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Contracting Office
ACA, Fort McPherson GA , Southern Region Contracting Center-East, 1301 Anderson Way SW, Fort McPherson, GA 30330-1096
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1.0 PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT 1.1 The HR staff is responsible for advising and assisting commanders, managers, supervisors and employees in all of the above mentioned program areas, to include processing a variety of personnel actions; preparing an d evaluating position descriptions for appropriate title, grade and series; designing optimum position/organizational structures that are economical, efficient, and effective, developing a strategic plan for workforce/succession planning to assist manageme nt officials in recruiting, developing and retaining a multi-faceted, competent, highly-qualified, ready, motivated, mobile and dedicated civilian workforce capable of accomplishing current and future mission needs and planning/executing actions requiring implementation. Additionally, with the implementation of the new National Security Personnel System (NSPS), a strategic plan that includes recruitment/retirement options, training/retraining needs, reshaping/ restructuring of positions/organizations; real ignment/reassignment of employees will be required to ensure a smooth transition. The capability to responsively provide pay compensation, position classification, position management and workforce planning information to organizations and personnel throug hout the Command is essential to the execution of the human resource management missions and the command and control of FORSCOMs civilian high grades, civilian employee ceilings, and standardized position/organizational structures (where applicable). To accomplish these responsibilities, the G-1 requires technical and analytical Human Resources support to develop and maintain an accurate position classification/position management program, a strategic workforce/succession plan and successfully development and implement the NSPS transition plan through FORSCOM. REQUIREMENTS: Required Staffing and workforce resizing, to include recruiting, hiring, advancement, and promotion , Pay rates and administration,Performance management,Position classification, Lab or-Management relations,Discipline, adverse actions and employee appeals,1.3 Task Specific FIP/Networking Environment,1.3.1 Hardware: Unclassified Work Station with Printer 1.3.2. Software: Microsoft Office Suite and Tools, Windows NT/2000/XP, MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, Other DoD, Army, FORSCOM-licensed software, Internet Access, Specific HR systems/programs, e.g., FASCLASS, PD Library, COREDOC,Defense Civilian Personnel Management Data System (DCPDS),Headquarters Army Regional Tools (HART),Army Re gional Tools (ART),Business Objects Applications (BOA),WASS/CIVFORS (Forecasting systems),1.3.3 Networking: Ethernet under PC TCP/IP,2.0 PURPOSE 2.1 References: 5 United State Code, Memorandum, Office of the ASA M&RA, dated 17 Nov 97, subject: Deleg ation of Position Classification Authority,Memorandum, Office of the ASA M&RA, dated 7 Aug 98, subject: Delegated Classification Authority. General Schedule Documents: Classifiers Handbook, GS Functional Standards, GS Position Classification Standards, Handbook of Occupational Groups and Families, and Introduction to Position Classification Standards, AR 570-4, dated 15 May 2000, Manpower ,M anagement,Army Training and Leader Development Panel (ATLDP) Civilian Study Recommendations. Senior Army Workforce (SAW),Civilian Personnel Management System for the 21st Century (CPMSXXI),National Security Personnel System Requirements Document, dated 25 Sep 04,2.2 Purpose: The purpose of this work is to provide technical, analytical and automated support to the Director, Human Resources Division, G1, FORSCOM as follows: Contractor shall perform all functions related to the classification of designated p osition descriptions, including: Reviewing management requests for classification actions; conducting desk audits; interpreting and applying position classification standards to positions and determining the correct pay category, occupational series, title and grade level, P reparing evaluation reports and discussing findings with management and employees, Advising managers at a military command, complex multi-mission local facility, or equivalent organization in developing position descriptions; working on special projects su ch as serving on strategic or commercial outsourcing management teams, Providing management with insight in establishing organizational structures that are efficient, cost effective, support the desired grade levels, and facilitate career development,Makin g fine distinctions in the proper crediting of factor levels and ultimate allocation of grade levels to positions, Communicating grade distinctions to management with supporting criteria and justification, Providing recommendations to management on positio n and organizational designs with emphasis on career development principles and practices, Relating position classification to the management process and other HR programs, Applying newly released position classification standards. Contractor shall perform a variety of functions related to the development of Civilian Transition Plans or Action Plans for CHR initiatives that directly impact the civilian employees of HQ FORSCOM and/or FORSCOM subordinate units/activities Most of the reporting/keeping manageme nt informed will be weekly with regular full monthly updates as descried in para 5.0 of the PWS. Because this is a fluid situation (NSPS implementation), taskers to provide items with a short suspense notice and major projects with later reports out will a lso apply. The following is a list of the type of requirements: Develop Civilian Transition Plans or Action Plans, including annexes as appropriate, Plan and execute actions associated with the implementation of specific CHR initiatives