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A -- This Amendment to the combined synopsis/solictation notice W911W6-08-R-0002 is added to incorporate the instructions for preparation and submittal of proposals.

Notice Date
Notice Type
541712 — Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)
Contracting Office
Aviation Applied Technology Directorate, ATTN: AMSRD-AMR-AA-C, Building 401, Lee Boulevard, Fort Eustis, VA 23604-5577
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Velvet Taylor, 757-878-2306
E-Mail Address
Aviation Applied Technology Directorate
Small Business Set-Aside
PREPARATION & SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Proposals are required to be submitted in accordance with the guidelines set forth herein. The proposal shall consist of two volumes, a technical volume and a cost volume. In presenting the proposal material, prospective Offerors are advised that the quality of the information is significantly more important than quantity. Offerors should confine the submissions to essential matters providing sufficient information to define their offer and establish an adequ ate basis for the Government to conduct its evaluation. Offerors may submit proposals to multiple topics. Each proposal shall describe the proposed effort within only one of the three topics. TECHNICAL VOLUME: The technical volume of the proposal shall provide detail that justifies the benefits of the proposed technology relative to the topic objectives, and a plan to develop and transition the technology to current or future Army aircraft. The technical volume shall also include a clear statement of the technical objectives and the specific approach to be pursued and supporting background experience. It shall contain a Statement of Work (SOW), milestones, a biographical section describing key personnel, a description of the facilities and/or data sources to be employed in the effort, and a program management section. Offerors shall identify and substantiate the beginning and ending Technology Readiness Levels. Volume I (Technical) shall be written and shall consist of a maximum of 60 pages exclusive of ti tle page, section dividers, table of contents, list of figures/tables, glossary of terms and cross-referencing indices for Topics 01-2008 and 02-2008 and a maximum of 25 pages exclusive of title page, section dividers, table of contents, list of figures/t ables, glossary of terms and cross-referencing indices for Topics 03-2008. The evaluators will read only up to the maximum number of pages specified. Submission shall be limited to the number of pages specified, total inclusive of any drawings, charts, et c. Type shall be no smaller than a font size of ten (10) and shall be at least single spaced. Page size shall not exceed 8 1/2'x 11. Fold-out illustrations required for reader ease are allowed, however, illustration shall be counted in 8 1/2'x 11'increm ents (e.g., a 11'x 17'document will count as two pages). Except for the Technical Volume, the number of proposal pages is not limited. COST VOLUME: Within the Cost Proposal, offerors shall indicate the proposed funding instrument (e.g., FAR-based contrac t and type (CPFF,cost reimbursable, etc.) or TIA). The Cost Proposal should include a funding profile (a cost breakout by month), cost breakdown providing man-hours and monthly costs by task, all pricing rates used, travel and equipment and materials list ings, if applicable. Subcontractor proposals, including pricing rate details, should be provided concurrent with the prime contractor's submission. Any cost share will be calculated as follows: contractor cash plus in-kind contribution divided by project value. Any resulting agreement value will exclude recipient's sunk'costs of prior research as cost match. Only additional resources that will be provided by the recipient to carry out the current project will be counted. SUBCONTRACTING PLAN: Not applica ble if proposing a ward under a non-FAR instrument (i.e. TIA) or if the offeror is a SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN. Pursuant to the requirements of FAR part 19.702(a)(1), if the total amount of the proposal exceeds $550,000, and there are subcontracting possibil ities, offerors mus t submit a subcontracting plan. FAR part 52.219-9 defines a subcontracting plan and its requirements. Offerors shall incorporate the subcontracting plan as part of the offeror's proposal submission. DFARS 226.370-8 discusses subcontr acting incentive and goals with the Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions. DFARS 219.708(b)(1)(A) and (B), discusses the appro priate use of DFARS Clauses 252.219-7003 and 252.219-7004 in solicitations and contract related to small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small business subcontracting plans. Offerors are cautioned that in solicitations where subcontracting opportunit ies exist, the Government will not execute a contract unless the Contracting Officer determines that the negotiated plan provides the maximum practicable opportunity for SBs, SDB, WOSB, HUBZone, and Veteran-owned Small