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SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION - 554th ELECTRONIC SYSTEM WING & 643rd ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS SQUADRON - LEGACY SYSTEM MODERNIZATION CAPABILITY SOL: N/A 1 DESCRIPTION This is an announcement of a Request for Information (RFI). This RFI is issued for the purpose of conducting a market survey to identify potential sources of commercial off the shelf (COTS) products and associated services that support a rapid legacy system modernization tool to assess, document, transform, re-factor, and web-enable legacy computer systems. These products must have a viable commercial presence in industry and should be in use in applications similar to the planned Air Force use. This is not a solicitation. This notice does not constitute a Request for Proposal, nor does it restrict the Government as to the ultimate acquisition approach. It should not be construed as a commitment by the Government. The Government will not reimburse any costs for preparation or submittal of information in response to this RFI. In addition, the Government will not pay for any costs associated with participation in subsequent demonstrations. 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION The 554th Electronic System Wing (554 ELSW) and the 643rd Electronic Systems Squadron (643 ELSS) are researching potential solutions to assess, transform, re-factor or re-engineer, and if desired, web-enable a wide variety of legacy systems with various computer programming languages and system databases, into modern, platform-independent object-oriented software systems. Migration solutions may include a single selected product capable of evolving to support all required migration capabilities or a suite of tools targeted for specific capabilities. The research is focused on discovering the potential for leveraging existing commercial practices and technology to migrate existing government logistics legacy systems and with little human involvement transform it to a modernized software application as well as discovering and learning about industry-leading integrators of such products. Current scope of this research is for 554th ELSW logistics systems. However, this effort may be expanded to include migration of AF wide logistics and embedded software systems. 2.1 Legacy System Modernization Solution The concept of a legacy system modernization product and approach is to develop a highly automated approach to modernize aging legacy systems in a fraction of the time and cost needed by other alternatives. The product should pose minimal technical and schedule risks associated with the modernization process, while simultaneously reducing the development time of the project. The full modernization process should provide a fully documented, functional system that has no proprietary components and is in a state to be maintained and upgraded using modern tools and software workbenches. Partial modernization and system assessment capabilities should also be supported. The legacy system modernization product is expected to, at a minimum, provide the following capabilities:  System assessment o Captures the legacy system's As Is state by extracting properties of the existing system's requirements, architecture, and design, and simultaneously generating detailed documentation of the system  Full or partial system and database modernization o Provides migrated software that is n-tiered, web-enabled, testable at the unit level, and fully documented o Languages to be supported in the migration include but are not limited to:  Source . Source . Oracle Forms . COBOL . Fortran . Ada . ColdFusion . C . VB . PowerBuilder . Pascal . Jovial . JavaScript . Perl  Target . Java . J2EE . C++ . C# . .NET o Database transformation options include but are not limited to:  Relational  Hierarchical  Object  XML  System refactoring o Refactors the migrated system to an improved system architecture that meets all functional and systemic application requirements. The refactoring process should ensure that the legacy application and database architecture and design were not carried over from the legacy system. Provide additional services such as requirements documentation, generation of architecture and design documents and diagrams, and generation of test scripts and test reports. To accomplish this exploration, the 554th ELSW and 643rd ELSS are requesting information from Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) vendors. 3 TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION The 554th ELSW and 643rd ELSS will conduct market analysis by reviewing vendor submitted legacy system modernization capabilities description documents. Content requirements and specifications are described below in the LEGACY SYSTEM MODERNIZATION CAPABILITIES DESCRIPTION CONTENT section. Any information submitted by respondents to this request for information is strictly voluntary and will be used only for the purpose of this analysis. Proprietary and Confidential Information will not be accepted. The 554th ELSW and 643rd ELSS believe that standard specifications and capabilities should be sufficient to respond. If applicable, a set of COTS products may be described by a team of COTS vendors to provide fuller coverage of the requested information as detailed in the Legacy System Modernization Capabilities Description. Responses are due NLT 1700 CDT 22 Dec 2006 with questions due within 10 working days after the date this announcement is posted on HERBB/FedBizOP. All questions and responses must submit via email to Ms Tailee Tucker at tailee.tucker@gunter.af.mil consisting of a zip file containing the completed Legacy System Modernization Capabilities Description document in accordance with the instructions outlined in paragraph 4, Legacy System Modernization Capabilities Description Content below. Upon review of submitted material, the 554th ELSW and 643rd ELSS may invite vendors to demonstrate how their COTS product solutions support the identified Legacy System Modernization concept. Invitations to demonstrate may be strongly influenced by the submitters "out-of-the-box" capability coverage 4 LEGACY SYSTEM MODERNIZATION CAPABILITIES DESCRIPTION CONTENT 4.1 Vendor Background & Experience Section 4.1.1 Size & Formatting  Page Limit: 2 pages  Format: Text - Times New Roman, 12 Font 4.1.2 Vendor Background & Experience Provide a brief description of company background and experience. Identify whom you consider to be your major competitors. Describe your product(s) supported customer base. Describe successful DoD, Air Force as well as commercial customer experiences with the product(s) to include customer POC telephone number and email address. 4.1.3 Integrator Background & Experience Provide a brief description, including pertinent experience, of any associated system integrators, if applicable. Describe successful customer experiences with the integrator to include customer POC telephone number and email address. 4.2 Product Solution Section 4.2.1 Size & Formatting  Page Limit: 12 pages  Format o Graphics - UML Diagrams o Text - Times New Roman, 12 Font 4.2.2 Architecture & Design  Provide UML diagrams of the components, layers, and/or flow of the software architecture and design of a system modernized by your product (i.e. component, class, and/or sequence diagram/s).  Describe the layers/tiers that are implemented in a system modernized by your product. Describe which portions of the system reside in which layer (i.e. EJBs in business layer, DAOs in data access layer) 4.2.3 Product Description  Describe how your product(s) are bundled, licensed, or purchased.  Identify the standards that the product(s) comply with.  Describe the language/s supported by your product for both source (legacy system) and target (modernized system).  Describe the database/s supported by your product for both source (legacy system) and target (modernized system).  Describe any proprietary components that are contained in a system modernized by your product.  Describe any capabilities your product has for extracting system business rules from a legacy database. 4.2.4 Migration Process  Describe the process typically involved in fully modernizing a legacy system and database. Include any necessary support, to include necessary skill sets, required by existing system personnel.  Describe how your product and integrator typically determines functional and systemic application requirements for migrating a legacy system. 4.2.5 Migration Services & Pricing Assessments Provide a detailed description of available professional services. Examples include but are not limited to; full and partial system and database migration, system analysis/assessment, requirements, design, and testing documentation deliverables, and refactoring assistance. Provide costing methodology used to determine pricing for each available service. Provide recommendation to the government on possible methods to standardize costing measurements to be used by multiple vendors and integrators. 4.2.6 Migration Deliverables Describe the supporting documentation products available as deliverables for your product. Examples include but are not limited to; requirements, architecture & design, source code, test scripts, and test reports for the legacy or modernized systems. Describe the documentation format for each available deliverable product (i.e. use cases for functional requirements, specific UML diagrams for architecture and design artifacts). 4.2.7 Product Updates Describe how customer requested language, services, and product deliverable additions are migrated into new product releases. 4.3 Summary 4.3.1 Size & Formatting  Page Limit: 1 page  Format: Text - Times New Roman, 12 Font 4.3.2 Product Highlights Identify your product suite and, if applicable, integrator strengths in a bulleted list with short descriptions of the bulleted items.
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