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D -- Knowledge Management System Project Plan

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
511210 — Software Publishers
Contracting Office
Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB, 10401 Fernwood Drive, Suite 2NE70, MSC 4811, Bethesda, MD, 20817, UNITED STATES
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Point of Contact
Jemal Williams, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6624, Fax 301-480-3695, - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695,
E-Mail Address
jw594n@nih.gov, williamsl@niaid.nih.gov
The combined synopsis/solicitation contract will include all applicable provisions and clauses in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2001-27. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested & a written solicitation will not be issued. Submit offers RFQ-7038. This acquisition is being conducted using Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) and is not a Small Business Set-Aside. NIAID supports its intramural and extramural research programs by facilitating collaborations between NIAID researchers and external research and development organizations. NIAID utilizes scientific, legal and business expertise to negotiate agreements with academic and nonprofit institutions, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies and other government agencies. NIAID is the Institute’s official repository for these agreements and is responsible for the management of NIAID's patent portfolio and expenses and serves as the resource for all issues concerning intellectual property. In addition, NIAID also manages receipt of CRADA funds, supports NIH's licensing program, and tracks license royalty receipts and provides investigators with training on NIH technology transfer policies and regulations and with other Institutes of the NIH on technology transfer matters. In order to better manage these activities and comply with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, NIAID is seeking a single Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) system capable of meeting NIAID’s combined requirements for managing its technology transfer data and documents. This Technology Transfer Database TTD will also access information at other databases such as those managed by OTT (NIH’s central technology transfer office), the USPTO, EPO, and others to input data and cross check the accuracy of its information. NIAID will provide a managed hosting environment for the database system as well as software integration services with other relevant NIAID and NIH systems to the extent required by this project. The purpose of this project is to procure and implement a single Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) system capable of meeting NIAID’s combined requirements for managing its technology transfer data and documents. The scope of the intended system is to meet the data management for all NIAID technology transfer activities in a single system. The records and documents handled include, transactional agreements, patent correspondence, license and royalty monitoring and special consulting projects. The TTD system must take in data from NIH’s centralized Office of Technology Transfer on a daily or weekly basis and compare that with the information with that in NIAID’s database. The system must also be able to check with the USPTO and EPO websites to obtain information from those databases on patents maintained for NIAID. The system must allow users across NIAID to use a web based portal for accessing standard forms (e.g. material transfer and invention reporting forms) to track tasks, information and agreements. The TTD system must be able to generate standard correspondence and forms using data from the database. The Offeror must have specific successful experience in developing, implementing and supporting technology transfer data management systems for academic or government offices as evidenced by documented instances of prior performance. Specifically, the system shall provide the following requirements: Tracking and organization of invention disclosures, licenses, patents during and after prosecution, funded transactional agreements like CRADAs, MTAs, CDAs and also non-funded transactional agreements. The system must also be capable of inventor uploading of invention disclosures, investigator uploading of MTA information, tracking important dates across the database, email reminders and alarms to inform individual NIAID staff of important events. Further the system must be capable of tracking Special Projects Extramural, consulting, and marketing) as well as funding associated with agreements, licenses and patent costs. The system must also be capable of using Adobe PDF forms for inputting data and other NIAID/NIH compatible programs. Further the system must be able to import files (PDF, Word or other formats), link documents to records, document preparation using form letters and database fields, printing of Adobe PDF or MS word forms and document version control management, manage workflow by projects, and individual staff, tracking of daily actions and the ability to send e-mail notifications of critical dates to staff. The system must be capable of performing retrievals or searches using Fuzzy Logic, Stemming, Wildcards, Boolean Operators, and Proximity Searches. The TTD should be able to generate a variety of reports based on the following: Invention – actions and status; Agreement – actions and status; Special Projects – actions and