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63 -- Amendment. Provide, install and train, in the complete use of, a comprehensive, integrated, security management system.

Notice Date
Notice Type
561710 — Exterminating and Pest Control Services
Contracting Office
ACA, Fort Bragg, Directorate of Contracting, ATTN: SFCA-SR-BR, Building 1-1333, Armistead & Macomb Streets, Fort Bragg, NC 28310-5000
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
The purpose of this amendment is to provide question and answers to those interested in quoting this requirement, clarify the evaluation criteria, and extend the closing date for the Combined Synopsis/Solicitation. (i) The Solicitation document W91247-07-T-0074 is issued as a Request for Quote (RFQ) for Security Management System in accordance with the Governments requirement. (ii) FAR 52.212-2, Evaluation of Commercial Items. The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other fac tors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: technical capability of the item offered to meet the Governments requirement (technically acceptable) and price. Technical capability will be based on the specifications required in the following areas: Description of Work, Intelligent Video Analysis Software, Network Video Recorder, Control and Monitoring, Access Control and Intercom, Fiber Optic Network, Schedule and Warranty, Training, and all clarifications made with the Questions and Answers. Award will be made on the basis of the lowest evaluated price of proposals meeting or exceeding the acceptability standards for non-cost factors. No extra credit is given to proposals exceeding the standard. A written notice of award or ac ceptance of an offer, mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful offeror within the time for acceptance specified in the offer, shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party. Before the offers specified expiration time, t he Government may accept an offer, whether or not there are negotiations after its receipt, unless a written notice of withdrawal is received before award. (iii) Questions and answers are provided below: a. Are there any plans for this project providing locations of devices? PLAN ON USING EXISTING POWER POLES. b. Are there any plans for the schematic for control areas and how they connect? NO c. Can you provide details as to the number of cameras and DVRs needed for the project? NO, BUT WE ARE LOOKING TO COVER THE ENTIRE PERIMETER WITH COVERAGE, WITH EMPHASIS ON ENTRY CONTROL POINTS. THE ESTIMATED AREA OF THE MOTOR POOL IS 600 x 980. d. Will the successful contractor be required to provide the gates, or are they in place? EXISTING SWINGING GATE WILL HAVE TO BE REMOVED AND NEW GATE PUT IN ITS PLACE. e. The scope of work describes control gates from the motor pool with a fiber network between the motor pool office and the HQ staff duty. Is the fiber existing, or to be provided with quote? Does the conduit to house this fiber exist, or will it be part of this package? NO FIBER OPTIC BACKBONE EXITS. CONDUIT DOES NOT EXIST. CONDUIT WILL HAVE TO BE USED AS REQUIRED BY CODE AND INDUSTRY STANDARDS. f. Will the successful contractor be required to provide conduit to the gates to be controlled? Are there an estimated number of card readers, cameras and intercoms for this project? ESTIMATE USING TWO SEPARATE GATES TO CONTROL ACCESS. STAFF DUTY AND M OTOR POOL OFFICE WILL BE ABLE TO MANAGE THIS ACCESS, MANAGEMENT WILL BE THROUGH THE CARD READERS AND INTERCOM. EXACT NUMBER OF CAMERAS WILL BE BASED OF FIELD OF VIEW AND RANGE. g. Do you have a list of electrical contractors who do work on the post? NO. h. Can the list of site walk participants be made available to all? NO, THE CONTRACTING OFFICER HAS DECIDED NOT TO DISCLOSE THIS INFORMATION. i. Can you provide a copy of the handouts provided at the site? PLEASE EMAIL STEPHANIE, stephanie.murphree@conus.army.mil, TO REQUEST A COPY OF THE MAP OVERVIEW. THIS CAN ALSO BE FOUND BY USING GOOGLE, EARTHED. j. As this is a large