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R -- Technical Services IDIQ - base year plus 4 option years for Rocky Mountain Region 8

Notice Date
Notice Type
541620 — Environmental Consulting Services
Contracting Office
General Services Administration, Public Buildings Service (PBS), Property Development (8PF), Denver Federal Center, 6th and Kipling Streets, Building 41, Denver, CO, 80225, UNITED STATES
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Point of Contact
Cindy Andersen, Contract Specialist, Phone 303-236-8000 ext 2258, Fax 303-236-3606
E-Mail Address
GS-08P-07-JF-C-0004 GSA IDIQ for Technical Services including National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Cultural/Historic Preservation, Building Preservation Plans, and Environmental Due Diligence for Property Development in Rocky Mountain Region 8, Public Building Service. PROJECT: Technical Services in Region 8 CONTRACT TYPE: IDIQ CLIENT AGENCY: GSA BUDGET: $500 minimum guarantee to each awardee in first year; $500 per option year; maximum of $750,000 per year FUNDING: Funds are currently available for award of base contract in Fiscal Year 2007; not currently available for 2008 and beyond PROJECT DESCRIPTION: GSA seeks from one or more firms to provide technical services throughout the six-states in Region 8. Technical services sought include National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance activities; Historic and Cultural Preservation activities including, but not limited to, Cultural Resource Assessment, National Register of Historic Places Nominations or Eligibility Studies; Building Preservation Plan which is a comprehensive plan for the documentation, architectural identification, and materials treatment of our buildings; and Environmental Due Diligence activities including but not limited to record reviews, data reviews, physical sampling, analysis and assessment, in support of property transfer activities. Interested parties can apply for one, two, three or all categories. Offerors must submit a separate proposal for each category for which they wish to be considered. It is expected that at least one award will be made to a small business. SCOPE OF WORK: Categories and Tasks 1. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance Development of NEPA documentation and analysis, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act and the PBS NEPA Desk Guide and other applicable regulations, instructions and guides, to include but not limited to Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments, CATEX checklists and any other special studies or services that support the NEPA process such as Financial, Economic or Socio-economic studies, Biological Resources studies, Endangered Species studies and Environmental Baseline studies. Specific activities include but are not limited to: data identification, data collection (including site visits and interviews), data development, and data interpretation; sampling and analysis: preparation of human health risk and environmental impact evaluations and reports, preparation of expert testimony; and preparation of material for and attendance at public meetings and public hearings (including scoping meeting). Other services may include the development of procedural studies to improve implementation of the GSA NEPA program to include training, information management, and program management. 2. Historic and Cultural Preservation Development of documentation and analysis, pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), and other applicable regulations, instructions and guides, to include but not limited to Archaeological studies, Cultural Resource Management Plans, Cultural Resource Assessments, Building Preservation Plans (new and historic buildings), National Register Nominations, Eligibility Studies, Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) drawings and photographs, and Monument and Historic Building Design services. Specific activities include but not limited to: conduct resource surveys/studies; evaluate resource data, prepare appropriate nominations/reports; prepare management plans; Section 106 Consultations, mitigation efforts to include but not limited to HABS documentation, floor plans, and Intensive Level Surveys; National Register nominations and eligibility studies, Phase I, II and III Archeological studies, conduct investigations, file searches, monitoring and recovery of archaeological sites, and produce Building Preservation Plans for new and/or historic buildings. Other services may include the development of procedural studies to improve implementation of the GSA historic preservation program to include training, information management, and program management. A. Cultural Resource Assessment GSA projects may require all or parts of a Cultural Resource Assessment to be conducted for Federal actions to ensure compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and pursuant regulations (36 CFR Part 800). The Contractor shall identify and evaluate historic properties [see 36CFR Part 800.4] on and adjacent to the project area in consultation with GSA and the appropriate State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). The Contractor shall prepare ?Requests for Determinations of Eligibility? (DOE), a history and archaeology report, and an assessment of effects for historic properties identified which are listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The survey area or area of potential effect (APE) for historic properties may include prehistoric and historic districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects which are adjacent to, abut, or located within the project area. a. Study Components i. Identification and Evaluation 1. Historic Resources Background research. City, County and State surveys for historic resources shall be consulted in order to locate previously identified resources within the project APE. Survey forms for any