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R -- Senior Laboratory Services Coordinator

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
923120 — Administration of Public Health Programs
Contracting Office
Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Procurement and Grants Office (Atlanta), 2920 Brandywine Road, Room 3000, Atlanta, GA, 30341-4146, UNITED STATES
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Description The Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is seeking applications from qualified applicants for a Senior Laboratory Services Coordinator position located in Mutengene, Cameroon. The resultant contract shall be a Personal Services Contract (PSC). See PL 109-149, Section 215(1), Reference 22U.S.C.2669(c). SOLICITATION NUMBER: 2007-N-09647 POSITION NUMBER: CM-PSC-01 ISSUANCE DATE: July 2, 2007 CLOSING DATE/TIME: July 17, 2007 at 4:00PM Eastern Standard Time POSITION TITLE: Senior Laboratory Services Coordinator MARKET VALUE: $65,225 to $105,935 per year-- Final compensation will be based on individual salary history, work experience, and educational background. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: One Base Year and Three Option Years PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Mutengene, Cameroon (A relocation to Douala is anticipated) SECURITY CLEARANCE: NACI AREA OF CONSIDERATION: United States Citizens and residents and third country nationals. Citizens and permanent residents of the host country are not eligible for this position. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. This position serves as the Laboratory Director for the CDC-Cameroon HIV prevention research program with headquarters currently located in Mutengene, Southwest Province, Cameroon. This position will be based in Douala, and is responsible for establishing and overseeing two laboratories that will support HIV prevention clinical trial activities in Douala and Yaounde. The Laboratory Director is responsible for conceiving and conducting independent research in diagnostic immunology and molecular virology within the framework of ongoing HIV prevention clinical trials and epidemiologic studies. This position will hire, train, and supervise laboratory personnel at the two laboratory sites. Establishes and oversees functional HIV clinical research laboratories in two new clinical trial sites. Certifies accuracy, validity and timeliness of all laboratory results for HIV prevention clinical trials. Responsible for the long-term planning of laboratory section activities, including defining goals, objectives, and priorities, and budgets. Works in consultation with architects, engineers, and administrative personnel to plan, design, and equip two new laboratory facilities. Oversees procurement and maintenance of laboratory equipment and supplies needed to conduct HIV prevention clinical trials. Develops standardized laboratory operating procedures for the conduct of clinical trials, following Good Laboratory Practices. Ensures laboratory meets external monitoring standards for clinical trials. Implements external quality assurance, internal quality control, and laboratory safety programs. Directs implementation of record-keeping systems defining minimal standards needed to assure the accuracy and validity of test results. Oversees preparation of clinical laboratory reports that meet professional standards and program requirements. 2. Conceives and conducts independent research in diagnostic immunology and molecular virology within the framework of ongoing HIV prevention clinical trials and epidemiologic studies. Develops and/or collaborates in the development of laboratory and clinical research protocols for submission to ethical review boards. Implements research protocols according to accepted ethical and technical standards. Prepares and/or collaborates in the preparation of technical reports and manuscripts on the results of investigations and studies. Submits abstracts and presents papers on current findings at scientific meetings and conferences. Submits manuscripts for publication. Reviews reports or manuscripts of peers. 3. Hires, trains, and supervises personnel at two laboratory sites. Determines staffing needs for HIV prevention clinical trials. Hires additional personnel, and trains and supervises all laboratory personnel. Assigns tasks and monitors progress of laboratory staff at two sites. Provides supervision and mentorship to senior and junior laboratory staff on research techniques, protocols, and the scientific approach. Evaluates the performance of junior staff on a regular basis, giving appropriate and meaningful recognition for work effectively carried out. 4. Problem solving. Recognizes and defines organizational and technical problems and identifies solutions. Evaluates, guides, or implements possible alternative approaches to standard methods, and reallocates resource in response to changing needs. As a laboratory procedures expert, provides professional input into planning and programming exercises. As a senior manager, recommends improvements in laboratory team structure, technical operations, service provision, location of services, etc. needed for efficient implementation of HIV prevention clinical trials. Develops professional positions on laboratory practices and procedures, and appropriate testing for studies and programs. Provides consultation to Director and other team members for issues involving technical laboratory practices and procedures. 