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Q -- Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for Medical Services

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Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
621111 — Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists)
Contracting Office
USPFO for Maine, Camp Keyes, Augusta, ME 04333-0032
ZIP Code
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Maine Army National Guard - MEARNG intends to establish one Blanket Purchase Agreement with one Contractor to provide the following medical services: Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants and Physicians for a two year period. The majority of services will be conducted at TOGUS VA Hospital in Augusta, Maine; however, other locations around the State of Maine might be utilized. Prospective Offerors shall submit one copies of their proposal. Proposals can be hand delivered, mailed or faxed. All materials must clearly identify the Solicitation Number W912JD-07-T-0014 for identification purpose. Responses to this offer must be rec eived by the designated individual/office no later than 24 September 2007 at 10:00amEastern Standard Time 10:00hrs. Submissions received after the above time will not be accepted. Late submittals will be handled in accordance with FAR 52.212-1. Fax numbe r is 207-626-4533. Deliver or mail to: US Property & Fiscal Office for Maine, Attention: Contracting Office, Mrs. Darlene R. Howes, Building #39, Camp Keyes, Augusta, Maine 04333-0032 Each proposal should include an introductory page to include point of contract, authorized negotiators, contact phone, facsimile number and e-mail addresses. All solicitation amendments must be acknowledged in accordance with FAR 52.212-1. Offerors are ca utioned to submit enough information to enable the Government to fully ascertain each offerors capability to perform all of the requirements of this solicitation. The data submitted with each proposal should be complete and concise, failure to submit the required information may preclude consideration of the offer for award. No personal visits for the purpose of discussing this announcement of the submittal will be permitted. If there are any questions, please e-mail them to: Mrs. Darlene R. Howes at dar lene.howes@us.army.mil. Subject Line: Reference No: W912JD-07-R-0002, or fax to 207-626-4533. All questions and request for this RFP must be received NOT LATER THAN the fifth working day prior to the closing and will be posted no later than two working da ys prior to closing. OFFERORS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS EARLY IN THE PROCESS. The purpose of this performance work statement is to describe medical services to be provided for the Maine Army National Guard -MEARNG personnel during physic al exams, periodic health assessments, annual medical clearances, or other mobilization or demobilization events, by physicians, nurse practitioners, and/or physician assistants. The government my evaluate the quality of professional and administrative ser vices provided, but retain no control over the medical professional aspects of services rendered. The contractor shall provide all management, labor, material, equipment, certifications and supplies necessary, to provide medical services for the MEARNG. Th e contractor will provide services necessary to meet Department of the Army medical readiness standards to ensure mission capability of the MEARNG. The contractor shall provide customized comprehensive physical examinations or other medical evaluations at mobilization or demobilization events. These services will be completed using contractor provided equipment, if required. A physical evaluation shall asses the current state of physical health, risk for future medical disease as well as assessing general health factors that relate to the treatment of the patient. The following measures are required for each periodic physical evaluation. Physical Examinations: The Medical Command will provide the contractor a current MEDPROS physical examination report on each soldier. The contractor will provide physicians or physician assistants to perform physical exams to ensure soldiers meet the standards in accordance with Army Regulation 40-501, Standards of Medical Fitness. The contractor will utilize standard crit eria for physical examinations as listed on DD Form 2807-1, October 2003, Report of Me dical History, and DD Form 2808, October 2003, Report of Medical Examination, or other forms required. The contractor will provide the completed documents and forms to the Medical Command for MEDPROS data input and for the Soldiers medical record. Other aspects of the exam will be completed on a case-by-case basis i.e. Immunizations; Lab; Hearing Exams; Blood Pressure Assessments. In the event the these services are required, the Government will provide all immunization equipment; lab equipment, hearing equipment, and blood pressure cuffs required) A MEARNG physician will review and co-sign all physical exams completed by the Contractor. Unit Mobilizations and Demobilizations: The contractor will complete a pre-printed SF 600, or DA Form 2123 as needed during demobilization events. The Contractor will complete a DD 2795 for pre-mobilization events. Selection Criteria To arrive at a Best Value decision, the Source Selection Authority will integrate the evaluation of Past/Present Experience, Technical Ca pability and Price, with Technical and Past/Present Experience factors being significantly more important than price. Technical and Past/Present Experience are equal. Written proposals will be adjectively evaluated and placed into