previously identified resources within the APE shall be copied and location of the resources located on the appropriate USGS topographic map. Files of existing and proposed National Register properties shall be consulted in the City, County or SHPO offices. A copy of each National Register Nomination Form and National Register Summary Form shall be copied for each listed and proposed National Register property located within the APE. Field Survey. A field survey shall be conducted in order to identify and locate all listed and eligible National Register properties (including those within historic districts or multiple resource areas). State Survey Guidelines shall be followed. Survey Form. Appropriate State Survey Forms shall be completed for each previously unevaluated historic resource located within the APE which are 50 years or older. State Survey Manual guidelines shall be used as the reference document for completing these forms. Requests for Determinations of Eligibility. In addition to the survey form, requests for Determinations of Eligibility (DOE) shall be prepared by performing all necessary primary and secondary source research. DOE documentation shall include appropriate Historic Property Information Forms (HPIF) for each previously unevaluated historic resource. Unless otherwise specified, the information shall include current 35mm color or black and white photographs of the existing historic resources and condition thereof, copies of historic photographs if available, and a sketch of the existing and original floor plans. Current exterior and interior photographs of the existing historic resource(s) shall be numbered, labeled, and keyed to a sketch of the existing floor plan. In addition, date of construction of the original building(s) and any additions which were added shall be noted. Additions to historic resources shall be clearly marked on a location map showing the original building footprint. State property information forms shall be used as the reference document for gathering the information. National Register Evaluation. Apply the National Register Criteria (36 CFR, Part 63) to each existing historic resource on and facing the site that is not already listed in the NRHP. Provide GSA with recommendations as to the eligibility or ineligibility of each resource for inclusion in the NRHP individually and/or as part of a historic district, including a justification for recommendation. For any historic resource recommended as eligible for inclusion in the NRHP, and for those already included in the NRHP, the Contractor shall identify those elements or characteristics of the resource that do and do not contribute to its eligibility, including a justification for each recommendation. 2. Archaeological Resources Conduct a Phase I archaeological survey of the project site, and provide GSA with recommendations concerning the probability that archaeological resources eligible for inclusion in the NRHP exist on the site. An extensive background literature review shall be conducted to document previously identified archaeological sites and to delineate areas of high site potential within and adjacent to the project area, to develop prehistoric and historic contexts for the survey corridor. Background research shall include review of relevant documents housed with the SHPO, Office of the State Archaeologist, State Site Files, State Department of Archives and History, and the Surveyor General?s Collections. The States? preservation plan shall also be consulted. The study must address the following: ? Is it likely that significant historic or prehistoric archaeological sites, if they exist, are preserved there in whole or in part? ? What significance (research or other) would any such site have? ? If there is significance, would such a site be eligible for inclusion on the NRHP? ? Is Phase II archaeological study or site testing needed to clarify the presence/absence and/or significance of archaeological resources on the project site, and if so, why? ? Provide scope of work for any recommended site testing or Phase II evaluation. ? If archaeological monitoring is recommended for affected sites, these activities may be required as part of this project phase. b. Effect Determination 1. Historic Resources The contractor shall determine the likely effects of the undertaking on all identified listed or eligible National Register historic resources. The contractor shall provide GSA with a determination of effect for each historic resource (no historic properties affected, no adverse effect, or adverse effect). The determination of effect documentation shall include a discussion of direct and indirect effects to the historic resources, a justification for the determination, alternatives to avoid adverse effects, plans to minimize harm and proposed mitigation, if applicable. 2. Archaeological Resources The Contractor shall provide GSA with a determination of effect for each National Register eligible archaeological resource which is likely to exist on the project site. The determination of effect documentation shall include a discussion of direct and indirect effects to the historic resource, a justification for the determination, alternatives to avoid adverse effects, plans to minimize harm, and proposed mitigation, if applicable. c. National Register of Historic Places Nominations or Eligibility Studies a. National Register Nomination i. Description of Work This project will provide a professional analysis and all documentation required for GSA, through the appropriate State Historic Preservation Office and Federal Preservation Officer, to seek a formal determination of National Register eligibility, including, but not limited to: 1. Description of property boundaries; 2. Identification of property type and function or use; 3. Narrative description of the building?s architectural style and design to National Register Criteria for Eligibility, and under what Criteria the property may or may not qualify for listing; 4. Narrative analysis of the property?s qualification for the National Register; 5. Exterior and interior archival photographs, as required; 6. Bibliography of archival resources used to identify historical and architectural information; 7. Completed National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, NPS Form 10-900, Oct. 1990. ii. Summary of Work 1. National Register Nomination Forms: Complete all required forms and include all supporting documentation, USGS maps, and photographs, providing narrative information and property documentation required to determine eligibility for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. 