5. Provision of training: Trains CDC staff in new laboratory techniques. Organizes laboratory training sessions for other partners (Ministry of Public Health, nongovernmental organizations, academic trainees). Organizes internal and external forums for scientific exchange. 6. Provides technical assistance to the Ministry of Public Health in support of antiretroviral treatment programs and routine HIV surveillance. Develops and implements protocols for laboratory testing, quality assurance, and quality control for HIV program support. Minimum Qualifications: 1. Ability to lead, manage, and obtain results from an HIV laboratory research team. 2. Ability to interact with doctoral-level peers at an international scientific research organization. 3. Ability to conceive and conduct applied HIV laboratory research as an independent investigator. 4. Ability to stay abreast of current HIV research literature. 5. Ability to provide consultation and quality assurance to HIV research laboratories within Cameroon and across Africa. 6. Ability to communicate effectively in English and French in scientific settings. 7. Working in consultation with architects and engineers, incumbent must possess ability to plan, design, and equip new laboratory facilities. 8. Ability to plan and allocate human and material resources for laboratory activities in a developing country setting. 9. Ability to foster a stimulating scientific working environment in a developing country setting. Ability to train and mentor junior scientists. 10. Demonstrated persistence, flexibility and professionalism in the face of unexpected challenges. 11. Experience managing and supervising laboratory staff in the execution of HIV clinical research studies preferred. 12. Fluency in English (level 4) and French (level 3) 13. Desired Qualifications: 1. MD or PhD in biochemistry, molecular biology, virology, immunology, or other biological sciences 2. Training in all techniques necessary to run a clinical diagnostic laboratory and provide research support in HIV molecular biology, virology, and immunology for HIV prevention trials. 3. Certification in Good Laboratory Practices desired. 4. Certification by CLIA desired. 5. Minimum of five years post-doctoral experience in applied diagnosis and clinical monitoring of HIV infection at an internationally recognized research institution. 6. Ability to provide consultation and quality assurance to HIV research laboratories within Cameroon and across Africa. 7. Ability to train and mentor junior scientists. 8. Demonstrated persistence, flexibility and professionalism in the face of unexpected challenges. 9. Ability to conceive and conduct applied HIV research as an independent investigator. 10. Ability to stay abreast of current HIV research literature. 11. Working in consultation with architects and engineers, incumbent must possess ability to plan, design, and equip new laboratory facilities. 12. Ability to plan and allocate human and material resources for laboratory activities in a developing country setting. 13. Ability to foster a stimulating scientific working environment in a developing country setting. Benefits/Allowances: Overseas allowances and differentials similar to those available to U.S. Government employees assigned abroad may be payable under this PSC, subject to eligibility. Actual benefits may vary from one candidate to the next and/or from one country of assignment to the next. A summary of the overseas allowances and differentials available to U.S. Government employees assigned abroad may be found at the following Internet URL: http://www.state.gov/m/a/als/4311.htm. Specific benefit, allowance, and differential information will be provided in the "Offer of PSC Employment" letter sent to the successful applicant. Additionally, country specific information useful for U.S. Government employees assigned abroad may be obtained from Department of State Post Reports available at the following Internet URL: http://foia.state.gov/MMS/postrpt/pr_view_start.asp and Travel Warnings concerning certain countries, in many of which CDC conducts its international program activities, may be obtained at the following Internet URL: http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_1764.html. Federal Taxes: Personal Service Contractors who are either United States citizens or Permanent Resident Aliens (i.e., ?green card? holders) of the United States are not exempt from payment of Federal Income and, in some cases State, income taxes on salaries earned abroad while working for the U.S. Government. CONTRACTOR-MISSION RELATIONSHIPS (a) The contractor acknowledges that