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F -- Sources Sought Notice - Environmental Enterprise Services

Notice Date
Notice Type
Sources Sought
541620 — Environmental Consulting Services
Contracting Office
ACA, Fort Bragg, Directorate of Contracting, ATTN: SFCA-SR-BR, Building 1-1333, Armistead & Macomb Streets, Fort Bragg, NC 28310-5000
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
walkera, 910-907-4745
E-Mail Address
Email your questions to ACA, Fort Bragg
Small Business Set-Aside
The U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM) has teamed with the Fort Bragg Directorate of Contracting (FBDOC), Army Contracting Agency-Southern Region to develop an enterprise solution that addresses the national environmental support requi rements of IMCOM, to include the U.S. Army Environmental Command (USAEC), IMCOM Regions, and IMCOM Garrisons/Installations. An analysis of IMCOMs procurement of environmental services concluded that a more strategic or enterprise-wide approach could be e mployed to obtain environmental services in support of IMCOM in order to limit the impacts of diminishing resources across the Army. USAEC has developed four (4) separate Draft Performance Work Statements (PWSs) in the enterprise areas of Environmental Co mpliance, Cultural Resources, Natural Resources, and Management/Professional Services. Each draft PWS and a copy of this sources sought can be found at http://aec.army.mil/usaec/business/index.html. This web site will also be used to release future draft documents for comment to industry. The conceptual acquisition strategy is to establish separate multiple award Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity (ID/IQ) contract suites consisting of a basic ordering period of one (1) year and four 1-year optional ordering periods for each enterprise area. Task orders will be competed strictly within the context of each enterprise area multiple award ID/IQ contract. The estimated program ceiling (over 5 years) for each enterprise area is as follows: Environmental Compliance - $230M, Cultural Resources - $45M, Natural Resources - $105M, and Management/Professional Services - $190M. The estimated program ceiling reflects the total value of all actions to be conducted under that multiple award enterprise ID/IQ contr act suite. The purpose of this Sources Sought Notice is to seek capability statements from interested small businesses in order to reaffirm the initial research that it may be possible to set-aside all four (4) of these enterprise ID/IQ contracts for performance by Small Businesses (to include information on the possible participation by Small Disadvantaged, HUBZone, and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses). Responses from Large Business to this Sources Sought Notice are not required a t this time. While each of the enterprise contracts is separate and distinct from the others, the FBDOC is only issuing a single Sources Sought Notice. Contractors may respond to more than one of the enterprise areas; however, they must submit se parate responses to each area as detailed below. The conceptual acquisition strategy includes an Organizational Conflict of Interest restriction on the Management/Professional Services enterprise contract. This means that contractors that compete on that enterprise area will be precluded from competing on contracts in the other areas and vice versa. The Environmental Compliance enterprise approach will consist of tasks that will assist the Army in complying with federal, state, local, Department of Defense (DOD) and Army requirements for air and water pollution control, regulated waste management, toxic substance management, sampling and monitoring, project management, and process improvement. Representative performance objectives will include co mpleting permit applications or revision requests, assessing spill or construction sites for contamination, recommending pollution control technology and strategies, training facility personnel, developing and implementing sampling strategies, creating or revising required plans, surveys, and studies and implementing compliance or pollution prevention projects. The Cultural Resources enterprise approach will consist of providing technical assistance to the Army and other military components with cu ltural resources requirements in three broad categories: (1) Survey, inventory, or investigation of historic properties and cultural resources, (2) Mitigation of adverse effects to historic properties and cultural resources, and (3) Program and execution of cultural resources management activities. The Natural Resources enterprise approach will consist of providing technical assistance to the Army and ot her military components with natural resources requirements to include two broad categories of services: (1) Survey, inventory, or investigation of natural resources and (2) Program and execution of natural resources management activities. The Man agement/Professional Services enterprise approach will consist of providing technical assistance to the Army and other military components with management and professional services requirements in three broad categories: (1) project and professional manage ment services; (2) studies, analyses, and evaluation services; and (3) engineering and technical services. Within the context of these broad categories the contractor may be required to support the development of environmental requirements in support of o ther programs. The contractor may also be required to support the Government in the inspection, verification, or validation of the work of other contractors. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR TECHNICAL OR COST PROPOSALS. The Government will not award a contract based on this Sources Sought Notice nor reimburse participants for information they provide. This is a request for small businesses interested in serving as prime contractors to submit a brief capability statement demonstrating how they could mee t the requirements specified in each of the enterprise areas. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code is 541620. Submission shall be limited to no more than ten (10) pages and must be submitted for each separate enterprise ar ea. No more than four (4) pages should be used to address the Contracting Topics and no more than six (6) pages for each Draft PWS and Requirements Related topics. All questions are listed below. Standard brochures and paraphrasing of the PWS will not b e considered a sufficient response to this notice. Information provided will not be used as a part of any subsequent solicitation requirement. Interested sources who submit data are responsible for appropriately marking information if it is proprietary in nature. Contracting Topics (4 page limit): Separate answers are required for each enterprise area. 1) Provide your Company name; Point of Contact information (address, telephone, facsimile, e-mail); DUNS number; CAGE code; and Smal l Business status (i.e., Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, HUBZone, Small Disadvantaged Veteran Owned Business, etc.). 2) Given the different estimated program ceilings identified above and based on your business model, identify how much w ork in terms of dollars and Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) (define your companys base FTE in terms of hours) your company would normally expect to compete for per year and how much it would expect to win. 3) Based on your business model identify in ter ms of total dollars and FTEs how much work your company could support each year. 4) Address whether maintaining your small business size status through the life of the contract is a factor in the number of task orders competed on and won over a 3 year period. 5) If this acquisition is set-aside for small business, FAR Clause 52.219-14, Limitations on Subcontracting will be applied at the contract level. Accordingly, identify what percentage of work by technical area in the PWS that your businesses would perform as the prime contractor. 6) The Government is concerned about the impact the conceptual acquisition strategy may have on overall Bid and Proposal costs to small businesses. Please identify how your company would estimate the Bid and Pr oposal Costs at both the enterprise contract and task order level. 7) Please indicate whether you can perform at all IMCOM locations within the continental U nited States (CONUS) (including Alaska and Hawaii) or if you would have any geographical limitations/preferences (e.g., Southeastern, Northeastern, Northwestern, Southwestern) regarding contract performance. 8) Describe your experience, within the pa st 5 years, with performance based acquisitions of environmental services, including challenges faced and how you overcome those challenges. 9) Describe the experience of your staff with working directly on military installations. 10) Under a nat ion-wide contract, describe how you would manage overhead costs relative to that of a local or regional firm. 11) Address whether you could develop a pricing schedule by units of product for deliverables identified in the PWS. 12) Describe how yo u could be cost-effective performing work in geographically remote locations. 13) Address whether you intend to support this requirement from one office or if you have multiple office locations that can be used to support this requirement. <B R>Environmental Compliance Draft PWS and Requirements Related Topics (6 page limit): 1) Briefly demonstrate your ability to meet the requirements specified in the Draft PWS as the prime contractor or through your use of subcontractors. 2) Des cribe how you would include facility sustainability in a performance work statement. 3) Describe your experience with the environmental impacts of military maneuver and live fire training, tactical vehicle maintenance, and facility utility operations, and building renovation and demolition. Cultural Resources Draft PWS and Requirements Related Topics (6 page limit): 1) Briefly demonstrate your ability to meet the requirements specified in the Draft PWS as the prime contractor or through your use of subcontractors. 2) Address whether you maintain your own staff of qualified cultural resource professionals including archeologists, historical architects and architectural historians and identify how large is your permanent staff is in e ach of these areas. 3) Describe your company's experience with archeological surveys and evaluations on military installations or on federal, state, or local properties. 4) Address whether you can develop a cost schedule for archeological inventor y and archeological evaluations by acre for various regions in the US (please identify each region). 5) Address your experience with architectural inventory and evaluation for buildings and structures from 1950 to the present. Natural Resourc es Draft PWS and Requirements Related Topics (6 page limit): 1) Briefly demonstrate your ability to meet the requirements specified in the Draft PWS as the prime contractor or through your use of subcontractors. 2) Address whether you have succ essfully subcontracted to small academic or individual professional natural or cultural resources experts and discuss what administrative costs are incurred when using them. 3) Provide brief descriptions of work you have done in Clean Water Act and En dangered Species Act compliance on military installations or similar federal, state, or local properties. 4) Address whether your company has worked on Biological Assessments from inception to final approval. 5) Describe your company's involvement in range construction/operation impact assessments. Management/Professional Services Draft PWS and Requirements Related Topics (6 page limit): 1) Briefly demonstrate your ability to meet the requirements specified in the Draft PWS as the pr ime contractor or through your use of subcontractors. 2) Address whether your firm can support provide both on-site and off-site environmental support. 3) Within the context of the requirements of the draft PWS, contrast the services that you have traditionally provided support based on specific deliverables against those that are more readily supported as on-site level-of-effort requirements. 