or initiatives th at directly affect HQ FORSCOM and/or its subordinate units/activities. Such planning includes preparing memoranda, conducting in-process reviews, preparing information papers and briefing documents for senior leadership; and planning and executing confere nces, town hall meetings, and other information sessions for the FORSCOM workforce. Information documents and briefings shall be prepared in the format and style approved by HQ FORSCOM. Update senior leadership and workforce on specific initiatives, inclu ding conducting town hall meetings and other information forums for the workforce Take the lead in assisting HQ managers and their CHR points of contact as necessary throughout the specific study efforts, including (but not limited to) studying missions, f unctions, structures to advise management of current and future civilian workforce requirements needed to complete the FORSCOM HQ mission. Ensure each project follows milestones/timelines. Evaluate progress and discuss findings with management officials an d HR staff. Review new and emerging HQ missions and assist management in determining skills needed to perform the functions and the market to attract and recruit highly skilled/capable applicants. Identify current and anticipated gaps in critical skills, c ompetencies, and knowledge across the civilian workforce over the next three years Develop a plan to address these gaps including recruitment for needed skills, retraining of existing employees, and retention of employees with high-demand skills Create and execute an appropriate change management and communications approach to facilitate minimal disruption to on-going service levels by addressing issues and concerns of the workforce related to transitions. Support employees who are impacted by transitions r esulting from CHR initiatives (e.g., coordinate individual counseling sessions, schedule appropriate retirement and/or transition classes, etc.) Serve as a primary advisor to the Director HR Div, HQ FORSCOM on the day-to-day issues/questions concerning ass igned projects. 3.0 SCOPE. The scope of work includes all necessary technical, analytical and automated support and travel required executing the tasks and p roviding the deliverables described in the Performance Work Statement. The initial task requirement is for 12 months for the planning and execution of the National Security Personnel System (NSPS). CHR functions are required in support of the implementatio n of NSPS throughout HQ FORSCOM and FORSCOM subordinate units/ activities. NSPS implementation in FORSCOM is currently scheduled for October 2007. Other initiatives are anticipated to provide additional services for a later date during the life of the con tract, such as the BRAC. The Government intends to establish a contract for a 12-month base year with three 12-month option years in order to accomplish the mission requirements provided in the Performance Work Statement (PWS) 3.1. Task One - National Security Personnel System 3.1.1 Contractor shall establish the procedures for transition and implementation of NSPS within FORSCOM through consultation with senior HQDA staff and DoD related teams 3.1.2 Contractor shall develop, coordinate, and execute a n extensive and complex NSPS marketing program for FORSCOM, including (but not limited to) conducting monthly Town Hall Sessions at a minimum of 14 locations throughout the United States, conducting monthly in-process reviews for senior FORSCOM leadership, preparing information papers, memoranda, briefing documents, planning and executing quarterly conferences and other informative sessions for the FORSCOM workforce. 3.1.3 Contractor shall conduct monthly training to senior leaders and civilian employees to facilitate implementation of NSPS. Contractor shall monitor deployment of the NSPS system within FORSCOM units/activities. 3.1.4 Contractor shall ensure compliance with NSPS timelines/milestones in order to develop appropriate Action Plan(s) for the e xecution of NSPS throughout FORSCOM. Contractor shall be responsible in analyzing the outcomes from the preceding tasks and identify specific organization transition needs. Contractor shall coordinate with Government Officials in providing appropriate re commendations and alternatives that would assist in minimizing disruptions to FORSCOM HQs ongoing operations during the anticipated transitions. Contractor shall determine how implementation shall be executed in terms of timelines, roles, dependencies, risk-mitigation and recruitment and retention. Contractor shall participate in appropriate communications and change management activities to ensure a successful rollout. 3.1.5 Contractor shall provide information and interpretation of the NSPS system, in cluding the streamlined and flexible new systems, which encompass the staffing (recruiting, hiring, advancement, and promotion) arena; pay administration and performance management, job classification, labor management decisions; discipline, adverse action s and employee appeals. 3.1.6 Contractor shall develop a FORSCOM plan of action and project milestones pertinent to the execution and evaluation of the NSPS deployment across FORSCOM. Plan of action shall include, but is not limited to, training and impl ementation dates, identification of significant issues, and lessons learned after each phase of implementation. Contractor shall make adjustments as necessary, based on circumstances and priorities.3.1.7 Contractor shall have significant knowledge and sk ill in applying, a wide range of advanced HR principles, concepts and practices, as well as seasoned consultative skills sufficient to: management consultative service involving the full spectrum of HR functions (e.g., recruitment and placement, position classification, employee performance and conduct issues) to perform a key role in rendering expert advisory service and/or authoritative policy interpretations on highly complex FORSCOM-wide issues. 