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541310 — Architectural Services
Contracting Office
US Army Engineer District, Seattle, ATTN: CENWS-CT, PO Box 3755, Seattle, WA 98124-3755
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Statement of Work The Cost Analysis Study for Building 10 At Parris Island MCRD Rev. 9-21-2006 I. Background: Building 10 is a 28,384 square foot, two-story structure, rectangular in plan, with a one-story square addition at the front side, built on a brick foundation. The exterior walls are constructed of brick laid in an English bond. The pitched gable roof ov er the main rectangle is covered with composition shingles. There are six large round vents at the ridge of the roof. The roof over the single story addition is flat. A corbelled brick band runs up the outer edges of the gable, and bands the building at the cornice level, continuing across the gable. Centered within each of the gables is a circle window that has been bricked in, but still retains the brick voussoirs and limestone keystones. Down both sides of the building are recessed panels defined by corbelled brick, creating the appearance of brick pilasters between sets of windows. Fenestration is symmetrical. The primary entrance, located at the north end of the building, is composed of two single glass doors with metal frames and single lite tra nsoms, set under an aluminum overhang suspended from the face of the building by steel cables. On either side of the building are loading docks covered with corrugated metal shed roofs. Secondary entrances include overhead garage doors on the loading doc ks, and a single doors made of either wood or steel. The windows on the first floor have all been bricked over and some have small vents inserted in them, but the ghosts of the original round top windows remain. The second story windows have been replace d with round top double hung windows of the same shape and size as the originals, but with dark brown metal frames. The gutters and downspouts appear to be of cast iron. II. History And Significance: Building 10 was constructed in 1897 and presently serves as an administration building for disbursing. It was one of the first permanent structures constructed at Parris Island, which was originally established as the United States Naval Station, Port Roy al, South Carolina. The site of the Naval Station at Parris Island was chosen because of its sheltered location and deep water access. Congress made an initial appropriation for the construction of permanent structures in late 1882 and additional appropri ations were made during the 1880s and 1890s. This building is located in the Depot's Historic District, which includes some of the oldest buildings at Parris Island. The district centers around the dry dock and buildings constructed during the initial est ablishment of the naval station through World War I. Building 10 is a contributing element of the Depot's Historic District. The building has national significance because it and the other naval station buildings were the first modern, military, industrial structures in South Carolina and among the first in the United States. It is also significant to national, state and local history due to it association with Congressman Robert Smalls, the Beaufort born slave who served with the Union military and after the war became the area's US Congressman and helped e stablish the naval station on Parris Island. The building is also associated with important Marine Corps leaders such as A. A. Vandegrift, J. C. Smith, A. A. Cunningham and R. S. Geiger who attended officer candidates school in the building. This buildin g is significant in that it retains integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and feeling; and for its association with events that have made significant contributions to the broad patterns of our history (the early-development of the Marine Corps at Parris Island). III Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to examine the costs demolition vs two rehabilitation treatments with an emphasis on preservation and sustainability. This study will compare the costs of maintaining several different treatment action, including for comparative and analytical of rehabilitation, leasing and new construction. The report will acknowledge that decisions to replaces, demolish, or maintain building 10 within the context of present and future needs at Parris Island MCRD. IV Scope of the Study: A. Basic Study Task 1 and 2. Task 1. - Drawings and Documents Review and Feasibility Analysis: The Consultant shall review existing documents, including available as-built drawings, prior field investigation reports and studies, and other pertinent data provided in analyzing the feasibility of renovating the buildings for office space and meeting cu rrent seismic codes and the DOD Minimum Antiterrorism (ATFP) Standards for Buildings. The purpose of the task is to review the past studies and evaluate date, assumptions, techniques and cost estimates. Note: MCRD Parris Island has previously had two different A-E firms perform a analysis for the potential rehabilitation and renovation of building 10 from a warehouse and administration space to administrative space. The previous studies were not based o n the same assumptions and do not include all encompassing cost estimates. Task 2. - Field Inspection. The Consultant shall conduct field investigations to verify data on as-built drawings and to determine/verify existing information and conditions using the background data in Task 1. The Consultant will inspection the exterior and interior of the structur e to determine its physical condition, remaining historic fabric, and past alterations or repairs that have damaged historical or functional integrity. The exterior inspection should include roofs and related appurtenances, chimneys, gutters and downspout s, exterior walls, windows and doors, architectural trim, hardware, and related site and landscape features that directly affect the structure. The interior inspection should include the structural system, floors, fireplaces, mantles and hearths, architec tural woodwork, and trim. The Consultant will contact the Museum Curator, Mr. Stephen R. Wise, Ph.D, Phone: (843) 228-3765; E-mail: stephen.Wise@usmc.mil., Ten (10) days prior to any site visit so that all arrangement can be made. Task -3 Comparison of Treatment Alternatives Actions For Building 10 The Contractor