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59 -- Installation of Electrical Systems

Notice Date
Notice Type
238210 — Electrical Contractors
Contracting Office
General Services Administration, Public Buildings Service (PBS), Property Management Regional Procurement Office (4PM), 401 West Peachtree Street, NW, Atlanta, GA, 30308
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
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Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
SCOPE OF WORK April 26,2006 This scope-of-work addresses the installation of electrical systems in the Brickell Plaza Building, 909 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida, to serve a new 80KW UPS system to be installed on the 5th floor of the building. The 80KW system is on hand as Government-furnished equipment. Under this scope-of-work, the UPS equipment will be positioned and interconnected with conduit and wiring, but, others will perform hook-up and check-out of the UPS equipment. The Contractor shall perform all work indicated herein. SKETCH drawing 4PHB?6-111(3), dated 4/21/06, is, hereby, referenced and made a part of this scope of work. This drawing is a hand-drawn one-line riser diagram of the work intended under this scope. All indicated equipment shall be furnished and installed, new, unless indicated otherwise. All work will be accomplished in accord with the specifications in the end of this document. The location of each piece of equipment shall be coordinated on site with a Representative of the Contracting Officer, before selecting the final location of the item. Each bidder is requested to visit the site and inspect all work areas ? prior to tendering a bid for this work. Government Personnel on site are familiar with all aspects of this work, and, will show all work areas. WORK ITEMS: 1. The work indicated on GSA SKETCH 4PHB-6-111(3), dated 4/21/06, is made a part of this work requirement. The following narrative information is included to make clearer the requirements. 2. Pay all fees and obtain all permits necessary to perform the work indicated herein. 3. Coordinate with Florida Light & Power Company (FLP) and perform work in the FLP vault needed to serve the new service described in the following work items. Between vault and main switch-gear room install two parallel runs of 4#500kmil & 1#1/0 ground, XHHW, in 3 ?-inch GRS conduit. 4. In main switch-gear room, install new 800-amp, three-phase, 480vac service enclosure, including the following features: (1) Brace the new service enclosure to a minimum 50,000 amps, or a level greater than the bolted 3-phase short-circuit current available on the output terminals of the FLP transformer ? whichever is greater. Obtain, and, submit, letter from FLP that identifies the bolted 3-phase short-current available at the FLP transformer output. (2) 800amp main breaker; (3) Main ground bus; (4) Neutral conductor will be brought from vault into new service enclosure ? and bonded to enclosure and to the main ground bus. (5) Neutral bus. (6) Install insulated 2/0 grounding electrode conductor from main ground bus to building grounding electrode system. Investigate the existing grounding electrode system in the switch-board room and make connections. If deficiencies in the grounding electrode system are perceived, bring these to the attention of the Government. (7) Branch breaker space to install a total of eight 200-amp, 3-pole, 480vac breakers. Branch breaker space must be on load side of main breaker. (8) Install 200-amp, 3-pole, 480-vac breaker in the above mentioned space, to serve the following feeder run. 5. From new service, install 3#3/0 and 1#6 G, in 2-inch EMT, to the following ATS. 6. Relocate minor electrical items on wall in switch-board room, to clear space for the following ATS. 7. On wall, in switch-board room, install 200-amp, 3-pole, 480-vac, automatic transfer switch (ATS) ? Cummins/Onan, or, equal. See specifications. 8. On wall in SWBD room, install 3-pole, 200-amp, enclosed, 480vac, circuit breaker. 9. From ATS, via CB, extend 3#3/0 and 1#6 G, in 2-inch EMT, vertically up through building, to 5th floor electric closet ? then, after the following demolition work, utilizing existing 2-inch conduit, extend 3#3/0 and 1#6 G, to new transformer to be located in 5th?floor office 532, Room 16A. 10. Demolition Work: Perform the following work in a phased manner that retains existing service to equipment ? to the maximum extent feasible: (1) Remove bus plug existing in 5th-floor electric closet ? that serves 75KVA transformer in Office 532, Room 16A. Store bus plug as directed by the Government. (2) Remove wiring from existing conduit run that exists between 5th-floor electric closet and Office 532, Room 16A. Treat removed conductors as debris. (3) In Office 532, Room 16A, remove existing 75KVA transformer, existing, nearby, enclosed, circuit breaker, and, the existing feeder to the adjacent 225-amp panel board. Panel-board will remain and be re-connected under another work item. Store the transformer in the building as directed by the Government. Treat other removed items as debris. 11. New Transformer: Install new 112.5KVA dry transformer in Room 16A ? in place of removed 75-KVA transformer. Verify room dimensions, and room accessibility, prior to selecting transformer. See specifications. 