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R -- Project Profile #PNO163 BSSV

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
541710 — Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
Contracting Office
Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Procurement and Grants Office (Atlanta), 2920 Brandywine Road, Room 3000, Atlanta, GA, 30341-4146
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
The Department of Health and Human Serevices for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Procurement and Grants Office (PGO), intends to award on a SOLE SOURCE basis "Project Profile #PNO163-BSSV via a Purchase Order/Request for Quotation No. 200-2006-Q-08584. The Purchase will be issued to American Psychological Association, 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242. The Purchase Order will be issued on or around Jun2 7, 2006. The deadline for receipt of proposals in June 5, 2006. The Contact for this acquisition is Marcus Powell, Contract Contract Specialist, telephone (404) 639-8054, Fax (404) 639-8095, or e-mail: tzp2@cdc.gov. STATEMENT OF WORK:SECTION C - SATETMENT OF WORK Provision of Technical Assistance (TA) for Community Planning Groups and State and Territorial Health Departments and Their Grantees Using Volunteer Behavioral Scientists. The statement of work for this proposal consists of 5 separate, but related, activities: A. Recruitment of volunteer scientists through national organizations for behavioral scientists (psychologists, social workers, anthropologists, epidemiologists, etc.) and by other appropriate strategies to maintain a cadre of at least 200 scientist volunteers and to meet any TA needs identified by needs assessments with health departments,CBOs, CPGs, or CDC. B. Orientation and Training of behavioral and social scientists to CDC?s HIV prevention efforts and issues involved in establishing successful working relationships with CBOs, health departments, CPGs, and other partners working with people living with HIV (PLWH). The successful program shall ensure that all of its volunteers and other audiences identified by CDC are trained in the following areas: 1. The organization, mission, and constituents of CDC 2. CDC?s technology transfer activities 3. HIV prevention community planning groups 4. Evaluation and other assessment activities that support and sustain local use of science-based HIV prevention interventions. In addition, for select volunteers, the program shall provide one advanced training activity. These advanced training activities shall address advanced program evaluation topics, and each shall serve as a coaches? training related to an intervention offered through the DEBI program (at least one of which shall be an intervention for PLWH). C. Linkage of behavioral scientist volunteers with prevention program planners and implementers (including CBOs, CPGs, health departments, and medical and social service providers) in their local communities in collaboration with local health departments, other national technical assistance provider organizations, the DEBI training Coordination Center contractor (which manages training for the DEBI program), and key CDC personnel from DHAP. Linkages will be established to provide community based organizations and health departments with TA related to needs assessment, program planning, evidence-based interventions, program evaluation, training, technical support, and formative research. Linkages will be established in one of three ways: 1. Agencies will request technical assistance by accessing the Capacity Building Branch (CBB) CBA Request and Information System (CRIS) web site, by contacting BSSV Program Director who will initiate the request via CRIS, or by contacting their state or territorial health department, or CDC project officer who will initiate the request via CRIS. 2. The contractor shall conduct technical assistance needs assessments with AIDS program representatives of at least 75% of the state and territorial health departments to determine the needs of the health department-funded grantees and then secure volunteers to meet the identified needs. 3. The contractor shall ensure that at least 75% of community planning groups have representation (either as a voting member or an advisor) from a behavioral scientist. D. Retention of volunteers so that the cohort of active volunteers remains at or above 200 throughout the length of the contract. Retention shall be ensured by 1. Using an advisory group of diverse volunteers to provide direction for the program. 2. Encouraging veteran volunteers to mentor newly recruited volunteers. 3. Maintaining a listserve and/or Web site to keep volunteers up-to-date on issues of importance to the program and/or its volunteers. E. Reporting of TA provided by volunteers by using a system in which volunteers are able to report regularly and accurately the time spent on HIV prevention TA activities and the specific task accomplished. In addition, all completed linkages should be followed up with an evaluation of the linkage from the perspective of the volunteer and the TA recipient. Tasks to be Performed by the Contractor For this task order modification, the contractor shall perform the tasks specified below. The technical monitor will provide guidance and information to the contractor regarding the requirements of this task order, and the contractor shall comply with the directions from the technical monitor. The contractor shall ensure A. Recruitment of Volunteers The contractor shall recruit volunteers through at least three professional organizations to ensure maintenance of a cadre of at least 200 volunteers. Volunteers shall be recruited to achieve geographic, racial/ethnic, and sexual orientation diversity as needed. Special emphasis shall be placed on locating volunteers with experience related