shall develop a list of recommended treatment alternatives' actions that will assist managers and maintenance supervisors in the decision making process concerning the operation and maintenance of building 10. The recommendation treatment s hall address materials, maintenance, management procedures that improve the understanding of sustainable solutions of historic preservation. A. Do Nothing Treatment Under the treatment building 10 would remain without any changes to function or fabric. Building 10 would remain essentially empty with perhaps a minimal occupation of a few areas. Building 10 would remain functioning as the office space on the first floor and storage space on the upper floors. Continuing maintenance would be required and wo uld necessarily need to increase as the deterioration which the both buildings are is now experiencing worsens. The materials and systems (mechanical and electrical) of both buildings, which are currently in need of extensive repair, would continue to d eteriorate leading eventually to some failure compromising life safety. B. Demolition Action This action would involve the complete removal of the building leaving the site bare with some site restoration. There is asbestos in the building which would require proper removal and disposal as well as other hazardous materials. The demolition of the foundations and reconfiguring of the underground mechanical systems would involve excavation that might confront issues of contaminated soils. The Section 106 processes (including full consultation with the South Carolina State Historic Preservation Offi ce (SCSHPO) and other interested parties) under this treatment would be requirement and time consuming than other options, requiring mitigation in the form of complete documentation before demolition could occur. Building 10 was constructed over a coal yard and storage shed s o probability of contaminates would be high. C. Mothballing Treatment This treatment would encapsulate the buildings, leaving them it unoccupied and in stasis pending future rehabilitation or other treatment. The work involved would be the sealing of the exterior envelope to eliminate weather intrusion. This would mean rep airing the roofs to prevent leaks, covering the windows and doors, and installation of a climate control system that would regulate the interior temperature and humidity to prevent deterioration. Periodic inspections and regular maintenance would be requi red also. There would be Section 106 processes (including full consultation with the SCSHPO and other interested parties) required for this treatment. D. Partial Rehabilitation Treatment This treatment involves partial rehabilitation of the first floor of the structures including demolition of interiors walls, seismic upgrade, repair of deteriorated exteriors, and installation of completely new interior systems. The treatment should not exceed 50% of the replacement cost of the building therefore rehabilitation would not be concerned a major investment per ATFP standards. A new scope of work would be prepared to meet the requirements for all building codes, life-safety and hurricane stan dards. Section 106 processes would be necessary for this treatment. E. Complete Rehabilitation Treatment This treatment involves complete (both floors) rehabilitation of the structures including demolition of interiors walls, seismic upgrade, repair of deteriorated exteriors, and installation of completely new interior systems. A new scope of work would be p repared to meet the requirements for all building codes, life-safety code, hurricane and ATFP standards. Section 106 processes (including full consultation with the SCSHPO and other interested parties) would be necessary for this treatment. F. New Construction This action would construct a primary administration facility approximatively 28,384 square foot. The buildings will be a two-story rectangular structure in plan, constructed of load-bearing masonry and steel structural elements. The facility will include sustainable design features to the greatest extent possible, including the use of a low slope roof system and natural lighting. Supporting facility should include utilities; electric service; security and street lighting; fire protection and alarm system s; paving, sidewalks, curbs and gutters; storm and sanitary sewers; information systems; and site improvements. Anti-terrorism/force protection (AT/FP) measures will include building setback distances, landscaping, and security lighting. V. Comparison of Cost vs Alternatives Actions For Building 10 a) The Cost of Rehabilitation vs The Cost of New Construction plus demolition. The Contractor shall prepare a brief comparison between the cost Rehabilitation of Building 10 vs New Construction. The comparison can be summarized for this requirement. The analysis should concern the cost of demolition and removing a contaminate mater ials beyond the five foot line. This analysis should provide some detail example showing partial rehabilitation treatments and a complete rehabilitation treatments report. b) The Cost of Rehabilitation vs The Cost of Leasing a Rehabilitation Building. The Contractor shall prepare a brief comparison between the cost Rehabilitation of Building 10 vs Leasing part or all of the rehabilitated building for administration space or for other future space requirements. The leasing concept would provide administ ration space for uses such as space for a privatization center. Privatization Contractors would locate there day to day operations offic es in the center. The funds returned for from the lease could go to support other programs on the installation. VI. General Requirements. a. General. The Contractor shall develop a study to meet the requirements identified in the SOW and study outline. Contractor shall provide the professional quality service, technical accuracy, and the coordination of all phases of the study. b. File Search and Research Design (1) File Search: Prior to the beginning of the fieldwork the contractor shall conduct an in depth file and records search on available data on the project area. The results of the archival and literature search will be presented to the base in the form of a letter report. (2) The overview in the letter report will explicitly review available data on the history and architecture of historic resources. This overview will be the basis for the historic contexts to be presented in the final