R -- Technical Advisor for PMTCT
- Notice Date
- 2/8/2007
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- 923120
— Administration of Public Health Programs
- Contracting Office
- Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Procurement and Grants Office (Atlanta), 2920 Brandywine Road, Room 3000, Atlanta, GA, 30341-4146, UNITED STATES
- ZIP Code
- 00000
- Solicitation Number
- 2007-N-09219
- Response Due
- 2/23/2007
- Archive Date
- 3/10/2007
- Description
- Description The Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is seeking applications from qualified applicants for a Technical Advisor for PMTCT position located in Maputo, Mozambique. The resultant contract shall be a Personal Services Contract (PSC). See PL 109-149, Section 215(1), Reference 22U.S.C.2669(c). SOLICITATION NUMBER: 2007-N-09219 POSITION NUMBER: MZ-PSC-02 ISSUANCE DATE: February 8, 2007 CLOSING DATE/TIME: February 23, 2007 at 10:00AM Eastern Standard Time POSITION TITLE: Technical Advisor for PMTCT MARKET VALUE: $49,550 to $85,350-- Final compensation will be based on individual salary history, work experience, and educational background. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: One Base Year and Four Option Years PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Maputo, Mozambique SECURITY CLEARANCE: NACI AREA OF CONSIDERATION: United States Citizens and residents and third country nationals. Citizens and permanent residents of the host country are not eligible for this position. Duties and Responsibilities: The PMTCT Technical Advisor serves as a Medical Scientist, senior level Technical Advisor and Investigator for HIV/AIDS programs and Prevention-of-Mother-to-Child interventions supported by the USG in Mozambique. The incumbent defines goals, formulates plans, negotiates designs, organizes, implements, and coordinates PMTCT activities of various programs and studies. The PMTCT Technical Advisor provides guidance to and supervises, as appropriate, staff funded through cooperative agreements and other mechanisms to accomplish these functions. Must have a good working knowledge of the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS, including Mother-to-Child transmission, HIV/AIDS care and treatment in pregnant women and infants. Specifically, the PMTCT Technical Advisor provides technical assistance on PMTCT to the Ministry of Health (MOH) and PMTCT partners; and leads and coordinates all PMTCT work for CDC GAP Mozambique. Responsibilities are as follow: ? Support and capacity building for the MOH team overseeing, managing and implementing PMTCT activities, and working with partner agencies (including non USG funded agencies, e.g. UNICEF, MSF, MdM etc.) and groups. ? Technical assistance for USG PMTCT partners (currently 6 primary PMTCT partners receiving USG funding, incl. WHO, Columbia University, EGPAF, HAI, FHI, WV) and facilitating liaison between partners and with MOH PMTCT personnel. ? Technical assistance to ensure that PMTCT activities are based on the latest relevant science and that scientific knowledge is translated into programs guidelines and practices. Through provision of technical assistance to the MOH PMTCT program the PMTCT Technical Advisor will collaborate with MOH Program Directors and play a key role in nationwide PMTCT program design, implementation, expansion, monitoring and evaluation. In addition the PMTCT Technical Advisor will facilitate and provide technical guidance to various USG and non USG funded donor and NGO on PMTCT program issues. He/she will directly supervise all CDC funded PMTCT interventions and partners (including MOH, University, other government and non-government partners) as well as provide technical guidance to all USG supported PMTCT partners. NOTE: PSCs shall not supervise FTEs. A. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, STRATEGIC PLANNING AND GUIDANCE i. Provides technical assistance and guidance to MOH, USG and other national and international partners and collaborators on all aspects of PMTCT. ii. Provides strong support and advises MOH staff responsible for the oversight, management and implementation of MOH PMTCT activities; assists with development and implementation of a plan for capacity building and training of national PMTCT staff. iii. Provides technical assistance with the transition of PMTCT services towards increasing access to treatment for pregnant women, mothers, infants and families through involvement in the development of appropriate program guidelines and plans. This will include: a. TA for the establishment and transition to more complex prophylactic regimen (e.g. AZT + NVP) and ultimately multi-drug anti-retroviral therapy (ART). b. Identification of lost opportunities (e.g. for infants at immunization, for women at family planning services), development and piloting of strategies to improve identification and service provision to HIV+ mothers and infants. iv. Assists PMTCT team to identify specific TA needs, facilitates contact and solicits support from CDC Atlanta and other appropriate partners (e.g. UN agencies, other regional PMTCT programs) as needed. v. Assists the MOH PMTCT Program Coordinator and staff in producing quality operational, training, supervision plans and timelines. vi. Develops and conducts training programs for PMTCT trainers, graduate students, epidemiology/ clinical trainees and other senior PMTCT personnel from the local public health and university communities. Conducts training sessions for PMTCT program trainers at national and regional levels. vii. Assists the MOH and partners with the development, piloting and validation of supervision, monitoring and evaluation systems and tools - participates in the design and performance of formal PMTCT program evaluations (As an example, PEPFAR funding will support a first ever national PMTCT program evaluation in 2006.). viii. Represents CDC GAP Mozambique at technical, policy, and strategic meetings, including with other collaborators and donor agencies. ix. Supports development and implementation of a PMTCT operational research agenda. Leads CDC PMTCT research activities and collaborates with MOH and partners