which require the physician to examine and/or counsel employees, provide consultative services to agencies, administer medications, assist employees in identifying an outside practitioner when necessary and maintaining confidential and complete medical records of the services provided. For purposes of this contract, non-emergency services typically include: 1. Examination of employees seeking general medical attention, including obtaining and evaluating medical history; 2. As an aid in preventing and controlling health risks, the contractor shall be required to appraise and report work environment health hazards brought to the physician's attention through any illness or injury presented to the physician which may have resulted from a hazardous or unhealthy condition in the building. In this situation the physician's expertise and advice will play an important part in the formation of an agency developed action plan to deal with newly identified work environment hazards; 3. Providing health education counseling to encourage employees to maintain personal health, such as, but not limited to, non-smoking programs and stress management); 4. Providing counseling to employees on issues such as, but not limited to, alcoholism and drug abuse; 5. Providing disease screening examinations which are determined to be necessary and/or in the best interest of the employees. Examples of such examinations include, but are not limited to, blood pressure reading for hypertension and skin tests; 6. Conducting simple vision screening upon an employee's allegation of a vision problem; 7. Administering immunizations on a voluntary basis, as part of agency sponsored program, such as, but not limited to, flu shots and travel immunizations; 8. Administration and/or monitoring treatments and medications furnished by the employee and prescribed in writing by the employee's personal physician, e.g., administering allergy and insulin shots, or vitamin supplements by injection, and monitoring employees while administering his or her own (peritoneal) dialysis treatment. The administration and or monitoring of treatments or medications shall be limited to those areas considered to be within the capabilities of the health and wellness center facilities and equipment, and consistent with the training, knowledge and experience of the physician providing services under this contract; and 9. Clarifying or interpreting medical terminology appearing in documentation prepared by an employee's private physician and presented to the agency regarding the employee's physical and/or mental fitness conditions which are allegedly impacting the employee's performance and/or issues of medical fitness with respect to reasonable accommodations of an allegedly handicapping condition. The contract physician may be requested to contact an employee's private physician for the purpose of obtaining clarification of the documentation provided or to obtain additional information. g. Emergency Services. The contractor shall provide emergency medical treatment, including diagnosis and initial treatment of illness or injury that becomes necessary during work hours, whether or not such injury/illness was sustained by a Government or contractor employee while in the performance of duty. In emergency cases beyond the treatment capabilities of the health and wellness center it is expected that the physician will advise the nursing staff when conveyance of a patient to a hospital emergency room or other medical facility is necessary. h. Occupational Treatment:. Employees who have an occupational injury or illness will receive, if they elect, medical treatment within the capability of the facility. When the patient requires treatment beyond the capabilities available, he or she shall be referred to an appropriate physician or a physician of the patient's choice. The contractor shall inform employees reporting to the Health and Wellness Center with an occupational injury or illness of their rights to claim possible treatment costs and compensation for lost time from the Government pursuant to the Federal Employees Compensation Act (5 U.S.C. 8101 et seq.) In accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) new requirements for the recording and reporting of work-related injuries and illnesses, the Contractor will provide the employee with an incident form, OSHA Form 301: "Injury and Illness Incident Report" to complete. i. Non-Occupational Treatment: 1. Employees who experience a non-occupational illness during working hours will receive, if they elect, primary diagnosis and treatment with subsequent referral to a physician. Initial treatment will be given for medical conditions for which the individual could not reasonably be expected to seek the attention of a personal physician, or to enable the individual to complete the current work shift before consulting a personal physician. 2. Contract medical personnel will be expected to maintain an emergency medical kit including an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) in constant readiness for response to emergencies. The contract medical director shall provide the contract medical staff with written procedures (protocol) for the use of basic life support procedures including the use of an AED as well as situations which require referral to the nearest emergency room or telephone call to 9-1-1. j. Additional Services: 1. The contractor may be required to provide services, conduct health education and/or attend special meetings, and/or other related services beyond the fixed work schedule hours. The contractor may also be required to provide medical services in emergency situations such as, but not limited to, city, state, or national emergencies, or Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP), as directed by the Agency. In this case, the contractor will submit a proposal for his work in accordance with the task order procedures identified under Task Order Request on page 49 as appropriate. 