one of the following cate gories, defined as follows: Excellent  The proposal strengths demonstrate an excellent understanding of the requirements example, experience in the specific area of service and significantly exceed performance or capability standards. The proposal has se veral exceptional strengths that will significantly benefit the government. The proposal has not weaknesses, normal contractor effort and normal government monitoring will be sufficient to minimize risk. The proposal is extensive detailed and exceeds all r equirements and objectives; therefore, has a high probability of meeting the requirements with little or no risk to the government. Good  The proposal demonstrates good understanding of the requirements and the approach exceeds performance or capability s tandards. The proposal has one or more strengths that will benefit the government. Any proposal weakness has little potential to cause disruption of schedule, increase in cost, or degradation of performance. Normal contractor effort and normal government m onitoring will probably be able to overcome difficulties. The proposal generally exceeds requirements in minor areas; therefore, has a Good probability of meeting the requirements with little risk to the government. Marginal  The proposal demonstrates a limited understanding of the requirements and the approach only marginally meets performance or capability standards necessary for minimal contract performance. The performance has minor omissions and demonstrates a m isunderstanding of the requirement that may be corrected or resolved through discussions without a complete revision of the proposal. The approach has weaknesses that can potentially cause some disruption of schedule, increase in cost or degradation of pe rformance even with special contractor emphasis and close government monitoring. Unsatisfactory  The proposal demonstrates a misunderstanding of the requirements and the approach fails to meet performance or capability standards. The proposal has major omissions and inadequate detail to assure the evaluators that the offeror has an un derstanding of the requirements. The proposal proposes an unacceptable risk and cannot meet the requirements without major revisions. Past/Present Experience: Offerors shall provide the volume of DoD and other Government Federal, State or Local agencies that you have supported in the past 24 months. Provide a point of contact, including name, telephone number and e-mail address, for each agency for which services were performed. The Government may contact references other than those identified by the offeror and information received may be used in the evaluation of the offerors past experience. While the government may elect to consider data obtained from other sources, the burden of providing current, accurate and complete past/present experience information rests with the offeror. Technical Capability: The offeror must supply copy of the certification/license to th e Government with its offer. Price: Price reasonableness will be determined based on prices submitted by the competition, and comparison to prices paid for prior acquisitions. The Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total pric e for each medical service for the entire period of performance. Offeror shall submit a price sheet for each medical service on per day charge. Prices shall be firm-fixed price for the entire BPA. Note for this acquisition, the Service Contract Act wages a pply and are attached as a separate attachment. Pricing should be submitted as a separate attachment, to allow for non-disclosure of price until after technical and past/present experience has been rated. General Information Quality Control Plan - Writte . Describe your understanding of our needs and how you will commit to meeting those needs and describe your experience in providing similar services. Also include any specific experience with providing physician support to a military treatment facility. The government will periodically evaluate the Contractors performance in accordance with the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan.. The Contractor shall act in accordance with DD Forms 254 Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specificatio n. The Contractor must maintain appropriate credentialing files on all employees that perform services in accordance with this contract. Minimum/Maximum Limits: For each individual BPA Call minimum limitation is $2,500 and maximum is $10,000.00 Equipment and Waste Disposal The contractor will leave all waste. The Government will collect and dispose of all waste at the end of the day. Con tracting Officer: A person with the authority to enter into, administers, and/or terminates contracts and makes related determinations and findings. The only person authorized to make changes in the contract on behalf of the Government. Contracting Officers Representative COR: A government employee selected and designated in writing by the contracting officer to act as his/her designated representative in administering a contract. Contractors furnish equipment: Contractor shall provide his/her own stethoscope. Current immunizations: The Contractor shall be current on all immunization including Hepatitis B vaccines. Contract Period: The BPA will be for a period of two years. The total life of the contract shall not exceed two years. Individual BPA Calls: Eac h individual BPA call shall have a specific line item for each medical service on per day charge. The Contracting Officer will authorize the Contractor to proceed with the work by issuing a signed BPA Call Sheet. At a minimum, the BPA Call will contain the following: Order Number, Contract Number, Description of the Services, Price and Period of Performance or Completion Date. Accounting for Contract Services: The Secretary of the Army has implemented Accounting for Contract Services. This initiative has been put in place to obtain better visibility of the contractor service workforce. The Assistant Secretary of the Army Manpower and Reserve Affairs and the Assistant Secretary of the Army Acquisition, Logistics and Technology have implemented guidance to c omply with this DoD Business Initiative Council BIC sponsored initiative. These contract reporting requirements are mandatory. By acceptance of this contract and performance under this contract, the contractor agrees to comply with these reporting requirem ents. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army Manpower & Reserve Affairs operates and maintains a secure Army data collection site Contractor Manpower Reporting CMR System where the contractor will report ALL contractor manpower including sub-con tractor manp ower required for performance of this contract. The contractor is required to completely fill in all the information in the format using the following web address. https://contractormanpower.army.pentagon.mil The required information includes: 1. Contracting Office, Contracting Officer, Contracting Officer's Technical Representative; 2. Contract number, including task and delivery order number; 3. Beginning and ending dates covered by reporting period; 4. Contr actor name, address, phone number, e-mail address, identity of contractor employee entering data; 5. Estimated direct labor hours (including sub-contractors); 6. Estimated direct labor dollars paid this reporting period (including sub-contractors); 7. Tota l payments (including sub-contractors); 8. Predominant Federal Service Code (FSC) reflecting services provided by contractor (and separate predominant FSC for each sub-contractor if different); 9. Estimated data collection cost; 10. Organizational title as sociated with the Unit Identification Code (UIC) for the Army Requiring Activity (the Army Requiring Activity is responsible for providing the contractor with its UIC for the purposes of reporting this information); 11. Locations where contractor and sub-c ontractors perform the work (specified by zip code in the United States and nearest city, country, when in an overseas location, using standardized nomenclature provided on website); 12. Presence of deployment or contingency contract language; and 13. Numb er of contractor and sub-contractor employees deployed in theater this reporting period (by country). As part of its submission, the contractor will also provide the estimated total cost (if any) incurred to comply with this reporting requirement. Reportin g period will be the period of performance not to exceed 12 months ending September 30 of each government fiscal year and must be reported by 31 October of each calendar year. Contractors may use a direct XML data transfer to the database server or fill in the fields on the website. The XML direct transfer is a format for transferring files from a contractor's systems to the secure web site without the need for separate data entries for each required data element at the web site. The specific formats for th e XML direct transfer may be downloaded from the web site. Successor Contracting Officers: The Contracting Officer signing the contract award is the primary Contracting Officer for the contract. Nevertheless, any Contracting Officer assigned to the USPFO for Maine, and acting within her/his authority, may take formal action on this contract when a contract action needs to be taken and the primary Contracting Officer is unavailable. Required amounts of insurance: a. In performance under this contract, the Contractor must comply with the requirement of FAR 52.228-5 nsuranceWork on a Government Installation concerning providing certification to the Contracting Officer. b. The Contract shall acquire, and thereafter maintain, during the entire period of performance for this contract, the following minimum insurance: TYPE AMOUNT Automobile $200,000 per person Bodily Injury Liability $500,000 per occurrence Property Damage Liability $ 20,000 per occurrence Comprehensive General Liability $500,000 per occurrence Workmens Compensation Employers Liability $100,000 per person* * Workers Compensation and Employers Liability: Contractors are required to comply with applicable Federal and State workers compensation and occupational disease statues. They shall be covered under the employers liability section of the insurance pol icy, except when contract operations are so commingled with a contractors commercial operations that it would not be practical to require this coverage. Employers liability coverage of at least $100,000 shall be required, except in States with exclusive or monopolistic funds that do not permit workers compensation to be written by private carriers. c. The contr actor agrees to insert the substance of this requirement in all subcontracts performed under this contract. Contracting Officers Representative (COR): COR is responsible for: a) Liaison between government and contractor personnel b) Technical clarificati on of the Statement of Work. c) Quality Assurance of services performed and acceptance of services rendered. d) Certification of invoice for payment. e) Monitoring of security requirements on government installations. f) Administrator for any government fu rnished property. It is emphasized that only the Contracting Officer has the authority to modify the terms of the contract, or task orders issued there under, including changes