2. Criteria Governing Study: National Register Bulletins: How to Complete the National Register Registration Form and How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Rev. 1997. These bulletins and other information, as well as the National Register Registration Form can all be found at: http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/publications/. b. GSA Eligibility Assessment Tool i. Description of Work Capital Improvement projects on GSA modernist buildings are requiring the GSA Eligibility Assessment Tool to be completed for project approval. ii. Summary of Work 1. GSA Eligibility Assessment Form: complete all required information and include all supporting documentation, USGS maps, photographs and narrative information and property documentation required to determine potential eligibility of GSA modernist buildings for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 2. Criteria Governing Study: The assessment tool can be found in the Growth Efficiency and Modernism, GSA Buildings of the 1950s, 60s and 70s, Reprint 2005, or http://www.gsa.gov/gsa/cm_attachments/GSA_DOCUMENT/ToolK_R2-v026_0Z5RDZ-i34K-pR.pdf. 3. Building Preservation Plans (BPP) a. Description of Work Recognizing the importance of the material and cultural values of the U.S. General Services Administration?s (GSA) buildings, Building Preservation Plans are use to thoroughly document, understand and treat these national assets. The BPP is a comprehensive plan for the documentation, architectural identification, and materials treatment of our buildings. These projects cover all services necessary for the preparation of a BPP, utilizing the web-based electronic format. b. Summary of Work a. Cultural and material significance of an historic building should be a focus of investigation, the types and extent of material damage and deterioration, and the recommended treatments for repair and long-term maintenance. b. Document building history, construction, and original material identification, source and treatment. c. The web-based BPP establishes a hierarchy of significance for a building?s site, exterior facades and interior spaces which are critical in preparing overall preservation strategies for major rehabilitations of historic buildings as well as short-term requirements for immediate maintenance to halt and reverse damage to significant building materials and features. d. Develop interior and exterior zones to guide preservation treatment levels in accordance with specific, available guidance. e. The end product is narrative and graphic documentation of the building?s original and current conditions. f. A BPP for New Construction will begin to document the building, its design philosophy and intent. g. Describe architectural spaces, features and materials. h. Develop a long-term maintenance, repair and conservation strategy. i. Document these elements through photographs. j. The Preservation Zones are critical for guidance regarding significant building spaces and features to help guide future building renovation decisions. C. Mitigation Documentation a. Description of Work The contracted work to be performed shall include Level I documentation according to the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS). b. Summary of Work i. Drawings: a full set of measured drawings depicting existing or historic conditions. b. Photographs: photographs with large-format negatives of exterior and interior views; photocopies with large format negatives of selected existing drawings or historic views where available. c. Written data: history and description. d. The contractor shall submit documentation to HABS for review and collection. 4. Environmental Due Diligence Development of assessments, testing and documentation, in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ?Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Process? and ?Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process? and ?Standard Practice for Limited Environmental Due Diligence: Transaction Screen Process? and other applicable regulations, instructions and guides, to include but not limited to: Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Phase II Environmental Site Assessments and Transaction Screen Process. Activities will include but not be limited to record reviews, data reviews, physical sampling, analysis, assessment and preparation of documentation. Governing Standards NEPA studies shall be performed in accordance with PBS NEPA Desk Guide (Latest Edition), ADM 1095 1.F, and the CEQ Regulations for Implementing NEPA. National Environmental Policy Act in accordance with Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 CFR 1500-1508), GSA Order ADM 1095.1F (Environmental Considerations in Decisionmaking) and the PBS NEPA Deskguide. Cultural Resources Studies shall be performed in accordance with the guidelines of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 36 CFR Part 800, as amended, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, Archaeological Resources Protection Act, as amended, Archaeological Data Preservation Act, and the GSA Preservation Desk Guide. Building Preservation Plans will be completed in accordance with GSA?s Building Preservation Plan Manual (September 1991). These studies should also be performed in compliance and accordance with the regulations and guidelines issued by the State Historic Preservation Office in which the project is located. Environmental Site Assessments shall be prepared in accordance with ASTM E 1527-05 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process; ASTM E 1528-06 Standard Practice for Limited Environmental Due Diligence: Transaction Screen Process; and ASTM E 1903-97(2002) Standard Guide for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process. 