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541611 — Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
Contracting Office
Department of Health and Human Services, Program Support Center, Division of Acquisition Management, Parklawn Building Room 5-101 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD, 20857
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March 28, 2006 THE ABOVE REFERENCED NOTICE 06M69 IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA NUMBER 2 IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY AND REPLACED WITH: ?Experience and capability in planning, facilitating, and implementing a plan to survey state officials regarding federally-funded activities and technical assistance support, including the impact of federal support upon state systems?. ALL PROPOSALS MAY BE E-MAILED TO CGANEY2@PSC.GOV, ALSO. DUE DATE FOR PROPOSALS IS CHANGED TO APRIL 5, 2006 AT 5PM EST. See the questions and answers below: Q: I would like to know the number of SSA directors targeted for this survey across the 50 states and territories mentioned in the RFP. A: 54 State Directors will be targeted for this Survey, including the 50 States, plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the Red Lake Band of the Chippewa Indian Nation. Q: What is the required length of the RFP for the solicitation State Satisfaction Survey--RFQ06M69. Is there a required font size? How many copies of the proposals are required? A: Up to 50 pages, Times new Roman 12 font. E-mail separate copies of technical and cost proposals Q: Does the survey instrument require OMB clearance since it will be administered to about 60 respondents. There does not appear to be time included in the SOW for such clearance. If it is required, where would the estimated length of time to obtain such clearance be included? A: OMB clearance will not be required, as SAMHSA has an umbrella clearance for customer satisfaction surveys which covers this activity. Q: Where might we view copies of earlier evaluations of CSAT?s technical assistance to States? A: Copies of previous evaluations are not being provided. Q: What is the government?s estimate of the level of effort for the project? A: Level of Effort does not apply with a fixed price simplified acquisition purchase order mechanism. Q: The survey was previously conducted through a subcontract arrangement as part of another CSAT contract. How much was allocated to the subcontractor for performing the satisfaction survey and developing the subsequent evaluation reports? A: Those figures are not to be disclosed. Q: What is the anticipated start date for this project? A: As early as is feasible. Q: What is the total size of the population to be surveyed? The RFP implies it is 54, that is, only one SSA Director per state (and DC, Puerto Rica, Virgin Islands, Chippewa Tribe). Or are there multiple SSA Directors per state/territory/tribe? A: The total population is 54, including the one Single State Agency Director from each State, plus the one for the District of Columbia, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Red Lake Band of the Chippewa Nation. Q: Assuming OMB clearance is required, do you have expedited clearance or is the full six-month OMB process required? A: No OMB Clearance is required for this Survey, since SAMHSA has an umbrella approval from OMB for Customer Satisfaction Surveys which covers this initiative. Q: Is there only one questionnaire, or more than one? Task 6 implies that there are two data collection efforts: "topical issue" and "point-of-service." Or are these parts of a single questionnaire? Can we see the existing questionnaire? A: There is only one survey questionnaire, and revisions are in process. We can not provide a copy of the Survey, which is currently being revised. Q: Task 4 asks for feedback on the questionnaire and process -- Do you anticipate changing the process from an annual survey to something different than that? A: This will remain an annual survey, based on calendar years. Q: What "software" is expected in Task 8? A: CSAT has chosen to stipulate use of a specific software package (Perseus Survey Solutions) which we regard as optimal for this purpose. Q: Can we use our GSA MOBIS Schedule rates or do we need to provide the indirect rate cost build-up instead? A: Yes, You can use your GSA rates , but you must provide documentation from your GSA contract. Q: For all statements that contain "Within X days of the EDOA..", does this refer to calendar days or business days? A: The statements regarding ?Within X days of the EDOA? are calendar days. Q: In Task 2, you refer to "a description of TA and Technical Reviews". What does "TA" stand for? A: TA means Technical Assistance, which the federal government provides to states. Q: Who will be made available to validate the interview instrument's reliability for attaining statistically valid data after Task 2 has been completed (and before it is subjected to a pilot)? A: If the contractor is unable to validate the instrument?s reliability, CSAT staff will be asked to provide that support and consultation. Q: What sample population will be provided to pilot test the instrument? A: Only a few state directors will be utilized for the pilot study, to be determined by CSAT. Q: Tasks 4 thru 7 seems to be several, iterative review sessions with the DSCA. Why are so many sessions needed? Wouldn't it be more advisable that they be part of a review of the Task 2 deliverable and a participant in Task 3? A: CSAT will retain the option of lessening the actual number of sessions for review and discussion. Q: Task 8 requests the design of the annual report from data derived from the