- Notice Date
- 12/5/2006
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- N0464A 2008 Stumpneck Rd Indian Head, MD
- ZIP Code
- 00000
- Solicitation Number
- BAAN0464A0702
- Response Due
- 12/4/2007
- Archive Date
- 12/4/2008
- Description
- The Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NAVEODTECHDIV) has a need to develop and demonstrate technologies to detect explosives on persons, in vehicles and packages (boxes, suitcases, briefcases), or explosive related threats (such as fragments, odors, densities) using handheld, desktop, portal or imaging techniques either upon contact or from a distance (standoff). BACKGROUND: The NAVEODTECHDIV research and development department, with funding from the DoD Physical Security Equipment Action Group (PSEAG), operates the DoD Explosive Detection Equipment (EDE) program for the military services. During the past several years the EODTECHDIV has conducted both comparative testing of commercial EDE as well as the development of new EDE based on novel sensors and concepts. Explosives to be detected include military explosives, commercial explosives and homemade explosives, including liquid explosives. Targets of interest include articles carried in, on, or by persons; vehicles (including watercraft) and their cargo; and mail conveyed by person or vehicle. Quad Charts, White Papers, and Proposals are sought for technology development projects in the following technology areas: Tech Area 1 - Detection of hidden explosives, explosive devices, and fuzing, or fuzing components, from: A. Standoff Location - operator and equipment co-located outside of blast/fragmentation range; B. Remote Location - operators located outside blast/fragmentation range, equipment located inside range; and C. Entry Point Location - operator and equipment co-located inside blast/fragmentation range. Tech Area 2 - New and innovative sensors for standoff detection and identification of explosives at ranges of at least 100 meters. Tech Area 3 - Robotic systems that employ or deploy chemical explosive detectors and imaging explosive and threat detection systems. Tech Area 4 - New and innovative sensors for the detection of explosives in maritime shipping co ntainers aboard ships (Easily carried about by inspectors). REQUIREMEN TS: Interested offerors are requested to submit a Quad Chart depicting interest in one of the above described areas. The purpose of the chart submission is to preclude unwarranted effort by the offeror in preparing a White Paper/Full Proposal that would be considered unresponsive to requirements. Offerors submitting a Quad Chart that describes a project that the Government considers to contain sufficient technological merit will be requested to prepare a white paper to more fully explain concepts and ideas. Each Quad Chart is limited to a single page and may address only one of the above technology areas. Multiple submissions within the same, or different, technology areas are permitted, but each topic must be addressed in a separate chart. Please provide a cover sheet with each submission to include BAA number; name and address of firm; title of project, technology area; and phone numbers and email addresses of technical and business points of contact. The Quad Chart will consist of four primary sections: photo/illustration, technical, management, and cost/schedule (see attachment to this announcement). A photo/illustration shall appear in the upper left quadrant and shall depict the proposed systems in a manner that best illustrates how the system operates or will be employed. The technical section in the upper right quadrant shall include the following: 1. Technical area being addressed; 2. Provide a brief but clear description of the technology; 3. Project objectives and; 4. Technical issues which must be resolved to accomplish the objectives. Also, include a brief description on how an operator will use the system and what and how information is presented to the operator. The Management portion in the lower left quadrant shall include key personnel that will be working on the proposed system and the company?s prior experience in the technology area. Also, describe the company's facilities and production capabilities. The Cost and Schedu le portion in the lower right quadrant will depict a plan of action wi th milestones. In addition, the proposed cost shall include a cost breakdown for labor (technical and management) and hardware of the effort being proposed. The effort should not exceed three years in length and the total cost should not exceed $1,500,000. Quad charts will be evaluated using the following criteria which are listed in descending order of importance: (1) New and innovative approach to detect explosives or explosive threats; (2) Risk in accomplishing project requirements; (3) Potential for transition to fleet/field capability; (4) Proposed cost and fees. Quad Charts will be accepted for the above technical areas for a period of one year after the initial release of this announcement. A white paper or full proposal may be requested by the Government for up to one (1) year after receipt of the quad chart. White Papers - A white paper, when requested, will be limited to fifteen (15) pages in length and will elaborate on the information contained in the original qu ad chart. The white paper will consist of the same cover sheet used with the quad chart with the identical offeror's project title and four sections: technical, management, schedule and cost. These sections will be elaborations on the information contained in the quad chart and may also address specific questions from the Government. Full Proposals - shall consist of three separate sections, Technical, Management, and Cost. All sections shall reference the BAA number and include the offeror's project titles. Titles given to the white papers/proposals should clearly indicate the technical area being proposed. Further details regarding the format requirements for full proposals will be forwarded with the formal invitation to submit a full proposal. It is anticipated that final award selections will be made no more than 90 days after submission of the final version of the proposal. The Government reserves the right to award contracts within two (2) years after the date of this BAA announcement. Evaluation of white papers, and full proposals will be conducted using the following selection criteria which are listed in descending order of importance: (1) overall scientific and technical merits; (2) understanding of explosive detection requirements and the technical/scientific innovation and risk to solve the requirement; (3) proposed cost and fees; (4) potential for transition to fleet/field capability; (5) the offeror's capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques or unique combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives; and (6) the qualifications, capabilities, and experience of the proposal principal investigator, team leader or key personnel who are critical in achieving the proposal objectives. White papers and/or full proposals will be due 30 days after formal request from the Government. It is anticipated that the Government will complete its evaluation of white papers within 45 days after receipt. The socio-economic merits of each proposal seeking a procureme nt contract will be evaluated in the context of the requirements described in this announcement. The evaluation process will consider the extent of commitment in providing meaningful subcontracting opportunities for small businesses, hub zone small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, woman-owned small business concerns, veteran-owned small businesses, historically black colleges and universities, and minority institutions. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this solicitation, 541710 (which corresponds with the standard industrial classification code of 8731), specifies a small business size standard of 500 employees or less. A small business subcontracting plan prepared in accordance with FAR 52.219-9 must accompany contract proposals (full proposals) that exceed $500,000 submitted by all but small businesses. Entities that must submit a small business subcontracting plan for contract proposals that exceed $500,000 include universitie s/colleges, nonprofits, and large businesses. Historically Black Colle ges and Universities (HBCU) and Minority Institutions (MI) are encouraged to submit proposals and/or join others in submitting proposals. However, no portion of this BAA will be set-aside for HBCU and MI participation due to the impracticality of reserving discrete or functionally separable areas of this technology for exclusive competition among these entities. OTHER BAA INFORMATION: This notice constitutes a BAA as contemplated by FAR 6.102(d)(2). Unless otherwise stated herein, no additional written information is available, nor will a formal RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement be issued. The Government reserves the right to select all, some, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. Awards to successful offerors may be made at any time during the two (2) years following the date of this published announcement based on funding availability and programmatic needs. The Government will not reimburse respondents for the cost of subm itting information in response to this announcement. SUBMISSION: Each submission (Quad Chart, White Paper, and Full Proposal) shall be transmitted electronically to Mr. Jim Knesel, code 052 at Please include the BAA number in the email subject line. Please address technical questions to: Ms. Denice Lee, code 5122 at (301) 744-5143 or email
- Record
- SN01191138-W 20061207/061205220931 (
- Source
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