4) Addr ess your firms experience with Organizational Conflict of Interest provisions within all categories identified in FAR Part 9. Capability statements are due no later than January 18, 2008. Four (4) copies should be mailed to: US Army Environmenta l Command, Attention: Mr. Thomas Symalla, E4460 Beal Road, APG-EA, MD 21010. An electronic copy should be emailed to Ms. Anna Walker, Contract Specialist at Anna.Walker@us.army.mil. Responses from Large Business to this Sources Sought Notice are not req uired at this time. As a separate attachment to your response and not included as part of the page limitation of this Sources Sought Notice, please identify any existing contracts with the US Army Corps of Engineers under which services identified in the draft PWS for each separate enterprise area could be ordered. Please break this information down by enterprise area and include the contract number, description of services, and using/ordering organizations. Comments and questions regarding each enterpr ise area Draft PWS and this Sources Sought may be also be submitted separately. This information should be e-mailed only to Ms. Anna Walker. Industry Conference: The goal of the FBDOC and the IMCOM is to initiate a dialogue with industry regardi ng the conceptual acquisition strategy and the draft PWS for each enterprise area. In order to facilitate this dialogue an Industry Conference has been scheduled for January 30-31, 2008 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 5015 Campbell Boulevard, Baltimore, MD. In terested sources (including large businesses) should download the registration form at the USAECs website http://aec.army.mil/usaec/business/index.html and e-mail or fax it to Ms. Anna Walker at Anna.Walker@us.army.mil or Mr. Christian Freire at Christian .Freireacosta@us.army.mil (fax number 910-396-5603). Only one registration form per company or team is required to attend the conference, even if responses are submitted on more than one enterprise area Sources Sought Notice. The Government will present general information about the acquisitions to all attendees on the morning of 30 January from 0800-1200. Following the general presentations and discussions, the Government will conduct up to 24 one-on-one sessions each for the Environmental and Compliance and Management/Professional Services enterprise areas and 12 each for the Cultural Resources and Natural Resources enterprise areas between potential prime contractors and representatives from USAEC and the FBDOC on the afternoon of January 30 from 1230-1 630 and on January 31 from 0800-1630. These sessions will be limited to 20 minutes and should be used by potential small business prime contractors to address questions regarding the draft PWSs or the conceptual acquisition strategy that they may not want to address in the open forum of the industry conference. These sessions are not intended to serve as a meet/greet or a restatement of capabilities. Reservations for these sessions will be taken as part of the registration for the industry conference in the order that they are received until all sessions are full. While the number of one-on-one sessions is limited for this conference, firms that are not able to schedule a one-on-one at this time may submit e-mail comments to Ms. Anna Walker. Large busin esses will be offered one-on-one sessions only if space is available as the initial focus will be on small business issues/concerns. Due to interest expected in this acquisition, the Government will not be providing individual responses to contractor inqu iries, but will review and consider all comments for their possible use in the development of the acquisition strategy. The Government does intend to have at least one more industry conference prior to the finalization of the acquisition strategy and the release of any resultant solicitation. Any questions regarding this Sources Sought Notice should be sent to Ms. Anna Walker at Anna.Walker@us.army.mil. Industry Conference: The goal of the FBDOC and the IMCOM is to initiate a dialogue with industry regarding the conceptual acquisition strategy and the draft PWS for each enterprise area. In order to facilitate this dialogue an Industry Conference has been scheduled for January 30-31, 2008 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 5015 Campbell Boulevard, Baltimore, MD. Interested sources (including large businesses) should download the registration form at the USAECs website http://aec.army.mil/usaec/business/i ndex.html and e-mail or fax it to Ms. Anna Walker at Anna.Walker@us.army.mil or Mr. Christian Freire at Christian.Freireacosta@us.army.mil (fax number 910-396-5603). Only one registration form per company or team is required to attend the conference, even if responses are submitted on more than one enterprise area Sources Sought Notice. The Government will present general information about the acquisitions to all attendees on the morning of 30 January from 0800-1200. Following the general presentations an d discussions, the Government will conduct up to 24 one-on-one sessions each for the Environmental and Compliance and Management/Professional Services enterprise areas and 12 each for the Cultural Resources and Natural Resources enterprise areas between po tential prime contractors and representatives from USAEC and the FBDOC on the afternoon of January 30 from 1230-1630 and on January 31 from 0800-1630. These sessions will be limited to 20 minutes and should be used by potential small business prime contra ctors to address questions regarding the draft PWSs or the conceptual acquisition strategy that they may not want to address in the open forum of the industry conference. These sessions are not intended to serve as a meet/greet or a restatement of capabil ities. Reservations for these sessions will be taken as part of the registration for the industry conference in the order that they are received until all sessions are full. While the number of one-on-one sessions is limited for this conference, firms th at are not able to schedule a one-on-one at this time may submit e-mail comments to Ms. Anna Walker. Large businesses will be offered one-on-one sessions only if space is available as the initial focus will be on small business issues/concerns. Due to in terest expected in this acquisition, the Government will not be providing individual responses to contractor inquiries, but will review and consider all comments for their possible use in the development of the acquisition strategy. The Government does in tend to have at least one more industry conference prior to the finalization of the acquisition strategy and the release of any resultant solicitation. Any questions regarding this Sources Sought Notice should be sent to Ms. Anna Walker at Anna.Walker@us. army.mil.
Place of Performance
Address: ACA, Fort Bragg Directorate of Contracting, ATTN: SFCA-SR-BR, Building 1-1333, Armistead & Macomb Streets Fort Bragg NC
Zip Code: 28310-5000
Country: US
SN01468611-W 20071214/071212224617 (fbodaily.com)
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