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99 -- DoDIIS Infrastructure Development Integration

Notice Date
Notice Type
Sources Sought
541511 — Custom Computer Programming Services
Contracting Office
Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL - Rome Research Site, AFRL/Information Directorate 26 Electronic Parkway, Rome, NY, 13441-4514, UNITED STATES
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Contracting Office Address: Department of the Air Force, Air Force Material Command, AFRL - Rome Research Site, AFRL/Information Directorate, 26 Electronic Parkway, Rome, NY 13441-4514. Point of Contact: Janis Norelli, Small Business Specialist, Phone 315-330-3311, Fax 315-330-2784, e-mail Janis.Norelli@rl.af.mil. Capable sources are sought to focus on enabling the Air Force mission to maintain and improve DoD Intelligence capabilities. The objective of this effort is to conduct Joint Enterprise Department of Defense Intelligence Information Systems Infrastructure (JEDI) software development and Department of Defense Intelligence Information Systems (DODIIS) Trusted Workstation (DTW) development, integration, and system support for the Air Force Command and Control Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center (AFC2ISRC/A-26), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the DoDIIS community. The approach is to provide engineering and technical expertise to include requirements definition analysis, systems engineering, development, integration management, quality control, familiarization, integration/interoperability testing, security, and system operation and administration. In the course of performance, personnel will interface with agencies at various DODIIS and U.S. Intelligence Community sites worldwide through both visits and electronic means. In addition, one full-time on-site DTW engineer will be required at Rome Research Site, US CENTCOM, DIA, and US NORTHCOM. The contract will result in the delivery of several software releases (approximately one release every six months) to the JEDI/DTW user community, to include computer software, technical documentation, and the installation and maintenance of the current systems on a "as required" basis. An indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity cost-plus-fixed-fee (completion) type contract is contemplated with an ordering period of 60 months. The maximum contemplated ordering amount is anticipated to be approximately $49,900,000.00. A technical library relating to this Acquisition is prepared, and will be distributed via CD to offerors who have submitted the appropriate documentation. Prior to access being granted, respondents must submit a copy of an approved DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement (Mar 2005), (may be obtained at http://www.dlis.dla.mil/forms/forms.asp), along with a letter from the Data Custodian designated on that form, authorizing access by whomever will be reviewing the library. Any questions relating to the technical library should be communicated to Dr. Ryan Durante, 315-330-7657, or e-mail ryan.durante@rl.af.mil. Foreign participation is excluded at the prime contractor and the subcontractor level. Approximately 30 personnel with Top Secret SCI clearances will be required for performance at time of award. Responses to this sources sought are requested from small businesses and will be used for market research purposes and possible set-aside. Should the determination be made to select this as a small business set-aside, another notice will be posted reflecting such. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 541511 and the size standard for small business is $23.0M. Responses to this announcement should indicate whether they are a small business, 8(a) concern, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, historically black college or university (HBCU), or minority institution (MI) (as defined by the clause at DFARS 252.226-7000). As discussed at FAR 19.502-2(b)(1) and (2), in making small business set-asides, there must be a reasonable expectation that offers will be obtained from at least two responsible small business concerns and award will be made at fair market prices. Therefore, respondents should provide a statement of capabilities and information demonstrating management and technical experience on similar acquisitions and resources necessary to successfully compete for this award. This information will assist the Air Force in making a set-aside decision. Provide information on at least three (3) contracts for similar work within the past five (5) years. Include complete references, contract titles, dollar values, points of contact and telephone numbers. Respondents must demonstrate knowledge/expertise in the following three (3) areas: (1) DTW baseline integration and installation utilizing Operating Systems such as Solaris 10 with Trusted Extensions (Sparc and x86 based) and the ability to develop and implement a comprehensive training curriculum for these systems (2) JEDI baseline development for Solaris and Windows platforms, (3) Worldwide sustainment of fielded DTW and JEDI systems, trouble shooting, technical support, and training in locations including Southwest Asia. Additionally, all software releases will be required to rely upon commercial vendor-supplied software, where applicable, and should result in a hardened, secure system in accordance with all applicable and latest NSA, DISA, DIA, DCID 6/3 and JDCSISSS requirements, to include the implementation and integration of all service packs, patches, and hot-fixes available. In addition to the statement of capabilities, please provide answers to the following questions: (1) Does your company intend to submit a proposal in response to the upcoming solicitation as a prime contractor? (2) How many people does your company employ? (3) Will you need to hire additional personnel to perform this effort? (4) Is your company's cost accounting system approved by the DCAA or DCMC? If not, how would your company financially administer a cost-reimbursement type contract? (5) Are there any other factors concerning your company's ability to perform the upcoming effort that the Air Force should consider? (6) Is your company a foreign-owned/foreign-controlled firm and do you contemplated the use of foreign national employees on this effort? (7) Explain how your company will fill the TS SCI positions. (8) What is your company's Certified Contractor Access List (CCAL) number? All qualification packages must be addressed to the attention of Janis Norelli, Small Business Specialist, AFRL/IFB, at e-mail: janis.norelli@rl.af.mil, or the address referenced at the beginning of this notice, and must be received by 3:00 P.M., EST, on 09 January 2007. Responses must reference the solicitation number, and contain the respondent's Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code, email address, mailing address and FAX number. Large businesses are also encouraged to submit e-mails of intent to robert.stadelmaier@rl.af.mil should this effort not be selected as a small business set-aside. While the Small Business Specialist, Janis Norelli, is the focal point for receipt of the statements of capabilities, technical questions should be directed to the Laboratory Program Manager, Dr. Ryan Durante, 315-330-7657, or e-mail ryan.durante@rl.af.mil. Contractual questions should be directed to the Contract Specialist, Bob Stadelmaier, 315-330-1726, or e-mail robert.stadelmaier@rl.af.mil.
SN01199443-W 20061221/061220094924 (fbodaily.com)
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