- Notice Date
- 4/21/2006
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- 541330
— Engineering Services
- Contracting Office
- US Army Corps of Engineer - Omaha District, 106 S. 15th Street, Omaha, NE 68102-1618
- ZIP Code
- 68102-1618
- Solicitation Number
- W9128F-06-R-0027
- Response Due
- 5/11/2006
- Archive Date
- 7/10/2006
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- CONTRACT INFORMATION: This is an Unrestricted competitive acquisition with an option to award a second Indefinite Delivery Contract as a partial small business set-a-side. One or two Indefinite Delivery Contracts may be issued, One for Large Busines s and One for Small Business for Architect Engineer Services required primarily for Military Programs requirements worldwide in accordance with the scope of work indicated in the individual task orders issued against the resultant contracts. The Unrestrict ed competitive acquisition contract will be a firm-fixed price contract having a maximum contract award amount of $3 Million with a one-year base period, and two one-year option periods not to exceed a total of three years. The small business set-a-side c ontract will be firm-fixed price contract having a maximum contract award amount of $1 Million with a one-year base period, and four one-year option periods not to exceed a total of five years. The resultant contract may also be used to support Civil Work s Programs of the Corps of Engineers. The Contract will be acquired, in accordance with PL 92-582 Brooks Architect-Engineers Act (40 U.S.C. 541) and FAR part 36. The specific requirements may be for projects located anywhere throughout the Continental U nited States (CONUS) and Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS), or as indicated in resultant individual task orders issued against the awarded contract(s). Individual task orders will be issued from time to time against the awarded contract(s) as the need arises during the contract periods. Both contracts will be managed by the Omaha District Corps of Engineers with Task Orders being issued by any Corps of Engineers office or any Department of Defense contracting agency. Each task order will be managed by the issuing office. The selection process and award of a contract under this Federal Business Opportunities (FEDBIZOPS) announcement shall be subjected to the prohibitions and restrictions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Subpart 9.5, Organizational and Consultant Conflicts of Interest. There will be no minimum or maximum amount per delivery order. Contract award is anticipated in May 2006. Contract Option periods may not be awarded if there is insufficient workload to supp ort the exercise of the option. If the capacity of a contract period is reached or nearly reached prior to the term of the period additional the next contractual period may be exercised at the Governments discretion. Types of services required will include site investigations, studies, reports, inspections, load ratings, concept designs, final designs, and construction phase services. Allocation of task orders from among firms with other IDT contracts for similar work will be based on one or more of the following factors: specialized knowledge or expertise which would significantly benefit a specific customer or enhance execution, past experience with a specific customer or knowledge of the locality, availability of ap propriate staff, performance on previous task orders, magnitude of task order relative to remaining contract capacity, and equitable workload distribution. All firms prior to the award of a contract may be subjected to a Defense Contract Audit Agency audit, to be determined by the Contracting Officer. SUBCONTRACTING PLAN REQUIREMENTS: If the Architect-Engineer selected through the unrestricted portion of the solicitation is an Other than Small Business (Large Business) concern, the A-E shall be required to submit a Small Business Subcontracting Plan with the final proposal (after selected for negotiation) as required by Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.219-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers considers the following goals reasonable and achievable for fiscal year 2 006 (a) Small Business: 43.0% of planned subcontracting dollars. (b) Small Disadvantaged Business: 16.5% of planned subcontracting dol lars*. (c) Women Owned Small Business: 5.7% of planned subcontracting dollars*. (d) Service-Disabled Veterans: 1.5% of planned subcontracting dollars*. (e) Hubzones: 8.0% of planned subcontracting dollars*. *- Small business concerns owned and controlled by. Please be advised of on-line registration requirement in Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database and directed solicitation provisions concerning electronic annual On-line Representations and Certifications (ORCA) at http://orca. . Representations and certifications are required to up dated annually as a minimum to keep information current, accurate and complete. The electronic annual representations and certifications are effective for one year from date of submission or update to ORCA. The plans and specifications will be available for download on the FedTeDs website ( ) ONLY, using a link provided in FedBizOpps. There is no search capability in FedTeDs. Compact Disks will not be sent out. Instructions to access technical data, a plan holders list and the associated software required (viewers) to view the project plans and specifications can be accessed on the Omaha Districts