to prevention strategies for PLWH. The contractor shall submit monthly reports on the recruitment efforts and outcome of these efforts to the technical monitor. B. Orientation of the Scientists The contractor shall ensure that all volunteer scientists are oriented to providing TA to CDC-funded (directly or indirectly) organizations. This orientation shall include a resource packet to assist volunteers in the provision of TA and the completion of an Interest and Background Questionnaire, which will describe the volunteer?s background and training related to HIV prevention and/or care, as well as provision of TA, training, needs assessment, program planning, evaluation, and formative research. Within 60 days of the effective date of this task order, the contractor shall submit all orientation materials and questionnaires related to the volunteer orientation to the technical monitor for review. C. Training and Volunteer Support The contractor shall train volunteers and other audiences as identified by CDC. The contractor shall 1. Conduct one basic training via face-to-face format for 25 volunteers during the term of the task order. The purpose of the training is to familiarize volunteers with CDC, its mission, organization, and constituents; CDC technology transfer activities, including the Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions (DEBI) project; HIV prevention community planning; and process evaluation and other assessment activities that support and sustain local use of science-based HIV prevention interventions. If all volunteers are unfamiliar with these topics, then the basic training should be provided for at least 100 volunteers. 2. Conduct three advanced training for 25 active, veteran volunteers or facilitate the participation of at least 25 volunteers in three institutes or training of coaches that is sponsored by the DEBI project at CDC during the term of the task order. These trainings may utilize a distance learning format. a. The purpose of the advanced training is to provide additional instruction to volunteers who have received the basic training. The training shall address strategies for transferring technology related to needs assessment, formative evaluation, adaptation, and evaluation to increase the use and of science-based interventions among CDC health department grantees and the CBOs that they fund through their CDC funds. In addition, the advanced training shall serve as coaches? institutes for the DEBI interventions. The training shall address one DEBI intervention focusing on prevention needs of people living with HIV. b. The purpose of the institutes and training of coaches either sponsored by the contractor or the CDC shall be to equip volunteers to assist CBOs to implement interventions using CDC replication packages. Key contractor staff shall attend each technology transfer institute and the training of coaches to act as resources for volunteers attending the respective training and to coordinate volunteers serving as ?coaches? with other CDC-funded TA providers who shall also serve as coaches, as well as with other CDC-funded TA providers who shall serve as intervention trainers. The contractor shall submit all draft training materials for review by the technical monitor at least 30 days before the training. The contractor shall submit a report of the activities for each training event with the monthly report to the technical monitor within 30 days after the event. 3. The contractor shall facilitate the attendance of volunteers at any training at which a CBO is receiving training on a DEBI intervention and requests coaching assistance. CDC will notify the contractor of the dates of all DEBI trainings, and the contractor shall offer volunteers the opportunity to attend these trainings. For all volunteers who wish to attend, the contractor shall pay travel expenses including all travel to the training site, and hotel and per diem. D. Linkages The contractor shall conduct the following activities to facilitate and document linkages between volunteers and health departments, CBOs, and CPGs: 1. Maintain profiles on each of the scientists, and, with their permission, disseminate the profiles to the technical monitor, other key CDC staff, state AIDS directors, CPG co-chairs, and CDC directly or indirectly funded CBOs involved with HIV prevention. Each profile shall include information on the scientist?s familiarity with behavioral interventions relevant to HIV prevention and/or experience/familiarity with those populations most highly affected by HIV disease. 2. Facilitate linkage of volunteers with prevention planners, implementers, agencies, and organizations involved in HIV prevention. The contractor shall facilitate 100 linkages during the term of the task order. These linkages shall involve a series of interactions that shall be achieved through communication and collaboration between the contractor (or its subcontractor if appropriate) and key personnel from CBOs, local health departments, or CPGs requesting assistance. The contractor shall utilize the Capacity Building Branch?s CBA Request and Information System (CRIS) to respond to linkage requests and to initiate linkage requests on behalf of indirectly funded agencies and non-funded agencies. As part of the quarterly reports, the contractor shall submit to the technical monitor a brief report on each linkage addressing at least the following: 1) date, 2) nature of linkage, 3) who is linked, 4) action(s) taken, 5) time spent on the linkage, 6) outcome or future activities, and 7) agency satisfaction with the contractor?s services. 3. Develop or maintain a relationship with the AIDS prevention directors of at least 75% of all CDC-funded jurisdictions in which the contractor shall work with the AIDS prevention director to conduct an assessment of the TA needs of the jurisdiction?s grantees and then develop a plan to meet those needs through linkage with a volunteer. 