2. In case the contracted medical staff is required to remain beyond the hours regularly scheduled for the day, the additional services provided will be reimbursed as specified in the contract. Additional hours shall be authorized in writing by the COTR and shall be invoiced in the following month. k. Special Procedures: Employees at special risk shall be tracked in order to safeguard against the development of illness or injury. Special risk may include but is not limited to: 1. Pregnant women, 2. Hypersensitive employees, 3. Individuals with temporary medical conditions, 4. Individuals who have returned to work following serious illnesses such as heart attack or stroke, and short term and long term disability cases, or 5. Employees who receive fitness for duty examinations. l. Health Counseling: 1. The contract physician or nurses shall provide health counseling to individual employees as necessary from sources such as, but not limited to, physical examinations, referrals from other health care providers, such as but not limited to, personal physicians, and observations from supervisors or management personnel. 2. Employees with alcohol or drug abuse, emotional or behavioral disorders, or other personal problems that may affect job conduct or performance shall be counseled and referred to the Employee Assistance Program Counselor. When necessary, the employee shall be referred to community or other resources in such a manner that will permit appropriate and skillful management of employee problems. m. Health and Wellness Education: 1. The contract physician or nurses shall present or arrange for a minimum of six (6) health education programs or seminars each contract year, and make available health related pamphlets and literature. 2. The contract physician or nurses shall conduct a minimum of four (4) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training classes each contract year (to be conducted one per quarter) for VA employees. Employees will attend training on a voluntary basis. This will require that one member of the contractor's staff be certified .to teach CPR procedures sanctioned by the American Heart Association or equivalent. n. Fitness for Duties Examinations:. Fitness for duty examinations shall be performed as requested by the Agencies of Human Resources staff as follows: 1. On an emergency basis for employees who are thought to have acute health problems which might create a hazard to themselves or others, such as being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; 2. For employees whose work performance is thought to be adversely impaired by health problems, and 3. For employees returning to work following major illness or major surgery or following rehabilitation. Fitness for duty examinations often require several group conferences with supervisors and the Office of Human Resource staff, and all require written reports to be sent to the Personnel Officer. The health and wellness center Medical Director shall provide clear and definitive medical or psychiatric judgments pertaining to the medical problem and/or work restriction as it relates to the specific job of the employee. The Medical Director shall also provide information about any other disabling limitations that surface during the examination. The Medical Director shall work closely with the Agency's Office of Personnel Management in establishing job requirements on a case-by-case basis. o. Physical Examinations (Basic): The contractor shall conduct comprehensive physical examinations, and fitness for duty examinations for the federal government as identified by the Agency, e.g., senior officials, (Senior Executive Service and GS-14 and above employees). In accordance with OSHA requirements, exams will be conducted for motor vehicle operators and food service workers. VA will provide a list of Optional Medical Services as specified in Supplies or Services and Prices/Cost. The physical examinations shall be on a voluntary basis, and include, but are not limited to the following: 1. General medical history, including family background and genetic factors. 2. Occupational history, including environmental factors and work place hazard. 3. General physical examination 4. Blood chemistry such as SMA-32 or better which would include cholesterol and triglycerides and a urinalysis. 5. Complete blood count including RBC, WBC, differential, hematocrit, hemoglobin, MCH, MCV, MCHC. 6. Special test such as spirometry and audio testing when indicated by the contract physician and approved by the Medical Director 7. Electrocardiogram: patients over 40 years of age or as indicated by contract physician. 8. Chest x-ray only when prescribed by the contract physician as necessary for diagnoses and when agreed to by the employee. 9. Tuberculin skin test and other skin tests as indicated and tetanus immunization if required. 10. Vision testing to include standard test for color blindness and tonometry when indicated by physician. 11. Extension of the examination as judged medically necessary individual cases such as laboratory tests not routinely done, and specialist consultation. 12. The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) has an ongoing Drug Testing Program [urine] in place for employees whose positions are classified as sensitive. In an effort to expedite the testing for these employees, the DVA has moved the testing from an offsite facility to an onsite location, located in the DVA Health and Wellness Center. The staff of the Wellness Center will collect the urine specimen according to national standards by a certified technician and assemble the package for delivery to a testing lab designated by the VA. As part of the collection process, the staff member of the Wellness Center will complete the appropriate portion of the DVA forms to ensure proper processing. To ensure the availability on a given day of a certified technician in the health unit, a designated COHRM will contact the Wellness Center not less than one, but typically two weeks prior to the collection to notify the health unit of an upcoming collection. This notification period shall serve to ensure that trained clinicians are present to perform the specimen collection. As practicable, the Wellness Center will notify the appropriate COHRM at the VA of potential busy times, in order to minimize the wait period for those employees designated for testing. Upon completion of the collection procedure, the Wellness Center staff will contact the mailroom for specimen pick up for further processing; contact COHRM to pick up the paperwork associated with the specimen collected; and maintain a copy of the Custody and Control Form (copy 3) in a secured file. COHRM will hand carry the paperwork to the Medical Review