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Notice Date
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541618 — Other Management Consulting Services
Contracting Office
US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity, ATTN: MCMR-AAA, 820 Chandler Street, Frederick, MD 21702-5014
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Small Business Set-Aside
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned
The combined synopsis/solicitation is revised as follows: This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial item(s) prepared in accordance with FAR12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. The U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA) intends to procure the s ervices of a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) to conduct a Site Survey of the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe (USAMMCE) located in Pirmasen, Germany. The United States Army Medical Materiel Center - Europe (USAMMCE) is cur rently operating at a remote site located in Pirmasens Germany. Due to base realignments and the need to reduce the military footprint within Europe, numerous discussions have taken place in relation to re-locating USAMMCE within Europe; however, the cost of this action has not been validated. The purpose of this procurement is to provide a detailed analysis/report of the facilities, personnel, and costs required to operate USAMMCE and the cost associated with re-locating or establishing USAMMCE at an alt ernate work site without reducing current capabilities. Contract will be time and materials. The following contract line items (CLINS) will be under contract. CLIN 0001, Site Survey, 1 each; CLIN 0002, Interim Report, 1 each; CLIN 0003, Final Report an d Presentation, 1 each. The Contracting Officer has determined that this service is available commercially and from several SDVOSB and this procurement is set-aside for SDVOSB. The estimated performance period is 180 days. The Performance Work Statemen t for this procurement follows: Contractor shall provide on a time and materials basis, all personnel, labor, material and travel to conduct a site survey of the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center Europe (USAMMCE). The performance based acquisition object ives for the site survey are as follows: (1) Conduct site survey of USAMMCE; (2) determine and make recommendations for most effective and efficient operations of the center; (3) survey current facility and staffing requirements for current workload demand ; (4) survey facilities and make recommendations on facility requirements for most effective and efficient operation (New facility requirements must meet force protection and security standards set by Department of Army and DOD); (5) make recommendations on staffing requirements for most effective and efficient operation; (6) make recommendations for information management requirements for most effective and efficient operations; (7) determine best practices for providing medical supply chain management an d distribution operations (proposal shall not degrade current operations; (8) recommend a time line and plan for movement by phases to two possible sites (two options), Ramstein AFB or another unconstrained location (plan must include a time and phased co st in order to minimize disruption to mission) ; (9) provide recommendations on the space requirements to move USAMMCEs current functions. (Note - The space requirements need to meet the industry standards under the Association for Healthcare Resource & Materials Management (AHRMM) and Centre for Supp ly Chain Management (CSCM) and at the same time meet the mission requirements); (10) provide recommendations on what equipment should move to new location(s) versus what should be eliminated or replace; (11) make recommendations on the impact of the move of USAMMCE on such issues as: readiness, peacetime health care delivery and quality of life. Contractor performance period will be approximately 180 days from date of award. Contractor will provide bi-weekly (twice a month) oral (telephonic) update progress briefs to the Contracting Officers Representative (COR), an Interim Report and Progress M eeting approximately 90 days into the period of performance to the Commander. COR and staff and a Final Report and Presentation on the Recommendations of the Site Survey Report toward the end of the 1 80 day performance period. Contractor will coordinate all these actions with the COR. All invoices will be submitted through the COR to DFAS. Interested parties may submit questions to the Contract Specialist designated below by 15 September 2006. Solicitation responses or quotes are due by the closing date of 25 September 2006. The Solicitation document and incorporated Provisions and Clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-06. This Procurement is set aside for SDVOSB. The following Provisions and Clauses are incorporated and shall remain in full force in any resulting purchase order: FAR Part 52.212-1 In struction to Offerors - Commercial Items, FAR 52.212-2 EvaluationCommercial Items, FAR 52.212-3 Officers Representations and Certification-Commercial Items, FAR 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions - Commercial Items. Award will be made based on lowest price from responsive, responsible vendor. FAR 52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statues or Executive Orders Applicable to Defense Acquisitions of Commercial Items. FAR 52.252-1 Solicitation Provisions Incorporated By Reference, FAR 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated By Reference, DFARS 252.204-7004 Required Central Contractor Registration, and DFARS 252.212-7001 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statues or Executive