A -- This is an addendum to CERDEC I2WD BAA W15P7T-04-R-P008 MASINT Sub-Topic #3 for Sense Through the Wall (STTW) Technologies.
- Notice Date
- 4/6/2006
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- Contracting Office
- US Army C-E LCMC Acquisition Center - DAAB07, ATTN: AMSEL-AC, Building 1208, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5008
- ZIP Code
- 07703-5008
- Solicitation Number
- W15P7T-06-I2WD-013
- Response Due
- 5/22/2006
- Archive Date
- 7/21/2006
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- Technical Point of Contact (POC): U.S Army Communications Electronics Research Development & Engineering Center (CERDEC), Intelligence and Information Warfare Directorate (I2WD), Doug Cohen, email:, Mark Farwell, email: Mar or Richard Luttrell, email: Richard NOTE: Although this BAA will be open for five (5) years from August 2004 when it was published on and, the Government anticipates that the majority of the funding for this program will be committed during the upcoming so urce selection. White paper submissions must be received no later than 4:00 PM EST on 22 May 2006 in Fort Monmouth, NJ. An Industry Day will be held on or about 26 April 2006 at a TBD location in the Eatontown, NJ area to encourage discussion and teaming on this topic. All those interested shall RSVP by email to all the above mentioned POCs by 21 April 2006. Please provide the company name and personnel POC/s for those that will attend (please limit attendees to 3 per company). A location and agenda will be sent out to all those who responded soon after the cutoff date. NOTE: It is not mandatory to attend the Industry Day to respond to this BAA nor will it detract from your submission. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Definitions 3 2 ATO PHASE II: Advanced Prototype Development 4 2.1 Phase II Prototype Performance Goals 5 2.2 Phase II Test and Demonstration 7 2.3 Phase II Deliverables 7 3 TEAMING 8 4 SECURITY 8 5 SUBMISSIONS 8 5.1 White Paper Criteria 8 5.2 Cover Page 9 6 EVALUATION PROCESS 9 6.1 Evaluators 9 6.2 White Paper Evaluation Criteria 9 7 SCHEDULE SUMMARY 10 Description: The purpose of this announcement is to request ONLY White Papers for Phase II of the Suite of Sense Through the Wall Systems Army Technology Objective (ATO). I2WD is collecting information on proven sensor technologies to achieve the Phase I I objectives proposed in the Suite of Sense Through The Wall (STTW) Systems ATO. The government reserves the right to request formal proposals based on white paper submissions that meet evaluation criteria and submission requirements. 1 INTRODUCTION As military operations become increasingly urban centric, our ability to conduct surveillance and reconnaissance on combatants is severely hindered as they retreat indoors. Current technologies do not provide the Soldier with the capability to locate thes e potential adversaries within buildings or determine which building should be considered primary targets. As a result, the Army is committed to provide the Soldier with the capability to locate potential hostile targets deep inside urban structures as we ll as give structural information on these buildings such as floor plan information (i.e. walls, doorways, windows). Deploying Sense Through the Wall technologies can be thought of as a multiple phase operation. Initial reconnaissance with a long range vehicle mounted sensor/s can determine which structures may require greater analysis. At this time, no target or struc tural information would be required other than a determination that there are probable adversaries within a structure. Once a building is marked as priority, the clearing force can decide to deploy shorter range SUGV based sensor/s or Soldier-borne sens or/s. Both variants will be able to provide information that is much more detailed than the longer range sensors, especially in regards to adversary numbers and locations and if armed or not. The Suite of STTW Systems ATO will provide mounted/dismounted Soldiers with the capability to detect, locate, and see personnel with or without concealed weapons and explosives (CW and CE) which are hidden behind walls, doors and other obstructions. Thi s addendum addresses Phase II of a two-phased ATO with technology demonstrator deliveries in 3QFY08 though it will not exclude the possibility of earlier spiral insertions. The contractor will design, develop, fabricate and test STTW technology demonstrators that meet the requirements specified in the draft STTW Capabilities Development Document (CDD) and the Future Combat System (FCS) Operational Requirements Document (ORD). Critical extracts of the STTW CDD and the FCS ORD are listed in the Technology demonstrator Performance Goals section of this document. It is anticipated that one version will be Soldier Borne (SB), and modular in design for potential integration into an FCS Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle (SUGV). A second set of payloads will be mounted on a larger Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) and will have increased standoff distance from the target area. 1.1 Definitions Battery Life: The time from when the system is initially powered up and operating until the battery is fully discharged. Time to Acquire Sensor Display: The time from when the system is turned on until the initial reading is displayed (for remote systems with PCs, the OS boot time is not counted). Display Update Rate: The time interval from the display of a set of processed sensor information to the next. True Positive: Is defined as one target icon represented on the GUI per actual target present within the sensors field of view. Target acquisition must meet requirements for time to acquire and update (2.1.3). False Positive: Is defined as one target icon represented on the GUI when