Contracting Division web page ( ). PROJECT INFORMATION: Task orders under the resultant contract(s) will consist primarily of design and evaluation services in conjunction with the following: (1) Preparations of plans, specifications, and design analysis for the direct design of railroads, roadway pavements, bridges and specialized railroad support facilities. (2) The inspection and maintenance recommendations for railroad tracks and bridges; (3) Field and laboratory testing of existing railroad/pavement sub-grades; (4) Roadway inspections and the use/training of personnel on PAVER Engineering Managements Systems for roadways and; (5) Specialized consulting services and engineering studies related to the planning, design, construction and evaluation of railroads and vehicular pavements. The se services may consist of development/update of transportation systems engineering criteria. Knowledge of the Armys RAILER computer program should be noted, but is not a selection criterion and is not required for selection. Construction cost estimates may be required for any of the design tasks listed above. The scope of work for the optional small business set-a-side contract will be limited to item (4) above: Roadway inspections and the use/training of personnel on PAVER Engineering Managements Systems for roadways. It is likely that use of the metric system of measurement may be required for some deliverables under the proposed contract; however, metric system experience is not a selection criterion and is not required for selection. Construction cost estimates will be prepared using the Corps of Engineers Micro-Computer Aided Cost Estimating System (M-CACES) Second Generation (MII). (M-CACES software will be provided to the successful firm after contract award). Requirements for drawing preparation format are to be fully compatible with Bentley Microstation V8.5, or AutoCAD 2002 (minimum) depending on specified customer requirements. A higher rating may be achieved for those firms that can demonstrate the ability to work in both formats. Evaluation Ratings:. The following evaluation ratings will be applied during the source selection process. The application of a scale of words, or colors, used in conjunction with narrative, to denote the degree to which the proposal has met the standard for a non-cost factor. For purposes of this solicitation, ratings will consist of words (adjectival method) used in conjunction with narratives. Ratings will be applied at the criterian and sub-criterian level. If at any level of indentation an Offeror s proposal is evaluated as not meeting a minimum requirement (that is, below the level of Satisfactory), this fact may be included in the rating and narrative assessment at that level and each higher level of indentation. Therefore, a Marginal or Unacceptable rating at any level may be carried to the criterian level. The following ratings will be used to evaluate th e submitted information. (i) Outstanding - Information submitted demonstrates offerors potential to significantly exceed performance or capability standards. The offeror has clearly demonstrated an understanding of all aspects of the requirements to the extent that timely and h ighest quality performance are anticipated. Have exceptional strengths that will significantly benefit the Government. The offerors qualifications exceed the fullest expectations of the Government. The offeror has convincingly demonstrated that the RFP requirements have been analyzed, evaluated, and synthesized into approaches, plans, and techniques that, when implemented, should result in outstanding, effective, efficient, and economical performance under the contract. Significantly exceeds most or al l solicitation requirements. Very high probability of success. (ii) Above Average - Information submitted demonstrates offerors potential to exceed performance or capability standards. Have one or more strengths that will benefit the Government. The areas in which the offeror exceeds the requirements are anticipat ed to result in a high level of efficiency or productivity or quality. The offerors qualifications meet and slightly exceed requirements. The submittal contains excellent features that will likely produce results very beneficial to the Government. Full y meets all RFP requirements and significantly exceeds many of the RFP requirements. Disadvantages are minimal. High probability of success. (iii) Satisfactory (Neutral) - Information submitted demonstrates offerors potential to meet performance or capability standards. Acceptable solution. Either meets all RFP requirements for the criterion (or sub-criterion) or contains weaknesses in some areas that are offset by strengths in other areas. A rating of Satisfactory indicates that, in terms of the specific criterion (or sub-criterion), the offeror has a good probability of success, as there is sufficient confidence that a fully compliant le vel of performance will be achieved. The proposal demonstrates an adequate understanding of the scope and depth of the RFP requirements. No significant advantages or disadvantages. Equates to neutral. Good probability of success. (iv) Marginal - The submittal is not adequately responsive or does not address the specific criterion (or sub-criterion). The offerors interpretation of the Governments requirements is so superficial, incomplete, vague, incompatible, incomprehensible, or incorrect as to be considered deficient. Proposal does not meet some of the minimum requirements. The