Orders Applicable to Defense Acquisitions of Comme rcial Items. Award will be IAW FAR 52.212-2. The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous (best value) to the Government, price and ot her factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: (1) Technical Capability and Approach; (2) Personnel Qualifications; (3) Past Performance and (4) Price. The Government may select to award to other than the lowest price, ba sed on the evaluation of the non-price factors and the best value to the Government. The non-price factors are: Factor (1) Technical Capability and Approach is significantly more important than Factor (2) Personnel Qualifications is slightly more importan t than Factor (3) Past Performance. Factor (1) Technical Approach is weighted at 50%; Factor (2) Personnel Qualifications is weighted at 30% and Factor (3) Past Performance is weighted at 20%. The three non-cost/price factors are more important than pric e. However, if the quotes are evaluated as being relatively technically equal, price shall become the deciding factor. Price will be evaluated as an independent variable. A written notice of award or acceptance of an offer, mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful offeror within the time for acceptance specified in the offer, shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party. Before the offer's specified expiration time, the Government may accept an offer (or part of an off er), whether or not there are negotiations after its receipt, unless a written notice of withdrawal is received before award. The government reserves the right to make award on the initial quote received without discussions. The Government will consider all quotes received by 22 September 2006. Note: THE FULL TEXT OF THE Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) can be accessed on the Internet at www.deskbook.osd.mil. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplemental www.dtic.mil/dfars. All interested p arties must be registered in the Central Contractor Register (CCR) in order to receive an award. Interested parties shall provide detailed information on proposed products, which clearly meet the requirements stated above. Response(s) may be via E-mail o r on company letterhead; include companys name, point of contact, address, phone number, Duns Number, Tax ID, and Solicitation Number. Responses may be faxed to 301-619-2195, ATTN: Christopher Gloyd, or e-mailed to Christopher. Gloyd @det.amedd.army.mil The follo wing information is a series of questions and answers: Questions submitted in response to Combined Synopsis/Solicitation W81XWH-06-T-0475 1)Q: Is there an incumbent? A: This is a one-time survey project and there is no incumbent. 2)Q: If there is an incumbent, can the incumbent bid on this opportunity? A: Again, there is no incumbent. This solicitation is set-aside for Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB). 3)Q: How is this work being performed today? Govt personnel? Contractor personnel? A: Again, this is a one-time survey project and that there is no incumbent. 4) Q: If contractor personnel, please provide contract data on the incumbent contract. Contract number: Contractor corp name: Contractor POC and phone/email: Period of Perf: Dollar value: A: This question is not applicable as there is no incumbent. 5)Q: Is there a formal RFP, or just this posting? A: Solicitation No. W81XWH-06-T-0475 is a Combined Synopsis/Solicitation Request for Quotes (RFQ). The Solicitation closes on 25 September 2006. Please note the amended Combined Synopsis/Solicitation closing date: 3:00 PM ESDST on 25 September 2006. 6)Q: Have you issued guidance for a SF 1449, DUNS, company information, reps/certs, etal? A: There has been no additional guidance other than the Combined Synopsis/Solicitation announcement listed on FedBizOpps. Please see FAR 52.212-3 referenced in solicitation in regards to representations and certifications required by the quoter. 7)Q: Or do you want us to follow a normal quotes structure that may or may not include all administrative documentation you require? A: You are requested to provide the best quote you can based on the information we have provided in the solicitation and in the answers to these questions. 8)Q: Are you willing to entertain an extension that will give us some time to provide you with a technical response outlining all elements you request? A: The award must take place prior to 30 September 2006. Therefore, due to the time constraints this places upon the procuring activity, no extensions beyond 25 September are anticipated so as to afford the Government time to evaluate quotes. 9)Q: Are you looking more specifically for a site survey from an operational standpoint or a site security survey from an assessment viewpoint? A: Operational standpoint. 10)Q: Can you provide a mission statement for the USAMMCE organization in Pirmasens? A: Additional information regarding the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center Europe (USAMMCE) can be found by accessing the USAMMCE website https://www.pirmasens.amedd.army.mil/MainPage/MainPage.htm. The Mission Statement for the U.S. Army Medical Materiel C enter Europe is as follows: Provide the best Medical Logistics Support as the U.S. European Commands Single Integrated Medical Logistics Manager (SIMLM) for the Military Health Care System and out of Sector Support to the Department of State and Humanita rian Assistance Program; and the U.S. Central Command in Southwest Asia. A copy of USAMMCE Procedure 10-5 Organizationand Functions Manual is available. 11) Q: Can the quotes be submitted by fax to your office? A: Quotes may be submitted electronically to christopher.gloyd@det.amedd.army.mil or via fax on (301) 619-1529. However, all quotes regardless of the means of submission must be received by the Contract Specialist, Christopher Gloyd, no later than 3:00 PM on 25 September 2006. 