to price, quantity, quality, place of performance and delivery. Therefore under no circumstances will any understanding, agreement, modification, change order, or other matter deviating from the awarded terms and conditions, occurring between the contractor and any other person is effective or binding to the government. Inspections and Acceptance: All reports and invoices must be approved by the COR on a DD 250. Payment Information and Invoices: Discounts: Prompt payment discounts will not be considered in the evaluation of offers. However, any offered discount will form part of the award, and will be taken if payment is made within the discount period indicated in the offer by the offeror. Invoices shall be prepared in original and submitted to the address indicated on each BPA Call. The Government shall make payment upon satisfactory completion of work and receipt of a proper certification for payment. Payment will be made either using Wide Area Workflow-Receipt and Acceptance (WAWF-RA) or through submission of your invoice to the COR and DFAS. Individual task orders will specify how invoices will be processed. a. Payment will be made after receipt and a cceptance of services. b. Invoices shall be submitted once per month, in one of the following methods 1) The contractor shall submit an original invoice to DFAS and a copy to the Contracting Officer Representative as specified in each Task Order. The COR s hall promptly complete the DD 250 and forward to the Contracting Officer for payment processing in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act. 2) Invoices may be submitted and processed through Wide Area Workflow-Receipt and Acceptance (WAWF-RA) in accordance with DFARS 252.232-7003, Electronic Submission of Payment Requests. Information regarding WAWF-RA is available on the internet at https://wawf.eb.mil. c. Each invoice must contain the full contract number and the task order number and the Contract Line Ite m Number (CLIN) associated with the supplies or services invoiced. d. For Prompt Payment Act purposes, the designated billing office is identified in each task order, however the default billing office will be the DFAS location identified in block 15 of th e DD Form 1155 of each task order. Waste Disposal: Disposal of all waste must be in accordance with local, state, and federal regulation and disposal of by the contractor. Annual Representations and Certifications: All potential offerors are required to register in the Central Contractor R egistration (CCR), http://www.ccr.gov, in order to complete the annual Representation and Certifications found at the ORCA website. The ORCA site contains an ORCA Application Handbook and an ORCA Quick Reference Guide. To access them, simply click on the Help link at the top of the ORCA homepage. Ensure your Central Contractor Registration (CCR) information is up-to-date. Quality Control: The Contractor shall adopt a quality assurance program that monitors all service activities and ensures the highest q uality customizable medical service available. Quality Assurance: The Contractor must submit the plan within two weeks after award to the Maine Army National Guard (MEARNG) with a quality assurance plan, listing the procedures or processes which will be utilized to meet the Statement of Work (SOW) . The contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. The contractors quality control program is the means to assure that the work complies with the requirement of the contract. As a minimum (but not limited to), the contractor shall develop quality control procedures that address the following areas: DOCUMENTATION: Contractor providing a current MEDPROS physical examination report on each soldier. The Contractor will provide the c ompleted documents and forms to the Medical Command for MEDPROS data input and for the Soldiers medical record. Government Remedies: The Contracting Office shall follow the requirements of FAR 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions for Commercial Items (Feb 2007), for Contractors failure to correct non-conforming services. Hours of Operation: The Contractor shall have the capability of providing all four categories of medical services seven days a week. A majority of performance will occur on weekends. Security Requirements: Security will be in accordance with DD Form 254 (Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification) Special Qualifications: Contractor must maintain appropriate credentialing files on all employees. Other Conditio ns/Security: Industrial Safety: The Contractor must have an established industrial safety and health program in accordance with the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standard. The Contractors Safety program must include equipment training, occupatio nal safety, health and fire protection guidance to ensure the protection and health of all work personnel. The Government property must also be protected during the period of time the property is under the control or possession of the contractor Performa nce work statement is UNCLASSIFIED and under HIPAA regulations. The Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor if requirement exists for secret classification and circumstance requiring secret classification for Readiness impact. Any and all tools, co ntainers and vehicles the contractor needs to provide the required services are subject to search by security staff before entering any of the locations.
Place of Performance
Address: USPFO for Maine Camp Keyes, Augusta ME
Zip Code: 04333-0032
Country: US
SN01395654-W 20070907/070905221616 (fbodaily.com)
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