4. In accordance with the Advancing HIV Prevention initiative, emphasize prevention with people living with HIV by providing guidance and assistance to prevention providers in addressing these issues: a. the complexities regarding prevention counseling and the unique behavioral and social factors that put PLWH at risk for HIV transmission. b. integration of prevention strategies for PLWH into nontraditional settings. c. integration of rapid testing into current and novel testing settings and guidance of evaluation strategies. d. special issues related to partner counseling, referral, and recruitment for counseling, testing, and referral (i.e., assisting CBOs in crafting appropriate messages for partners of PLWH and HIV-negative persons at high risk for HIV acquisition). e. implementation and evaluation of Prevention Case Management in novel settings. 5. Develop and implement a strategy to ensure attendance by and consultation with volunteers in the community planning process in at least 75% of the jurisdictions that are required by CDC to support a community planning process. An expected outcome is that volunteers shall increase the social science capacity of CPGs. The technical monitor will provide the contractor with a presentation that volunteers who are linked with a CPG can present to describe the science-based interventions that CDC?s DEBI program supports. The contractor?s monthly reports shall separately report on volunteer participation in the CPG process. The contractor shall also develop a marketing strategy to inform the CDC?s Prevention Program Branch that volunteer assistance services are available for CPGs. The contractor shall coordinate with the CBB program consultant monitoring the focus area 4 capacity building assistance providers funded under CDC program announcement 04019 to collaborate on ways to use the volunteers? services to increase the behavioral science capacity of CPGs. 6. Develop and implement a strategy to promote the use of volunteer TA providers by CDC indirectly funded community-based organizations. This strategy shall be coordinated with the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) and the CDC technical monitor. An expected outcome is that smaller community-based organizations that do not receive direct funding from the CDC shall benefit from volunteer TA consultation and increase the use of behavioral sciences in these prevention programs. Quarterly reports shall indicate, as much as possible, which technical assistance events were provided for CDC directly funded CBOs and which were provided for grantee-(indirectly) funded CBOs. The contractor shall also develop a marketing strategy to inform the CDC?s Prevention Program Branch that volunteer services are available for indirectly funded CBOs. Travel to state health department-sponsored HIV conferences shall be allowed in this task order for representatives of the contractor to market volunteer services directly to state health department providers during state health department meetings. 7. Develop and implement a coordinated approach to providing technical assistance with the focus area 2 capacity building assistance (CBA) providers funded under CDC program announcement 04019. This coordinated approach shall include referral of technical assistance requests received by the contractor for areas where no volunteer is available, referral of technical assistance requests received by the contractor that shall require sustained technical assistance that may not be possible for a volunteer but would be possible for a CBA provider, and referral of technical assistance requests received by the contractor in those situations where a partnership between the contractor and the CBA programs can be facilitated to provide better technical assistance services to the health department or community-based organization. For the purpose of this task order, the contractor shall make 1 trip for 2 persons to Atlanta, Georgia, to meet with the technical monitor and key CDC staff that manage the CBA program. 8. Work with the DEBI training coordination center contractor that initiates and manages DEBI trainings. The contractor shall facilitate the linkage of a volunteer to any CBO that participates in a DEBI training if requested. These agencies may be funded directly or indirectly by CDC. The contractor shall pay for the travel expenses of the volunteer who participates in the intervention trainings where the volunteer shall serve as coach to the CBOs. The contractor shall pay for additional travel expenses required when a volunteer must provide on-site technical assistance to a CBO that is attempting to implement an intervention that they have learned in the trainings. In addition, CDC will make the contractor aware of the date, time, and location of all DEBI trainings so that the contractor can advertise these to its volunteers. The contractor shall facilitate pay for travel (within 75 miles of the training site), hotel, and per diem for volunteers (up to 3 per training) who wish to be trained on a DEBI intervention, regardless of whether an agency has requested coaching/assistance on that intervention. 9. Provide a volunteer TA provider for all requested linkages (up to a maximum of 90) between trained volunteers, CBOs requesting technical assistance, and the DEBI training coordinator center contractor. Note: The contractor shall pay for travel and per diem. 10. Encourage all volunteers recruited and trained at the basic and/or advanced training to seek out opportunities to volunteer with at least 2 CBOs/health departments/CPGs in their area. These potential linkages shall be referred to the contractor for follow-up and management. 