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Solicitation Notice
923130 — Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education, Public Health, and Veterans' Affairs Programs)
Contracting Office
Library of Congress, Contracts Services, Contracts Section, 101 Independence Ave SE LA-325, Washington, DC, 20540-9411
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. A. Background The Library of Congress consists of approximately 4,200 employees primarily located in three buildings on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The Library seeks a contractor to provide an onsite, comprehensive employee benefits and retirement program. This program includes the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), the Federal Employees Retirement Systems (FERS), the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, and Flexible Spending Accounts for Federal Employees (FSAFEDS). B. Scope of Work The contractor will perform the full range of activities necessary to provide the following services. 1. Counsels Library staff on the retirement systems for Federal employees (CSRS, CSRS-Offset, and FERS). Answers inquiries on routine and complex issues from both management and staff. Provides guidance and assistance on all aspects of retirement planning, including but not limited to CSRS and CSRS-Offset, their nature and underlying concepts; FERS, with its three-tiered structure (Social Security, Basic Benefit Plan, and Thrift Savings Plan); Eligibility for FERS coverage (new employees and rehires under CSRS- Offset); Counseling on the merits of CSRS-Offset versus FERS, including explanation of both plans, evaluation of the individual employee?s Federal work history, and his/her future plans; Retirement contributions and refunds; Deposits, re-deposits and voluntary contributions under CSRS; Post-1956 military service credit deposits; Retirement options (voluntary, involuntary, disability); Survivor benefits (annuity, lump sum, or both); Spousal rights (divorce cases); Disability benefits (under CSRS or FERS, and under Workers, Compensation from OWCP); Estimates of current and future retirement benefits; Effects of part-time status on retirement benefits; Leave issues related to retirement (leave without pay, lump sum payment for unused annual, service credit for periods which included leave without pay); Severance pay for certain involuntarily separated employees (special cases); Retirement status of re-employed annuitants. 2. Provides information to employees to help them make an informed decision to select, change or cancel their health benefits coverage. This information includes but is not limited to: Eligibility requirements for employees and family members; Overview of FEHBP, with an eye towards what the program offers and the differences in types of plans; Costs of enrollment, including special provisions for temporary and part-time employees and employees in non-pay status; Types of plans available; Types of enrollment; Conversion rights after loss of coverage; Coordination of benefits with Medicare. 3. Counsels separating employees and family members no longer eligible for regular FEHBP coverage on ?Temporary Continuation of Coverage? (TCC), assists such employees with enrollment, and transmits records to the National Finance Center (NFC). In cases where eligibility has been lost, assists individuals with Office of Personnel Management (OPM) reconsideration requests. 4. Provides employees with information to help them make informed decisions to elect, waive, change or cancel FEGLI coverage (including Basic Life as well as Standard, Additional and Family options) based on their personal and family situation and needs, existing insurance coverage, and short as well as long term plans. 5. Contacts and meets with designated beneficiaries, family members, attorneys, or personal representatives of deceased employees to help them file claims for FEGLI benefits. Ensures that claims have been fully documented. 6. Counsels staff on TSP, explaining the different options available to employees covered by CSRS and FERS. 7. Counsels staff on the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, explaining the various options and benefits available. 8. Counsels staff on FSAFEDS, explaining the health care and dependent care options and benefits. 9. Ensures that all applications are processed accurately and timely to other agencies, including NFC and OPM. 10. Develops communication strategies to inform staff about their various benefits options. The anticipated period of performance is an initial year with the Library?s unilateral option to extend the period of performance for four additional years. C. Government Furnished Information: Federal regulations governing human resources including: United States Code, Civil Service Rules and laws, OPM Handbook and CSRS and FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices, Library of Congress regulations pertaining to benefits and retirement. Agency directives and operating policies and guidelines; and office procedures, policies, precedents and formats available to provide general guidance which requires significant interpretation and adaptation to new and unique situations encountered. Access to electronic mail system and other automated systems needed to carry out assigned functions. D. Government Furnished Property: Workstation, Telephone, Computer. E. Performance Requirements: The Contractor shall furnish all personnel and include all costs associated with the performance of this contract, included but not limited to, labor, supervision, administration, and other services that may be necessary during the performance of this contract. F. Delivery Requirements: The Contractor shall meet with the Contracting Officer?s Technical Representative (COTR) within five days after notice of award to review and clarify any areas of the Statement of Work (SOW). G. Contractor Performance Standards: Performance will be monitored throughout the effective period of the contract using the following criteria: 1. Exercises independent action in day-to-day work planning and organization, setting priorities, and coordinating work efforts with serviced program and other human resources employees. 2. Demonstrates sound judgment in resource planning, establishment of performance goals, personnel management decisions, and related matters. 3. Work will be performed during core hours which will be 9:30 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday with the exception of holidays. 4. Presents a professional demeanor, appearance and manner. 5. Handles time sensitive workload by setting priorities effectively. 6. Uses initiative in resolving problems. 7. Meets agency and government-wide standards in processing documents, including ensuring that at least 80 percent of retirement packages be received by OPM with 30 days of employees? separation. H. Contractor Qualification Requirements: The position requires the following knowledge and ability 1. Comprehensive knowledge of laws, regulations, policy and procedures governing Federal benefits and retirement. 2. Skill in effective interpersonal communications to establish a consultant relationship with Library of Congress offices, managers and staff. 3. Ability to learn the organization?s structure and functions in order to understand the unique situations particular to serviced organizations. 4. Ability to exercise confidentiality as it relates to access to sensitive personnel data. 5. Experience should be recent, within the last 3-5 years. I. Preparation of Offers: Responses to this solicitation must be submitted in two separate volumes. Volume 1 ? Technical Proposal and Volume II ? Price Proposal. All offerors are required to submit a price per for the initial year and each of the four options years. The price must include an hourly rate based upon an estimated quantity of 1360 hours per year. Proposals must be submitted electronically (via email to adoz@loc.gov) and in hard copy. Hard copy proposals must be submitted with one original and two copies. Proposals are due on or before April 27, 2006. Proposals received after the due date will not be accepted. J. Evaluation Factors: (in order of importance) 1. Demonstrated recent experience in providing comprehensive retirement counseling to federal employees. 2. Demonstrated recent experience in providing comprehensive benefits counseling to federal employees. 3. Demonstrated recent experience in ensuring timely, efficient and accurate processing of benefits and retirement documents to other federal agencies, including NFC and OPM. 4. Demonstrated knowledge of laws, regulations, policies and procedures governing federal benefits and retirement programs. 5.Price. (recent experience is defined as within the last 3-5 years) Notice to offerors: This is a full and open competitive procurement. This solicitation incorporates provisions and clauses in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-07 dated February 2, 2006. Any questions regarding this solicitation must be submitted in writing to Arneen Dozier via email at adoz@loc.gov. The cut off date for questions is April 21, 2006. The Library reserves the right to award without discussions. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which will considered by the Library.
Place of Performance
Address: The Library of Congress, Assoc Libn Human Resources Services, 101 Independence Ave., SE LM 643
Zip Code: 20540
SN01022536-W 20060408/060406221450 (fbodaily.com)
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