no target is present within the sensors field of view. A false positive can also occur when more target icons appear on the GUI then are actually within the sensors field of v iew. True Negative: Is defined as no target icons represented on the GUI when no targets are present within the sensors field of view. False Negative: Is defined as no target icons represented on the GUI when target(s) are present within the sensors field of view. A false negative can also occur when more targets are present within the field of view then are represented on the GUI. F alse negatives must meet the requirements of multiple target discrimination (2.1.8) Probability of Detection: Is defined by the ratio of trials with true positives versus the total number of trials with true positives and false negatives. Probability of False Alarm: Is defined as the ratio of trials with true negatives versus the total number of trials with true negatives and false positives. Target: Can be a person, concealed weapons, concealed explosives or person with concealed weapons and/or explosives. On-the-Move: Sensors shall be able to operate and obtain accurate information while in continuous motion at typical operational tempo, unless otherwise specified Ad-Hoc Network: A network of sensors shall have the ability to be added and dropped from the network automatically without requiring configuration on the fly. Self Locating Sensors: A network of sensors shall have the ability to operate cooperatively in a wireless manner without precise placement. If alignment is required, an automated/assisted alignment system is preferable to manual alignment with minimal tim e for setup. Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6: System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in relevant environment. Representative model or prototype system is well beyond that of a breadboard. Additional information on TRLs can be found on p34-38 of the Tec hnology Readiness Assessment Deskbook ( 2 ATO PHASE II: Advanced Technology Demonstrator Development Phase II of the ATO will develop operational technology demonstrator sensor systems that could possibly be transitioned to appropriate Program Managers. These technology demonstrators shall be at a TRL6 by the end of this effort in 3QFY08 or earlier for p ossible spiral insertion as part of Quick Reaction Capabilities. If the system consists of multiple sensors, they shall be able to perform wirelessly in an ad-hoc network and sensors shall be self-locating. Below are the goals for Phase II of the ATO and shall be met by the conclusion of this effort. These requirements are not listed in order of importance and shall be treated equally. 2.1 Phase II Technology Demonstrator Performance Goals NOTE: The proposer must provide sufficient information supporting proposed specifications. Proposers shall be aware that systems will have to comply with FCC, NTIA, Army Spectrum Management, etc. regulations for obtaining spectrum approval. For the purpo ses of this white paper, the proposer should assume the STTW payloads will be integrated with PackBot (by iRobot) and High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV) (Model M1097A) in lieu of the FCS SUGV and USAICs UGV per the draft Capabilities Deve lopment Document (CDD), respectively. A PackBot and HMMWV will be provided to the STTW technology demonstrator contractor(s) as Government Furnished Equipment (GFE). 2.1.1 STTW Technology Demonstrator Weights: " SB technology demonstrator weight goal: less than or equal to 3 lbs(O)/less than or equal to 6lbs(T) (including battery) o Technology demonstrators with weights higher than the above mentioned requirements may still be considered if significant advancements can be made in sensor range, Pd, and Pf " SUGV technology demonstrator payload weight goal: 6 lbs (including mounting arm/bracket and battery if host 2W power not used) " UGV technology demonstrator payload weight goal: less than or equal to 50lbs(O)/less than or equal to 150lbs(T) for each payload 2.1.2 Battery Life: Minimum of 4 hours for the SB and SUGV mounted system. UGV mounted systems will utilize the host platforms prime power (28VDC) to supply power for the STTW payload. 2.1.3 Time to acquire sensor reading and display information to operator: less than 5 sec for all payloads with an update of previously detected targets every 1 sec. 2.1.4 Probability of Detection: The Pd goal for Phase I for SB and UGV mounted payloads was 85%. Phase II is looking for a significant improvement on this Phase I goal. Since the SUGV Pd is part of a classified requirement, provide an estimate of the an ticipated Pd for the proposed SUGV system. NOTE: Some of the specifications for the SUGV mounted STTW systems have been classified by the FCS ORD. These specifications are not included here and will not be provided to the proposer. The proposers should provide their best estimates of the perform ance characteristics that they feel are achievable for the technology demonstrator STTW payload for the SUGV. 2.1.5 Probability of False Alarm: The Pfa goals for phase I were less than or equal to 15% for all STTW payloads. Phase II is looking for a significant improvement on this Phase I goal. 2.1.6 Sensor range to target (regardless of wall location between sensor and target): " The Phase I SB range goal (for personnel detection only) was 20 meters. The Phase II SB technology demonstrator (detect personnel w/ CE/CW through walls) is looking for a significant improvement on this Phase I goal. " Since the SUGV range is part of a classified requirement, provide an estimate of the anticipated range for the proposed SUGV mounted technology demonstrator (detect personnel w/ CE/CW through walls). " The Phase I UGV range goal was 100 meters. The Phase II UGV mounted technology demonstrator (detect personnel w/ CE/CW through walls) is looking for a significant improvement on this Phase I goal. 2.1.7 Detect and recognize targets through multiple wall types in the presence of clutter. Detect the possibilities of weapons caches either stored within the building in question as well as explosives hidden in walls, below floors or otherwise concealed within the building structure itself. The STTW payloads must be able to penetrate 12 non-metallic walls such as cement block, dry wall, adobe, brick, and reinforced concrete. 