3.1.8 Contractor shall collaborate with and lead manage ment in employing change management process concepts and techniques to implement NSPS. 3.1.9 Contractor shall have knowledge of Federal Pay Setting and other r elated areas in writing FORSCOM Supplements/Policies using DAs overarching guidance on Pay Pool Management. 3.1.10 Contractor shall interpret complex legislative, regulatory and policy guidance to prepare recommendations for management. 3.2 Task Two  S upport of NSPS 3.2.1 Travel. The Government anticipates that travel will be required to other FORSCOM installations to conduct NSPS and BRAC town halls and briefings. A designated amount will be set aside for travel. The contractors wil l be issued a contractor letter of identification in accordance with Joint Travel Regulations. Contractor shall follow the rules and restrictions contained therein. Daily per diem rates are assigned for contract personnel in accordance with the Joint Trav el Regulations. All travel expenses will be on a cost reimbursable basis in accordance with Government Regulations. All travel will be approved by the Director, HRD or authorized Government personnel. Unofficial and personal telephone calls are not reim bursable. 3.2.2 Civilian HR Training. Contractor shall have knowledge of applying HR learning theories, and the relationships between agency strategic plans and goals with HR programs sufficient to perform analysis and research for a variety of HR initiatives. Th e contractor staff shall also provide direction and guidance for human resource development (training) programs, command wide to include training requirements in position descriptions. The contractor shall keep up with developments in training technology by reviewing available training material, attending training media conferences, and through contact with Army, DoD, OPM and other professional organizations. The Contractor shall prepare periodic articles/reports and develop briefings and information pap ers on assigned topics. Funding for this function is included in the direct labor cost of this contract (inclusive of G&A). 3.2.3 Labor Relations. The contractor shall be equipped with the knowledge of Labor Relations management and employee relations sk ills, concepts, principles, practices, and case law in order to research and apply administrative decisions, analyze and craft defensible solutions to problems that are less defined. The contractor shall research fact, legal precedents, and define legal a nd factual parameters and cases. Contractor shall assist in preparation, maintenance, and filing of necessary documents and files, and represent management before third parties in quasi-judicial boards and commissions. 3.2.4 Security. Work performed unde r this contract will be of an unclassified and classified nature. Personnel performing services under this contract will be required to obtain a SECRET security clearance 4.0 DELIVERABLES. 4.1 Deliverable One  Job Descriptions and Evaluation Reports 4. 1.1 The Contractor shall provide completed, written, accurate classification of job description in the appropriate format. 4.1.2 The Contractor shall provide evaluation reports for all job descriptions completed and classified. 4.1.3 The Contractor shall provide crediting plans for hard to fill positions. 4.1.4 The Contractor shall apply newly released Permanent Change of Station (PCS) guides to existing job descriptions and ensure they are entered into the appropriate HR databases. 4.1.5 The Contractor shall provide written and verbal recommendations on position and organizational structures to meet mission objectives and as requested by the Director, HRD. Recommendations shall be in accordance with DA organization and position management policies and b e cost-effective and efficient. 4.1.6 The Contractor shall provide written and verbal analyses and recommendations to the Director, HRD, as required. 4.1.7 Job Descriptions and Evaluation Reports shall be prepared in final versions in the automated format and delivered on the dates specified based on the requirements and timelines identified Director, HRD or G-1 representative. 4.2 Deliverable Two. National Security Personnel System (NSPS). 4.2.1 The Contractor shall take the lead in reviewing and manning documents, coordinating with mission units/activities and utilizing civilian HR automated systems to validate the entire amount of civilians to be converted to NSPS. 4.2.2 The Contractor shall prepare memoranda and information papers and shall conduct in-process reviews and associated briefings to Director HRD, G-1, and command group senior leadership. 4.2.3 The Contractor shall plan and execute con ferences, town hall meetings and other information sessions for FORSCOM employees. 4.2.4 The Contractor shall conduct training and monitor deployment of the NSPS system IAW established timelines/milestones. 4.2.5 The Contactor shall develop a Civilian Tra nsition Plan to execute NSPS throughout FORSCOM. The contractor shall analyze the outcomes from preceding tasks and identify specific organizational transition requirements. Contractor shall develop appropriate recommendations and alternatives to minimize disruptions to FORSCOMs ongoing operations during transition, determining how the transition shall be executed in terms of timelines, roles, dependencies, risk mitigation and recruitment/retention. The contractor shall include an Action Plan to include communication and change management activities/ events in order to facilitate a smooth transition. 4.2.6 The Contractor shall provide a Civilian Transition Plan to HQ managers and employees. The Plan shall include a marketing plan. 4.2.7 The Contractor s hall ensure compliance with NSPS implementation timelines/milestones for completion of appropriate Action Plan(s). 4.2.8 Civilian Transition Plan, Marketing Plan, and documents shall be prepared in final versions in the automated format and delivered on th e dates specified based on the requirements and timelines identified Director, HRD or G-1 representative. 