12. Door Modifications: For room ventilation, trim one-inch from the bottom of the door to Room 16A ? finishing trimmed area to good d?cor. 13. Exhaust Fan: In partition area above door, install approximately 6-inch 120vac exhaust fan to pull air from Room 16A and exhaust in to the adjacent office. Obtain 120vac power from existing panel-board in Room 16A ? utilizing a circuit dedicated to the fan. In fan circuit install a thermostat capable of being adjusted plus/minimum 10degrees around 80 degrees F ? the exhaust fan to be activated at the set-point; the exhaust fan to be turned off @ approximately 10 degrees below the set point. Circuit de-activation to be by circuit breaker in the panel-board, only. 14. In Room 16A, tap transformer output terminals and extend 4#4, and 1#8G, in 1-inch EMT to the existing 225-amp panel-board in Room 16A. Remove the existing main breaker from the existing 225-amp panel-bard and install a 3-pole 50-amp main circuit breaker. The existing panel-board is lightly loaded, with only about four circuits, and, the intent is to limit the load that this panel-board can place on the transformer. 15. The transformer is a separately-derived system ? and shall be grounded per NEC 250.30. From neutral stud of the transformer, install one, bare, 2/0, copper grounding electrode conductor, un-spliced, from Room 16A, to the 5th floor electrical closet, then, down the stack of closets, to the main switch-bard room, connecting this GEC conductor to the building grounding electrode system. This grounding electrode conductor must be un-spliced from the transformer on the 5th floor to the grounding electrode connection on the 1st floor. If deficiencies are perceived to exist in the building grounding-electrode-system, notify the Government. 16. In Room 16A, in the transformer output feeder run, install one 3-pole, 400-amp, 480vac, enclosed, circuit-breaker, to protect the feeder conductors and protect the transformer. Lock this circuit breaker in the off position and deliver keys to GSA Personnel. 17. In computer room, install 3-pole, 400-amp, 480vac, safety switch ? coordinating location with the Tenant Agency and Representatives of the Contracting Officer. Coordination is required here. Equipment exists in the computer room work areas - that must be removed in a phased manner. Lock this safety switch in the off position and deliver keys to GSA Personnel. 18. From near-by room on the 5th floor, transport an existing UPS by-pass switch in to the computer room and place in final location. This weight of this item is not deemed excessive and this item may be placed on the existing raised flooring. 19. Examine two additional pieces of existing UPS equipment, in a nearby 5th floor room, and, design and fabricate a steel support stand to support these two pieces of equipment in the computer room. Recent inspection time on site time did not permit a detailed examination or design for this support stand. Some time will be required on site determine the exact locations of equipment to be installed in the computer room and coordinate the design of an adequate support stand with the existing raised flooring that must be removed and determine base runner arrangements that can distribute the weight over a wide area. The Contractor can spend this time on site and investigate all site conditions ? in coordination with GSA, and the Tenant Agency. The Contractor shall measure the two existing pieces of UPS equipment and prepare a sketch of a proposed steel stand to be placed on the concrete flooring in the computer room to support these two UPS items: one stand will be fabricated to support these two heavy UPS items. The stand will include the following features. (1) Distribute the weight of the two UPS items, evenly, along the concrete flooring under the existing raised flooring ? over a foot-print much greater than the combined foot-print of the two UPS items. (2) Construct support system with angle iron with minimum dimensions of 5?x 5? x required lengths. (3) Provide two main base runs of angle iron that extended under the un-disturbed raised flooring at least four feet on two sides of the UPS equipment - beyond the foot print of the supported equipment. The total length of these two base runners will be the width of the footprint of the UPS equipment plus an additional eight feet ? four feet on each side of the UPS equipment for and estimated total length of 12 feet. These two main base runners can be placed under the existing raised flooring, one at a time, then, the remainder of the support system set in place, on the runners, and bolted to the runners forming one rigid support system. This approach will distribute the weight over a wide area. Permanent removal of existing raised-flooring will occur in an amount slightly larger than the footprint of the two UPS equipment items. (4) The support system will contain a raised section that is a little larger than the foot-print of the two UPS items, and, will coordinate with the removal of raised floor tiles. The top of this raised support will be at the same elevation as the adjacent raised flooring. (5) The support system shall permit bottom conduit access into each of the UPS equipment items. (7) Permit ventilation under the raised flooring to reach the UPS equipment. (8) Prior to fabricating this support, prepare