ticket item, can you please provide a scaled map suggesting the fiber route between the motor pool office and the staff duty office? THERE IS NO SUGGESTED ROUTE, THE ESTIMATED FIBER OPTIC CABLE IS 5000 - 550 0 FT. k. There are multiple potential technologies that can meet the specifications. We kindly request an extension of the bid date so that we can properly engineer the best solution for this site? CLOSING DATE WILL BE EXTENDED. l. Please confirm that use of non-licensed public frequency wireless communications transmitters (900MHz, 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz) between cameras and motor pool office is permitted and will not require special permits from base authorities. PERMISSION WILL NEED T O BE OBTAINED FROM DOIM, POC - cedric.hepburn@us.army.mil, NEED TO PROVIDE MAKE, MODEL, FREQUENCY, AND POWER OUTPUT.NOTE: WIRELESS TRANSMITTERS ARE PERMITTED WITHIN THE MOTOR POOL AREA, BUT THERE IS NO LINE OF SITE FROM THE MOTOR POOL TO THE HQ BLDG. FOR T HE WIRELESS TRANSMITTERS. m. Please clarify the evaluation criteria of submitted responses. EVALUATION CRITERIA IS THE LOWEST PRICE TECHNICALLY ACCEPTABLE. OFFERS WILL BE EVALUATION TO DETERMINE IF OFFER MEETS THE SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNMENT. AWARD WILL BE BASED O N THE LOWEST EVALUATED PRICE OF THE TECHNICALLY ACCEPTABLE OFFERS. n. Please confirm that the bid scope also includes provision of 1,500 HID iClass smart cards (employee badges), along with a badge printer and a badging camera. CONFIRMED. REQUEST 2000 ICLASS SMART CARDS. o. Will trenching be allowed within the motor pool yard (i.e. between the gates and the motor pool office, etc.). YES. WILL NEED TO WORK WITH CUSTOMER TO KEEP DISRUPTIONS TO A MINIMUM. p. Will someone be available to show Utilities and fiber contractor proposed route that fiber could be buried? NO. q. Can contractor tap power at utility poles with transformer that will lower voltage to a level that we could use for our equipment? (This would not affect voltage to lights). YES. r. Can wireless transmitters be used for video transmission within motor pool area? What requirements/restrictions does the base have on such wireless transmission? YES. PERMISSION WILL NEED TO BE OBTAINED FROM DOIM, POC- cedric.hepburn@us.army.mil, NEE D TO PROVIDE MAKE, MODEL, FREQUENCY, AND POWER OUTPUT. s. Are any other Motor Pools on base equipped with such a system as you required and if not could we expect others to require such a system in the future? YES. YES. t. Is the percentage of work required to be performed by the small business based on percentage of money value or an estimate of labor performed? LABOR PERFORMED&AT LEAST 50 PERCENT OF THE COST OF CONTRACT PERFORMANCE INCURRED FOR PERSONNEL SHALL BE EXPEN DED FOR EMPLOYEES OF A SMALL BUSINESS. u. Would someone be available to show gate contractor location of required installation? NO. v. Would wireless access control be an acceptable option within the Motor Pool area? (Is it possible to use wireless Transmitters and Receivers to control the pedestrian and vehicle gate controls?) YES w. Knowing that a hardwired video and access control system is more reliable and secure, I'd like to see a statement included as to which technology is preferred for this project. CUSTOMER INITALLY ASSUMED USING THE FIBER OPTIC TO MONITOR THE ACCESS CONTR OL POINTS. BECAUSE OF THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE MOTOR POOL AND STAFF DUTY THERE IS NOT A LINE OF SITE FOR THE WIRELESS TO BE CONSIDERED. x. Is an RF link solution back to the HQ Bldg acceptable or does it specifically have to be a fiber optic cable? THERE IS NO LINE OF SITE FROM THE MOTOR POOL TO THE HQ BLDG FOR THE WIRELESS TO BE CONSIDERED. y. Can the fiber optic cable be Direct-Buried or does the cable have to be placed in conduit the entire route? DIRECT BURIED 12 STRAND CABLE. MUST MEET INDUSTRY STANDARDS AND BUILDING CODE STANDARDS. z. It is our understanding that the site visit was not required. Can you please confirm this? WE CANNOT REQUIRE