for joint research activities. Trains and supervises research personnel, allocates manpower and resources for implementation of research activities. B. COORDINATION AND PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT i. Participates in and provides technical assistance to the MOH PMTCT Program for the development of guidelines, operational procedures and manuals, educational materials, and teaching modules as required. ii. Compiles and assists with dissemination of international and regional best practices and recommends PMTCT program policies and recommendations for program implementation in Mozambique; advises MOH PMTCT team, USG and partners on new developments, and evidence-based practice. iii. Ensures that CDC GAP Mozambique supported activities conform to international and national guidelines and major CDC technical strategies concerning all aspects of PMTCT, including integration of PMTCT within existing Mother-and-Child Health (MCH) and Reproductive Health services; ensures integration of PMTCT services in maternity settings, and the promotion of a family-based approach to service provision. iv. Supports MOH and USG in efforts to enhance linkages and collaboration between PMTCT and other relevant technical areas, e.g. treatment (adult and pediatric), nutrition, laboratory, and family planning. v. Participates in ongoing efforts to develop and implement strategies for improved mother and infant follow-up. This will include: a. Support to MOH and partners for establishment, piloting and potential expansion of ?point of care? testing in collaboration with the laboratory sector (e.g. blood draw and interpretation of CD4 count results at ANC, syphilis rapid testing). b. Collaborates with the laboratory and pediatric treatment sectors to develop and expand capacity for infant diagnosis (i.e. laboratory and site capacity for PCR/DBS). c. Technical assistance for re-vitalization of child-at-risk consultations for improved infant and child follow-up. vi. Assists MOH, partners and CDC staff with organization and performance of events and advocacy for improved and expanded PMTCT services. vii. Assists the MOH PMTCT personnel and partners in liaison and collaboration with personnel from the pharmaceutical department and where appropriate from donation programs to design and implement a supply system that will ensure timely and adequate supply of drugs and supplies required for adequate provision of PMTCT services. viii. Provides technical inputs to MOH Counseling and Testing (CT) and laboratory teams for the set up and maintenance of quality control program for HIV testing within settings where PMTCT services are provided and pregnant women, mothers and their infants and partners are tested for HIV. ix. Assists MOH and partners to further explore and evaluate opportunities for community-based support for PMTCT, (e.g., involvement of Traditional Birth Attendants, People Living with HIV/AIDS, mother support groups.) x. Participates in the development and promotion of strategies that enhance the provision of CT services to couples and families. xi. Supports the MOH and partners in the implementation of the existing National PMTCT communication strategy; provides advice for the design and development of quality PMTCT IEC materials and the performance of National PMTCT campaigns. xii. Participates in MOH inter-departmental and NAC multi-sectoral efforts for PMTCT service promotion and coordination. xiii. Regularly reviews scientific and medical literature concerning HIV/AIDS and PMTCT, including prevention and treatment for infants. xiv. Liaises closely with GAP, CDC Atlanta, for implementation and evaluation of PMTCT activities. xv. Liaises closely with other CDC Mozambique supported activities to provide analyses and reports as required. C. OTHER DUTIES AS ASSIGNED i. Independently summarizes, and writes up findings of research and other PMTCT program findings to be used for reports, proposals, publications and presentations at national and international meetings relevant to PEPFAR and CDC programs. ii. Takes the lead on other tasks related to the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of CDC Mozambique activities in support of PMTCT interventions in Mozambique as directed by the CDC/GAP Mozambique Director and the Senior Prevention Coordinator. Minimum Qualifications: 1. Knowledge of US government public health programs and strategies. 2. Knowledge of PEPFAR Initiative, broad strategic directions and guidelines applicable for PEPFAR funded countries and programs. 3. Detailed knowledge of the Mozambique public health and medical systems. 4. Broad perspective and through knowledge of the principles and practices of epidemiologic, biomedical, or related scientific research, including facility with research design concepts and basic statistical methods and procedures. 5. Basic familiarity with clinical or epidemiologic aspects of HIV/AIDS. 6. Masters in Public Health Desired Qualifications: 1. At least 8 years of medical and public health experience in developing countries, with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, maternal and child health or reproductive health. 2. At least 3 years of clinical work experience with HIV/AIDS Patients. 3. At least 5 years of experience working with developing country field activities, program managers and policy makers at the highest levels. 4. Experience working with MOH, donors, and international agencies. 5. Work experience in the area of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique. 6. Eperience in the design, planning, implementation, monitoring/evaluation of public health programs required. 7. Fluent (level IV) in English and fluent (Level III+) in Portuguese. Must be able to read and write complex technical scientific matter in both languages. 