12) Q: Will there be an oral component to the solicitation? A: No. The Government does not anticipate an oral part to the solicitaiton, however, the Government may conduct clarifications and discussions with vendors at the Contracting Officers discretion. 13)Q: Is there a specified format for this solicitation? A: The solicitation is a combined synopsis/solicitation. If you are asking if there is a special format for your response or quote, the answer is no. Y our quote should address all aspects of the solicitation. 14)Q: When does the Contract start? I did not see when the company would have to be in Germany to begin the contract. A: There is no firm start date for the contract. Award however, will be made prior to 30 September 2006. The estimated period of performance for this action is 180 days after award of the contract. Travel arrangements will be made by the successful con tractor in coordination with USAMMCE. 15)Q: What is the expected award date for this contract? A: NLT 30 September 2006. 16)Q: What is the expected start date for contractor that wins award? A: Again, award will be made on or prior to 30 September 2006. The estimated period of performance for this action is 180 days after award of the contract. 17)Q: How does USAMMRA want to see costs identified? Unlike most of the RFPs that we have been responding to that ask for FFP but want T&M this one asks for T&M but could be FFP. A T&M normally includes labor categories, hours and an hourly rate plus ODC s like travel all broken out. A: The contract will be a Time & Materials contract. All offerors are instructed to quote based on a Time & Materials contract listing all applicable labor categories, hours, and rates. 18)Q: Is the Progress Meeting, approximately 90 days into the period of performance, to be presented to the USAMMCE Cdr, the COR and the staff at USAMMCE? Same question for the Final Presentation, due at the end of 180 day performance period. A: Yes, the Interim Report and Progress Meeting will be given by the Contractor to the Commander, COR and staff. The Contractor will be required to provide bi-weekly oral (telephonic) update progress briefs to the COR or as agreed upon after the contract or starts. The Interim Progress Report may be on-site or by teleconference. Unless agreed upon otherwise at the 90 day Interim Progress Meeting the contractor should plan on a face to face final report. 19)Q: The synopsis/solicitation states that the cost of an intra-Europe move of USAMMCE has not been validated. Does this statement indicate that costs have been collected and need merely to be validated? A: No. This procurement is meant to provide the U.S. Army with the information required to make a relocation decision. 20)Q: Does the government anticipate the necessity of travel to Pirmasens and Ramstein or will necessary data be available at Frederick? A: The Place of Performance for this procurement will be at the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center Europe, Pirmasens, Germany and at the contractors work site in the United States. The Contractor is expected to visit USAMMCE periodically to collect data a nd research, how often is up to the contractor to determine. It is not anticipated that the contractor will have to conduct performance for the entire period of the contract on-site at USAMMCE, however, contractor may quote based on what he feels is the best plan. It is anticipated that at least two visits will be required, one at thebeginning of the contract performance and one at the end when the contractor presents his Final Report. Use of teleconference and televideo conference capability is encoura ged. 21)Q: The place of performance is listed as Frederick, Maryland. Is this correct or will the duties be performed in Germany? A: This is incorrect; the place of performance will be at the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center Europe, Pirmasens, Germany and the contractors work site in the United States. 22)Q: What level of security clearance will be required for the selected contractor? A: No security clearance is required for access to USAMMCE. 23)Q: Will the site assessment include an assessment of the efficiency of current IT technology to carry out current mission? A: Item # 6 on the synopsis/solicitation states: (6) make recommendations for information management requirements for most effective and efficient oper ations 24)Q: Will office space, with phone and data jacks, be provided for the contractor? A: Yes. 25)Q: Is there a site visit scheduled? If so, when is it scheduled? A: There is no site visit scheduled at this time. The vendor will have to coordinate with the COR to determine a date for contractor visit(s) to USAMMCE. 26)Q. Has USAMMCE previously conducted a site survey for similar purposes or reasons? A: Yes. A site survey was conducted by Government personnel in 1996. A redacted copy of that report is provided as information only. The report is now ten years old and a new survey is needed. Parts of the report are no longer applicable and contract ors should focus on the Statement of Work in the synopsis as the major requirements of this survey. The 1996 survey is for your offcial use only and shall not be distributed or used for any other purpose. The report shall be destroyed upon submission of your quote. Potential contractors must contact Mr. Chris Gloyd for additional information pertainent to the solicitation.
Place of Performance
Address: US Army Medical Materiel Center Europe (USAMMCE) Husterhoeh Kaserne Pirmasens GE
Zip Code: 66953
Country: GE
SN01147174-W 20060920/060918221325 (fbodaily.com)
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