Business concerns or HBCUs/MIs to par ticipate in the performance of the contract. Offerors should note that DFARS 219.705-4 provides for a goal of 5% for SDB concerns and HBCUs/MIs. EVALUATION CRITERIA/BASIS FOR AWARD: The selection of one or more sources for award will be based on a scient ific and/or engineering evaluation of proposals (both technical and cost as it relates to technical effort) in accordance with the criteria set forth in this section. Proposals will be evaluated on their own merit without regard to other proposals submitte d under this announcement. Each proposal will receive an adjectival rating supported by narrative. The ratings/narrative which will be used to develop an order of merit listing for each topic. Proposed cost/cost to the Government will be evaluated as ap propriate, for realism and reasonableness. The following evaluation criteria will apply: (1) The extent to which the proposed technologies satisfy the Topic objectives by use of innovative, efficient, and affordable solutions to the stated technical probl em. This will include understanding of the problem, current technical barriers, suitability of the proposed baseline helicopter and/or rotor system, and how the proposed solution eliminates those barriers. (2) The merit of the Offeror's proposed approach to develop and demonstrate the capabilities of proposed technologies. This includes the reasonableness of the proposed tasks (to include the test and evaluation approach, concept tradeoffs, and design optimization), and schedule to accomplish the scienti fic and technical objectives and metrics. (3) The benefit of the proposed technologies. This includes a clear and reasonable technology maturation and transition plan. The weight, volume, and integration complexity of the proposed technology components wi ll be considered as part of its ability to effectively transition into service. (4) The capability of the Offeror to accomplish the proposed effort. This includes the experience and qualifications of the proposed personnel, the suitability of the propose d facilities, and the availability of (or the ability to generate) required technical and test data to validate the technology. (5) The reasonableness of the proposed cost to the Government. This includes the realism of the proposed man-hours, materials a nd other costs to acc omplish the proposed individual tasks and the overall effort. Any proposed cost share will be evaluated for its benefit in reducing program risk, achieving program objectives, and furthering the state-of-the-art. Criteria (1), (2) an d (3) are equal and substantially more important than (4) which is more important than (5). This announcement is an expression of interest only and does not commit the Government to pay any proposal preparation costs. No pre-proposal conference is to be held. Proposal will be considered valid for 210 days from the date that this announcement closes unless specifically stated otherwise. Technical and Cost Proposals must be submitted in original, plus four (4) copies and one (1) electronic copy (CD ROM d isk format). Facsimile proposal submission is not authorized under this announcement. The cost proposal electronic copy will be used for verification purposes and needs to be delivered in Excel or other compatible format. All proposals should be marked w ith the solicitation n umber and appropriate topic number and title and addressed to the AATD, ATTN: AMSRD-AMR-AA-C, Ms. Velvet Taylor, Bldg 401, Lee Blvd, Ft E ustis, VA 23604-5577. Offerors desiring an explanation or interpretation of this announcement must submit requests in writing at the above address, or email: velvet.taylor@us.army.mil. Oral explanations or instructions given before the award of any agre ement / contract will not be binding. Any information given to a prospective offeror concerning this announcement which is necessary in submitting offers or the lack of which would be prejudicial to any other prospective offeror(s) will be published as an amendment to this announcement. Proposals received after the due date January 4, 2008, 3:00 p.m. local time will be handled in accordance with FAR 52.215-1, Instructions to Offerors - Competitive Acquisition. A copy of this provision may be obtained fro m http://farsite/hill.af.mil. This announcement is issued subject to the availability of funds. The Government's obligation is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds for which payment for program purposes can be made. NOTE: THIS NOTICE WAS NOT POSTED TO FEDBIZOPPS ON THE DATE INDICATED IN THE NOTICE ITSELF (13-NOV-2007); HOWEVER, IT DID APPEAR IN THE FEDBIZOPPS FTP FEED ON THIS DATE. PLEASE CONTACT fbo.support@gsa.gov REGARDING THIS ISSUE.
Web Link
Link to FedBizOpps document.
Place of Performance
Address: Aviation Applied Technology Directorate ATTN: AMSRD-AMR-AA-C, Building 401, Lee Boulevard Fort Eustis VA
Zip Code: 23604-5577
Country: US
SN01451491-F 20071115/071113224400 (fbodaily.com)
FedBizOpps Link to This Notice
(may not be valid after Archive Date)

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