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F -- Wetlands Restoration

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
561730 — Landscaping Services
Contracting Office
Department of the Air Force, Air Combat Command, 1st CONS, 74 Nealy Avenue, Suite 100, Langley AFB, VA, 23665
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. This solicitation is issued as a request for quote (RFQ). This acquisition will be 100% Small Business set aside with a standard Business Size of 6.5 Million. This project is currently not funded and any award is subject to availability of funds (FAR 52.232.18). The provision at FAR 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors -- Commercial, applies to this acquisition. The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: 1.technical capability of the item offered to meet the Government requirement and 2. price. Offerors need to include a completed copy of the provision at FAR 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications -- Commercial Items, with its offer. The clause at FAR 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions -- Commercial Items, applies to this acquisition. The clause at FAR 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required To Implement Statutes Or Executive Orders -- Commercial Items, applies to this acquisition. Offers are due on 11 September 2006 at 4:30pm Eastern Time. STATEMENT OF WORK FOR WETLANDS RESTORATION AT LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, VA OS005989AA WETLANDS RESTORATION VIA PHRAGMITES MOWING\ 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Non-personal services to perform all operations necessary to reduce a non-contiguous stand of the invasive plant Phragmites australis by rotary mowing with an amphibious tracked vehicle. Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, materials, equipment, transportation, supervision, and all other necessary supplies and services to effect statement of work 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Utilization of a Marsh Master II amphibious tracked vehicle with rotary mower, or equivalent, to cut down the leaves, culms, and inflorescences of Phragmites australis, and reduce these to an average size of eight (8) inches in length. In areas that are impassable by the Marsh Master or equivalent, an alternative method of mechanical or hand cutting shall be used. All cut material is to be left in place. The Government hereby stipulates that this activity is for the purpose of mowing to reduce stand height and thatch, and that said work is not for the purposes of eradication. It further acknowledges the presence of both dead and living Phragmites australis, and that live vegetative plant material will resume growth following this activity. 2.1 Mowing shall occur in areas designated by the contracting officer's representative or the natural resources planner. 2.2 The Contractor shall not store materials on Langley AFB during performance of this contract. A Contractor trailer is not authorized for this project 2.3 Equipment wash down. Equipment, trailers, and trucks will be free of loose debris and soil materials prior to transit on developed surface streets. Wash-down areas will be designated and established in each mowing tract, and shall consist of a 1.5-inch fire hose and nozzle attached to a fire hydrant, or connection to an authorized water source and use of a pressure washer. Contractor shall coordinate hydrant access with 1 CES/CEOIUW and 1 CES/CEF Fire Department. Hydrant opening and closing will be gradual and not abrupt. 2.4 Destruction of non-target plant materials. Contractor will be allowed a 5-ft mowing buffer around each stand of Phragmites. Vehicle operation is authorized in all non-developed areas, however, the vehicle will be operated in a manner which avoids encroachment into adjacent plant communities of Spartina spp. See (4 ACCESS TO WORK AREAS) 2.5 Notice of Existing and Abandoned Infrastructure, Flotsam and Jetsam, Construction Debris, and Abandoned Equipment and Materials. Contractor is advised to scout and inspect all areas prior to mowing. Inspector shall be notified within one hour of conditions prohibiting execution of work. 1 CES shall have the option of remediation of conditions within 2 working days prior to hand mowing by the contractor, certifying completion of work, or waiving the execution of work impeded by the aforementioned conditions 3. MEASUREMENT OF WORK: Completed work shall be measured to the nearest tenth (0.10) of an acre (43,560 square feet) with global positioning system navigation equipment affixed to the Marsh Master II or equivalent. The datum for all GPS measurement shall be NAD 83. The Government stipulates the right to measure with its GPS equipment and to post process both contractor and Government data for differential correction. Area mowed shall be based upon this corrected data. Linear travel between work areas shall not be calculated as mowed area unless the mower is operational. Disputes shall be resolved by field measurement by Air Force GeoBase personnel with a Government provided GPS capable of survey grade accuracy (typically Trimble Geo XT). 