11. Distribute monthly information requests to all volunteers to encourage volunteers to provide accurate documentation of volunteer usage of which the program may be unaware. E. Retention The contractor shall work to retain volunteers by providing ongoing support and training to volunteers through the following activities. 1. Maintain a listserv for volunteer communication. 2. Hold monthly conference calls with volunteers to discuss TA related issues and to allow volunteers to communicate directly to address their concerns and challenges providing TA. F. Other Activities In addition to the previously cited tasks, the contractor shall provide the following consultations during the period of performance: One 1-day consultations for two persons with the technical monitor and other key staff at CDC headquarters in Atlanta, GA and one 1-day consultation with the technical monitor at contractor headquarters. The following reports are required: 1. Interim report summarizing the activities and deliverables for the first half of the project period, including lessons learned, challenges, volunteer recruitment efforts, training and volunteer support, volunteer linkage solicitation, contact with health departments and corresponding needs assessment results, linkages detailed by TA recipient, and other activities. 2. Final project report summarizing the activities and deliverables for the project period including lessons learned, challenges, volunteer recruitment efforts, training and volunteer support, volunteer linkage solicitation, contact with health departments and corresponding needs assessment results, linkages detailed by TA recipient, and other activities. Clauses FAR SOURCE TITLE AND DATE 52.203-6 Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government (Jul 1995) 52.204-7 Central Contractor Registration (Oct 2003) 52.207-4 Economic Purchase Quantity - Supplies (Aug 1987) 52.211-16 Variation in Quantity (Apr 1984) 52.213-1 Fast Payment Procedure (Feb 1998) 52.213-2 Invoices (Apr 1984) 52.219-3 Notice of Total HUBZone Set-Aside (Jan 1999) 52.219-4 Notice of Price Evaluation Preference for HUBZone Small Business Concerns (Jul 2005) 52.219-5 Very Small Business Set-Aside (Jun 2003) 52.219-5 Alternate I Very Small Business Set-Aside - Alternate I (Mar 1999) 52.219-5 Alternate II Very Small Business Set-Aside - Alternate II (Jun 2003) 52.219-8 Utilization of Small Business Concerns (May 2004) 52.219-9 Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Jul 2005) 52.219-14 Limitations on Subcontracting (Dec 1996) 52.219-23 Notice of Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns (Jul 2005) 52.219-23 Alternate I Notice of Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns - Alternate I (Jun 2003) 52.219-25 Small Disadvantaged Business Participation Program - Disadvantaged Status and Reporting (Oct 1999) 52.219-26 Small Disadvantaged Business Participation Program - Incentive Subcontracting (Oct 2000) 52.222-3 Convict Labor (Jun 2003) 52.222-19 Child Labor - Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies (Jun 2004) 52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (Feb 1999) 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity (Apr 2002) 52.222-35 Equal Opportunity for Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans (Dec 2001) 52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Workers With Disabilities (Jun 1998) 52.222-37 Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans (Dec 2001) 52.222-41 Service Contract Act of 1965, as Amended (Jul 2005) 52.222-42 Statement of Equivalent Rates for Federal Hires (May 1989) 52.222-43 Fair Labor Standards Act and Service Contract Act - Price Adjustment (Multiple Year and Option Contracts) (May 1989) 52.222-44 Fair Labor Standards Act and Service Contract Act - Price Adjustment (Feb 2002) 52.222-47 Service Contract Act (SCA) Minimum Wages and Fringe Benefits (May 1989) 52.223-6 Drug-Free Workplace (May 2001) 52.223-9 Estimate of Percentage of Recovered Material Content for EPA Designated Products (Aug 2000) 52.223-9 Alternate I Estimate of Percentage of Recovered Material Content for EPA Designated Products - Alternate I (Aug 2000) 52.225-1 Buy American Act - Supplies (Jun 2003) 52.225-3 Buy American Act -- Free Trade Agreements -- Israeli Trade Act (Jan 2005) 52.225-3 Alternate I Buy American Act - Free Trade Agreements - Israeli Trade Act - Alternate I (Jan 2004) 52.225-3 Alternate II Buy American Act - Free Trade Agreements - Israeli Trade Act - Alternate II (Jan 2004) 52.225-5 Trade Agreements (Jan 2005) 52.225-13 Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (Apr 2005) 52.225-15 Sanctioned European Union Country End Products (Feb 2000) 52.225-16 Sanctioned European Union Country Services (Feb 2000) 52.232-25 Prompt Payment (Oct 2003) 52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer - Central Contractor Registration (Oct 2003) 52.232-34 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer - Other than Central Contractor Registration (Jul 2004) 52.232-36 Payment by Third Party (May 1999) 52.233-3 Protest after Award (Aug 1996) 52.239-1 Privacy or Security Safeguards (Aug 1996) 52.243-1 Changes - Fixed Price (Aug 1987) 52.243-1 Alternate I Changes - Fixed Price - Alternate I (Apr 1984) 52.243-1 Alternate II Changes - Fixed Price - Alternate II (Apr 1984) 52.243-1 Alternate III Changes - Fixed Price - Alternate III (Apr 1984) 52.243-1 Alternate IV Changes - Fixed Price - Alternate IV (Apr 1984) 52.243-1 Alternate V Changes - Fixed Price - Alternate V (Apr 1984) 52.247-64 Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels (Apr 2003) 52.247-64 Alternate I Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels -- Alternate I (Apr 2003)
Place of Performance
Address: American Psychological Association, 750 First St. NE., Washington, DC 20002-4242.
Zip Code: 20002
Country: usa
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