this contract is an important part of the U.S. Foreign Assistance Program and agrees that his/her duties will be carried out in such a manner as to be fully commensurate with the responsibilities which this entails. (b) While in the Cooperating Country, the contractor is expected to show respect for the conventions, customs, and institutions of the Cooperating Country and not interfere in its political affairs. (c) If the contractor's conduct is not in accordance with paragraph (b) of this provision, the contract may be terminated under General Provision 16 of this contract. The Contractor recognizes the right of the U.S. Ambassador to direct his/her immediate removal from any country when, in the discretion of the Ambassador, the interests of the United States so require. (d) The Country Director is the chief representative of CDC in the Cooperating Country. In this capacity, he/she is responsible for the total CDC Program in the Cooperating Country including certain administrative responsibilities set forth in this contract and for advising CDC regarding the performance of the work under the contract and its effect on the U.S. Foreign Assistance Program. The contractor will be responsible for performing his/her duties in accordance with the statement of duties called for by the contract. However, he/she shall be under the general policy guidance of the Country Director, and shall keep the Country Director or his/her designated representative currently informed of the progress of the work under this contract. SOCIAL SECURITY, FEDERAL INCOME TAX AND FOREIGN EARNED INCOME (a) Since the contractor is an employee, F.I.C.A. contributions and U.S. Federal Income Tax withholding shall be deducted in accordance with regulations and rulings of the Social Security Administration and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, respectively. (b) As an employee, the contractor is not eligible for the 'foreign earned income' exclusion under the IRS Regulations (see 26 CFR 1.911- 3(c)(3)). INSURANCE (a) Worker's Compensation Benefits. The contractor shall be provided worker's compensation benefits in accordance with the Federal Employees' Compensation Act. (b) Health and Life Insurance. (1) The contractor shall be provided a maximum contribution of up to 50% against the actual costs of the contractor's annual health insurance costs, provided that such costs may not exceed the maximum U.S. Government contribution for direct-hire personnel as announced annually by the Office of Personnel Management. (2) The contractor shall be provided a contribution of up to 50% against the actual costs of annual life insurance not to exceed $500.00 per year. (3) Retired U.S. Government employees shall not be paid additional contributions for health or life insurance under their contracts. The Government will normally have already paid its contribution for the retiree unless the employee can prove to the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer that his/her health and life insurance does not provide or specifically excludes coverage overseas. In such case, the contractor would be eligible for contributions under paragraphs (b)(1) or (2) as appropriate. (4) Proof of health and life insurance coverage shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer before any contribution is paid. On assignments of less than one year, costs for health and life insurance shall be prorated and paid accordingly. (5) A contractor who is a spouse of a current or retired Civil Service, Foreign Service, or Military Service member and who is covered by their spouse's Government health or life insurance policy is ineligible for the contribution under paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this provision. INHERENTLY GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTIONS An individual serving under a CDC PSC may not perform "inherently governmental functions," which include: ? Committing the U.S. Government (USG) to a specific course of action or performing Services, which involve discretionary exercise of Government authority; ? Exercising signatory authority on behalf of the USG; ? Directing policy formulation or making policy decisions; ? Approving program plans; ? Officially representing the CDC (representation); ? Controlling USG-owned property; ? Acting as a cashier or sub-cashier; or, ? Supervising Government FTE staff. An individual serving under a PSC may: ? Provide advice or make recommendations to Government FTE staff; ? Perform services (other then the prohibited services listed above) in support of program activities; ? Direct projects or teams (as long as supervision of Government FTE staff is not involved); and, ? Supervise other PSCs, Personal Services Agreement Employees (PSA), grantees or fellows. How to Apply: A complete application shall consist of a completed Optional Form 612 (Optional Application for Federal Employment) or resume or curriculum vitae that provides the same information required in a OF 612, as well as references, current (or highest recent) salary documentation, and