survey instrument. Shouldn't this be done up front during Task 2 to assure the instrument is designed to capture the requisite data? A: The essential format for the annual report will be provided by CSAT, but we will retain the option of a stipulated revision of that format based on Survey findings. Q: Can the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant GPRA measures from prior years be provided up front in Task 2 since the data collected must be able to correlate to these measures? Specifically, we need to understand how subjective factors have been quantified; such as the number of States that express satisfaction with the technical assistance provided - how is this determined? What specific questions were posed? A: The precise content of survey questions will be provided to the successful bidder. Q: In the Schedule of Payments, there are "TBD" for dollars associated to each task deliverable. Who makes this determination, and when? A: The Government Project Officer will make the determination at the payments at designated intervals. Q: The signature requested on Standard Form 18 - can that be an electronic signature, or must the hard copy document be scanned to be delivered via email? A: Yes, It can be an electronic signature. Q: What is the size standard for this RFQ? A: 50 pages or less. Q: Attachment A, Technical Evaluation Criteria, Item #2 & #4, These evaluation criteria seem to indicate that only an incumbent contractor could receive the 20 points provided for experience and capabilities. Would SAMSHA remove these criteria and replace them with experience and capabilities requirements that describe a vendor?s and key personnel?s ability to do the work? A: See amendment of Technical Criteria number 2 at top of the questions and answers. Q: Can a copy of the 2004 (or prior) survey be provided along with any reports describing the data collection process and response rate? What was/were the survey mechanism(s) used to collect the 2004data, i.e. web-based? A: We can not provide a copy of the 2004 Survey. The 2004 Survey was web-based, with a paper option available. Response rates have been consistently above 90 percent. Q: If there is a target calendar start date for the contract, would you please include it? A: No target date has been set; we need to expedite it as much as is feasible. Q: Has SAMSHA used a solely web-based approach with this survey in the past? A: We can not provide a copy of the 2004 Survey. The 2004 Survey was web-based, with a paper option available. Response rates have been consistently above 90 percent. Q: Will SAMSHA consider proposals for other than web-based data collection? A: Must be web-based, with paper option. Q: What media and formats will be used to supply the successful contractor with the specified lists (1-3) described in Task 2, i.e. WORD files, Excel, Access, Flat files? A: Word Q: Does SAMSHA have reliable electronic mail addresses for the survey respondents? A: Yes. Q: Are criteria for the revision of the survey instrument already developed? If yes, do the criteria focus on content, method of presentation, or both? If yes, please provide the criteria, and the background materials (such as any data justifying the changes) to the criteria. A: All Survey revisions will be directed/suggested by SAMHSA/CSAT, and the contractor will be asked to submit questions in accordance with those directions. Q: Please describe the type of adjustments that may need to be made to the survey instrument. A: All Survey revisions will be directed/suggested by SAMHSA/CSAT, and the contractor will be asked to submit questions in accordance with those directions. Q: Will the revised survey instrument require OMB clearance to comply with the Paper Work Reduction Act? A: No OMB clearance is required, due to SAMHSA's umbrella approval for customer satisfaction surveys. Q: Is the contractor responsible for recruiting the pilot test sample from the SSAs? A: The choice of the sample for pilot test will be made by SAMHSA/CSAT. Q: Does the GPO have criteria for what constitutes a successful conclusion for this task? A: The GPO expects an objective assessment of SSAs' views presented in format that is useful for staff development training and improvement purposes, as well as for reporting on GPRA measures. Q: Please elaborate on the ?ongoing customer feedback system? described in this section. What is the purpose of this system? A: The ongoing effort by SAMHSA to receive meaningful feedback from States, of which this Survey is but one part, is what is referred to as an "ongoing customer feedback" system. Q: Is it different than the web base survey detailed in Task 2? If yes, please provide additional background regarding purpose, respondents and the survey instrument to be used. A: They are one and the same. Q: Is the report of the 2004 survey results available either in its final format or in draft? If yes, please provide a copy of the report. Who are all the stakeholders for the 2005 and 2006 reports? Have they provided feedback on the 2004 report? If yes, please share that feedback. If no, are there plans to capture their feedback during the report format process for 2005? A: None of the requested information regarding the 2004 Survey is to be made available, including queries about stakeholders' receiving feedback, etc. SAMHSA will provide information to the contractor which will allow comparisons of previous years' results for report formatting. Q: What are the alternatives for submitting a proposal electronically, i.e. WORD, PDF, etc.? Based on the direction, an electronic version of the SF 18 with the authorized official from the contractor signature will be