report. (3) Research Design: The letter report shall contain a formal research design which describes the objectives of the identification activities, the methods to be used to obtain the information and the expected results and the reasons for these results. Al l aspects of the project shall be integrated and justified in the research design. Research design for the survey must meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. The research design should define the objectiv es of the proposed work, provide a brief description of the methods used to obtain the information needed to attain the objectives, and a short description of expected results. (4) Recommended Treatment Action: The Consultant shall prepare recommended treatment action for the facility based on standards and criteria. Also provide schematic design and layout of any added information such as lateral force resisting, histori c elements that should be retained or any other items that may be required in order to reduce potential loss of life and property. The Consultant will provide a cost estimate for each treatment action and a more detail cost estimate for the recommended tr eatment. (To include labor and materials required to accomplish treatment action.) (5) Final Report: The Contractor shall participate in a one (1) day 90% final review conference at Parris Island, SC. Contractor personnel shall include the project manager and any other appropriate study representatives. The final report that cont ains the following information: Executive Summary. Detailed Methodology. Analysis of the Treatment Action Summary and Evaluation of Findings Final Treatment Recommendation Engineering Calculations (To support concept Treatment) Floor plan drawing showing the location of new shear walls and/or other elements. Cost Estimate to support the finding. (Estimate should be prepared on labor and building systems i.e. shear walls, walls, etc.) d. Corrected 100% Design Submittal/s. (1) Respond to and incorporate Government review comments into the final design documents and resubmit per below Submittal Schedule. (2) At Government direction, upon approval of all corrections, submit all originals. VII. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: a. Responsibilities. The Seattle District will be the contracting authority, with administrative and technical responsibilities. All contractual matters are the responsibility of the Contracting Officer (CO). If any guidance or review comment requirem ent is considered to be beyond the scope of the contract, the Contractor must not proceed with the item in question until authorized, in writing to do so, by the Contracting Officer. (1) The government will designate a Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) for this project design, which wil l oversee all contact liaison, supply Government Furnished Materials (GFM), provide the Contractor with documents, coordinate inquiries to insure resolution, and assure the complete, professional, timely, within budget performance by the Contractor per the contract requirements. (2) The Contractor shall provide a record of all conferences, meetings, discussions, verbal directions, telephone conversations, etc., in which the Contractor or his representative(s) has participated on matters relative to this study. These records, e ntitled Confirmation Notices (CN's), are to be numbered sequentially and will fully identify participating personnel, subject discussed, and any guidance given and/or conclusions reached. VIII. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS Prior to any field investigation the CX will notify the point-of-contact provided by the Government to assure access is arranged to the military installation and to the specific project areas. IX. DELIVERABLES Deliverables required under the terms of this Scope of Work include: Letter report on file searches, an executive summary with outline, draft final report, and a final report. Ten copies of the final reports shall send to the Seattle District CX. An Ele ctronic version (Microsoft Word) of the draft and final reports shall be provided, with nine bound copies and one unbound copy of the final report should be provided for Parris Island MCRB. Seattle District CX Parris Island MCRB Letter Report 1 Copies 4 Copies Draft final Report 1 Copies 4 Copies Final Report 1 Copies 10 Copies Electronic Version (Draft) 1 Copy (Final) 1 Copy 2 Copies X. PROGRESS SCHEDULE 1. The CX will furnish sufficient technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel to insure execution of the work in accordance with the progress schedule. 2. Contractor shall keep the COR fully advised at times concerning delays or difficulties that may prohibit completion of any part or whole of the work by these established dates. The Contracting officer may adjust the following work schedule in writing for material delays on the part of the Government and for conditions beyond the control of the parties hereto. Task Calendar Days " Kick off Meeting 15 " Letter Report 35 " Draft Final Reports 120 " Final Report 135 3. Work is scheduled for completion no later than Oct. 14, 2006. All funds will be obligated or returned to customer by that date. (Date correct?) IX. STANDARDS All reports must be typed, single-space or space and a half on standard 8 1/2 x 11 inch white paper with 1 1/2 inch left margins. The reports shall be fully edited and all pages must be numbers. Text, photos, tables, plan, maps, and drawings suitable for publication. X. POINTS OF CONTACT U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Horace H. Foxall, Jr. Seattle District, CENWS-PM-MB(CX) P.O. Box 3755 Seattle, WA 98124-2255 Phone (206) 764-4482 Fax: (206) 764-6518: E-mail: Horace.H.Foxall.Jr@ usarc.army.mil Parris Island MCRD Stephen R. Wise, Ph.D. Museum Curator Parris Island Museum Attn: MCRD ERR Box 19320 Parris Island SC 29905-9320 843-228-3765 (Tel) 843-228-3065 (Fax) E-mail: stephen.Wise@usmc.mil Timothy J. Harrington Environmental Scientist NREAO P.O. BOX 5028 Parris Island, SC 29905-0028 Phone: (843) 228-3423 Fax: (843) 228-3566 E-mail: timothy.j.harrington@usmc.mil David E. Woodward, AIA Architect Public Work Engineering P.O. BOX 5028 Parris Island SC 29905-9320 843-228-2784 (Tel) 843-228- (Fax)
Place of Performance
Address: US Army Engineer District, Seattle ATTN: CENWS-CT, PO Box 3755 Seattle WA
Zip Code: 98124-3755
Country: US
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