1. Use of Existing Information Existing information shall be fully utilized in order to avoid duplication of previous research that may be pertinent to the proposed project. On the date of the award of the contract, GSA will furnish the contractor with all known pertinent data and documents; however, such data is extremely limited. The contractor shall be solely responsible for accessing and utilizing all non- GSA sources which are relevant to the proposed project. 2. Collection of Empirical Data If existing information is not available, the use of various analytical models by the contractor in assessing the environmental impacts arising from the proposed action will necessitate the establishment of data baseline. See www.gsa.gov for links to Governing Standards. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The General Services Administration (GSA), Rocky Mountain Region (Region 8), is soliciting the following environmental services: services related to due diligence for property transfers, such as, Phase 1 Assessments, as defined in ASTM Standard, ASTM E 1527-05, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, and those activities required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Specifically EXCLUDED from any resultant contract are projects related to regulatory compliance at the Denver Federal Center (DFC), Denver, Colorado, and other projects within GSA Region 8 that result from compliance with other regulatory matters (State or Federal) involving Environmental Services issues, except NEPA. These regulatory programs include, but are not limited to, the following programs: RCRA, CERCLA, FUDs, UST, VCP (Colorado Voluntary Cleanup Program), or other similar type regulatory programs in each state within GSA Region 8, namely, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota and Phase 2 Assessments, as defined by ASTM Standard, ASTM E 1903-97(2002), Standard Guide for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process. NOTE: At the Government?s sole discretion, the excluded items may be offered to the Contractor, however, the Contractor is not obligated to accept them. For example, the resultant contract(s) from this solicitation may include Phase 2 Assessments, as defined above, for due diligence work related to property transfers. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR SUBMITTALS Firms having the capabilities to perform one, two, three or all categories of services (or any combination thereof) described in this announcement are invited to respond by submitting the information required in the attachment. Multiple contract awards are anticipated with at least one award to be made to a small business. Direct proposals and inquiries to: Contract Specialist: Cindy Andersen Delivery Address: Denver Federal Center Building 41, Room 275 Denver, CO 80225 Phone number: (303) 236-8000 x2258 ALL SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE by 12:00PM local time on May 8, 2007. Interested parties are invited to attend a pre-solicitation meeting on April 17, 2007 at 2:00 at the Denver Federal Center, Building 41, Remington Arms Room. Details of the requirements will be further explained and there will be a question and answer session. Please provide a total of 6 (six) copies of each proposal submitted.. The following information must be on the outside of each sealed envelope 1) Solicitation Number/Title, 2) Due Date, 3) Closing Time (12:00PM local time), 4) Category(ies) of submission (NEPA, Historic/Cultural, Building Preservation Plans, Environmental Due Diligence). Late responses are subject to the provisions of FAR 52.214-7. This procurement is open to small and large business concerns. In accordance with 15 USC 631 Et. Seq., the firm(s) selected will be required to provide the maximum practical opportunities to small, small woman-owned, small minority-owned, small HUBZone, small veteran-owned, and small service disabled veteran-owned businesses. A small business criterion for each category is based on the contractor?s average annual receipts for the proceeding three fiscal years. Contact your local SBA office for further information. Firms seeking consideration for this contract shall demonstrate a proactive effort to achieve the highest subcontracting goals possible for small, small woman-owned, small minority-owned, small HUBZone, small veteran-owned, and small service disabled veteran-owned businesses. Small businesses are not subject to this requirement Contract will be procured under FAR Part 15, 2-step source selection process. The government will not allow payment for travel, living expense, computer time or hookups for the prime or the consultants during the selection process. If interested in the following solicitation, download the 11 attachments. Offerors are invited to attend the pre-solicitation meeting to be held on April 17, 2007 at 2:00, Denver Federal Center, Building 41, Remington Arms Room (1st floor). NOTE: THIS NOTICE MAY HAVE POSTED ON FEDBIZOPPS ON THE DATE INDICATED IN THE NOTICE ITSELF (11-APR-2007). IT ACTUALLY APPEARED OR REAPPEARED ON THE FEDBIZOPPS SYSTEM ON 29-NOV-2007, BUT REAPPEARED IN THE FTP FEED FOR THIS POSTING DATE. PLEASE CONTACT fbo.support@gsa.gov REGARDING THIS ISSUE.
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Place of Performance
Address: Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana
Zip Code: 80226
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