sketches and submit to the Government for review. Show in plan view the existing raised flooring that will be permanently removed. Show the support system in its final position with the existing surrounding raised flooring abutting the support. Show elevation views viewing each side of the support system ? viewed from beneath the raised flooring. Show a frontal elevation view of the UPS equipment in place resting upon the support system. GSA architects and structural engineers will review these sketches adequacy and d?cor. An Architect would be helpful in the preparation of these sketches. Record on the sketches the weight of each piece of equipment. Each weight is on the name-plate data of the equipment. (9) Paint the entire metal support system with three coats of a, durable, black, enamel paint, selected to approximate the color of the UPS equipment. (10) After approval of a design for the support stand, portions of the stand should be fabricated off-site, then, brought into the computer room for final assembly. Final assembly must be accomplished using bolts. Welding will not be permitted. 20. Transport the two remaining pieces of UPS equipment, from a 5th floor office area into the computer room ? placing on the support stand. The battery cabinet shall be transported with out batteries. Examine the conduit knock-outs to determine proper placement for the installation of interconnect conduits ? coordinating with US Coast Guard Personnel to verify the orientation of these two cabinets. It is believed that that the battery cabinet should be placed to the left of the UPS cabinet ? when viewed from the front. 21. Interconnect the battery cabinet and the UPS cabinet with liquid-tight flex conduit ? sized to the knock-outs in the cabinets. 22. From transformer in Room 16A, via enclosed CB, extend 3#400 MCM phase conductors, 1# 700MCM neutral, and , and 1#3G in 4-inch GRS conduit, into the nearby computer room ? traveling under the raised floor in the computer room, and rising into the following safety switch. Extend neutral, un-spliced, through the disconnect switch, into the by-pass cabinet. The neutral is sized @ 173% of the phase-conductor capacity shown on the UPS name-plate data. 23. From safety switch in computer room extend 3#400 MCM phase conductors, 1# 700MCM neutral, and, and 1#3G in 4-inch GRS conduit, into the by-pass switch cabinet. Do not make connection in the by-pass cabinet. These connections will be made by the UPS Vendor. 24. From by-pass switch cabinet, install two runs of 4-inch, liquid-tight flex conduit, to serve the UPS cabinet, with bottom feed. In each flex run, install 3#400 MCM phase conductors, 1#700 MCM neutral, and 1#3 ground. [These are nominal sizes, based upon abbreviated APC literature. The Contractor shall consult with US Coast Guard Personnel and obtain a name and contact for APC ? the Manufacturer of the UPS equipment and coordinate conductor sizes down stream of the by-pass switch cabinet with APC Technical Personnel- retaining name and telephone number of the APC Personnel providing the information. ] Do not make connections in the by-pass cabinet or the UPS cabinet. These connections will be made by the UPS Vendor. 25. In computer room in location coordinated with GSA and the U. S. Coast Guard, install a new, 225-amp, main-breaker, 42-pole panel-board, non-linear panel-board, with 225-amp main breaker. This panel will include a 200% neutral bus, isolated ground terminals and equipment ground terminals. 26. From UPS unit, to new 225-amp panel-board, install 3# 4/0 phase conductors, 1#500MCM neutral, 1#4G, in 3-inch LT flex conduit. 27. The UPS unit is considered a separately-derived system and must be grounded as such: the neutral must be grounded in the same manner as the neutral in the 112.5KVA transformer in Room 16A. Either in the UPS unit or in the 225-amp panel-board, cadweld a bare #4 grounding-electrode-conductor to the 500MCM neutral and extend this bare GEC conductor into Room 16A, cadwelding the #4 GEC to the #2 GEC that serves the 112.5KVA transformer. The GEC is not required to be in conduit, but, must be protected. Route under raised floor, along walls, protecting with PVC conduit in congested areas. 28. One circuit at a time, and in coordination with the US Coast Guard, transfer about twenty existing branch circuits from an existing panel-board in the computer room ? into the new UPS panel-board. Where the existing circuits are of in-sufficient length, replace the entire conduit and circuit run with new wire and LT flex conduit ? of the proper size and phase arrangement. 29. One circuit at a time, and in coordination with the US Coast Guard, furnish and install approximately eight new branch circuits to serve computer equipment from the new 225-amp UPS panel-board. 30. In coordination with the US Coast Guard, identify existing UPS and electrical equipment to be removed - after transition to new UPS system is complete. This equipment is understood to be the following: (1) 25KVA transformer and associated conduit and wiring. Store transformer in building as directed. (2) Approximately 50KVA UPS system ? including associated conduit and wiring. Store UPS equipment in building as directed. 31. In generator emergency distribution panel located in 3rd floor room adjacent to the existing 500KW generator, install 3P, 200-amp, 480vac circuit breaker. 