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A -- Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, and Testing Information Analysis Center

Notice Date
Notice Type
Sources Sought
541710 — Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
Contracting Office
Department of the Air Force, Air Combat Command, 55 CONS, 101 Washington Sq Bldg 40, Offutt AFB, NE, 68113-2107
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Point of Contact
Sarah Davis, Functional Systems Administrator, Phone 402-232-5318, Fax 402-294-7280, - Jeanne Fairley, Contracting Officer, Phone 402-232-5330, Fax 402-294-7280,
E-Mail Address
sarah.davis@offutt.af.mil, jeanne.fairley@offutt.af.mil
Research and Development Sources Sought Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, and Testing Information Analysis Center (AMMTIAC) This is a Sources Sought synopsis. In accordance with FAR Part 5.205, Special Situations, FAR Part 10, Market Research, and FAR Part 35, Research and Development, this Sources Sought synopsis is in support of a market survey being conducted by the Air Force to determine qualified sources capable of providing Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Testing Information Analysis Center (AMMTIAC) for the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). The Government intends to award a Cost Plus Fixed Fee contract with a potential performance period of 8 years. If the Primary requirement (as detailed below) can be filled, submit only one package in response to this sources sought. If it is determined that this requirement will be done as two contracts, those responses shall be considered as interested in both parts, unless specifically annotated otherwise. The Government prefers to award one contract (Primary Proposal); however, based upon responses, the Government may award two contracts if it's in the Government's best interest (Alternate Proposal). THERE IS NO SOLICITATION AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. REQUESTS FOR A SOLICITATION WILL NOT RECEIVE A RESPONSE. Information Analysis Center (IAC): The Department of Defense (DoD) Information Analysis Center (IAC) Program operates in accordance with DoD 3200.14, Principles and Operational Parameters of the DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program, 13 May 1997. DoD IACs function as specialized subject focal points and shall operate in accordance with all directives, instructions, regulations and military standards as appropriate. Specific details regarding IACs can be found in DoD 3200.14. This document may be accessed online at http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/html/320014.htm. Enclosure 5 of DoD 3200.14 provides a formal overview of the IAC program including the functions and responsibilities of IACs. Each requirement listed under Background/New Requirement, below, has/will have the core operation of an IAC. Technical Area Task (TAT): Technical Area Tasks are not a part of the core funded amount on the contract, rather they are individual tasks funded by other government organizations and are based on need and availability of funds. These TATs are defined in the contract as an estimated cost contract line item, are not funded and are referred to as maximum amount. Individual Delivery Orders are awarded against the contract for the performance of each individual TAT. The Government does not guarantee the issuance of any TAT against the contract. Reference DoD 3200.14 for a more in-depth definition of the Technical Area Tasks. BACKGROUND Three separate contracts currently exist that provide the requirement(s). They are as follows: (a) Advanced Materials and Processes Technology Information Analysis Center (AMPTIAC) encompasses metals and metal matrix composites, ceramics and ceramic matrix composites, organic materials and organic matrix composites, electronic/optical/photonic materials, and environmental protection/special function materials. (b) Manufacturing Technology Information Analysis Center (MTIAC) encompasses addressing all aspects of the manufacturing of DoD weapon systems and the production of equipment and supplies to support the warfighter. The scope of this contract contains product and process design; materials processing; fabrication; assembly and test; information technologies for manufacturing; simulation and modeling; standards and framework; machine and tool techniques; sensor and control processes; technology management; environmentally benign manufacturing; and advanced industrial practices. (c) Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center (NTIAC) encompasses providing scientific and technical information analysis and technical advisory services to assist the Department of Defense in meeting technical and operational objectives relating to nondestructive evaluation, nondestructive testing, and nondestructive inspection technologies. NEW REQUIREMENT 1. Primary Proposal- Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Testing Information Analysis Center: AMMTIAC: DTIC requires industry standard skills levels and appropriate security clearances to perform operation of the Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Testing Information Analysis Center (AMMTIAC). The AMMTIAC will have separate components that will encompass the coverage under the current AMPTIAC, MTIAC, and NTIAC. The AMMTIAC will encompass the following three sub-areas of technology and operations and the respective producer and user communities: traditional materials and processes science, engineering, and technology, including associated manufacturing processes and techniques, generic and broadly applicable manufacturing technology; and materials, manufacturing, system testing and inspection science, engineering and technology, especially nondestructive evaluation, testing and inspection (referred to generically as NDE). The scientific, technical and operational support information (STOSI) products and services resulting from AMMTIAC efforts are intended to increase the productivity of the DoD Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation timely dissemination of authoritative, accurate, and high-quality STOSI in the advanced materials, processes, and manufacturing technologies field. AMMTIAC will continue to monitor information sources and extract advanced materials, processes, and manufacturing technology-related Scientific and Technical Information (STI) from worldwide scientific, engineering, technical, analytical and operational (including military exercise) information, whether contained in paper, electronic, or other information media. The Government is contemplating an eight-year Cost Plus Fixed Fee contract with an estimate core maximum of $24 million, and an estimated TAT maximum of $72 million. 