PRESENCE AT SITE VISITS. aa. Statement of Work. It was unclear whether this section is a summary of the statement of work or if these are distinct requirements. AREAS ADDRESSED IN PARAGRAPH 1 WAS AN OVERVIEW OF T HE DESIRED SYSTEM, THUS THEY ARE REQUIREMENTS. bb. Is the wireless network part of this statement of work? If so, what wireless technologies are desired? INDUSTRY STANDARD. cc. Where will the cameras be mounted? CONTRACTOR WILL NEED TO DETERMINE THIS, HOWEVER IT MAY BE ASSUMED THAT LIGHT POLES AND BUILDING WALLS WILL BE USED. dd. Are the mounting structures required to be built? NO. ee. How will power be provided to the cameras? CONTRACTOR WILL NEED TO DETERMINE THIS. ff. Does the contractor need to trench for power and communications connectivity? TRENCH OR USE WIRELESS. gg. Are the cameras existing or required as part of this bid? THEY ARE REQUIRED AS PART OF YOUR OFFER. hh. You mention thermal and optical cameras. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE SECURITY SYSTEM, MUST BE CAPABLE OF DISPLAYING THERMAL. ii. What lighting conditions should we assume to be able to configure the appropriate solution? DAY, NIGHT USING AVAILABLE STREET LIGHTING. WILL GET CLARIFICATION FOR THIS. jj. We will need complete site drawings to determine the location and number of cameras, trenching distance, cable requirements, etc. A COMPLETE SITE DRAWING IS NOT AVAILABLE. WE HAVE AN OVERVIEW, PLEASE EMAIL stephanie.murphree@conus.army.mil TO REQUEST A COPY. kk. DLP is not a technology for cameras. Do you mean DSP? If so, why DSP? There are newer processing CPUs that deliver even greater processing power for powering full behavioral video analytics. YES, DSP WAS INTENDED. EQUIVALENT PROCESSORS WILL BE CO NSIDERED. ll. We understand your desire to locate the analytics in the camera to provide greater accuracy and reduced bandwidth. We have a few questions about these requirements. The requirements of higher accuracy (due to analysis on uncompressed video) and lower bandwidth consumption can be met by devices that sit next to or near the camera, as opposed to inside the camera. Can the government explain the basis of the requirement for being inside the camera, when the functional requirements can be met by an edge device/appliance located at or near the camera? LESS MAINTENANCE, REDUCED POSSIBILITY OF REPLACEMENTS IN FUTURE. MOVEMENT OF PICTURE OUTSIDE OF CAMERA IS ASSUMED TO BE DONE VIA COMPRESSION OR ANALOG, LOWERING QUALITY. mm. The amendment specifies distances at which a human and vehicle must be detected. We assume that the requirement is that the analytics system detect and classify the object as a human (or vehicle as the case may be) at the distance specified, in the ex clusion of other objects. In other words, the system must be able to distinguish between a human, vehicle, noise or object of non-interest. Once the object is classified, it should be indicated by an appropriate display for the object type, such as H f or human, V for vehicle, etc. In most cases, distinguishing objects, not just detecting, is vitally important so the system doesnt generate false alarms on non-interesting objects. CONCUR. nn. What is meant by Detect suspicious behaviors? Can you be more specific? LOITERING, CLIMBING OVER FENCES, AND APPROACHING FACILITY FROM WOOD LINE. oo. What are the specific requirements for object left behind and object placed in view? TO ALERT THOSE MONITORING SYSTEM AND TO RECORD ACTIVITY. pp. Are the cameras that will be used to detect those behaviors the same ones that are used for perimeter dectection? IDEALLY. qq. Is it desired to have near-camera analytics on these cameras. DESIRE IS ON CAMERA. rr. What size objects and at what distance must be detected? I HAVE SEEN BACKPACK DETECTED AT 250 METERS, THIS IS WHAT IS DESIRED. ss. There are potentially conflicting requirements relating to the need to operate in high winds and maintain accuracy at long distances. The bid requires detection at distances of over a mile, requiring a pole of some height. High wind