8. M.D. or Ph.D. degree in a medical or biological science. Benefits/Allowances: Overseas allowances and differentials similar to those available to U.S. Government employees assigned abroad may be payable under this PSC, subject to eligibility. Actual benefits may vary from one candidate to the next and/or from one country of assignment to the next. A summary of the overseas allowances and differentials available to U.S. Government employees assigned abroad may be found at the following Internet URL: Specific benefit, allowance, and differential information will be provided in the "Offer of PSC Employment" letter sent to the successful applicant. Additionally, country specific information useful for U.S. Government employees assigned abroad may be obtained from Department of State Post Reports available at the following Internet URL: and Travel Warnings concerning certain countries, in many of which CDC conducts its international program activities, may be obtained at the following Internet URL: Federal Taxes: Personal Service Contractors who are either United States citizens or Permanent Resident Aliens (i.e., ?green card? holders) of the United States are not exempt from payment of Federal Income and, in some cases State, income taxes on salaries earned abroad while working for the U.S. Government. How to Apply: A complete application shall consist of a completed Optional Form 612 (Optional Application for Federal Employment) or resume or curriculum vitae that provides the same information required in a OF 612, as well as references, current (or highest recent) salary documentation, and Benefit Eligibility Form. Optional Form 612, Optional Application for Federal Employment: The Optional Form (OF) 612, Optional Application for Federal Employment, can be located at: References: Each applicant shall submit three Professional references other than family members. Two references shall be from a current and previous supervisor. The following information is required: Name, Address, telephone Number, Title, and Email Address. Current (or Highest Recent) Salary Documentation: Each applicant shall submit supporting documentation that reflects their current or highest recent salary. Examples of such supporting documentation are the most recent earning statement, an official letter from current employer signed by the applicant?s current supervisor or Human Resources Representative, or the applicant?s most recent U.S. Federal tax return. Each applicant shall also include a letter indicating the minimum salary in U.S. dollars the applicant would accept for the position. Benefit Eligibility Form: Each applicant shall submit the attached Benefit Eligibility Form with the application. Submission of Application: A complete application package (OF 612 or equivalent, references, salary documentation, and Benefits Eligibility Form) must be received at the following location no later than the closing date and time identified above: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Procurement and Grants Office Mailstop K75, Branch 7 Attn: John Ebanks, Contract Specialist Solicitation 2006-N-08416 2920 Brandywine Road Atlanta, GA 30341-5539 Complete application packages may be emailed to the attention of John Ebanks at Facsimile copies will not be accepted. Applications received after the closing date and time will not be accepted. Refer to Federal Acquisition Regulation 15.208 regarding submission of late proposals: ( All applications must be legible and submitted in the English language. The solicitation number identified above must be included on all documents submitted with the application package, as well as any other correspondence regarding this solicitation. Selection Factors: The applicant that represents the best value to the Government will be considered for award of this Personal Service Contract (PSC). To determine best value, the following factors will be considered: 1. The extent an applicant meets the minimum and desired qualifications based on information obtained through the application package and interviews. Note that interviews may or may not be conducted; therefore, the application package should clearly identify how well the applicant meets the minimum and desired qualifications of this position. Interviews, if conducted, may be either in-person or via telephone. 2. Information collected from reference checks. References will only be verified for those applicants determined to have a reasonable chance of being selected for award. 3. Results of a cost assessment. The cost assessment will determine the total cost (salary plus benefits and allowances) of the applicant for the complete term of the contract (base period plus any option years). Basis for Award In determining best value, paramount consideration shall be given to technical merit (applicant qualifications and reference checks) rather than to cost. In cases where applicants are determined to be essentially equal, then cost may become the determining factor. Attachment A REQUIREMENT PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR DOCUMENTATION: A. City and State (or Country, if not in U.S.), of Current Residence B. If Already Present in Country of Service, Reason for Current Presence There. N/A/ or reason for current presence in country, e.g., brought there by previous employer [provide name of employer, your status and job title, and whether housing and repatriation was included in employment package]; dependent of someone brought there by employer [provide name of employer and whether housing and repatriation is included in employment package], etc. C. Attach Copy of Front Page of Most Recent Passport, Showing Citizenship, Name, and Date and Place of Birth. See attached. D. Family Members Accompanying You to Location of Contract Performance: Spouse: Children Under Age 18 at Time of Arrival ? How Many?: Please list name and date of birth of each E. Annual Education Travel for Children Up to Age 23 at Time of Your Arrival at Location of Contract Performance Who Are Attending a Recognized Post-Secondary Educational Institution on a Full-Time Basis Children Before 23rd Birthday at Time of Arrival Attending a Recognized Post-Secondary Educational Institution on a Full-Time Basis ? How Many?: Please list name and date of birth and city and state (or country, if not in U.S.) of location of educational institution for each:
- Place of Performance
- Address: Maputo
- Record
- SN01228381-W 20070210/070208220436 (
- Source
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