2.1.8 Discrimination of multiple targets. The STTW payl oads must be able to discriminate multiple targets separated by greater than or equal to 1 meter (SB and SUGV mounted technology demonstrators) or greater than or equal to 3 meters (UGV mounted technology demonstrators) for all targets within the systems range. 2.1.9 Location accuracy. The STTW payloads must be able to locate targets within less than or equal to 1 meter (SB mounted technology demonstrators), XXm (SUGV mounted technology demonstrators) or less than or equal to 3 meters (UGV mounted technology dem onstrators) of their actual locations for all targets within the systems range. NOTE: Some of the specifications for the SUGV mounted STTW systems have been classified by the FCS ORD. These specifications are not included here and will not be provided to the proposer. The proposers should provide their best estimates of the perform ance characteristics that they feel are achievable for the technology demonstrator STTW payload for the SUGV. 2.1.10 Simultaneous detection of near stationary (breathing) targets and targets in motion 2.1.11 User-friendly interface (i.e., alerts to cue user to look at display) 2.1.12 Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) (i.e., icon displays for detected targets and stationary structural features with geo-location information) 2.1.13 Motion compensation algorithms for operator/platform induced movement and On-the-Move operations 2.1.14 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) compatibility with fielded sensors and communications devices (e.g. GPS, SATCOM equipment, etc.) operating within radius of 10 meters of the STTW payloads 2.1.15 Demonstrate data dissemination from the STTW SUGV and UGV payload via secure wireless communications to a remote operator located 300 meters away (line of sight). Surrogate communications shall be Ethernet or USB based protocols and be limited to 1 MB/s or less. 2.1.16 SB, SUGV and UGV prototype platforms shall be designed to withstand a drop from 1 meter on to hard pack earth without impacting performance. Technology Demonstrator systems shall also be sufficiently ruggedized for operation in MIL-STD-810F climati c design types hot, basic hot and basic cold. The system shall survive the same environment an operator can be expected to survive. Environments include smoke, aerosols, fog, rain, dust, wind, snow, icing, biological, and chemical. 2.1.17 Mapping of exterior & interior walls and significant stationary objects 2.2 Phase II Test and Demonstration STTW sensors shall be tested at a Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) facility, assume Fort Benning, GA or Yuma Proving Grounds (YPG), AZ during 4QFY08. Technology Demonstrators shall be at a Technology Readiness Level 6 and budget a total of fo ur weeks to complete testing. 2.3 Phase II Deliverables If selected for a phase II development contract, the vendor shall deliver the following items: " Monthly Activity Reports: Due two weeks before the end of every month throughout the duration of the program. The reports shall discuss major accomplishment, significant activities, important difficulties, schedules and budgeting " Specifications Document: This document shall outline all projected goals for the developed hardware as they relate to the requirements of the ATO Phase II " Preliminary Design Review Briefing: This briefing shall be provided during the Preliminary Design Review meeting " Critical Design Review Briefing: This briefing shall be provided during the Critical Design Review meeting " Test Plan: A test plan shall be provided to the Government that addresses how the system will be tested in order to insure it meets the corresponding specifications document " Training Documentation: Documentation shall be provided that instructs the user on how to effectively operate the system " Technology Demonstrators: Due NLT 3QFY08 o SB technology demonstrator (detect personnel w/ CE/CW through walls) Qty: 3 each o SUGV mounted technology demonstrator (detect perso nnel w/ CE/CW through walls) Qty: 3 each o UGV mounted technology demonstrator (detect personnel w/ CE/CW through walls with increased standoff distance from target area) Qty: 3 each 3 TEAMING Due to the multiple discipline nature of this program, teaming is encouraged. Providing a technology that both detects and locates both personnel and concealed weapons and explosives is the goal in this phase of the ATO. Proposals that do not address bot h these goals are not as likely to be selected. Time will be set aside at the I2WD Industry Day to allow participants to interact and possibly form partnering relationships. The vendors will be informed of the date and location of the Industry Day as soo n as the information is available. 