assignment of a rating within the bounds of Marginal indicates that mandatory corrective action would be required to prevent significant deficienci es from affecting the overall project. The offerors qualifications, plans or approach will likely result in questionable quality of performance, which represents a moderate level of risk to the Government. Low probability of success although the submitt al has a reasonable chance of becoming at least acceptable. Significant disadvantages. Unsatisfactory - Fails to meet performance or capability standards. Unacceptable. Requirements can only be met with major changes to the submittal. There is no reasonable expectation that acceptable performance would be achieved. The proposal contains many deficiencies and/or gross omissions; fails to provide a reasonable, logical approach to fulfilling much of the Governments requirements; and/or fails to meet most or all of the minimum requirements. Very significant disadvantages. SUBMISSION AND SELECTION CRITERIA FOR UNRESTRICTED COMPETITIVE ACQUISITION: Criteria for selection, in order of importan ce, are: (a) Demonstrate recent experience and technical competence of the firm (including consultants). List only experience that has occurred within the last five years that are a result of an engineering fee exceeding $50,000 (include design start and completio n dates) and include project programmed amounts, associated design fees, and actual project award amounts in Part I, F of SF 330 for the following: (1) Inspections and maintenance recommendations for railroad projects. (2) Design and construction of new railroad tracks including road crossing signalization. (3) Knowledge of DOD railroad track maintenance and safety standards and Federal Railway Administration (FRA) track safety standards. (4) Design of vehicular road construction projects including traffic engineering studies and intermodal facilities. (5) Design, construction, and inspection of bridges for both railroads and vehicle traffic. (6) Knowledge of PAVER engineering management system. (b) Professional qualifications and specialized experience in providing services similar to those listed above of the proposed team members (including consultants) in the following disciplines: Project Manager, Railroad Engineer, Railroad Inspector, Trans portation (Paving ) Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Materials Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Estimator, Structural Engineer, Electrical/Signal Engineer, CADD Operator, Computer Operator, Soil/Paving Laboratory Technician and Geographic Information System ( GIS) specialist. Professional Engineering (PE) licenses are required for each engineering discipline stated above. Army track inspector certification and/or FRA certifications should be noted, but is not required for selection. (c) Quality control procedures and team organization, including consultants as described in the Design Management Plan (see SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS). The selected A-E firm must be able to provide designs that meet guidance, DOD unified criteria documents (U FCs) and quality standards without detailed review by the District. The firm must also present a logical team organization (org chart or matrix) that provides an effective method of coordination and communication between the individual team members as well as consultants. (d) Offeror must demonstrate having the capacity to accomplish the work in the required time, including the ability to complete more than one task order at a time. Describe experience with multi-discipline task order type contracts that require the abili ty to respond quickly to task orders, requests for proposals, and completion of projects on an accelerated schedule. (e) Offeror must demonstrate past performance, through (ACASS), other Government entity performance evaluation systems, private sector evaluation systems or other evaluations, on previous contracts with respect to cost control, design to cost, quality of w ork and compliance with performance schedules. Construction cost estimating and preparation of estimates using MCASES Gold experience is required. Offereor shall demonstrate past performance with each and of each proposed subcontractor. (f) Offeror must demonstrate user capability with CADD systems for projects and work as described above. To be successful, a firm must demonstrate competency with Bentley Microstation V8.5 and AutoCAD 2002 (minimum) and exhibit the ability to deliver elect ronic CADD and CALS files, as well as vellums and prints. Higher ratings may be issued to firms that are demonstrate capability in working in both systems. (g) Offeror must demonstrate sustainable design using an integrated design approach and emphasizing environmental stewardship, especially energy and water conservation and efficiency; use of recovered and recycled materials; waste reduction; reduction or e limination of toxic and harmful substances in facilities construction and operation; efficiency in resource and material utilization; and development of healthy, safe and productive work environments. The evaluation will consider projects performed by the prime firm and consultants that demonstrate these sustainable design principles and the qualifications of key personnel that demonstrate their experience and training in sustainable des ign. Provide pertinent information on LEED certified personnel and specific project applications. (h) Offeror must explain their current workload