4. ACCESS TO WORK AREAS: Works areas consist of the marsh fringe around the perimeter of Langley Air Force Base. Initial access will be made from on-shore locations as designated by the contracting officer's representative or the natural resources planner. At the beginning of each work day, the proposed working area will be reported to the 1st Security Forces Squadron's Operations Flight security force desk at (757)-764-5091 or in person at Building 355 (Heron's Roost), 65 Sweeney Boulevard, Suite 195. Some areas may require transit by water. Non-contiguous stands shall not be accessed by transit across native stands of Spartina spp. and other shoreline vegetation. The vehicle shall transit by water or by land in these instances, and topography permitting, access via the shortest possible path across non-target vegetation. 5. HOURS OF WORK: Work shall occur Monday through Friday from 0730 hours to 1700 hours local prevailing time. Work shall not occur on weekends or holidays. 6. GOVERNMENT IDENTIFICATION AND FACILITY ACCESS: Contractor shall provide the 1st Civil Engineering Squadron Environmental Management Flight with a list of all personnel and motorized equipment 17 days prior to the onset of work, so that contractor passes may be processed. While waiting for pass requests to be processed, temporary passes for up to 3 days can be obtained at the Visitor Control Center by the contracting officer's technical representative or the natural resources planner. The list of personnel shall include: Full Legal Name Current Legal Residence Social Security Number Place of Birth Date of Birth Vehicle and Equipment Description: Make Model number including year Manufacturer State Registration # (if applicable) Vehicle License Information and state and tag number Contractors and Visitors are required to show the following documents to receive their pass: Drivers License (if applicable) Identification Card (non-drivers) Vehicle registration (if driving) Proof of insurance 6. SAFETY AND CERTIFICATION 6.1 Safety Manual: Notwithstanding any other provisions of this contract, the Contractor shall comply with all with all safety and health requirements as outlined in the Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual (EM 385 1 1) and OSHA Safety Standards to ensure the safe working conditions for his employees and government workers. The Safety Manual is available for downloading or viewing on the Internet at: http://www.usace.army.mil/inet/usace-docs/eng-manuals/em385-1-1/toc.htm. 6.2 Hazard Communication: As required in the safety manual, the contractor shall implement a hazard communication program in accordance with 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.1200 or 1926.59. The written hazard communication program shall address, as a minimum, the following: training (to include potential safety and health effects from exposure), labeling, current inventory of hazardous chemicals on site, and the location and use of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs). 6.3 Licensing: The contractor, all of his employees, and any subcontractors performing any of the work under this contract shall possess a valid business license for the state in which work is being performed and shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations applicable to the contract work and to the products and materials used by the contractor in performing that work. Department of Labor and state regulations regarding employment of youth shall be observed. 6.4 Public Safety: Public safety must be ensured when operating the Marsh Master II or equivalent during transit and mowing. In mowing areas where there is potential for use by the public, the contractor must place appropriate MUTCD compliant warning signs which inform the public that mowing is in progress. All machinery and equipment guards shall be in place and fully functional. 6.7 Spills and Contamination: The contractor shall submit as part of the "Work Plan" described in Section 7.1, the response measures to be implemented should a spill or contamination occur. The contractor's immediate response to a spill or contamination shall be to proceed with the required measures to limit the contamination. Immediately following this initial response, the contractor shall notify the Langley 911 operator and ensure that the Base Fire Department and the Environmental Management Flight. Subsequent to these actions, the contractor shall take actions to clean up the spill as recommended by the Contracting Officer. Should a personnel contamination occur, the contractor shall take immediate actions as prescribed by chemical manufacturer so as to protect the safety and health of the contaminated individual(s). Immediately following the contractor's initial response, the incident shall be reported to the Contracting Officer. 7. SUBMITTAL AND REPORTING 7.1 Work Plan: The contractor shall submit an electronic copy of a work plan. This plan shall outline as a minimum the types of vehicles and equipment, parking areas, ingress and egress points, proposed locations of warning signage, response measures to be implemented should a spill or contamination occur, and a log sheet to document daily notification of the Security Forces desk. Further, one hard copy of the approved plan shall be provided that will include a signed statement by the contractor that this plan complies with all state, local and federal regulations. This plan shall be submitted for review and approval within 10 working days of the notice of contract award and prior to the desired start of work. Government approval of this plan in no way relieves the contractor of any liability for compliance with all Federal, State, and/or local regulations, should there be omissions/errors within said plan. 7.2 Post-Mowing Documentation: The contractor shall submit completed copies of the Post-Mowing Documentation Form for each day's work. A sample form is provided and may be reproduced. The contractor may use his or her own form, however, all information included on the Government's form must be included on the contractor's form. Completed forms will be submitted to the contracting officer's technical representative or the natural resources planner within two working days. 8. PREWORK MEETING Within 10 days after contract award, the contractor shall contact the Contracting Officer to arrange a meeting to discuss and develop a mutual understanding of the requirements and details of work. There may also be occasions when subsequent conferences will be called to reconfirm understandings or provide clarifications on contract requirements. 