2. Alternate Proposal- Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Information Analysis Center (AMMIAC) and Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center (NTIAC) AMMIAC: Will encompass the following two sub-areas of technology and operations, and the respective producer and user communities: traditional materials and processes science, engineering, and technology, including associated manufacturing process and techniques, generic and broadly applicable manufacturing technology and materials, manufacturing, engineering and technology. The STOSI products and services resulting from AMMIAC efforts are intended to increase the productivity of DoD Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation efforts timely dissemination of authoritative, accurate and high-quality STOSI in the advanced materials and manufacturing technologies field. AMMIAC will continue to monitor information sources and extract advanced materials and manufacturing technology-related Scientific and Technical Information (STI) from worldwide scientific, engineering, technical, analytical and operation (including military exercise) information, whether contained in paper, electronic or other information media. The Government is contemplating an eight-year Cost Plus Fixed Fee contract with an estimated core maximum of $16 million, and an estimated TAT maximum of $48 million. NTIAC: Will encompass the following area of technology and operations and the respective producer and user communities: science and engineering in the fields generally referred to as nondestructive testing, inspection, and evaluation. The STOSI products and services resulting from NTIAC efforts are intended to increase the productivity of DoD research, development, test, and evaluation efforts timely dissemination of authoritative, accurate and high-quality STOSI in the nondestructive testing technologies field. NTIAC will continue to monitor information sources and extract nondestructive testing-related Scientific and Technical Information (STI) from worldwide scientific, engineering, technical, and analytical and operation (including military exercise) information, whether contained in paper, electronic or other information media. The Government is contemplating an eight-year Cost Plus Fixed Fee contract with an estimate core maximum of $8 million, and an estimated TAT maximum of $24 million. INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS: 1. How to Submit: In accordance with DFARS 225.7018-3, foreign vendors are excluded from this procurement. Respondents capable of performing this effort are requested to submit capability packages electronically. Electronic files should be in MS Office format (Word, Excel or PowerPoint) and should not exceed 1 GB on one e-mail to pass through the Offutt LAN. Offutt AFB has firewalls that prohibit certain attachments. When sending documents, please indicate the type of the document in the message of the e-mail and rename that attachment by changing the extension’s last character to an underscore. Example: capabilities.wpd should be renamed to capabilities.wp_. All packages should be UNCLASSIFIED material only. The electronic proposal shall be e-mailed to jeanne.fairly@offutt.af.mil and a copy shall be sent to sarah.davis@offutt.af.mil. Packages should not exceed 20, one-sided, 8.5 x 11 inch pages, with one-inch margins and font no smaller than 10 point. A verification e-mail will be sent upon receipt (as a reply to your e-mail). If you do not receive verification, contact Sarah Davis at (402) 232-5318 for further instructions. 2. Capability Package and Evaluation: a. The Government will identify competitive firms by evaluating the capability packages using DoD Directive 3200.14 (located at http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/html/320014.htm) and the following criteria (In all cases, potential offerors should be specific in referring to capabilities in the technical areas associated with the center(s) of interest to the offeror): (1) INFORMATION COLLECTION: Experience in the collection of detailed scientific and engineering information from worldwide sources. Experience in novel and efficient technical information collection techniques from a wide variety of source types, including but not limited to archival journals, Government and contractor reports, trade publications, symposia and conferences, international publications, and the Internet (2) INFORMATION PROCESSING AND MANAGEMENT: Experience in the recording, analysis, and synthesis of complex technical information and data. Experience in information indexing, storage, and retrieval and in the assessment of information quality and applicability. Experience and procedures in developing a Subject Matter Expert database of qualified personnel for assistance in the evaluation of highly specialized information and technical issues. (3) LIBRARY FUNCTIONS: Experience in the establishment and maintenance of a technical library of information, including traditional paper, other archival formats, and electronic storage. Experience in the conversion of paper and other formats into searchable electronic formats. (4) INFORMATION ANALYSIS: Experience in the analysis of information from various sources and proactive experience in filling information gaps and in evaluating the quality and currency of information in anticipation of customer needs. (5) INFORMATION DISSEMINATION: Experience in novel and efficient means of synopsizing and distributing information to the scientific and engineering communities and interested organizations, such as Government, contractor, and other legal United States citizens/residents. Experience in developing and maintaining Internet resources for the posting and distribution of publicly releasable information. Experience in responding to highly detailed technical inquiries and the use of bibliographic, personnel, and other resources, in rapidly and efficiently finding information and solutions relevant to such inquiries. Experience in the synthesis and analysis of information and the production of