acceptable by the government, rather than a faxed or hard copy with the signature. Is that correct? A: Word and electronic copy of the SF-18 are acceptable. Q: If the contractor maintains Representations and Certifications on-line at the government?s cite, https://orca.bpn.gov/ , is it still required to supply these representations and certifications? A: Yes, Provide your Dun and Bradstreet number, complete face page and answer any questions in attachment C. Q: We are aware that SAMSHA had previously posted a notice to make a sole-source award of this project to Coray Gurnitz Consulting; a woman owned small business located in Arlington, VA. The solicitation announcing SAMSHA?s sole source intention was cancelled and this RFQ was released. Please elaborate on the reason(s) a sole source award is no longer being pursued. A: It was in the best interest of the government to compete this requirement. Q: identify the FAR provisions that apply to this acquisition? A: Check representations and certifications and FAR 52.232-25, 52.213-4, 52.232-33, 52.243-1. Q: Has a contract to develop a State Satisfaction Survey as described in RFQ 06M69 been awarded in previous years? If so, please identify the incumbent or contractors previously awarded such contracts, the contract numbers, and contract values. A: There have been five previous years of task orders to conduct a State Satisfaction Surveys; there is no incumbent. Previous sole-source contractor was Coray-Gurnitz, Inc. Q: Task 2 under the Statement of Work states ?Within 45 days of the EDOA, the Contractor shall develop a revised SSA interview instrument?? Please explain any differences between the State Satisfaction Survey and the SSA interview instrument referred to in Task 2. A: They are one and the same. Q: Task 4 under the Statement of Work mentions an ?ongoing customer feedback system.? Please describe the ongoing customer feedback system. A: The State Satisfaction is one part of a varied and ongoing effort on the part of CSAT/DSCA to obtain feedback from states with regard to services we provide. Q: Task 6 under the Statement of Work mentions ?topical issue and point-of-service data collection.? Please describe topical issue and point-of-service data collection and how this is associated with the State Satisfaction Survey. A: They are the same; the Survey will become our point of service data collection, which includes a focus on various topic areas. Q: Task 8 under the Statement of Work notes that ?the Contractor shall design a DSCA Annual Report format with accompanying software and instructions for tabulating annual report data.? Please describe how the accompanying software is associated with the State Satisfaction Survey. A: A specific software package will be utilized for this Survey (Perseus Survey Solutions), and will serve as the functional tool for managing and reporting on Survey data. Q: Tasks 9 and 12 under the Statement of Work include the terms ?topical,? ?point of service,? and ?customer interview data.? Please explain how these terms are associated with the State Satisfaction Survey. A: They are all references to the Survey, with its multiple points of concern of topics of interest to CSAT/SAMHSA. Q: Task 9 under the Statement of Work notes that ?The Report shall include a written analysis of Survey data pertaining to the following Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant GPRA Measures:? and lists four measures that each begin with the words ?Increase in the percentage?? Please explain why the word ?increase? is used in describing these measures (i.e., are increases in each of these measures anticipated in comparison to the 2004 Survey results?). A: Comparisons will be required between previous years? Survey results and the Survey data, in accordance with the relevant GPRA criteria. Q: Task 1 of the Statement of Work (SOW) requires the contractor to meet with the Project Officer and appropriate CSAT/DSCA staff. Where will this meeting take place and what is its anticipated duration? A: The meeting will take place at 1 Choke Cherry Rd., Rockville, Maryland, in a to be determined by the GPO, and will last not more than two hours., Q: Task 2 of the SOW provides a list of items that CSAT will provided to the contractor. Absent from this list are survey and interview instruments used for prior State Satisfaction Surveys. Please explain this omission and indicate if these instruments will be provided to the successful offeror. A: The material in question will be provided to the successful bidder by CSAT. Q: Task 2 of the SOW requires the contractor to develop a revised SSA interview instrument. Please clarify if contractor will be required to conduct in-person or telephone interviews of SSA Directors. A: The revision of the existing SSA Survey instrument will be conducted by CSAT, in consultation with the contractor, and no phone interviews will be required or expected. Q: Is it anticipated that a Web-based survey will be the only method used for collecting data from SSA Directors? If no, please explain. A: Yes, Web-based but with a paper option Q: Will contractor be required to survey, interview, or collect data from anyone other than the 60 SSA Directors? If so, please explain. A: No one other than SSA Directors will be surveyed. Q: Tasks 4, 7, and 10 of the SOW require the contractor to meet with DSCA management, staff and others. Where will these meetings take place? What is the anticipated duration of each meeting? Do these meetings have to be in-person or can they be accomplished by teleconference? A: The GPO will determine how meetings with DSCA/CSAT staff will be held, and Some may be telephonic. Face-to-face