4 SECURITY Proposers who choose to submit a response for the SUGV mounted version are required to assign personnel to this task that can obtain and maintain a SECRET security clearance. All work must be performed at a cleared facility, if selected for proposal resul ting on contract award 5 SUBMISSIONS 5.1 White Paper Criteria At this point in the selection process, the proposer may submit a response for each Phase II deliverable; therefore, up to three (3) responses may be submitted one for the Soldier Borne version, one for an SUGV mounted version, and/or one for an UGV moun ted versions. The response should describe the technical approach (and phenomenology) proposed by the proposer, the ATO objectives being addressed by the technology/technologies (the proposer may elect to respond to all or a portion of the ATO performance goals), projec ted performance capabilities (technical backing shall be provided for projected capabilities), technical risks and planned mitigation efforts, and clearly define the final technology demonstrator deliverable suitable for testing in a field environment. Each response to this call for white papers should contain a summary quad chart (font size 8 -12 pitch, Arial). An example of an acceptable quad chart with required information is attached to this document for reference. This chart shall highlight the in novative techniques and concepts utilized by the design team and shall provide the Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) cost for the proposed effort. In addition to the quad chart, responses may include no more than 7 pages of narrative (including figures, char ts and tables). All submittal pages must be formatted using single sided 8.5 in x 11 in paper; with one-inch page margins all around and font size greater than or equal to 10 pitch Arial. The narrative portion of the white paper should provide additional supporting information for material presented in the summary quad chart by serving as the technical summary. For white paper submissions, PDF files are preferred and shall be limited to less than 5MB per email. If multiple emails are required (i.e. mult iple platforms proposed), each email shall be number 'x of y emails' in the subject line. All files shall be named using the format of vendor_platform_STTW06WP.extension. Those who do not follow these guidelines are subject to dismissal by the evaluati ng team. The Government does not intend to pay any costs incurred by the proposers for the preparation of any information submitted in response to this request. All proprietary information should be marked as such on the submissions. The Government is not interes ted in general company capability information and will not accept such submissions. Submissions will be accepted via e-mail only and should be sent to all addressees above no later than 0800 hours on 22 May 2006 . All questions concerning this call for white papers should be directed to the above-mentioned POCs solely via email. If furt her contact is required, arrangements will be made for a teleconference. 5.2 Cover Page The cover page (not included in the page limit) shall contain the following information and in this order for it to be considered. BAA Nu mber: W15P7T-04-R-P008 MASINT Sub-Topic #3 BAA Title: Sense Through the Wall Technologies Proposal Title: (Identified by proposer) White Paper Response Prime Proposer: (name) Subcontractors : (list all that apply) Technical Point of Contact: (name, address, phone, fax, email) Administrative Point of Contact: (name, address, phone, fax, email) 6 EVALUATION PROCESS 6.1 Evaluators I2WD will treat all material that is submitted as competitive information and will only use it for the purpose of this evaluation. If any Government contractors are used during any part of evaluation process, they will be asked to sign non-disclosure agre ements as part of the process. Any information that is not intended for unlimited release shall be clearly marked prior to submission of the white paper. 6.2 White Paper Evaluation Criteria All papers will be evaluated against the following criteria: " Scientific and Technical Merit/Understanding of the Problem o The proposer will be evaluated on whether the proposal encompasses all aspects of STTW program. The proposer must show a clear understanding of the goals and convey how their system will be operated in a tactical scenario. Simply describing the technol ogy being implemented is not sufficient. Frequency usage, power levels, conceptual designs and concept of operations are just a few elements that should be considered. If the final product is not tactically feasible, it will not be addressed. " Previous Work o Due to the aggressive schedule of this program and need for advanced technology demonstrators, the proposer must be able to exhibit substantial previous efforts in this field. Proposals that do not describe any previous efforts will be considered, but i t is highly desired that the vendor show some previous work related to this program. 6.3 Proposal Submission The white paper phase will allow I2WD to gather a very broad amount of information before vendors put forth significant effort into developing a full proposal. On or about 30 June 2006, vendors will be informed whether or not I2WD has invited them to subm it a full proposal. The guidelines for developing a full proposal will be provided at that time. As part of the final source selection process, I2WD will request that selected vendors participate in a one on one session of approximately 1-2 hours. Vendo rs will provide I2WD with an overview of the proposal as well as a short demonstration of current STTW hardware. This event will help I2WD to gauge the maturity and potential risks of the proposers current technology. This event will be held in a TBD lo cation in the Eatontown, NJ area on or about the week of 14 August 2006. Since it may not be feasible for all vendors to bring current hardware (i.e. large vehicular mounted equipment) I2WD will accommodate viewing of video files. 7 SCHEDULE SUMMARY With the exception of the white paper submission deadline, the dates that have been laid out in this request for white papers are tentative and may be subject to change. Should these dates change, interested proposers will be notified.
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