specific products based on that information, such as critical reviews and technology assessments of the literature, state-of-the-art reports associated with an area of technology, and data books or handbooks based on vetted information from the literature or generated by the potential offeror. b. PERFORMANCE OF TECHNICAL AREA TASKS: Experience in the performance of specific, complex technical assessments based on existing information or information gathered through focused research by potential offeror. Such tasks would normally be conducted for a Government or commercial customer with highly specialized needs for timely information that would require the access and capabilities associated with the IAC functions listed above. Any new STOSI would be expected to be integrated into the DoD technical information system and into the information base of the IAC. Note: Technical Area Tasks are independently customer funded and may be associated with any technical competence area of the IAC. TAT income is not guaranteed by the contract for the basic operation of the IAC. c. ADDITIONAL CAPABILITY PACKAGE REQUIREMENTS: Respondents must include the following information with their statement of capabilities: (1) Does your company intend to submit a proposal in response to the upcoming solicitation as a prime contractor? (2) How many people does your company employ? (3) What experience (types and duration) do your employees have that you consider being relative to this effort (Include Resumes of Key Personnel)? (4) Will you need to hire additional personnel to perform this effort? (5) Is your company's accounting system approved by DCAA? If not, how would your company financially administer a cost-type contract? Are you authorized by DCAA to submit direct bill cost vouchers? (6) This effort requires personnel to have a clearance at the SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL security levels. Can you meet this requirement? (7) Are there any other factors concerning your company's ability to perform the upcoming effort that DoD should consider? (8) Respondents are further requested to indicate their status as a foreign-owned/foreign-controlled firm and any contemplated use of foreign national employees on this effort. (9) Provide information on up to three (3) contracts for similar work within the past five (5) years (similar work shall be in accordance with DoD 3200.14. Include complete references, contract titles, dollar values, points of contact, title and telephone numbers. The Government will evaluate relevant experience information based on (1) information provided by the Offeror; (2) information obtained from the references provided by the respondent, and/or (3) data independently obtained from other Government and commercial sources. 5. Small Business: Responses to this announcement should indicate whether the respondent is a small business, 8(a) concern, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, or historically black college or university (HBCU) or minority institution (MI) (as defined by the clause at DFARS 252.226-7000). As discussed at FAR 19.502-2(b)(1) and (2), in making R&D small business set-asides, there must be a reasonable expectation that offers will be obtained from at least two responsible small business concerns and also a reasonable expectation of obtaining the best scientific and technological sources consistent with the demands of the proposed acquisition for the best mix of cost, performance, and schedule. The same considerations would apply to any HBCU/MI set-aside. Therefore, respondents should provide a statement of capabilities and information demonstrating management and technical experience on similar acquisitions and resources necessary to successfully compete for this award. 6. Solicitations: The availability of very experienced technical personnel in the identified technology areas and support functions is essential to ensure timely, cost effective (fair & reasonable), and successful completion of this R&D effort. Small Businesses must demonstrate capabilities in the described areas of interest in response to this notice as well as their ability to manage a multi-year contract of this broad scope and magnitude. This information will also assist the Air Force in making a set-aside decision. IN ACCORDANCE WITH FAR 35.007, THE GOVERNMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT NOT TO PROVIDE SOLICITATIONS TO OFFERORS WHO HAVE SUBMITTED AN INCOMPLETE CAPABILITIES PACKAGE OR WHO HAVE BEEN DETERMINED TECHNICALLY UNQUALIFED TO PERFORM RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE PREVIOUSLY-SPECIFIED FIELD OF EXPERTISE. 7. Company Information: Your company’s name, address, telephone number, a point of contact with e-mail address, Federal Cage Code, Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS), Central Contractor Registration (CCR) number, business size, security clearance level, and intent to Prime or Sub on this effort must be included in the capability package. Your company must be registered in ORCA. To register, go to http://orca.bpn.gov. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) is 541710; Small business size standard is 500 employees. . 8. Government Responsibility: This synopsis neither constitutes a Request for Proposal, nor does it restrict the Government to an ultimate acquisition approach. This Sources Sought should not be construed as a commitment by the Government for any purpose. Any information submitted by respondents to this sources sought is strictly voluntary and any offer submitted by such a firm will be evaluated without prejudice. The Government will not pay for any information that is submitted by respondents to this Sources Sought. Offerors should indicate their intent to be a prime contractor. Please direct any questions on this announcement to the 55th Contracting Squadron DTIC point of contact Sarah Davis, at (402) 232-5318, e-mail: sarah.davis@offutt.af.mil or the 55th Contracting Squadron DTIC Contracting Officer, Jeanne Fairley, at (402) 232-5330, e-mail: jeanne.fairley@offutt.af.mil. NOTE: THIS NOTICE MAY HAVE POSTED ON FEDBIZOPPS ON THE DATE INDICATED IN THE NOTICE ITSELF (24-MAR-2005). IT ACTUALLY APPEARED OR REAPPEARED ON THE FEDBIZOPPS SYSTEM ON 06-SEP-2006, BUT REAPPEARED IN THE FTP FEED FOR THIS POSTING DATE. PLEASE CONTACT fbo.support@gsa.gov REGARDING THIS ISSUE.
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