volume, DoD and Private sector, of the last 12 months and how that workload would affect performance and delivery of products required by task orders under the resultant contract As additional information in the SF330, provide the following: (a) Design Management Plan (DMP). Include in Part I, Section H.of the SF 330. The plan should be brief and include an explanation of the firm's management approach, management of subcontractors (if applicable), specific quality control procedures used, a nd an organizational chart showing the inter-relationship of management and various team components (including subcontractors) and the Corps of Engineers. (b) Provide the submitting firm's ACASS number (six or seven digits) assigned by the Northwestern Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, for the Architect-Engineer Contract Administration Support System (ACASS) or DUNS number. If firms have no ACASS numbe r, so state. Firms must provide their DUNS number. Provide the ACASS and DUNS number for any consultants. If firms have no numbers, so state. SUBMISSION AND SELECTION CRITERIA FOR OPTIONAL SMALL BUSINESS ACQUISITION: Criteria for selection, in order of importance, are: (a) Demonstrate recent experience and technical competence of the firm (including consultants). List only experience that has occurred within the last five years that are a result of an engineering fee exceeding $20,000 (include design start and completio n dates) and include project programmed amounts, associated design fees, and actual project award amounts in Part I, F of SF 330 for the following: (1) Knowledge of PAVER engineering management system. (2) Design of vehicular road and airfield rehabilitation projects including traffic engineering studies. (3) Knowledge of Maintenance and Rehabilitation (M&R) strategies as applicable to Department of Defense installations. (4) Experience with training personnel on the use of MicroPAVER and ArcView GIS. (b) Professional qualifications and specialized experience in providing services similar to those listed above of the proposed team members (including consultants) in the following disciplines: Project Manager, Civil (Paving ) Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist, Estimator, Computer Operator, Civil Technician. Professional Engineering (PE) licenses are required for the Civil Engineering discipline. (c) Quality control procedures and team organization, as described in the Design Management Plan (see SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS). The selected A-E firm must be able to provide pavement condition index information for roads and airfields in the MicroPAVER data base format. (d) Offeror must demonstrate past performance, through (ACASS), other Government entity evaluation systems, private sector evaluation systems or other evaluations, on previous contracts with respect to cost control, design to cost, quality of work and comp liance with performance schedules. Offereor shall demonstrate past performance with each and of each of the proposed subcontractors. (e) Offeror must explain their current workload volume, DoD, other Government entity and Private sector, of the last 12 months and how that workload would affect performance and delivery of products required by task orders under the resultant contract As additional information in the SF330, provide the following: (a) Design Management Plan (DMP). Include in Part I, Section H.of the SF 330. The plan should be brief and include an explanation of the firm's management approach, management of subcontra ctors (if applicable), specific quality control procedures used, and an organizational chart showing the inter-relationship of management and various team components (including subcontractors) and the Corps of Engineers. (b) Provide the submitting firm's ACASS number (six or seven digits) assigned by the Northwestern Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, for the Architect-Engineer Contract Administration Support System (ACASS) or DUNS number. If firms have no ACASS numbe r, so state. Firms must provide their DUNS number. Provide the ACASS and DUNS number for any consultants. If firms have no numbers, so state. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Solicitation packages are not provided for A-E contracts. This is not a request for proposal. Firms desiring consideration must submit an Original and one copy of a combined SF330 and separate information for prime and each cons ultant. To be considered, submittals must be addressed as follows: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, CENWO-CT, ATTN: John Denning, 106 South 15th Street, Omaha, NE 68102-1618. Submittals must be received no later than 2:00 PM CDT on MAY11, 20 06. Personal visits for this solicitation to the Omaha District offices will not be scheduled or allowed. Firms having technical or contractual questions are encouraged to submit those questions via email. E-mail your questions to with the solicitation number. For Contractual questions contact Mr. John Denning (402) 221-3895 o r email at; for technical issues contact Mr. John Denning (402) 221-3895 or email at Personal visits to the Omaha District offices for this solicitation will not be scheduled or allowed.
- Place of Performance
- Address: US Army Corps of Engineer - Omaha District 106 S. 15th Street, Omaha NE
- Zip Code: 68102-1618
- Country: US
- Zip Code: 68102-1618
- Record
- SN01032862-W 20060423/060421221124 (
- Source
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