status; Activities over a given time period; with a given company or institution; by a given user; by a group of users; and be able to export the reports to NIAID compatible spreadsheets or applications. In addition, the system must allow customizable permissions such as administrator functions and rights; system management requirements; making global changes; remote access; and customizable levels of security so that different groups can be given access to subsets of data. The system must be compatible across both the MAC and PC platforms. Additional baselines requirements for the system shall support access to database through a Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X-based operating system and shall support up to 50 concurrent users; a web interface for remote access to data; and appropriate documentation as required by NIAID. The following tasks shall be performed independent of Government supervision, direction, or control: Task 1 – Technology Transfer and Patent Database System – The contractor shall provide an initial configured and operational system within six weeks following award and shall deliver and configure necessary COTS software as well as source code within this period. Task 2 – Legacy Data - The contractor shall be responsible for importing existing OTD technology transfer and patent data into the new TTD system within the six week period specified in Task 1 above. Task 3 -Project Planning and Coordination - A single point of contact Project Manager (PM) for SOW technical and procedural matters shall be identified. The PM shall ensure that all tasks are performed according to SOW requirements and ensure that all required documents and deliverables are properly prepared and delivered. Task 4 –Software Updates – The contractor shall describe its system of software updates and any costs associated with obtaining these. The deliverables for this requirement are: (1) TTD Base Software and Additional Required Code to include base TTD software and any additional code required to successfully meet requirements established in this SOW. (2) Project Plan a written Project Plan that includes a work breakdown structure; estimate of task duration, non-financial resources, costs; and a communication plan. Additionally, the Offeror shall provide weekly technical and progress reports that establish event status and that demonstrate the progress to-date against the Project Plan. The Project Plan will also outline and identify any necessary customizations to the Offeror’s base TTD product. The Project Plan will be reviewed and approved by NIAID personnel before implementation. User manuals. The vendor will provide user manuals for the product. Reporting Requirements: The vendor shall inform the Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) in writing of the actual task starting date on or before the starting date. The vendor shall bring problems or potential problems affecting performance to the attention of the COTR as soon as possible by e-mail or telephonically. Verbal reports will be followed up with written reports when directed by the COTR. The vendor shall notify the COTR when the installation has been completed. Additional written reports may be required as mutually determined by the Government CO and COTR and vendor. PERFORMANCE: Will be at both NIAID facilities as well as the vendor’s own facilities as best supports the effort and is mutually agreeable between the Government and the vendor. Vendor personnel are required to submit a Standard Form (SF) 85P Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions prior to gaining un-supervised access to government facilities and/or information systems and networks. BASIS FOR AWARD: The evaluation will be based on best value principles. Selection of a vendor for contract award will be based on evaluation of proposal against four factors. The factors in order of importance are: system capability and experience, past performance and personnel, Software Architecture, and Price and Other Business Factors. Although technical factors are of paramount consider in the award of the contract, cost/price is also important to the overall contract award decision. All evaluation factors other than cost or price, when combined are significantly more important that cost or price. In any case, the Government reserves the right to make an award to that Offeror whose proposal provides the best overall value to the Government. Interested vendors capable of furnishing the government with the item specified in this synopsis should submit their quotation to the below address. Quotations for RFQ70038 will be due Thirty (15) calendar days from the publication date of this synopsis or April 9th, 2007. All responsible businesses may submit a quotation, which if timely received, shall be considered by the agency. Quotations must be submitted in writing to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 10401 Fernwood Rd, Suite 2NE70 Bethesda, Maryland 20817, Attention: Jemal Williams. Faxed copies will be accepted NOTE: THIS NOTICE MAY HAVE POSTED ON FEDBIZOPPS ON THE DATE INDICATED IN THE NOTICE ITSELF (21-MAR-2007). IT ACTUALLY APPEARED OR REAPPEARED ON THE FEDBIZOPPS SYSTEM ON 01-MAY-2007, BUT REAPPEARED IN THE FTP FEED FOR THIS POSTING DATE. PLEASE CONTACT fbo.support@gsa.gov REGARDING THIS ISSUE.
Web Link
Link to FedBizOpps document.
Place of Performance
Address: bethesda, md
Zip Code: 20892
SN01285419-F 20070503/070501235417 (fbodaily.com)
FedBizOpps Link to This Notice
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