9. LIABILITY OF AND DAMAGES TO THE GOVERNMENT 9.1 Insurance: The contractor will carry liability insurance that will cover the operation of the Marsh Master II, or equivalent, and associated vehicles as defined in this specification. This coverage will include pollution (sudden and accidental) for all contract operations. The amount of coverage this insurance will provide will not be less than $ 1,000,000 per incident. A Certificate of Insurance form signed by the insuring agency shall be provided to the contracting officer prior to award of the contract. The insurance must provide coverage for the entire contract period. The insurance policy shall state that it cannot be cancelled without 30 days written notice to the Contracting Officer. Failure to secure insurance will be grounds for non award and termination of the insurance during the performance period of this contract for any reason, will be grounds for termination of this contract. The contractor will be in default and the contract terminated if the insurance lapses and is not immediately replaced with equal coverage. (If insurance lapses work is suspended pending replacement insurance. The delay is not compensable to the contractor). 9.2 Government Liability: The Government assumes no liability from the contractor's performance of the contract work. The contractor shall hold and save the Government harmless from any and all liability arising from the performance of the contract. 9.3 Responsibility for Damages: The contractor is responsible for all damages to persons and property resulting from performance of the contract work. The contractor shall return any Government furnished property to the Government in the condition that it was received, ordinary wear and tear excepted. The contractor shall repair or replace, at the option of the Contracting Officer, any Government furnished property lost or damaged in the course of the contract work. 10. PERFORMANCE PERIOD 10.1 The contractor shall complete all activity within 30 working days following receipt of notice to proceed from the Contracting Officer. 11. WARRANTY 11.1 The contractor shall exercise his/her professional judgment as to the rate, and time and extent of mowing. The contractor warrants that: Should the desired results not be achieved, the contractor will, at no additional cost to the Government, re-mow those areas where the reduced or mowed vegetative debris exceeds the eight (8) inch average size. The determination as to the acceptable performance of the contractor and the need to re-mow will rest solely with the contracting officer or his authorized representative. A request to re-mow an area will be in writing. The desired results to be achieved are a 95 % stand reduction of the target vegetation without damage to adjacent desired vegetation. The Government acknowledges that some areas may be impassable to the Marsh Master II or equivalent, and calls notice to the Description of Work (see 2.5). 11.2 The contractor shall be responsible for restoring any area that does not satisfy the warranty requirements at no additional cost to the Government. Areas will be retreated within the time specified by the Contracting Officer's notice to the Contractor. The contractor is responsible for damages to persons or property, including unreasonable or unnecessary damages to non-target vegetation, within and outside the treatment areas resulting from the performance of the contract work. Damage costs as determined by government personnel will be charged in the form of a fine for the cost of rehabilitation or replacement of the affected resources. Other penalties may be assessed based on local, State, or Federal laws. 12. INSPECTIONS AND ACCEPTANCE Work will be inspected daily for conformance with the specifications for timeliness, safety and results achieved. Completed Work Areas will be measured by the government in the presence of the contractor, within two (2) working days and certified as complete. 12.1 Contractor's GPS track and plot and submittal and determination of area mowed. Use NAD83 for datum. 12.2 Post-Mowing Documentation Form 12.3 Reconciliation with Government GPS tracks and plots - determination of area mowed. 12.4 Calculation of Payment - based on area to the nearest 0.10 acre at the bidded cost per acre. The Government Point-Of-Contact for this purchase order is: 1 CONS/LGCS 2Lt Edgar A. Alonso-Bernal Contract Manager 74 Nealy Avenue Langley AFB, VA 23665 Tel: 757-764-2241 Fax: 757-225-7443 Email: edgar.alonso-bernal@langley.af.mil
Place of Performance
Address: Langley AFB, VA
Zip Code: 23665
SN01134956-W 20060908/060906220927 (fbodaily.com)
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