Benefit Eligibility Form. Optional Form 612, Optional Application for Federal Employment: The Optional Form (OF) 612, Optional Application for Federal Employment, can be located at: http://www.opm.gov/Forms/html/of.asp. References: Each applicant shall submit three Professional references other than family members. Two references shall be from a current and previous supervisor. The following information is required: Name, Address, telephone Number, Title, and Email Address. Current (or Highest Recent) Salary Documentation: Each applicant shall submit supporting documentation that reflects their current or highest recent salary. Examples of such supporting documentation are the most recent earning statement, an official letter from current employer signed by the applicant?s current supervisor or Human Resources Representative, or the applicant?s most recent U.S. Federal tax return. Each applicant shall also include a letter indicating the minimum salary in U.S. dollars the applicant would accept for the position. Benefit Eligibility Form: Each applicant shall submit the attached Benefit Eligibility Form with the application. Submission of Application: A complete application package (OF 612 or equivalent, references, salary documentation, and Benefits Eligibility Form) must be received at the following location no later than the closing date and time identified above: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Procurement and Grants Office Mailstop K75, Branch 7 Attn: John Ebanks, Contract Specialist Solicitation 2007-N-09647 2920 Brandywine Road Atlanta, GA 30341-5539 Complete application packages may be emailed to the attention of John Ebanks at egz2@cdc.gov. Facsimile copies will not be accepted. Applications received after the closing date and time will not be accepted. Refer to Federal Acquisition Regulation 15.208 regarding submission of late proposals: (http://www.acqnet.gov/far/current/html/Subpart%2015_2.html#wp1125227). All applications must be legible and submitted in the English language. The solicitation number identified above must be included on all documents submitted with the application package, as well as any other correspondence regarding this solicitation. Selection Factors: The applicant that represents the best value to the Government will be considered for award of Senior Laboratory Services Coordinator PSC. To determine best value, the following factors will be considered: 1. The extent an applicant meets the minimum and desired qualifications based on information obtained through the application package and interviews. Note that interviews may or may not be conducted; therefore, the application package should clearly identify how well the applicant meets the minimum and desired qualifications of this position. Interviews, if conducted, may be either in-person or via telephone. 2. Information collected from reference checks. References will only be verified for those applicants determined to have a reasonable chance of being selected for award. 3. Results of a cost assessment. The cost assessment will determine the total cost (salary plus benefits and allowances) of the applicant for the complete term of the contract (base period plus any option years). Basis for Award In determining best value, paramount consideration shall be given to technical merit (applicant qualifications and reference checks) rather than to cost. In cases where applicants are determined to be essentially equal, then cost may become the determining factor. BENEFIT ELIGIBILITY FOR PSC CANDIDATE REQUIREMENT PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR DOCUMENTATION: A. City and State (or Country, if not in U.S.), of Current Residence B. If Already Present in Country of Service, Reason for Current Presence There. N/A/ or reason for current presence in country, e.g., brought there by previous employer [provide name of employer, your status and job title, and whether housing and repatriation was included in employment package]; dependent of someone brought there by employer [provide name of employer and whether housing and repatriation is included in employment package], etc. C. Attach Copy of Front Page of Most Recent Passport, Showing Citizenship, Name, and Date and Place of Birth. See attached. D. Family Members Accompanying You to Location of Contract Performance: Spouse: Children Under Age 18 at Time of Arrival ? How Many?: Please list name and date of birth of each E. Annual Education Travel for Children Up to Age 23 at Time of Your Arrival at Location of Contract Performance Who Are Attending a Recognized Post-Secondary Educational Institution on a Full-Time Basis Children Before 23rd Birthday at Time of Arrival Attending a Recognized Post-Secondary Educational Institution on a Full-Time Basis ? How Many?: Please list name and date of birth and city and state (or country, if not in U.S.) of location of educational institution for each:
Place of Performance
Address: Mutengene
SN01332740-W 20070704/070702220349 (fbodaily.com)
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