32. From 3rd-floor generator emergency distribution panel, extend one run of 3#3/0 & 1#6G, in 2-inch EMT down to the ATS in the main switchboard room on the 1st floor. Conduit will run out of panel-board room into the parking garage and travel down to the 1st floor. Floors must be cored. 33. SUBMITTALS: Within 15 days after receipt of contract award, the Contractor shall submit Catalog data for each and every piece of electrical equipment proposed for installation. The Contractor shall not purchase any equipment until the proposed equipment has been approved by a Representative of the Contracting Officer. Equipment that is deemed un-suitable for this installation will be rejected. The Contractor shall submit additional items until the item is approved. Submit letter from FLP that identifies the short-circuit current available to the new service ? Work Item #4(1). SPECIFICATIONS: 1. General: To the extent feasible, all major electrical equipment shall be of the same manufacture as similar existing equipment in the area to be installed. Common items such as conduit and wiring may be of any suitable manufacture. All equipment shall be UL Listed for the intended application. All conductors shall be copper. All conductor insulation shall be XHHW. Conduits larger than 2-inch shall be galvanized-rigid-steel. Except as indicated relative to the UPS equipment, complete operating systems shall be installed. 2. New Main Service-Enclosure: (1) Free-standing. (2) Rated as service equipment. (3) Louvered for ventilation. (4) Three phase, neutral and ground busses. (5) Copper busses. (6) Braced for available short-circuit current, but, 50,000 AIC minimum. (7) Mimic bus. (8) Main circuit breaker, rated for the SC current available and containing instantaneous, short-time and long-time trips. (9) Branch breaker spaces on load side of main breaker. (10) Branch breaker spaces sufficient to mount a total of four, 3-pole, 100-amp branch breakers, and, four, 3-pole, 200-amp branch breakers ? each rated for the AC current available. (11) Nameplate data. (12) 277/480vac. 3. New Automatic Transfer Switch: Manufacturer to be Onan/Cummins, Cat, or equal to their published literature for same size switch: (1) Three-pole, 480vac. (2) Engine Start: Adjustable 0-15 seconds. (3) Transfer Normal to Emergency ? adjustable 0-120seconds. (4) Re-transfer Emergency to Normal ? adjustable 0-30 minutes. (5) Engine Stop ? adjustable 0-30 minutes. (6) Programmed transition ? 0-60 seconds. (7) Three-phase under-voltage/over-voltage sensing on Normal. (8) Single-phase under-voltage/over-voltage sensing on emergency. (9) Under-voltage Sensing: Pick-up: 85% - 95% of nominal voltage. Drop-out: 75% - 98% of pick-up settings. Drop-out Time Delay: .1-1 seconds (10) Over-voltage Sensing: Drop-out: 105% - 135% of pick-up settings. Pickup: 95%-99% of nominal voltage. (11) Drop-out Time Delay: 5-120seconds. (12) Frequency sensing: Pickup: +/- 5% to +/- 20% of nominal. Drop-out: +/- 1% beyond pickup. Drop-out Time Delay: .1 ? 15 seconds. (13) Normal Power Outage: Upon FLP failure, automatically, start generator, when generator reaches pre-determined voltage and frequency, automatically, transfer the load circuit(s) from FLP to the generator. Generator shall be started and load transferred within 10-seconds, or less ? with proper generator operation. 4. New 112.5KVA Transformer: (1) General Purpose ? Dry-type transformer. (2) three-phase 480vac primary/120/208vac secondary. (3) Two 2?% - full-rated taps above rated primary voltage. (4) four 2?% full- capacity taps below rated voltage. (5) Class H insulation ? max 150 degrees. C rise. Louvered for heat transfer. Manufacturer to be same as those existing in the work area. Verify dimensions of Room 16A on 5th floor and compatibility of transformer to room before selecting transformer. 5. New 225-Amp Panel-board: Three-phase, 120/208vac, 225-amp main breaker, 42 poles, surface mount, 200% neutral bus, equipment ground terminals, isolated-ground terminals. 6. Electrical Identification: Provide nameplates on all electrical equipment. Provide color coding on all conductors. OPTIONAL: Five circuit breakers exist in an existing switchboard, connected ahead of the 1200amp main breaker. Transfer four of these existing circuits into the new 800-amp main switchboard to be installed under this project - leaving the 175-amp elevator circuit breaker in place. These four small circuits serve panel-boards and transformers in the vicinity. To effect the transfer, remove all wiring associated with these four small circuits - each about 100-amp in size - from the existing main switch board, back to the panel or transformer served; then, run new conduit and wirring to the new 800-amp panelboard - furnishing new circuit breakers in the new 800-amp switchboard as needed. The overall intent is to remove all wiring from the existing switchboard. Verify that proper-size wiring - including ground wire - serves each transformer and panel-board. Wiring to transformers must have ampacity to permit each transformer to operate up to 125% of name-plate KVA capacity.
Place of Performance
Address: 909 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL
Zip Code: 33130
Country: USA
SN01059326-W 20060601/060530220949 (fbodaily.com)
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