meetings will be at the SAMHSA building at 1 Choke Cherry Road, Rockville, MD 20857 Q: Task 4 of the SOW requires the contractor to brief DSCA management and staff on ??processes oriented toward fostering an ongoing customer feedback system.? As there has been no antecedent mention of a ?customer feedback system,? or contractors anticipated role in the development, improvement, implementation, etc. of such a system, please provide further explanation of what the government wants the contractor to do with respect to this task. A: The SSA Satisfaction Survey is only one part of a range of processes employed by DSCA/CSAT to elicit feedback from States regarding support provided to them. Q: Task 8 of the SOW requires the contractor to ?design a DSCA Annual Report format with accompanying software and instructions for tabulating annual report data.? Please clarify what is meant by accompanying software. Please clarify if software will be a deliverable of this contract. If software is to be delivered, please provide appropriate specifications with respect to functionality, system requirements, operation system, etc. A: Perseus Survey Solutions software will be required for the Survey Q: Task 11 of the SOW states that ?Within 12 months of the EDOA, the Contractor shall collect, input and analyze data for the second data collection time period,? while Task 12 states that ?Within 13 months of the EDOA, the Contractor shall gather data from the various sources (topical, point of service, and customer interviews) and produce the FY 2006 annual report. Other than the associated timeframe for performance, it is not clear how these two tasks differ. Please provide additional explanation. A: Either from SSA Directors or from CSAT/DSCA?no others Q: Task 12 of the SOW states that ?the Contractor shall gather data from the various sources (topical, point of service, and customer interviews).? Please identify these ?various sources.? A: These are merely references to the actual Survey process. Q: Several tasks mention topical, point of service, and customer interview data. Can the government please provide a definition of each of these data elements? A: All references are to the Survey Q: Technical Evaluation Criteria 1 ? Understanding of the Statement of Work states that ?Proposals will be evaluated on how well the Offeror demonstrates their familiarity with the goals, objectives, and desired format of the data gathering process involved in this project.? Please confirm that ?desired format of the data gathering process? is a Web-based survey. If this is not so, please indicate the desired format. A: The Survey is web-based, with a paper option Q: Are the directors required (law/regulation) to respond? Can a 100% response rate be assumed, or will measures be required to encourage response? A: The SSA Directors are not required to respond, but, as the designated person responsible for their State?s use of their statnnual Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant, they are inclined to participate. Q: For how many years has the survey been conducted? A: The Survey has been conducted for 5 years to date. Q: How many questions are in the existing questionnaire? A: Sixty eight items Q: How complex (number of ?skips?) is the existing questionnaire? A: Very few Q: What are the specifications for the ?pilot? described in Task 3? A: Those will be determined by the GPO at a later time Q: Meetings are required in Tasks 1, 4, 6, 7, and 10. Can travel expenses be ?billed at cost?? Where are these meetings to be held? Rockville MD? A: These can be billed, if not accomplished telephonically Q: Why is a list of CSAT SPO assignments provided (Task 2)? A: This information is provided in case Directors ask the name of the SPO for their State. Q: The SSA Director list will include email addresses? A: Yes, e-mail addresses will be provided for Directors Q: Will the survey announcement come from the vendor or from SAMHSA? A: SAMHSA will make the announcement of the Survey Q: What is the specification for ?processes oriented toward fostering an ongoing customer feedback system? (Task 4)? Are you referring to the annual survey or to something else? A: The annual survey is one aspect of an ongoing effort to obtain feedback from States. Q: What are ?topical issues? (Task 6) A: The topical issues will be provided by SAMHSA as the contractor prepares the implementation plan. Q: What is ?point of service? data collection? (Task 6)? A: This refers to the actual process of web-based data collection with a paper option for survey completion. Q: Attachment B, Statement of Work refers in Task 2 to the contractor developing a "revised" SSA director interview instrument. Can the latest interview instrument be made available? Who designed and developed this instrument for the DHHS? A: The previously utilized survey instrument was designed by CSAT/SAMHSA, and an not be provided to bidders. Some assistance in revising the existing survey instrument will be required of the new contractor. Q: Please confirm/clarify that all state surveys will be conducted via a web-access program. No additional interviews or meetings with the SSA Directors are anticipated. Is this correct? A: Correct, the Survey will be conducted using a web-based format, with a paper Option; no other meetings with SSA Directors will be required. Q: Please confirm/clarify that place of performance will be the contractor's location except for various planning and program reporting activities that will take place at DHHS, Rockville, MD. A: Correct; the contractor?s location will be used for all except meetings at CSAT.
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