4.3 Deliverable Three  Work Definition End Products/Deliverables 4.3.1 Criteria for Acceptance. The client agency will review the contractors deliverables in accordance with the Performance Work Statement (PWS). Only the Contracting Officer Rep resentative (COR) and the Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR) will inspect and approve deliverables as applicable. The government will base the acceptance of deliverables and satisfactory work performance on timeliness and accurac y of products requested by client in accordance with deliverables. 4.3.2. Schedule and Delivery Instructions. The specific deliverables and schedule for delivery shall be as agreed upon and documented in work requests. Client agency reserves the right t o prioritize work requests and negotiate delivery dates. 5.0 REPORTS 5.1 The Contractor shall provide a Monthly Narrative Report (MNR) and a Monthly Task Summary Report (MTSR). The Monthly Narrative Report (MNR) shall contain the following: Brief descript ion of requirements Brief summary of accomplishments during the reporting period and significant events regarding the task order Deliverables submitted or progress on deliverable products Any current/anticipated problems Briefing summary of activity planne d for the next reporting period 5.2 The Task Summary Report (TSR) shall include all labor charges for actual hours worked and authorized other direct costs (ODCs), such as travel, training, etc. Charges shall not exceed the authorized cost limits for la bor and ODCs. The Government will not pay unauthorized charges. Original receipts, travel vouchers, etc., shall be completed IAW Government Travel. Contractor shall provide records to support charges and they should be made available to Government upon request. The Task Summary Report shall include a breakout of all charges, including labor hours and charges, itemized other direct costs (ODC) and a cumulative total of all costs 5.3 Contractor shall submit monthly reports from the first to the last of e ach month. Contractor shall provide both Task and Sum mary Reports by the 5th of each month. Additional Reports shall be furnished upon request. 5.4 Contractor Manpower Reporting. The contractor shall report ALL contractor manpower (including subcontractor manpower) each month no later than 15 days following the end of each month of performance. The contractor shall complete all required informat ion in accordance with Army Contracting Manpower Directive, provided at https://contractormanpower.army.pentagon.mil. Contractor shall provide a final analysis at the end of each fiscal year (30 Sep), which must be submitted, to the Agency no later that 3 1 Oct. The government will check for accuracy of all labor reports provided. 6.0 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA 6.1 Expertise  The Contractor shall provide personnel with expertise, knowledge and skill a fully functional civilian human resource service, including (but not limited to) NSPS, Base Realignment and Closure personnel actions, workforce analysis, succession planning, position classification, position management principles, policies, concepts, practices, techniques, as well as in the following specific ar eas: Functional and subject matter expertise/experience in Army human resource programs and position classification guidelines and policies. Functional and subject matter expertise/ experience in workforce and succession planning, transfer of function, be nefits, and separations. Qualification requirements listed in the Office of Personnel Managements Operating Manual of Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions for Administrative and Management Positions for the GS-12 positions and above. Goo d communication skills and the ability to be flexible and adaptable in a dynamic environment. Effectively participate in planning and strategic sessions with others in order to accomplish the mission. Effective in dealing with customers, up to General Offi cer level. Effective working skills with military, civilian government staff and contractor personnel. 6.2 Place of Performance/Work Location - Work shall be primarily performed on-site at the HQ FORSCOM facility location at Building 200, 1777 Hardee Aven ue SW, Fort McPherson, GA 30330. 6.3 Hours of Work  Normal working hours will vary dependent upon project assigned. Telework may be authorized. When working at the HQ FORSCOM primary facility, normal working hours are 0730-1600, Monday through Friday (a s applicable). Any changes to this schedule must be coordinated through the COR/COTR 6.4. Security and Privacy 6.4.1 The Contractor shall comply with the security requirements establishes by the DD Form 254 of this Contract. Contractor personnel supporti ng the work must be able to obtain or already possess a SECRET security clearance. 6.4.2 The Contractor shall comply with requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579).6.5 Physical Security. HQ FORSCOM is a smoking restricted workplace. Du e to the nature of the work and facilities, contractor personnel are only allowed to smoke in designated areas outside the building. 6.5.1 Insurance Requirements. The Contractor is required to maintain all required insurance applicable to the performance o f the contract. 7.0 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED ITEMS 7.1 The Government will provide the Contractor office space in Building 200 and a computer workstation with access to FORSNET and all necessary office furniture, telephone, and equipment to perform the duties of the contract. 7.2 The Government will ensure Contractor access to the areas, equipment, documents, activities, communications systems and individuals required to accomplish the tasks and prepare the deliverables specified in paragraphs above.
Place of Performance
Address: ACA, Fort McPherson GA Southern Region Contracting Center-East, 1301 Anderson Way SW Fort McPherson GA
Zip Code: 30330-1096
Country: US
SN00989740-W 20060218/060216212836 (fbodaily.com)
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