Officer at the VA Medical Center. p. Employee Assistance Program (EAP): As part of the EAP, the contractor shall provide counseling as needed to VA Central Office for alcohol or drug abuse, emotional or behavioral disorders, or other personal problems that may affect job conduct or performance. Such counsel shall consist of initial evaluation and, when necessary, referral of the employee to community or other resources in such manner as will permit appropriate and skillful management of the problems presented. The contractor shall accept management, union, or self referrals and shall consult with the referring party, providing guidance where appropriate in confronting the employee's job conduct or performance problems. The contractor shall also establish a method of monitoring the employee's progress in and cooperation with the recommended treatment. Where appropriate, and allowed by confidentiality requirements, the counselor shall also apprise the referring management official of the employee's progress in treatment, assisting where possible in job adjustment. q. Personnel Qualifications: 1. The Contractor shall provide required services, at a minimum, fully qualified personnel such as, but not limited to, Medical Directors and Officers, Staff Physicians, Physician Assistants, Chief, Charge, and Staff Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Medical Secretaries. The Contractor shall be responsible for certifying that they meet all personnel qualifications specified. 2. All personnel, back-up personnel, management, and supervisors' necessary credentials, such as resumes, licenses, and certification associated with his or her position in their proposal shall be provided to the Contracting Officer (CO). In the performance of the contract, the contractor shall utilize only the personnel set forth in the contractor's proposal including proposed back-up personnel. In the absence of the staff members listed below, the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) shall receive prior written notification of the personnel's absence. Prior to utilizing other personnel specified in the initial proposal, the CO and the COTR shall be notified no later than 30 days in advance, except Fitness Center in Statement of Work II, and shall submit a justification, resume, license, and certifications to the CO for approval. r. Medical Director: 1. The contract Medical Director shall be required to be physically located on site, at the Health and Wellness Centers that employ a Medical Director. The contract Medical Director shall perform management oversight over the contract requirements and provide medical direction to the contract medical staff. The Medical Director shall use a variety of marketing strategies to encourage employees to use the Health and Wellness Center. During the life of this contract, the Medical Director shall meet at least once a month with the COTR to discuss performance activity and/or resolve any problems in providing the services required in the contract. 2. The Medical Director shall also provide, as requested, feedback to management on conditions in the VA Central Office locations being serviced by this contract that require corrective action such as, but not limited to, environmental issues affecting employee safety, health and wellness. To this end, the contract Medical Director shall develop and conduct a structured medical surveillance program, using new and existing information obtained from reviewing employee physical examinations as a baseline. The medical surveillance plan shall meet the approval of the COTR prior to implementation. 3. Education. The Medical Director shall be: (a) A graduate of an accredited medical school; (b) Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine with expertise in primary care, internal medicine, or family practice (except pediatrics or obstetrics/ gynecology); (c) Licensed to practice in the Washington, DC metropolitan area (DC, MD, and VA) or in the areas the services will be performed; and (d) Certified to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). 4. Experience. The Medical! Director shall have: (a) Professional experience (one year may include internship) that includes: management of an occupational medical program and thorough knowledge of occupational medicine; (b) Experience in providing addiction and dependency counseling and referring employees to appropriate professional assistance; (c) Experience in identifying a broad range of behavioral problems; and (d) Detailed knowledge of the Washington, DC metropolitan community treatment resources for patient referrals, or the treatment resources in the metropolitan area being serviced. s. Staff Physician: 1. The contract Staff Physician shall be required to provide medical treatment to sick or injured persons at each specified facility. Upon request by COTR, he/she performs a variety of routine tests and laboratory procedures. Conducts urinalyses, clinical chemistry test, blood counts and all related test and treatments as needed. This staff physician shall have knowledge of special drugs and the ability to provide pulmonary ventilation. Since the physicians may have outside practices he or she may not make referrals to his/her own practice or affiliates or otherwise act as any employees' private physician. Furthermore, this policy may not be circumvented by implying that some other staff member made the referral or that the individual referred himself/herself to the physician. 2. Education. The Staff Physician shall be: (a) A graduate of an accredited medical school, certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine with expertise in primary care, internal medicine, or family practice (except pediatrics or obstetrics/gynecology); (b) Licensed to practice in the Washington, DC metropolitan area (DC, MD, and VA) or in the areas the services will be performed; and (c) Certified to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). 3. Experience. The Staff Physician shall have: (a) Professional experience (one year may include internship) in occupational medicine techniques and philosophy; and (b) Experience in counseling troubled employees.
Place of Performance
Address: VA Central Office, 810 Vermont Ave;1722 I Street;801 I Street;1800 G Street;Washington, DC
Zip Code: 20000
Country: US
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