conditions can ca use significant camera shake on such a camera, degrading the video quality. Please address this issue, so we can dete rmine if camera stabilizers will be required. Camera stabilization should not be required. Though camera capabilities request capability to detect a Vehicle sized target at 2000 meters, the actual conditions are less than 900. tt. We will need to know how many cameras are needed to properly size the storage devices. We also need to know the desired video resolution for storage. REQUESTING CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF QUESTION, BASED ON OVERVIEW OF SITE. SEE BELOW FO R RESOLUTION. uu. Can the Government please explain the requirement for full time recording of all the cameras at 15 fps? This requirement seem contradictory to the requirement for reduced bandwidth consumption mentioned. If the network must be sized for a high bandwi dth condition (all cameras at 15 fps), then why is bandwidth conservation required at the camera? 15 FPS WAS MENTIONED IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A GUIDELINE, INDUSTRY STANDARD ALLOWS FOR 30+ FPS DOWN TO 8 AND BELOW FPS. WE REQUEST CAPABILITY AS USER TO DETERMI NE AND ADJUST THIS AS OUR SPECIFIC NEEDS CHANGE. vv. The requirement for full bandwidth capacity also seems at odds with the need to run the analytics near the camera. If the video must be transmitted to a central facility for recording purposes, what is the basis for the need to run the analytics near the camera? IN ORDER TO PROCESS UNCOMPRESSED VIDEO. ww. It the digital video for each camera must be recorded, that means that there is no reason to perform analytics at the camera, since the video will be available on a network in a computer compatible location where a computer running video analytics woul d also be located. ANALYTICS ON CAMERA WILL GIVE THE CAMERA THE ABILITY TO DETERMINE BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS. xx. Is the vendor required to provide workstation computers for the personnel for these locations? YES. yy. Please specify workstation requirements. 19 in MONITORS, MOUNTED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO MINIMIZE DESKTOP FOOTPRINT. zz. If not, what are the specifications of those existing workstation computers? WOULD COME AS PART OF THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT THIS IS NEWEST INDUSTRY STANDARD. aaa. Please provide the number of doors and gates. ONE PEDISTRIAN GATE AND ONE VEHICLE GATE. bbb. The size and location of each. ALLOW FOR SINGLE PERSON AND SINGLE VEHICLE. ccc. Whether the gates are existing or need to be provided. EXISTING SWINGING GATE WILL HAVE TO BE REMOVED AND NEW GATE PUT IN ITS PLACE. ddd. If power or connectivity is available or needs to be provided. AVAILABLE. NEARBY. eee. The distances between the gates and available power and other facilities. 25 METERS. fff. Does the system need to be compatible with existing card access technology already in place. NO. ggg. Please provide distances between all devices or facilities that need to be connected with the fiber network. PLEASE REQUEST HANDOUT FROM stephanie.murphree@conus.army.mil. WE ARE HOPING THIS WILL SATISFY THIS QUESTION. hhh. Please provide detailed plans/drawings for area around the motor pool office and the HQ Staff Duty. THESE ARE NOT READILY AVAILABLE. YOU MAY BE ABLE TO COORDINATE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. iii. Do the cameras mentioned above need to be connected to the fiber optic network? YES jjj. Is this true for all cameras? YES. (iv) Submission of quotes shall be forwarded by Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 1:00 local time using either facsimile at (910) 396-7872, or email at stephanie.murphree@conus.army.mil.
Place of Performance
Address: ACA, Fort Bragg Directorate of Contracting, ATTN: SFCA-SR-BR, Building 1-1333, Armistead & Macomb Streets Fort Bragg NC
Zip Code: 28310-5000
Country: US
SN01390861-W 20070901/070830222109 (fbodaily.com)
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